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Oct. 12th 2024
Change of Vibration... a soul journey to infinity

October 2024 Energies & Their Effect on You ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
The energies will be about amplifying the intensity of the inner guidance that you are getting - clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance. It is a time when you are supported by energies to let go of what other people think and say you should be doing so that you can increase your awareness of what is happening inside of you in terms of own guidance .
Most need some energetic boosts and for those impulses to be stronger... and for the nudges to be less subtle.
Many of you have dozens of spirit guides. You have a galactic team. You have ancestors, your higher self, oversouls and Source Energy. You have faeries and angels and all kinds of helpers around you, all want you to know how powerful you are, and they all want you to live lives in joy where you feel fulfilled and satisfied with what you are doing.
And so, the energies of October are a combination of encouraging you to listen to what you are getting from those sources.

What it Will Take for all the Spaceships to Land
You get to create what you want out of those circumstances that you don’t want.
You also get to experience yourselves as the ones who feeds the hungry person. And so, for any group of beings to come into your environment and say, ‘We will make it all better for you,’ would just be robbing you of those experiences of self that you ultimately want to have as souls.
This is why non-interference is such an important policy for e.t.s to take.
And now the way to help you is to send you energies, with all kinds of codes and transmissions.
We are not coming to balance the scales for you, but you can do so much with what is happening inside of you... when you realize you’re holding onto resentment, or judgment… And when you let go of all of that heaviness that is within you, then you don’t need to create the idea of villains in your stories anymore. And it just so happens that when enough of you are in that space of forgiveness, that’s when the ships will land.

What the Ascended Masters Did on Earth ~ Thymus
Come to the realization that you created whatever you created with your vibration. Everything that exists as it does in your life is there to get you to pay more attention to your vibration.
It is about your state of being and your way of being in the world. Begin to pay more attention to everything that is contained within your inner realm... inside of you than you are about what’s going on outside of you.
If you pay attention to what brings you joy, then you are more likely to move in the direction of what brings you joy.
We guide you into your hearts because we know that when you are heart-centered, you are present, you are grounded, and you are aware of how you are vibrating.
Let your feelings guide you, and use your mind as a tool. The power of your focus could not possibly be overstated here.
We are known as healers and unconditionally-loving beings, but we all had to find that within ourselves and for ourselves first. We can shower all of you with love, and that is what we intend to do because nothing brings us more joy today, in this moment, than to see one of you attaining spiritual mastery and walking as a master on planet Earth in service to others.

Create Your Reality or Accept & Surrender?
There is so much that you can change, but then there is also so much that you must accept as being a part of the experience that you wanted when you were operating as your soul, as your complete self. The question becomes, ‘How long are you going to struggle and resist before you finally do accept what you need to?’
Recognize that one of the ways that you have of accepting something is by changing the way you are looking at it. Ask yourself how it serves you to have that particular experience in your life. Of course, as a soul, you want to have a variety of experiences, and not all of those experiences would be described as good experiences from the egoic perspective. Change your perspective and when you move beyond the egoic view and you think about how you can be in the flow with the collective that you are a part of.
You chose what to experience before you were born. All were your choices, and it serves you so much more to accept them as they are and to change you. See the bigger picture and the agreements that everyone has with everyone else, you realize that in fact no one is a victim.
Choose to shift your consciousness in little ways every day, and all of those little shifts will have the ripple effect that you want it to have on the rest of the collective. And then you will see how it is possible to live in peace and in harmony with all other beings. This is what you truly desire as a soul, if you are willing to make those little tweaks.

What Lies Dormant Inside of You ~ Thymus
When you place and face a challenge, it is like saying to yourself, ‘I would now like to master this.’ Rest assured that whatever your purpose is for being there, it will show up in your life as a challenge that you cannot help but face.
You are meant to dig deep down inside of you and find the mastery that was always there, but it had been lying dormant within you until the nemesis, came into your life. Therefore, bless your challenges and bless your supposed enemies, because they are there at your asking... to know yourself… at the level of your soul’s consciousness. I’s not that you have karma, as it is you want to experience yourself as the master of that particular life. It’s a game that you’re playing with yourself, using the illusion of the physical reality… because even if you lose you can just restart the game again.
See the bigger picture of eternity. You have eternity to have all of the experiences you want to have, not just decades you think you have left there in this physical body.
You are wonderfully creative beings, and often your challenges bring out your creativity. Bless your life circumstances, and bless everyone in your life who is pushing your buttons, and who is there to make you remember who you really are and where you come from. Then you can start to see everything as an opportunity for you to have more fun there on planet Earth.

Choose This & Change Everything Immediately ~ Thymus
In conscious breathing, you have the ability to slow everything down, including your mind. You allow for healing to occur in the physical body. It is very easy for you to raise your vibration simply by paying attention to your breathing.
While you’re eating, while you’re talking, while you’re walking and while you’re driving... see just how high you can get your vibration while you are sitting and watching a video on your computer.
You can breathe into certain places in your body by holding the intention to send the air and the energy to that place in your physical body. You can set any intention and breathe your way into the actualization of that intention or the manifestation of that desire. You can download inspired ideas while you are breathing consciously… or let go of thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you by blowing them away with your exhale.
You can create connections and open portals with conscious breathing... to bring your path closer to everything that you want in life as a spiritually evolving human.

Believe You Can or You Can’t & You’re Right ~ Thymus
Many times you have changed your beliefs about many things. Now, why are beliefs important, you might wonder? They are important because your life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Recognize that you have only been experiencing one life out of eight billion there on Earth, and of those eight billion lives that are being lived right now, you have only observed a very small fraction of what other people have experienced. Therefore, you must conclude that the lens through which you have been experiencing reality is quite narrow.
You have the option of expanding that lens out to be able to see more than you’ve ever seen before. Tell the universe that you are open to shifting your beliefs by using your ability to feel in order to determine whether something is true for you in this moment or not.
If something doesn’t feel right to you, take your attention off of it. Do not engage in a belief if the belief feels bad inside of you. You are infinite, eternal, multi-dimensional beings, then you must understand that you have many paths in front of you, and you are deciding the path. And all paths lead back to Source.
The home that you seek is the love that you feel. Love is a feeling and a state of being; it is a substance, we are all made of. The guidance that you have inside of you that will help you move towards what it is that you want to experience, what it is you hope. Merge those two worlds of the head and the heart, and you will be living the life that you set out to life when you decided to incarnate there on Earth.

Are You an Ascending Master? ~ Thymus
You want an expansion of consciousness that includes everyone and that allows everyone to experience what they want to experience. That’s what ascension is.
Everyone on the planet benefits from you doing what you love to do, and whenever you access the love that is deep inside of you and waiting to come out and be expressed by you. You are there to bring Heaven to Earth.

Earth’s Progress as Seen by the Arcturians
The ascension of consciousness is happening no matter what and that it is a universal ascension and an ascension of the entire multiverse.
Think back at all the times in your life when you felt like everything was falling apart, when in fact you were bringing yourself to a better place.
Of course there is a lot that is going on there on Earth that is unwanted and that feels wrong and oppressive. Bless those co-creators who are giving you all an opportunity to be the light and to love them unconditionally. Let go of worry, fear, judgment and resistance, and you will be on the path of ascension that includes more ease and more joy. Most important here is not what’s going on out there, but what’s going on inside of you.
Spend more time in meditation, in nature, consciously breathing, doing yoga, doing other things that you enjoy, you are going to feel more mindful, more grounded, and more capable of staying heart-centered and in that knowing that humanity is going through something right now, but it is a rebirthing process.

How Time Works in Your Favor Now
When it comes to spiritual evolution, everything can change in a heartbeat... and to your next level of your consciousness, which is the fifth dimension, and it is helping you energetically by giving you different ways of looking at your lives and at others, we help accelerating what is a very natural phenomenon.
It is recalibrating the energies, making shifts in our focus.. and with a bit more of patience... and acceptance, and faith. And when you have all of those elements, it is like fertilizing your soil... with the most appropriate amount of water and sunlight.
You have experiences there that serve you.. and when you see every experience in that way, you also take the evolution, as growth opportunity. Know that the energies that we are sending you right now are energies of timelessness. They are about taking you out of the trap of linear time, away from worry and fear when it comes to clocks and calendars.
You are jumping timelines so frequently, and so you don’t have to worry about things like linear time anymore. Slip right now into the fifth dimension… you are there to shift, and one of the ways that you shift is in your perception... shift in your perception of time, then truly anything is possible. Relax into this moment that is the eternal now.

The Most Important Place on Earth
Take care of your inner realm. This is the fastest way to affect change there on planet Earth. It is not through action or words; it is not through posts or videos. It is through tending to your own garden. Access what is going on inside of you, and you clear out that which is lower vibrational, and you replace it with that which is higher vibrational, you affect the whole of humanity in ways you cannot possibly see or understand.
That inner realm of yours; is the most important place on Earth. .
And you are the changemakers. You are there to create and co-create a better Earth for everyone. Spend some time every day going within, and you will change the world. Do less… is when you get to do more of what you want to do, and it is all about you enjoying the rest of your ride there to the fifth dimension.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


Sept..29th 2024
In The Still Waters of our Heart & Beyond

One Simple Step to Receiving from all your Helpers
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Your guides, your higher selves, your oversouls, and all the other beings responsible for the successful completion of your journey on planet Earth are also orchestrating events and circumstances in your lives so that you will receive help.
This is why practices of gratitude and appreciation are so important. It is because that acknowledgement relaxes you and opens you up to receive. And know that you don’t have to do it all.
They're not just telling you to let go of your attachments and to let go of your judgments, but rather telling you to let go of this idea that you have to do it all yourselves and control everything. You are there for the journey, and when you let go, you can sit back and enjoy the scenery a bit more. Recognize that often problems solve themselves and people show up out of the woodwork to be your angel and there wasn’t anything you could have possibly done to conjure that person up in your imagination, you did not even know it was possible.
You don’t have to figure it all out... then you can receive easier, so much more than you could possibly imagine. Simply it is your role to experience and then receive help, you will begin to live a life of joy, freedom, and creativity.
And if you can see the path of ascension for all of humanity, then you know that timeline is available to you and to everyone else, and you're holding space powerfully for all of humankind so that you can have the ascension of joy, peace, and love that you all desire..

What the Awakened Collective is Doing on Earth
We love to see so many of you reaching beyond yourselves, reaching beyond your egos, and seeking that which is coming from a higher-dimensional plane, a broader consciousness.
You will always be given those opportunities, to help and to serve those who are most likely to respond well to what it is that you have to offer. Look at everything as it is in your life right now as being perfect, because your life, in the state that it is currently in, is giving you all the opportunities to grow that you could ever desire.
Living your life and being yourself is enough. It is enough of a contribution. However, there will be opportunities.
When there are no opportunities, then look at your life and ask yourself if there’s something you could put some more energy towards. Because again, once you face a challenge then you have more to give to those who either are facing that challenge, or will face it, or have been refusing to face it in their own lives... and all you have to do is say, ‘Yes!’ To your life as it is in this moment.

All You Need to Know is Here ~ Thymus
… is the wisdom that lies dormant within you.
So ? You need to know who you really are, and you need to know that everything is within you. You sometimes feel lost in this world, in this sea of possibilities. What direction to take in your lives?. Our recommendation is that when you are at one of those crossroads, you simply close your eyes, relax, breathe and wait.
The waiting is the hardest part, because doubt can creep in. That is why it’s so important to shut off your mind for a while and let yourself receive the wisdom and the knowledge, the intuitive hit that you are getting from within.
Let it rise to the surface. You meditate, and you affirme your belief in yourself and in what is contained within you. You don’t need to pretend that your physical, logical mind has all the answers all the time... find the happy medium, and recognize that you will know what you need to know when you need to know it.
Having patience and faith become a big part of this journey for all of you.

Activate Your Multidimensional Galactic Self
We are offering you a vibration that can stimulate and activate that which is Arcturian within you.
And by allowing that activation in, you get to recognize yourself more as a multidimensional galactic being of light and love... so much more than you had ever allowed yourself to imagine before you woke up in this lifetime. You have awakened also to demonstrate it.
It is your work to become the master that you truly are, to inspire others, it is a part of your journey to connect to extra-terrestrial consciousness and to unite the galaxy. That you accomplish all of this simply by living your working things out there in the physical, you initiate a ripple effect that brings the entire galaxy together into one harmonious whole.
You begin to recognize that you have been to all of these other star systems, to all of these other dimensions, and in fact as a soul you are still there.You are meant to bring all of that together into this now moment, into this physical body, you are doing the heavy lifting there on planet Earth, and we appreciate you immensely just for being there.

Introducing The Order of Melchizedek ~ Melchizedek
You could never be less important to Source. The full acceptance of yourself, includes your perspectives and the love that you are. You are all meant to be uniquely you and not to hide yourselves or who and what you are. And if those reasons might be negative thoughts, it is time to release those so you can triumphantly announce to this universe who and what you really are. You do this in your many art and heart ways.
You are there to be yourself unapologetically. When you are yourself, and you love yourself, and you forgive yourself when you are not being the best version of yourself that you can be, you are putting yourself in the right place at the right time to have the right experiences with the right people,. And you are bringing humanity to a higher-vibrational state.
Self-acceptance is the first step to self-love, and self-love is a step towards knowing yourself as a Source Energy Being. Give this universe all of yourself and know that you will be accepted by those around you when you accept yourself... you will also be up-leveling the consciousness of the human collective, of which you are a part, and therefore this work is as powerful as any work that you could be doing at this time to help humanity.
Listen to your hearts and your feelings. Determine for yourselves whether something resonates with you, the real you. And trust that what you haven’t unlocked yet will be unlocked, and it will most likely be because you did nothing but focus on something that is putting you in a higher-vibrational state.

The Equinox Energies ~ Thymus
There is an integration happening with all of these various pieces of you, that exist in parallel realities, and in your so-called past and in your so-called future...and in the collection of all of these, you become more of your higher self.

About the U.S. Presidential Election ~ The Creators
You often take your attention off of what really matters when you are looking at the sensationalized news story.
Any news that comes across your awareness. Ask - if you are feeling something about it, know that the feeling is about you and not the quote/unquote ‘state of the world.’
You need to take care of yourself first. You simply need to get back to the place where you are being a person who exudes unconditional love, or you are letting these news stories drag you down.
You are the one who can change everything by changing you, and you don’t have to feel disempowered by anything that is happening out there in the world. But everything is there because it needs to be there in order to help you and everyone else grow in the ways you still need to grow.
Send love to everyone who is arguing about them right now and everyone who is in a pit of despair because of what these circumstances and events in your world mean.
You have the power to change your world for the better... That is the ultimate goal here... to live in a world where everyone is loving everyone else unconditionally. So relax, take a deep breath, and it will get better because of you.

Create Miracles in Your Life & on Earth ~ St. Germain
Stretch your imaginations. Use it to activate the water you are about to drink or the energy grids of Mother Earth... to clear anything from your food that it might be carrying energetically. Use it in meditation, in healing, and in manifestation.
When you want to get into a place of greater peace. Use it to ground by imagining it coming out of the soles of your feet. Use it to create an opening at the crown of your head so that you can receive more.
Visualize it just to raise your vibration... to allow your intuition to guide you as to which tool is the best one for you at any given time. You are on a beautiful journey, and you have many more tools and gifts to discover along your path.

You are shifting the way that you perceive your reality. You notice that quantum leaps are possible, that spontaneous remissions are possible... The true self knows, and you are seeking to know what the true self knows.
Find your alignment with your true self and with Source, and so sometimes.. change your perspective on something. You have nothing to condemn, nothing to judge, nothing to fear. It is only when you take your power back that you can know yourself as powerful.
It is easier to know without the veil... As humans, you wonder why would you ever take on the veil and experiment with the experience of physical reality. you are the one who is playing the then become one with the reality that you want to experience, realizing the reality you have been experiencing is not so solid.
Take your power back from circumstances, conditions, from others, and do so without any resentment towards them because you know they were playing their role in your game.
It’s in the way you feel, and it’s in your relationships with others, which also change when you change the way you look at them... and to experience the reality that is of your preference and your creation.

Your Relationship with Your Emotions ~ The Creators
Ultimately, you want to be able to choose what you are feeling, because in so doing you will be choosing your vibration and what you are actively creating and manifesting.
Allow your emotions to be what they are before you start thinking about them or trying to change or transmute them. It’s there to serve you and appreciate its message to you. And if it’s a positive emotion, then you will want to be grateful for it, and to experience all of it that you can.
It will only be stored within you if you deny it.
You are changing and evolving through these experiences primarily, and you are also meant to choose how you want to feel.
You get to choose which one you prefer, but you don’t have to judge any of them. And it is when you develop that relationship with your emotions that you master them and your experiences in that life.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by

Sept..15th 2024
The Inner Magical Expedition in the Essence of our True Nature

The September Energies & the Final Third of 2024 ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
The energies that you will be sent by all of us will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. These energies are about helping you to consistently hold your vibration in the highest frequency range that you can.
Nudging you past the threshold to the fifth dimension.. recognize that it is time for you to step it up and to remain in those higher-frequency states that you sometimes achieve when you are in nature, in meditation, in the presence of a loved one who is very dear to you.
You are returning home to the whole self, and in that process, you are returning home to the galactic self, the higher self, the oversoul self.. and the steps you will take forward in and throughout September will be gigantic ones.
And it is correct for you to be seeing 2025 as a very pivotal year for humanity... with the ability to sustain the higher frequencies within yourselves because of the help that you are getting and because of your determination to feel the way that you want to feel. Everyone at their own pace, but at times you decide to take bigger leaps forward and now is one of those times.

Live a Life in Service to Source ~ St. Germain
Realize that much more of you is nonphysical and coexists in this moment with this lifetime. When you give your attention to that which inspires love within you, that’s when you know yourself more fully as you truly are.
The love you feel was always inside of you, just waiting to get activated and waiting patiently to be expressed by you. How you express the love that you are, makes you a unique aspect of Source... Being presented in a variety of different ways because it is so multidimensional, so multifaceted, so expansive, so universal, and so infinite that it requires all the different forms of expression that you and others can give it.
Everyone has their unique expression of the love that they are to offer to humanity, to the galaxy and to the universe. The ones who are meant to receive it will.
This has a ripple effect. This is how we are all connected, and this is the tapestry of life on Earth and throughout the universe that we are all weaving ourselves into moment by moment, inspiration by inspiration and creation by creation.
Don’t worry about what you are supposed to create, but instead continue to look for that which inspires love within you, and then don’t get attached to it. Relish the feeling that you have inside… that wants to continuously be expressed by you and through you. And that is how you live a life in service to Source.

The Days of Instant Manifestation Are Coming ~ Thymus
You are all on a journey that is about changing, transforming, becoming... not about going to a different place and taking the same old you with you to that new place.
This shifting to a new level of consciousness and a new Earth is about changing you. You are there to experience that change within the self first. You are in the process of co-creating the new experience of life on Earth.
You are honing and shaping your own skills and abilities right now through the evolution of your consciousness, you are giving yourselves an opportunity to see something or someone differently. With another opportunity to change the way you think and feel about that situation.
The change starts with you. Begin to see the power and the impact of those changes you make within yourself. It is now possible for you to experience the ripple effect that has always been in place but hasn’t always moved as quickly.
Because you’re shifting so rapidly now, and you’re jumping timelines, and you don’t have to fix a broken planet or mend all of your wounds to get to the new place. From where you sit right now you can offer a high-vibrational thought, a feeling, an intention, even a desire that puts you on that timeline to experience more of that reality that you would like to see in the here and now.
And the days of instant manifestation are coming... by being more attentive to the thoughts and feelings you are offering. Stay aware while also being kind, gentle and patient with yourself, with the next intention that you hold and with the next feeling that bubbles up within you.

Andromedan DNA Activation Included ~ The Andromedan
When you open up to us and our energies, you get a more whole and complete version of yourself to navigate through your life experience.
You are meant to be integrating different aspects of yourselves at this time so that you can know yourself as a galactic being, as a universal being, and ultimately as a Source Energy Being. Realize that you are starseed and that you’ve had many incarnations in other parts of the galaxy.
And certainly you want to have a journey with many steps on it so that you can experience all the steps along the way, and you want to experience yourself as all of these different beings because it’s more interesting and more fun than just jumping right to the truth that you are everything.
Do not think of yourselves as just Pleiadian, just Arcturian, or just Andromedan, but know that you are a being who has incarnated in many places throughout many times and in many dimensions, and you will discover more of those lifetimes and the details of them as you continue to move forward on your evolutionary journey of ascension.
As you become your higher selves, you become your multidimensional selves, and as a collective consciousness .. you will discover all of your various aspects in good time, and we know that being a part of this journey with you satisfies us immensely and fulfills our purpose for being.
These are exciting times to be a human being on Earth. That is for sure.

Why Would You Choose to Be Born on Earth? ~ Thymus
You were born into a reality where there were lots of energies, thoughts, and emotions floating around you, some of which stuck to you, and at times you operate from those thought forms, those energies, those emotional states of being that do not represent who and what you really are. You were born into a soup of all of those choices, and some of those choices were made to seem alluring to you so that you would make the lower-vibrational choice.
It’s so much better to make that choice to go home than it is just to be sucked into the light by a force that is greater than your free will.
Perhaps it will be easier for you to forgive yourself, to let go of the shame and the embarrassment, the self-recrimination. And if you can let go of those things deliberately by choice, you get to then feel the relief that comes from letting go of that darkness, that heaviness. And of course, in making the better-feeling choices, you get to feel what it feels like physically to have your whole body lighting up and saying yes to that choice.
You were meant to get covered in mud so that you could feel the joy and the relief of taking that hot shower under high pressure water. It’s about the climb.
We all can let each other off the hook first, and that will make it easier for each individual to let themselves off the hook, to be at peace with where they are and who they are. And it is through that coming to a place of peace that you get to move on to the next level of your ascension.

Old Systems Crumbling & New Ones Sprouting Up
You are noticing that the institutions that you once placed a great deal of trust in are all really houses of cards that will topple at any moment. And yet, there you are still standing, still stable in your environment and in your vibration, because you chose to be a stable force for humanity.
You are able to see the possibilities that are springing up all around you for a better world for everyone, and you are even able to envision those worlds and your part in co-creating them. It is not just one Earth, and it is not just two Earths. You are constantly co-creating new experiences of new versions of your world, because that’s how powerful you really are.
You don’t have to pay so much attention to what’s going on in the governments and the banking systems, and so on... they played their roles for you, but you are graduating to something new, something better, and you are the one orchestrating what these will be, and how they will be run, and how they will be in service to everyone, rather than just a few.
Because you needed that stronger foundation in the spiritual realm before you could start to operate effectively in the physical realm as the master you truly are of bringing those realms together harmoniously. You are a spiritual person whether you acknowledge it or not, and you can live comfortably in the physical world without living in excess.
The merging of the physical and the nonphysical, the material and the spiritual, the human and the Divine, humanity and extra-terrestrial, that’s what you are all about as awakened souls. We are nonphysical consciousness coming through a physical vessel to do so, and so we are one example of how these two worlds, these two realms can not only co-exist, you all can thrive.

Your Spirit Guides & Higher Selves Work w/Us on This
Often high energies bounce right off of you, while other bits and pieces just don’t make sense to your logical minds. You maximize your effectiveness as receptors of energy and information.
The two states that match the best are the states of joy and the state of relaxation. Figure out for yourself how to get into these states, and it also always serves you to just stop doing and stop thinking. You don’t always have to be accomplishing something to have a better life or earn your way into the fifth dimension .

This Will Propel You into the 5th Dimension 8 The Creators
Consider that we are integrating at this time, integrating the nonphysical into the physical, the spiritual into the material. And the more you do so consciously and deliberately, the easier your life will be.
You are propelled into the fifth dimension with the energies that we send and with the activations and upgrades you are getting from your spirit guides and e.t. friends. Your higher selves are helping you to navigate through all of this, guiding you more clearly than your physical mind can.
Your higher self resides in that frequency range, and that aspect of you is more integrated with the nonphysical energies, wisdom and essence that you all are. Relax and know that the bigger part of you is taking care of so much for you. You already are that which you are becoming.
Enjoy the best of both worlds. That is what you are there to do.

Mass Awakenings Are Coming
We can feel the tone of your vibration, and we know when you have up-leveled.
You are seeing through the eyes of someone who acknowledges that they are a Source Energy Being and so now, where you are moving into won’t be a surprise for you who are awake. You have already stepped into the galactic age... Not only because of disclosure, nor as ‘they’ can’t hide it from you anymore. It will be coming because of the positive steps forward that you have made. You have been a part of that driving force that is resulting in humanity’s readiness for this kind of occurrence.
Acknowledge yourselves because we know it puts you in a higher-vibrational state and that the higher-vibrational state that serves you in so many ways... you create with more than just your hands and your tools, with your time and your energy and your effort. There are more mass awakenings coming, and you will be the guides to those who are awake.

What St. Germain Will Awaken Within Humanity
You can know yourself as you truly are while still operating your physical body. The coming together of the physical and the nonphysical is what the Earth plane reality is all about at this time.
We who exist in the higher realms want to assist you in knowing that the nonphysical has been operating within you all along and that by giving it your attention, you access more of it... like an infinite wellspring of higher dimensions . You are there to allow that which is higher vibrational to run through you and to share it with others so that they too may get activated.
You want to see others awakening and to help others once they do awaken because you know how beautiful life on Earth can be. You catch glimpses of it, of the beauty, the majesty, and you want to see more of it.
You just have to be curious enough about what is inside of you to go within, to feel around for it. You will continue to do amazing things and to create wonderful projects, and you will do so because there is so much inside of you that is just waiting to come out... the light and the love that is existing and has always existed in the center of your being-ness. Go within and find who you really are. And do allow the help that is coming from those of us who desire to assist.

Get More Help from the Creator of This Game ~The Creators
How do you get someone’s attention when they are so focused on the struggle, focused on the problem?
We might send a gentle but loving breeze, the sound of birds of singing. The next time you find yourselves in a seemingly impossible situation, let go. Let go of the need to figure out what the solution is right then and there. Let go of your fear of that situation, orthe fear that it might get worse.
Somehow remember that your prayers are being answered and that you don’t have to do it all yourself, with your human hands and thoughts that can be perceived by your physical brain. Remember that it’s not all on you.
You cannot rely on action and intellect alone, not anymore and especially not at this time of rapid-changing elements in your world, in your society.
And when you let go of the limitations faced by the character you are pretending to be, that’s when the creator of the game can step in and show you that there’s a way out of the situation that you are in, and it’s a beautiful way. Everything is leading to something better, no matter how it seems in the moment. The all purpose for existing is to lead to something better, and yet you still have to surrender at times to it being just the way it is for those moments that you are experiencing it. And when you do, that’s when the solutions come flooding in.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


Sept..1st 2024
Solar Openings... now expanding the frequencies of truth and health.

The 5th-Dimensional Energies Coming In Now ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Recognize that they feel nonphysical to you because they are existing in many ways outside of your current dimension.You can be straddling the fourth and fifth dimensions at the same time and working with these fifth-dimensional energies to co-create a better version of the fourth dimension, one that is more blended with higher-frequency energies.
Feel as though you are occupying your light body for the time in which you commune with these fifth-dimensional energies. You are being prepared for more access to your other spiritual gifts and to extra-terrestrial contact.
And the completion of the shift has a lot to do with your ability to sustain higher-frequency energies within your fields and your bodies.
You are going through many transformations at this time, and those of you who are a part of The Awakened Collective go through them more consciously. You know what to do with these energies intuitively, and you have a lot that you would like to create and manifest in the fourth dimension to help you and your fellow humans along on the journey. This is the time to be more receptive, to be in the Divine Feminine essence that every single one of you has, so that you can receive more and access more.
And what you are co-creating is a pathway to the fifth dimension that will serve you and everyone else. You are there to be the leaders and the teachers that you were born to be, and experiencing something yourself first is the ultimate way for you to become that wayshower. Let yourself be the receiver that all of you and your fellow humans have been asking for. You deserve it.

Why So May Souls Want to Be on Earth Now ~ Thymus
You are evolving and expanding when it is your utmost desire to know yourself as the Divine.
All of those experiences are there to point you to the Source, and they help Source to expand. The path is often a windy one, a long one, and one that is filled with obstacles, potholes and even explosives, and we want you to know that deep down inside you like the adventures. They help you to define more clearly what you want and who you want to be... deep down inside by facing some more of what you are not. You are not limited. You are not poor. You are not alone.
And those things helped you in ways you cannot possibly imagine. Make peace with the tough challenges that you have in your life right now.
It is there to get the best out of you.. to be your teacher and your opportunity.

Making the Impossible Possible 8 The Creators
The first thing you can do when confronted with a challenge that you don’t know how to face is to surrender to it. The first step is acceptance. When you surrender first into that mode of acceptance, then you don’t have to go as far away from who you really are to return back to the center, to the balance point, to the truth that you have the solution inside of you, and you sometimes need to just get quiet and do nothing in order to let something come to you that is a better representative of who you really are.
And so, where you feel like you’re standing in front of an impossible challenge, take a deep breath, let go of the tension and the futility of trying to figure it all out, and surrender to it in acceptance that it is a choice that you made at another level of your consciousness to get you to know more fully who and what you really are.
When you recognize that everything is about getting us all to go home together, this can be a much more fun and interesting ride... there’s nothing you have to do but everything that you get to do.. come to that place of peace within you where all the answers lie.

New Energies Coming in from Andromeda ~ The Andromedan
As you wonder even if there’s a better version of yourself than the one that you’ve been, you automatically start to actualize that version of yourself. Now when you also take an interest in the betterment of the lives of other people there on your planet, then you know you are really moving the needle of the overall vibration of this collective consciousness that you are a part of.
Keep opening up to receive from your galactic friends and family members, your higher selves, the archangels, the ascended masters, and so many others.
From the Andromedan Galaxy right now, you can expect to receive more energies that will help you in feeling, in sensing, in intuiting more of what you need to know, because with your heightened sensitivity, you have more information to go on when making a choice that involves yourself and a choice that involves others.

Using Telepathy to Communicate with E.T.s
We do communicate with others all the time by sending energy, by vibrating at a frequency where we know the other, or the collective, will be able to understand us.
It is time for you to start to consider yourself to be telepathic, experiencing telepathy all the time.
And it is time for you to go beyond... in all the ways that you can.
We are conveying so much more right now than words and we just want to nudge all of you in the direction of having better relationships with each other through exploring other ways that you can communicate.

Your Multidimensional Self ~ St. Germain
Surprise yourself every once in a while by feeling for the fullness of that field around you.
You have access to more than just your basic living needs.. and we know that you are in a higher vibration when you are enjoying the abundance of life and all it offers in this beautiful universe of ours.
We who exist in the twelfth dimension also recognize that we exist in all dimensions. We don’t feel limited by being just a part of one star system, or one universe. We encourage you to see yourselves as multidimensional and to look beyond your singular expression.
All dimensions exist in the same space, just at different frequencies.
You are meant to go beyond the words, thoughts and actions that have come before you in your reality.
Knowing yourself means knowing your real self, your whole self, your true self, and again that requires you to go beyond what you have done, said and thought.
Live your lives and see what you can create and how much you can appreciate and love the world that you have created, along with so many other souls you are sharing this journey with you.

Your Power Extends Beyond Your Dimension
We have been experiencing the ripple effects of your evolution of consciousness there on planet Earth. Every time we offer you something that can help to elevate your consciousness, and you receive it and use it, we benefit from that as well. We are all co-existing within the same universal consciousness.
This is why it is so important to pay attention to what you are thinking about, saying, feeling, and how you are vibrating, and know that you have the ability to help others in far corners of the world.
This journey of ascension is really about knowing yourselves as more than what you have previously thought yourselves to be.
You are not small and insignificant; you are powerful, and you are All-That-Is in the flesh. You are in this process of becoming all the time the masters that you truly are, and it is time to let go so that you can enjoy the ride and experience the growth that is inevitable.
Let go a bit more of the struggle and let in more of the help and more of the positive experiences. This is a universal ascension. We are all doing it. We accept these changes that are occurring. Resist nothing. It is all for your spiritual evolution and growth.

Ensure Your Physical ET Contact
You still have a lot to do in order to get past the judgments, the resistances, the resentment, everything that you are carrying within you that no longer serves you and that needs to be cleansed out.
As you want to be the clearest version of yourself as you embark upon extra-terrestrial encounters in the physical... you want to have already let go of everything that would prevent you from having a pure experience of that other aspect of Source that you will be encountering. It will also make you healthier, more filled with the light of Source, to let go of the need for anyone else to be different.
And so, notice what triggers you and know.. and how you are getting triggered are showing you what still needs to be released by you. See within yourself where you can shift your perception of what you are looking at and make peace with everything as it is right now so that you allow everyone else the opportunity to grow and to change.
No one needs to fight over who is more right in this current version of themselves... give others the freedom and the opportunity to do the same without you having to be the one who convinces them to change.
Notice what you are feeling, ask yourself whether you like how you feel when you focus on that person, group, or that government, and if you don’t, you know that you have some work to do on yourself. The best way to do it is to simply breathe your way through the discord... and then you will allow more of who and what you really are to flow. And the mirror will be reflecting something much better to you.

What’s Around the Corner for Humanity ~ Thymus
You are there to be awakened, to be activated, to unlock what is inside of you and that is why this is the most exciting time for humanity on Earth that there has ever been.
You have a lot of energies inside of you, and even more energies coming in to inspire you and to remind you of what you are made of.
Get activated when you simply consider what someone like Christ did... also activated by the compassion of his mother, Mary, by the peace of Quan Yin and the wisdom of the Buddha. You are inspired by the lives we’ve all lived.
These are exciting times indeed, as you get to co-create with the other billion human beings on your planet, and you benefit from what each and every one of them is dreaming into existence, is calling forth and manifesting.
This is a group effort and a universal ascension, and we invite you to see your fellow humans as also holding everything deep inside of them. The best of life on Earth is right around the corner for you all, and you are the ones who are consciously calling it forth and aligning with it.

What We See Humans Doing on Many Timelines
The way that we ascend as a universe is by coming together. Therefore, anything that feels to you like it is a movement towards coming together with any other is going to feel good, and anything that is a movement towards separation, segregation, moving apart, is going to feel bad. Coming together means that you are setting aside differences... that you have accessed more of your compassion for another human being.
If you want to go with the flow and go with the easier path, you will look for and even create those opportunities to help others, to come together with others, to unite, to see beyond differences. You will be aligning with the world and the human collective on that world who is also doing it.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by

Aug. 18th 2024
The little Paradises we create ... between the fires and the ices

Before You Return to the Chaotic Outside World
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
No matter how it might look in your day-to-day lives, take that inner peace that you find in your meditative state and bring it to the world in which you live. Living in the world can seem chaotic if you get caught up in the chaos. It can seem as though you are too sensitive for this world if you are not maintaining that higher vibration while you are interacting with other people and going to other places.
It is your work to be the you that you want to be no matter what is happening outside of you.
Clear what you need to clear, you must let go of what you need to let go of.
And how you feel inside is the true barometer of how you are doing as an individual. Give it some time, and give others time to catch up and reflect that vibration to you... don’t be afraid to go out there in the outside world to discover where you still have some letting go to do.
As you strip away all the resistance, all the fear, and all the judgments, all that is left is the unconditional love that you truly are. Take the time to put that knowing into practice.

Where All Your True Power Is ~ The Creators
You were in fact created to exist in this environment where the lack of love is sometimes quite evident. This is why it is so important for you to do what you love, to love who you love, to listen to the music you love, and so on and so on.
You don’t have to allow what anyone else says to influence you out of your alignment.
Step into love like you would a warm bath. Luxuriate in it. Appreciate the opportunity to feel it. Your guides and your higher selves are bringing more to you for you to love. You don’t have to make it a long pilgrimage finding something for you to inspire that love feeling inside of you. Just relax and trust that we are all being guided home to Source, which is love.

Working with the Lions Gate Energies & All Energies ~ St. Germain
Decide for yourself what you want to do with those energies. All energies are meant for you to co-create with them.. Now this universe of ours is even more filled with many different kinds of energies that are vibrating at different frequencies.
Don’t think for a moment that when the Lions Gate closes, you will then be cut off or shut off. You can be in a continuous flow with cosmic, galactic, universal energies of support that are meant to be co-created by you.
You have the opportunity to do so much in this single incarnation. Allow yourself to sit, ground, and open up your crown chakra.

Lightworkers: This is Your Purpose
You are not meant to distract them from their negative emotions long enough so that they can have a smile on their face. You are meant to show others how you did it, and explain to them the steps to pulling themselves out of their darkness, and you are meant to do that with compassion. It is your way of growing spiritually through the experience of helping another... to hold yourself in a higher vibration while simultaneously helping someone who is currently operating in a lower-vibrational one.
If you look at the bigger picture of your spiritual growth, you also need to have experiences where you lose something or someone to then be able to have compassion for another who is going through that particular struggle in their lives.
You do not want to just sit in your ivory tower and dispense your wisdom practices and healing modalities.
That also brings you into a greater state of unity consciousness, which is also a step towards knowing yourselves as Source. Therefore, as you help, as you heal, you are doing so for another aspect of that which is you

You Are Returning to Your Divine Blueprints ...
You have unlocked within you the truth that you are a Divine Being pretending to be a human being for the purpose of experience and evolution.
The codes and information that are deeply embedded in your DNA now assist you in becoming once again the truth that you are. You are meant to walk as the masters Quan Yin, Yeshua, Krishna, Buddha and many others.
Now, as you shift your own consciousness, you jump to a timeline where also others ready to shift as well.
You wanted to experience the movement from thinking of yourself as finite, mortal beings in a dense physical body to the experience of knowing yourself as a Divine Being of light... so that you can shift your consciousness and help others to do the same.

How to Get on Your Path & Complete Your Mission
People are telling you a lot of different things there on Earth.. and you must run all of it through your own gut, your own feeling center, in order to determine for yourself whether or not to take it on.
If something doesn’t feel right, then it simply isn’t right for you, and you don’t have to debate anyone else as to its rightness. When you are in silent meditation or quiet contemplation, you are more aware of what’s going on inside of you, and that’s where your focus needs to be most of the time in order to be creating the reality you want to experience.
Let them have their version of reality, and you can be where you are, having your version of reality. You only need to agree with yourself.
You came forth to be a unique expression of Source Energy and to have a unique perspective.

Your Next Journey Ahead Requires This ~ Thymus
You are an aspect of your soul, who is journeying through Space & Time to consider what all of the options are and to create according to your own inner desires. In order to navigate this journey effectively, you must be attuned to your own feelings.
Your path is not just laid out for you to walk along as some yellow brick road, but you are meant to decide when to take a turn and whether to go left or right at the fork.
That’s your free will, and when you are faced with decisions, you are better served by going within.
Therefore, part of the awakening experience is recognizing the significance of your emotions and allowing them to be. That is the only way that you will be able to then use your free will to choose which emotion you would like to feel next. Otherwise, often the choices are made for you, and you feel like a leaf blowing in the wind.
You can move past the stifled emotion moments and into the now where you acknowledge your free will, and you then use it to choose what serves you the most.

Shifts & Changes Are About to Come for Humanity ~ The Andromedan
You wonder how humanity is going to make it... the wars and the a.i's, the collapse of currencies etc.. We want to tell you that you already have made it and that you are in the midst now of witnessing the shift in consciousness. This is what it looks like. It’s not all rainbows, fairy dust and unicorns. You do need to look at what you’ve been creating in order to move past it, and you need to look at it in a new way.
Now it is as a shedding of the skin of the third-dimensional human collective. You need to let go of your fears, and you need time to do it. You will continue to purge and release those fears, and you will need to do it more rapidly because you are headed for big changes and you need to have everything in order to be able to handle the energies of the shifts and changes that are to come for humanity.
You are meant to participate in these changes... by removing your doubts about what is to come of humankind... instead focus like a laser beam on the reality.. where everyone has more than enough and where there is peace on Earth. A reality where e.t.s walk amongst you, and you get to travel throughout space, and this galaxy of ours. It is a reality of love, freedom, excitement, creativity. You are closing the books on the third dimension, which has been a pretty messy experience for humanity.
And your place on the 5D Earth is guaranteed.

Your Ascension Has Begun…Now What?
You have ascended from the third dimension to the fourth, and into the fifth. You are doing it gradually and at your own pace.
It means you have access to more of your light body, and you can heal more quickly... as you are connecting to other beings from other dimensions and star systems, especially while you are asleep.
And you can even set an intention to go to different places.
You will have extra-terrestrial contact there on Earth before you complete the shift, and by interacting with these.. you will raise your vibrations.
You also have the ability to receive more downloads, activations, and upgrades... And it is better to be patient when it comes to the completion of the ascension and enjoy the ride, than it is to impatiently wait for some big event to occur outside of you.
You are there for the journey! See what you can activate, download and manifest today by simply believing more in the possibility.

What & Where Is the 5th Dimension?
We are very happy to be here with all of you at this time of your great expansion. As your awareness expands, you recognize that there is no real separation between you and anything or anyone else, and this universe. You will become your higher selves eventually, and you might as well do it intentionally. .
You are not there to be small and insignificant. You have the ability to know yourselves as light and love at any time. All it takes is for you to shift, that takes place within you.
You are not meant to wait around for something to happen, but to find that dimension within yourselves and recognize it as you. The dimension is love... when you are loving what you are doing, and you are knowing yourself as love, you automatically ascend. You become your higher self, you release all thoughts of separation... you become the timeless, infinite, eternal being that you truly are.
It is about shifting the way you know yourself and not shifting to another place. And as you let go and you expand out.. then you need nothing, and you are everything.
Do not worry about what anyone else is doing or thinking, because they only have as much power over you as you give them. Journey to the fifth dimension, the dimension of love, the dimension that was always available to you, and that exists at the center of your heart.

Those Who Are About to Awaken & Their Teachers ~ Thymus
Humanity has passed many tipping points along the way of this journey to the fifth dimension, and whenever you do, there are some of you who recognize it and step into more of your power as a result. Be more excited about what you can contribute now to the collective consciousness because of the readiness that there is amongst those who are about to awaken.
And those of you awake you have been able to integrate your awakened consciousness into the physical reality in which you dwell, and it shows. You have been able to live there on Earth with all of that knowledge that you have and without continuously trying to escape from the planet or escape your responsibilities as a human being.
The process of recognition at this time of this great shift within humanity’s consciousness, will continue throughout the rest of 2024.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


Aug. 4th 2024
Navigating the Timelines from the Heart

How to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
The best way we have of helping you is by reminding you of how this all works.
Once you have been incarnate for a while, and you play the game and follow the rules that society has laid out for you, oftentimes you realize that there is something more. Along with some of the major events that were scripted for this lifetime, there was also planned an awakening. You realize that there are other ways of moving through the world, living your life, and realizing your dreams.
From our vantage point, all you have to do now to receive and live the life you want to live is let go of anything that is resistant in nature. That includes your thoughts and beliefs, your emotions, your judgments. And so, in order to manifest there is less that you have to do and more that you have to release.
Then just go and have fun, or relax and look at the clouds while listening to the birds sing. Do not think that you have to be in manifestor mode all of the time in order to receive... so be more focused on the receiving mode.

Help from Arcturus without Interference
We help you without interfering with your natural process of evolution… by giving you energies, that support and hold space for you.
The mass landing of ships comes to planet Earth... will be because you are ready, not because you need rescuing.
You are incarnating there because as a soul, you recognize where all the good growth experiences are, and you want them. You want to experience the movement of feeling less evolved to feeling more evolved. You want to know yourselves more fully as you truly are. Take a look at everything that is in your life and is not in your life then ask yourself how these current conditions are helping you to become more of who you really are as a Source Energy Being, rather than hearing a voice or seeing a guide to appear to you and to tell you how exactly how it is you are supposed to grow. But again, it serves you more spiritually to look at it yourself and to come to your own conclusions. A good question is, ‘How can I be the Love in this situation?’
Those conditions are also for your spiritual evolution, and they are not because someone in a government, or corporation, has way more power than you do… but you are still the creator of your experience, and the sooner you own that, the sooner you can do something about it.
Remind yourselves of that at times, and when you do open up and allow in more of your own creations, then you do experience getting a helping hand at times from a being, or a collective, in a higher-dimensional plane. it’s still you who had to align with that experience of receiving the help. It always will come back to you and what’s going on inside of you, and the sooner you see that, the sooner you can thrive on planet Earth as it is right now.
And we know that at the heart of all of your requests to us is that desire to thrive.

Astral Traveling w/Sirians, Pleiadians & Arcturians
You recognize us by our vibrational signature, and when you fall asleep and travel through the astral plane, that’s when things get very interesting.
Whether you remember those interactions or not, you carry more Arcturian energy with you throughout your day, and you are able to live according to the wisdom that we share with you while you are asleep.
There are many, many beings and collectives for you all to visit in the higher realms, and all of those perspectives that you receive are a part of your thoughts in the waking hours of your lives.
It is soon going to be much more conscious and much more deliberate and while you are awake.
And we also learn through your experiences more about ourselves than we ever could if we took a policy of isolation. Therefore, never diminish what you are doing there on Earth or what you are experiencing. You are the ones who agreed to experience that level of density, that level of polarity, and everyone benefits from what you are living throughout all of Source Energy.

Get All You Want & All You Didn’t Know You Wanted
You think you need to know everything, and that’s largely what your sciences are based upon.
There are things about life on Earth that are supposed to be unpredictable. You are supposed to be surprised. That is why your meteorologists cannot predict the weather with accuracy... If you could, you would take the emotional component out of life there on Earth, and you really don’t want to do that.
Know that the surprise is always better than what we could possibly imagine with our minds. We have embraced not knowing what’s going to happen fully, whereas most humans still like the comfort of being able to predict.
You are also creating your reality. That creation of your reality, however, needs to also remain open to the possibility that there’s something better for you than what you imagined. Therefore, your feelings are what matter most ... do not limit yourself to thinking.. because you can feel into a future experience and know you’re going to like it without knowing what it is.
Be aware that there are always energies coming in as well to support the creation of that which is unknown, unpredictable, and so we invite you to get out of your minds, to let go, to surrender to the flow of the energies, and to keep up with them by slowing down, by feeling good, and by breathing consciously. And then you can have everything that you’ve ever wanted and some things that you didn’t even know you wanted.

Sensitive Ones, You Are Accessing Your Gifts
We have the ability to sense what is going on in all parts of the galaxy. Your sensitivity has been a challenge for you, but you are becoming better at using it, and you can train yourself to be sensitive to what you want to be sensitive, and not which brings you more of the pain and suffering.
You can use being sensitive more effectively to help yourself and knowing the right time to approach that person ask them what’s going on with them.
Hone your abilities, to use it as a gift and as a tool, like which people to approach, which people to leave alone, and so on, then use it in regards to whether an information is relevant to you, or whether it’s even true in your reality.
And you need that discernment, because there is a lot of agendas behind the spreading of information. So your sensitivity is something that also helps you to then create your reality... then you can also be sensitive in regards to your vibration and you can shift it more easily with that awareness of what you’re feeling... what you actually want to feel, because you can be sensitive to where your joy lies in your chakra system...
Now is the best time for you to start seeing this as a gift and as a tool. We help by pointing and nudging you in directions to better use the tools that you have.

Do This As Often As You Can (for Best Results)
You all get fascinated by extra-terrestrials, faeries, ascended masters, and archangels. All of them and us are contained within Source. If you imagine Source as a Being of pure Light and Love.
You were indoctrinated to believe in a God that is somewhere, up there, in Heaven, separate from you, and very much like a father, a king, a being of great authority... That all created a distance for you between yourselves and Source, and in reality there is no distance. But as we are all aspects of Source, we all have the ability to receive more of that which we are... as All-That-Is, as Love and Light.
You are aligning with the truth of who you really are when you do it. By letting go of the idea of yourself as a separate, egoic being.. you are also accessing more of your power, more of your creativity, and more of the love that you are there to spread.
And you will be the version of yourself that you want to be there on Earth. You will attract everything that you want to attract, and all of that will be because you aligned with the One, with the Love and Light that is the Source of us all and that fuels us all.

Why Are So Many E.T.s Interested in Humanity?
We are enriched and enlivened by each and every experience that we have with one of you. See yourselves as ones who have so much to offer your nonphysical friends and your e.t. friends.
You are choosing to have those experiences because you know that the experiences you are having there on Earth give you the greatest opportunities for growth and evolution. You are contributing mightily to Source Energy with all that you are willing to take on with those challenges. It is time to see yourselves as equals to all other beings in the universe, and it is time for you to make contact with other beings in this universe of ours with that knowing.
Your soul is projecting many aspects of itself into our dimension and higher dimensions as well, and you are your soul.
See us as your collaborators and your co-creators, because we are, and we are benefitting from all that you are experiencing there on Earth.
You are keys to this universal ascension. See yourselves as we see you and to value yourselves to such an extent that you can start living the lives of joy, freedom, love and creativity.

Can All Prayers Really Be Answered? ~ The Creators
So when your fellow humans see you out there in the world, laughing, playing, acting like a child, connecting with nature, singing and dancing, they are getting a clue as to what it is they need to do to also receive the answer to their prayers. You are helping in so many ways, and you will continue to help yourselves and others as you feel the energetic connection that you have to the nonphysical increasing.
You get more when you relax, and you get more when you are in a state of joy. You can imagine what it will feel like for the person when they do let go of their resistance and when they do stop blocking what is coming to them naturally… that energy, with all of those ideas, with all of that healing... and by virtue of the fact that they exist.
And those of you who are doing it are doing it not only for yourselves, as you can be a bigger conscious contributor to that shift by recognizing the grace of the nonphysical is upon you and has always been upon you.

What the Next Five Years Will Be Like ~ The Andromedan
You did face a lot of adversity over those past five years. You do not need to make things harder on yourselves in order to grow and expand into the beings that you are ultimately becoming. You can have a very smooth and easy ride over these next five years, and we invite you to envision what that looks like.
Be the creators that you are and not the reactors that you have been in the past. See the future as bright, as filled with what you have been asking for.. So you can relax, knowing that it is your time now to receive all that you have asked for.

Is Humanity an Experiment? ~ Thymus:
This is an experiment. However you are the ones doing the experimenting. You are experimenting with consciousness to see how far you can go from the truth of who you really are and to see what it will take to recover and remember who you really are while still in physical form.
Death is a way out of this self-imposed experiment… simulation and illusion are similar metaphors. That is what the forgetting is for. It is to allow you to have the experience that you are having.
You get to take whatever path you choose. There is no one path, but all paths do lead to Source. And so you can relax and rest assured that you are heading home anyways.
You are seeking out those moments from which you can glide more. Yet one person’s ease is someone else’s boredom or even torture, because it was not what they chose for themselves.
You don’t have to give up your sovereignty, your free will, your ability to choose what is right for you. And luckily, you have your feelings. Your feelings will guide you. Your feelings are more than just your intuition… as you can tell whether you are moving in alignment with your truth or succumbing to someone else’s.
And so, listen, pay attention, and slow down... and you will glide right into it with certainty that it is your truth to follow. And we will continue to nudge you in those directions with energies. And we are teaming up with so many others in your galactic teams, spirit guides, angels and ancestors, and fairies, and more to help you along that path with the greatest of ease.

Accept This Invitation from the Ascended Masters
The masters came to you in order to show you what was possible while being in a human physical form. They didn’t have anything that you don’t have... they demonstrated to you how to access that which is in all of us, that which is Source. And different masters showed you different ways.
Now, you don’t need another master to come and show you again what it is you have already been shown, but you also have to put it into practice. And now what you have on Earth are many, many people showing you that it doesn’t take someone who was born under a bright shining star to be able to utilize these methods of alignment, of integration.
It’s just a matter of you finding the ones that resonate with you. Most of you will find that it is easier to connect to a higher level of consciousness when you are in nature. All of those high-frequency vibrations that are emanating from the trees and the rocks and the soil, from the bodies of water and the wild animals.
Go within. Quiet your mind. Be heart centered. Be love in action. Connect, connect, and connect some more, and you will find that there is always more available to you each and every time you connect with another being, or with Mother Earth, or with an animal, or a tree.

A Quantum Leap Forward for the Awakened Collective
Because you are all different, you are all meant to have different experiences.
Jumping from the third dimension to the fourth and then the fifth in a single physical lifetime is the biggest leap forward that you can make. There will be no suffering as a fifth-dimensional being. You will find that everything that you want and need is available to you as a fifth-dimensional being.
It is a different realm than the one you are existing in right now, and at the same time, the fifth dimension is within you. You are meant to go beyond what your mind has the capacity to understand, and in order to do that, you must give yourselves that which cannot be figured out.
And it is in that surrendering that you are able to take a quantum leap forward. Simply let go of your attachments and let in the spiritual experiences that go so far beyond the physical ones. All will be possible once you cross that threshold of consciousness that takes you into a fifth-dimensional experience of reality.
We learn so much about you by experiencing you .. and as we do, we are more able to help you in choosing the best timelines that are for you.
There is no need to wait for a solar flash, for an event of any kind. You are the ones who are meant to lead the way, and you are doing so through your conscious awareness of who and what you are and what you are capable of, and we are happy to gently nudge you along on your way.

The Best Timelines for Humanity… Coming Soon
Why would you be looking at your future ascension as one that will be preceded by much destruction. But rather look in the direction to see the rosy future when we know there isn’t just one future, and hopefully you know that by now as well.
Now, how do you get on that best feeling timeline? Well, you start by paying attention to how you feel about the small things in your life. All you have to do is shift in that moment.. to a thought about what could go right in order to experience more going good.
Therefore, as you begin to see how things could go very right... you are mapping out a future experience for yourself where everything continues to be on an upswing and get better and better.
Didn’t you know you had a choice in the matter? you can always do something by anticipating and even planning for the better future for humanity, the future where everyone is getting what they need not only to survive but to thrive.
With your awakened consciousnesses you can better hold that space for yourselves and others, for coming to fruition in your lifetime… by looking on the bright side, looking for the positive and anticipating the best outcome... you are better participating with each day. And we know you can do it because we see those timelines you already have.

The Changes that Are Coming Start Here ~ St. Germain
Do not just look for the changes in your economic systems, school systems, health care systems etc. Look for the changes within you that are there and that are accessible to you, and then expect to see the changes outside of you to those limiting systems..
Let go of your doubts, your resistance and your limiting beliefs, and see what is possible as you do. This transmission is encoded with energies that are encouraging you to let go of those doubts and to open up to the possibilities for you in this moment of your life. You are made of the stuff of Source Energy, which is pure potential, pure possibility, and everything that you are comprised of is expanding and becoming more, and you are meant to go along for that ride. Now demonstrate what it is like to let go of limitation, self-imposed restrictions, and allow the changes that are upon you to take effect within you. We are all holding space for each and every one of you

The Massive Energies on Earth & How to Acclimate to Them ~ The Creators
We recognize that some of you do not allow yourselves to rest enough, to allow in the energies that are upon you. There is a significance to how hydrated you are in regards to how much of these energies you can ground into your bodies, as you have to acclimate to higher-frequency energies. As well get in nature more, submerge yourselves in water more frequently, with plenty of time to meditate, to reflect, to enjoy life. You grow with this opportunity to experience love and joy. So follow your heart to be in the right place at the right time to embody the energies that are available to you.
Right now, the vast majority of energies that are present on Earth are positive. They are higher vibrational energies. They are integrative.
You are swimming in a sea of helpful energies that are there to move you to the next level of your consciousness. That which is old and no longer serving you is going away. You are rising above it.
Relax into the energies and receive them so that they can be assimilated and so that you can use them to create whatever it is you want to create there on your beautiful world.

The 8-8-8 Lions Gate Energies on Earth & Throughout the Galaxy
The Lions Gate Portal is a galactic event on how we process and share energies with each other in the Galaxy… opening you up to more contact experiences… more now available to you.. and with the landing of ships that will occur before 2027.
You are all meant to have the experiences that you have in the perfect timing for you, which is orchestrated by your guides and higher selves.
You all have the ability to create the experiences that you want to have in your lives.
But If you are holding beliefs that say that you are not worthy or not ready, then that will be your experience.
Now is a time for you to recognize that you are ready to move forward... ready to grow and evolve through the experiences that you are having, and e.t. contact is one of those experiences.
These Energies are meant to spur you on to the completion of the Shift and many other things prior to that. Relax and know that all is well and all is occurring in Divine or Cosmic perfect timing. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


July 14th 2024
Our Inner Wings of Change... Opportunities & Cosmic Gifts

More Opportunities Are Coming Your Way ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You were brave enough to incarnate there on planet Earth, and
as you show your gratitude, yes for the world that you have created, you do find more of those windows of opportunity coming your way. When you appreciate what already is and what you already have, windows, open up for you to experience more.
It wasn’t just dumb luck. You weren’t just in the right place at the right time… you are there to lead and show others that there is another way. You are there to break new ground and show that it is possible to overcome the obstacles.
You can inspire others in so many ways just by following your bliss. And as you do so, the less you struggle, and the more you appreciate, the easier it is then for you to receive.
You want to live amongst a world of people who are experiencing ease, who are tapping in to the grace of Source. And you get more of the people who appreciate around you when you put out that vibe.

A New Spiritual Practice for the Awakened ~ St. Germain
You are welcoming in so much more of yourselves whenever you are in a state of relaxation.
Grant yourselves permission to have time to just do nothing and be.. it is a spiritual practice, and you don’t have to be productive in order to earn your way. As in your moments of relaxation you allow more to be done for you by your helpers in the nonphysical... you often get your best ideas when you are doing nothing.
Let it go as resistance causes all types of ailments... it simply lowers your vibration ... because you have been taught from a young age to always be doing or learning or thinking.
You are good, not because of what you do, or even because of what you think, but because you are Source. Choose to focus on your vibration instead, and in a state of relaxation, you will be aware of the gradual upliftment of your vibration.

The Andromedans Are Nudging You Now
You are on the verge of so many changes there on Earth, and you are in the midst of the consciousness of that change... and it takes quite a while for you to acclimate to the energies and to fully embody the new consciousness.
There is no need in this lifetime to fear persecution, and in fact, you are living in a time to celebrate, because you are going against the grain of society’s leanings and the widely held beliefs of the day. You get to be a part of that evolution of consciousness, and you get to decide how you do it... showing humanity what is inside of them by showing them what’s inside of you, and there has never been a better time than now.

Join St. Germain in the Violet Flame
I wish to impart upon you the wisdom that is already inside of you… by removing the veil, the blinders and to allow yourselves to feel who you are, emanating from inside of you. As you send your light out to all who come into contact with you, you are doing a great service.
You want to create more masters on your journey to share the journey with you. You want to point each person to what is within them. Sing and dance and play and show the rest of humanity the light that is within you.
Just be yourself and allow the true self to shine through. . When you let out the love that is within, you ignite the flame within each person that you encounter.
With no reciprocation required.. simply get to be your aligned self and give others permission to do the same. And all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place so that all the moving parts are harmoniously synchronized .

This is How You Stretch & Bend Time
You went to Earth because you like challenges. You are not trapped.
When you feel that you have less time, then you need to be even more present in the time that you do have. And it is by being very conscious of each and every passing moment. If you want to move faster in the completion of your ascension, you can do that as well. If you are enjoying a moment in time, you can stretch that out and have it feel like it is longer than it actually is.
Work with time in the same way you get to work with every concept, every idea, every vibration, every emotion, and every thought. You are there as creator beings to use what you are given as your raw materials... and so is money, and so is love. Bring more love to everything that you do and infuse that love into it. Love is always the secret, and you can feel more love when you are more present.
When you are more heart-centered, you are more likely to feel that love that is your true self, your true essence. Do not fear the future, and do not have regrets about the past, and you will also change your relationship to time and to the present moment, which is where all of your power is and where all of the love is.
Remember that your infinite and eternal nature is always available to you when you tune in to your heart.

Simple Steps to Clear Ancestral Trauma
We have an enormous amount of respect for all of you. We know that those of you who come forth and take on a lot are doing it for your entire ancestral line. You are helping parallel aspects of yourselves on other timelines or in other universes. You are also helping all of humanity by moving through a very challenging life circumstance.
When facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge.. accept it... recognize that you chose it... acknowledge your emotions that you feel in regards to it. Feel those emotions. And finally, having cleared those emotions, with a much different perspective on what it is that is actually happening. See it as a springboard, a way for you to grow even more spiritually.
All of life’s traumas, challenges, and tragedies are nudging each and everyone of you in a particular direction. You are all meant to inspire each other, and having compassion for someone is different from pitying them.
And when you can hold space for one of those individuals to get what they are supposed to get out of it and eventually thrive, then you really are being of service to them, and you can watch and wait for their moment where they will inspire you and everyone . And that is how you clear ancestral trauma and help everyone who shares planet Earth with you at this time.

Are ‘They’ Dragging You Down or Are We Lifting You Up?
You stand right now as a collective in order to give yourselves the ride to that which is higher, is more, and that which is the frequency of the fifth dimension.
You and the rest of humanity is on an upward spiral, but If you look outside determining that there are insurmountable foes, then we will find evidences to support that. You could also call that a reality or a timeline, and it is one that others are choosing.
While it is much more truthful to acknowledge that you are the creator of every single experience that you have. When you slow down, and loosen your tight grip, when you surrender and acknowledge the help that is all around you, then you can start to experience more of the joy of the journey, and it is easier to see how and why you created what you did for yourself.
And so, as you focus less upon those who would drag humanity down and you focus more on those who are helping to lift humanity up, you get more of the beings of light and love. You get more of the angelics, the ascended masters, and the helpers that you have in all forms at all times.

This is Why We're Enthused About Humanity's Future
You have already experienced enough trauma and enough heartbreak on Earth, and you do not need to experience it again. You have received enough from all of the experiences you have had in all of your lifetimes put together.
And so now, it is your work then to clear those fears so that you can focus purely on what you do want to experience moving forward. Enough of you have stumbled upon the truth that you get to choose which future you experience to bring about a better future for all.
You know how to clear a lower-vibrational emotion. You also know how to hold space for your fellow humans so that they do not have to experience all that is unwanted there on Earth. You are there to be the healers so that your fellow humans can release what they need to release to join you on that beautiful journey to the fifth dimension that you all have decided you want to take consciously and deliberately.
Being conscious and aware of the choices you are making in every moment makes all the difference. You can feel yourself resonating with those realities because they are the ones that you helped to co-create. If you are worried about anything, let it go… while also knowing that everyone has their own path.
Explore with us in the astral plane, where we can co-create even more magical experiences for humanity’s future, and timelines. Just set that intention as you are drifting off to sleep, and we will meet you there.

The Monumental Event of Full E.T. Contact on Earth
When you receive nonphysical extra-terrestrial energy, you are getting activations of your e.t. DNA. You also have the opportunity to remember more of your lifetimes as an extra-terrestrial. These contact experiences are laying the groundwork for the physical face-to-face encounters that you all want.
Once you ascend, you will be able to interact with whichever e.t.s you want to... with the ability to go to their star systems and set foot on their planets. You are getting closer to that time every single day. Relax and play with what you have available to you right now, you will be able to feel more timeless and to enjoy the journey to full extra-terrestrial contact with physical beings.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


July 1st 2024
The Shift... into creative Heart-Vibration

How to Find Your Way to Be of Service to Many ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
We know ourselves more as Source Energy Beings when we are acknowledging that you are us and we are you. And when you align with the energies of service, you align with all of us in the higher realms.
When someone is lost, you don’t condemn them for being lost... in the helping of another you are acknowledging that there is no other. Separation, hierarchies, dimensions, these are all illusions to give ourselves the opportunities we wanted to know ourselves in a variety of ways.
And then you discover that you are everything and you are everyone... and you can let your talents, your unique abilities, tell you the various ways that you are meant to be of service.
If you are good at something, use what you are good at to help... you will become closer to the truth of who we all really are as Source, because you will be coming together. You will be operating more as one than as two separate units.
When you get to the nonphysical, we all operate as councils and collectives... and you knew you would be helping many, many others just by being born.

Your Life’s Work & Purpose for Being on Earth ~ The Andromedan
Somewhere deep down inside of yourselves you know who you really are, and so find that place within you. And then it is your purpose to live that truth... by feeling the love blossoming from within you, then you have the task before you of showing the world that love. Some of you may do it through creating art or buildings, books, clothing, and some people just exude that love.
What really matters is how you do it and how much of that love you infuse into what you are doing.
Even those who have produced amazing work there on Earth eventually do lose that experience of creativity, and when they are not producing, they can feel quite empty inside. Therefore, if you look within first and find the love that you are, and then you infuse everything you do with that love, it won’t matter so much whether anything that you do is openly appreciated by any other. You still will have infused that love into it and grounded more of Source’s love into the world.
If you are having trouble finding the love that is within you, it is because there is something getting in the way… it might be fear, it might be sadness, it might be anger, it might be disappointment, it might be a lack of trust. Whatever it is, if you feel into it long enough, you will disintegrate it with your attention to it, and you will find that the love existed underneath it or behind it all along.

Are Physical & Emotional Pain Needed to Grow?
You have endured quite a bit of it over your lifetimes there on Earth... and some of you believe that pain is an integral part of your ascension. But you no longer need it and it doesn’t serve you to perpetuate it.
You simply must recognize what the pain is there to tell you and take the message from it. Physical pain will always indicate to you that there has been emotional pain that has either been ignored or suppressed.
Sometimes this means being very honest with yourselves, because it can be very hard to admit that you’ve been in denial. But you will find that pain can lead to growth, because of what it illuminates within you.
Know what lower-vibrational emotions you are ignoring and suppressing, because they are indications to you of how you are mis-creating. And as creator beings, you want to create that which is for your benefit.
Once you are in pain, you also need to notice how you are reacting to it. What is the emotional response? What is the mental response, and what is the physical response to your pain? These are all indicators to you of how you have been living your life, and you can swap them out for better-feeling responses.
And you can convince yourself that it is a temporary experience meant to send you a message. Breathe your way through the physical and emotional pain. Feel the relief... In your relief, you are able to create anew. You are able to see yourself and your world differently.

A Path to All of Your Spiritual Gifts ~ Thymus
Let’s say you are interacting with someone, and they are coming at you from their ego. They have certain desires, and they feel that you are getting in the way of them attaining their desired manifestations. And so, they are approaching you from that lower-vibrational place. You can still look through the anger and past the ego, and see them as they really are. You can see the Source Energy love inside of them getting bigger and burning brighter because of your willingness to focus on that, instead of what they are showing you in that moment.
You want everyone to know more fully who they really are because of how you gazed upon them and the words you spoke to them, and you want this because of course you want to live in that world, and you want to see humanity complete the shift in consciousness joyously and effortlessly.
And as you align with Source, with that which you truly are, you become a more effective creator and you become a more effective manifestor... it gets you to where you ultimately are going and want to go, and it gets you there faster.

Lightworkers: You Are Being Readied for This
There’s a lot you can release and resolve. There’s a lot within you that you can clear to make space for that moment of inspiration, to make space for those energies that will fill you up before coming forth from you.
So while working on yourself does not seem like a purpose, and isn’t very flashy, it still is part of the purpose that you have there on Earth. When you do not feel like you know what your purpose is, make sure you are making room in yourself and in your life for your purpose to come along. In other words, do that clearing work, release that which is no longer serving you and that which is not yours to begin with, and let yourself be your purpose for awhile.
The world is changing dramatically. There will be so many different jobs, careers, and businesses in the future, and some of you will create them... it is hard for you to have patience, but these are the things you must have in order to eventually let in that inspired thought, that inspired idea, that impulse that takes you to it.
You do tend to associate purpose with some sort of action or some sort of career, but that is not always the case. So many people are meditating, chanting, om-ing and doing whatever they can to raise the level of consciousness. You need to let go of that idea that your purpose is always about an action that you take.
Be aware of how much there is inside of you that you can tap in to right now… relax more, to let go, and eventually let in that which will inspire you to be the being, the love that you are destined to be in this lifetime.

Connect with Your Nonphysical Self & Go Home ~ The Creators
We have a lot to learn from you through your experiences. We also know that you could not exist there in the physical without the help of the nonphysical, precisely because we are not mired in the issues and problems of your day that we are able to offer a higher perspective.
Now, it is the merging of the two that you ultimately want to experience there on Earth.
You can do what you love to do, and in those moments you will be aligning yourself more with the consciousness of the Divine, with the nonphysical energies that literally animate your physical form. You can also sit in meditation, and in removing the thoughts that block the energies from flowing.
All you really need to do is put yourself in the right position to receive. You can simply sit in your Divine Feminine and open yourself up to the energies that are present at any given time... and you can become more energized, more enlivened through the simple act of receiving.
Relax and let go, and know that all that is coming to you in that moment that you do so is for your greatest and highest good.

Five Simple Steps to Raise Your Vibration
Having regular check-ins with your chakras, with your thoughts, and with your overall vibration will do wonders for you in bringing you into alignment with the life you want to be living.
Take a deep breath. Notice what you’ve been thinking about... if there’s any tension in your body. Check in with your chakras to see if you can feel any blocks or heaviness within any of them. And finally, you want to tune in to how you are feeling, to your overall vibration.
It is important that you remain on top of your internal processes because things are changing so quickly there on Earth.
Sensitive. You are emotional, you are empathic, and that means you are more likely to be able to utilize an exercise like this and benefit from it. It’s all right if you pick up on a lower vibration within you. That’s what you are there to do. You are there to detect and release. This is how you consciously raise your vibration, and by shifting to a higher-frequency state.
This is how you live happily ever after in the here and now, and this is how you move closer to your ultimate ascension... do not get down on yourself if at every check in you find something to release, because that is what you are there to do.

Your Likes & Dislikes ~ The Creators
Like what you like... look at what you dislike differently... rather, you can acknowledge that it doesn’t resonate with you, and you can also see how it helps you to define that which you do like.
What you dislike is actually helping you to become more discerning... to put your attention on that which resonates with you... helping you to create more of what you do like… as ‘What you resist persists.’
You need expanding in order to continue to move forward in your growth and in your development. And sometimes what you want is simply inner peace. Go on a journey of discovery about inner peace and where it lives inside of you and what sometimes prevents you from acknowledging that it is there.

What the Orbs in Your Photos Are Doing
When you acknowledge how much help you have all around you at all times, you become the open conduits for higher-frequency energies you were always meant to be in this lifetime.
The easier way to receive that which is coming to you from above is to get curious. Seek to establish relationships with your guides, your galactic team, the ascended masters, the Archangels, faeries, and all of the other helpers that you have around you.
See these orbs and spheres as your helpers, because they are. They are higher-frequency beings.
The orbs and spheres are coming because they too recognize what a beautiful transition you all are making there on Earth, and they also want to be a part of it... by showing up in your photos. They let you know that they are there.. and people are starting to get the idea that they are in fact surrounded by higher-frequency, higher-dimensional beings at all times.
Take the weight of the world off of your shoulders and just open up to receive that help that is coming from above, because it is always there, and you are worthy of receiving it. And help is coming to you from all the helpers from across this beautiful universe of ours.

New Energies Coming for the 2nd Half of 2024
You’ve been doing some purging to bring you to this point of readiness.
It may not always feel so good. Furthermore, you may not understand why it is happening, but in a variety of ways you take on the new energies for the second half of 2024.
These energies are about catapulting you into new experiences, new abilities and gifts, and more e.t. contact.
Ask for all of your helpers, higher selves and spirit guides in the astral plane… to assist you in acclimating to the new energies that are propelling you into this new time for humanity.
Do not rush to the conclusion that something is going wrong. All is moving you towards the completion of the shift. Reassure others, help them to breathe through whatever experience they are having of discomfort and purging.

Everything you want and like already is, and there is no real separation between you and it, in that realization, you will know that you are choosing more of what you like by focusing on it and that it is with that type of ease that you are meant to create your reality and create a world that you like living in. And you really do like what you like for your own reasons, reasons that do align with your purpose for being on Earth at this time.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


June 16th 2024
Creating Ripples.. in & beyond Space-Time

How Much Power Do You as a Human Have? ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You are supremely powerful in your use of your discernment. You get to decide using your power of free will.
You have the power to breathe consciously. You have the power to connect with those that you feel in high resonance with... to choose how you want to feel.
- to be grounded, you have the power to be present, and to be heart centered... to emit a vibration of your choosing... to reach out to someone that you can help or who might be able to help you... to open yourselves up to receive from nonphysical beings .. to absorb the warmth of your sun. You have the power to connect to the core of Mother Earth.
You have the power to observe, learn, appreciate... to rest when you need it, and you are awake to the truth that you are Source Energy in the flesh.
You have the freedom to follow your feelings, and that too is a power... to tune in to your guides, to your higher self and your soul.. always dwelling within you.. you get to choose... as the Beings of love and light that you are. ~ St. Germain

Removing Your Stuck & Blocked Energy ~ The Creators
You get to have new experiences after the acceptance of the experiences that you are having. When you deem them all to be okay by your standards, then you get to have a set of new ones. And yes, your preferences matter.
Or you may hold a belief that says,: ‘I am not worthy of that.’ ‘It is not possible... those are your stumbling blocks to living a life that is more to your liking. Put your preferences out there to the universe.. instead of focusing on your resistance to what you don’t want.
Facing your fears means deconstructing the beliefs behind the fears. It is important for you to be able to clear your own path to what it is that you want to experience, and you have all of the ability within yourself to do just that.

Who You Human Beings of Earth Really Are ~ The Andromedan
Your sense of self is changing rapidly beginning to operate as your true self as soon as you decide to do so.
Anything that gets you to go within and feel for the truth of who you are is a blessing. You may feel like your fatigue is a curse, but if it slows you down enough to get you to go within and feel for who you really are, then it was and is a blessing in disguise.
When we talk about who you truly are, we are talking about the infinite, eternal you that is unconditional love... the physical reality is in fact designed to get you to know yourself as a Source Energy Being but through experiences.
Sometimes being a hero simply means smiling at a stranger as you pass them on the street or asking the cashier how their day is going.
You get to know yourself as a Source Energy Being in the flesh, and that is an exciting experience and one that you knew would be worth all of the pain that you would experience there in your physical lives. And we know that you will all answer the call, because you understand now more than ever how good you feel when you do.

Do This Every Day & Reap the New Energies ~ The Creators.
The energies upon you now are moving much more quickly than they were just one, two, or five years ago. You don’t know who you are and what you are capable of right now, because you have never been this version of you before, and you have never experienced this version of fourth-dimensional Earth before. It is new territory for all of you.
Reach out from beyond your physical body and into your field to sense what is there. Open up at your crown chakra to let in some of what you have asked for . It will help you to determine whether you now have access to more of your spiritual gifts and abilities.
You are growing no matter what and no matter how it might seem to you. Feel for the energies and those of you who are more sensitive, these are so natural to you to feel and to notice. Let go of your beliefs about yourself and open up to the new possibilities that are upon you today that were not yesterday, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Nothing is More Important than This
You get to determine how you feel.. what you are getting and not getting in your lives, because your vibration is everything.
You have a vibration that is unique to you. You are energy that is vibrating. You are meant to be more conscious, more aware of what you are vibrating, what your are feeling, what you are thinking, what you are focusing upon, and that is why it must be reflected back to you as your life.
You always get to decide how you look at your life circumstances as well, and how you look at them will also determine how you are vibrating in that moment. Every moment contains within it a choice, and you can choose what you’re focusing on and how you’re focusing upon it, and that will change your life because it will change your vibration.
You are meant to have access to all of the vibrations so that you can make an informed choice. Sometimes there is a beauty to sadness, and sometimes it is appropriate to be angry. Sometimes fear serves you. So are you meant to avoid all of these lower-vibrational emotions all the time? Well, you already know the answer.
But you are also meant to notice how these emotions feel to you, and therefore how you are vibrating, so that you will make a course correction.

If You’re Waiting for Ships to Land, Do This
How significant it is for all of you to be in those physical bodies... you are there to ground in higher-frequency energies for the collective of humanity and for this entire universe.
There is something about the physical reality there on Earth that you can appreciate, love, get exited about. And in so doing, you offer yourselves up as conduits for higher-frequency, nonphysical energy that is coming from the higher-dimensional planes. So you see, even following your bliss is an act of service. Find something about living your life on Earth at this time that is enjoyable to you in order to be of greatest service.
Stop looking at what is wrong with life on Earth at this time so that you have the time and the energy to put towards those things that truly do light you up and give you a reason to get out .. you have such a variety of choices available to you in every day.
You don’t need to wait for anything to happen in order to be your fifth-dimensional self right now, and you can live a life on Earth that not only contributes to the higher-frequency energies that the human collective consciousness needs so much, but it can also be a life that inspires others. Not ones who are just waiting for the next prediction about what’s going to happen and when. Get out and connect with Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and other humans, and we suggest that you don’t wait around for anything at all to happen before you do.

The Awakened Collective & Ground Crew
Lately the requests that we have been getting from all of you revolve mostly around living in a world that is peaceful and around living in a world where people can prosper, where people can live harmoniously and thrive.
You are there to grow, expand, evolve, and help others to do the same. You are there to eventually ascend, and we are here to help.
We are helping right now by working with the Earth’s gridlines. There is a lot that still needs to be brought into the physical Earth environment, and you are opening yourselves up to us and to the help that we can provide.
We see the Awakened Collective stepping up to be those grid-workers... and you go beyond where you have ever been before in a physical life there on Earth.
This is meant to be fun, joyful, playful, and you are all leading the way with your hearts wide open, and with your thoughts on co-creating the new Earth, one that creates the space for everyone to be able to live lives of freedom and excitement.

Will You Be Channeled by Someone Else? ~ St. Germain
You have the ability right now to be of service to others in so many ways, and you will love that experience of paying it forward... you don’t have to understand how you are of service to another. You can simply intend for the person to be healed, or to be living a better life, and that is enough.
Remember that they have their own guides, their galactic teams, their ancestors... so many who are already looking after them, and so you can hold space for the individual. See them opening up to receive what is coming to them from all angles and all dimensions.
Then you can do the same for you. Simply sit and open up to the attunements and upgrades... and let go of your belief that there is something you need to do in order to earn those abilities.
You are of great service any time that you even desire for someone else to live a better life... like ripples across the surface of a pond, and know that your intentions matter.

Buckle Up for the Solstice Energies
With a solstice comes a greater expectation for change. It is through your expectation that you are capable of receiving more... even if others are not looking at you or hearing about what you’ve done and that is because you are part of a collective consciousness. Now, you can also receive by kicking back and relaxing.
The hard part is over. Just allow that sense of self to rise up to the surface, and you will experience yourselves as you want to be, rather than as you have been... buckle up, but also to relax, as you have these wonderful solstice energies coming your way... you are destined to do so, and you might as well do so consciously.

Whether you Admit it or Not, You’re Doing This ~ The Creators
You are progressing vibrationally, even if your life circumstances have not gotten significantly better over the years. You are still spiritually awake, even though it has not necessarily worked in the way you would have hoped. That means you have faith, and that means you can trust.
Your faith gives you that sense of being awake, that sense of empowerment through choice... and you can go live your lives as the high-vibrational being that you truly are... and as a Source Energy Being, you are a creator.
You may not see and experience everything that you have already created right now, and that’s okay because you want to have things to anticipate, to look forward to. Appreciate every aspect of it.
You are there to hold that higher-vibrational state of being, even when life isn’t perfect on planet Earth. You get to decide how you look at those things and how you view yourself and your life.

Now is the Perfect Time on Earth to Do This ~ Thymus
The significance of you being there at this time… is because you saw the opportunities that were so huge for your transformation and spiritual evolution.
And all you need to do is let go of control over your life, to orchestrate everything and to make everything the way you think it should be. And in that letting go, you will see more of the world outside of you transforming to meet you where you now are.
Letting everyone else be exactly where they are and accepting that everyone is exactly where they need to be on their journey at this time... and then you will move past this idea of separation that you have going there on Earth at this time.
You can transcend the us-versus-them mentality letting go of any ideas you have of where you should be as a master, as a teacher in the evolution of consciousness.
Let things unfold, and be patient. Be at one with the moment you are in, and feel yourself transforming in that moment. You always knew that you would be one of the ones on the leading edge to assist the rest of humankind in making this enormous leap forward in spiritual evolution.
Simply let go, surrender, and you will transform and show others the way that you have discovered to the inner peace, the inner sanctum, the realm within you that contains everything and all vibrations.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


June 2sd 2024
Rising, Integrating and Expanding

How to access Higher-Frequency Energies ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Try to determine who is getting in the way of your alignment, your ascension, your expansion. Lowering your resistance will get you beyond the third dimension, the what has been all about us versus them.
You are ready to move beyond that, and now is the time... let yourselves be carried quite naturally into the higher-dimensional plains of existence... you will also be in greater harmony with those like us in the higher realms.
When you are wondering what you should do with your life, simply set that intention to open up and fill yourselves up with energies from the higher-dimensional planes.
Come to this practice from an already good-feeling place.. so do what you need to do to get yourself in a higher vibration... you know what puts a smile on your face. Maybe it’s listening to music, playing with your dog, or looking up at the clouds in the sky.
And then from that place, you are wearing higher-vibrational armor. You don’t have to worry about beings or energies coming up to get you because they can’t. They must exist in their lower-vibrational state, and you in your higher-vibrational state are out of reach. And you in your higher-vibrational state are more likely to then receive from higher-dimensional planes.
So many of you want to anchor in higher-frequency energies for the rest of humanity... and know that when you feel better, you spread that better-feeling energy around.
Everything that you do can be an act of service when it is infused with higher-frequency energy. See where is takes you.

Your Self-Worth & How It Is Determined ~ Thymus
You are the Divine that is expanding out in all directions, and never really measure your worth by looking at how much you have or how much you’ve accomplished.
Feel for your true worth, your infinite and eternal nature, and you do this by going beyond this singular lifetime... by reaching within your heart center and finding the soul that you are within that very center point of your being-ness. Feel for yourself as infinite, eternal and expanding all at once, and let that be a way for you of measuring yourself.
Let yourself dream as big as you feel yourself to be, and go beyond the limitations of your third and fourth dimensions. You are there to break free from those bubbles that you have placed yourselves in. It is only through introspection, going within, feeling for who you really are, that you begin to get a taste of the Divine.
Allow that then to radiate out in all directions, and you will be serving yourself and others.
You are on Earth to experience the physical realm as the truth of who you are.

Blueprint to the New Earth
You don’t have to wait until the full disclosures ... don’t wait to have full access to your spiritual gifts and abilities. You just have to care enough about how you feel to focus on that Earth and that society that you all have co-created together. It’s available to those who care enough about how they feel to focus on their vibration, rather than on what’s wrong.
By being able to send healing and compassion to all who are involved, and then focus on the Earth and the version of the human collective that is what you want to harmonize with vibrationally.
We know all of this is easier said than done, but that is the blueprint, that is the map that gets you to the new Earth you have all co-created.

A Simple Exercise to Master Your Mind ~ St. Germain
Allow your mind to be the observer of the wandering mind.. and be curious about where your focus tends to go.
You may discover that you are focusing in that way because of habit, because of societal programming... Letting go of the old and accessing the new means first acknowledging that the old is there and that it needs to be released.
By being more consciously aware of your thoughts, you can lovingly let them go. You have the ability to do this, because you are supported by energies that are encouraging you to go to new higher-vibrational state.
You are ready to access streams of consciousness that were not available to you just a few years ago…now you can go higher than where you have been.

The Transformations Between Now & 2025
Mother Earth has been expanding your capabilities in terms of what you can receive from the higher realms... helping you to cleanse and clear out those root chakras with pulses that are sent up from her core.
You are meant to experience this shift in consciousness and you are getting an upgrade by doing some clearing.
You are going through a healing event and now unlearning worrisome tendencies that have been thrust upon you by those who came before you... even when they were well meaning.
But you can relax because you are meant to thrive ultimately your transition into the fifth-dimensional frequency range. Your guides are helping by opening up your crown chakras and by recalibrating your energy fields.

How We Can Answer Your Prayers ~ The 12D Creators
There is much you would like to see happening on Earth that isn’t, and while we cannot make anything happen in your reality, we certainly can set wheels in motion energetically for you. You are getting an energetic response that sets wheels into motion... no one can make something happen in your reality without your agreement.
Your agreement can come at the mental level, but it also must come vibrationally. You must be a match to that which you seek. You do not have to figure out what the right frequency is in order to bring it about. But rather, we suggest that you relax into the feeling of it as best you can.
Have faith and know that all you desire is on its way to you. When you are in that level of relaxation, you are in the mode of having your prayers answered. If you are in doubt or in fear, you are less likely to receive and then believe in your ability to rise up to the level of consciousness that is a match to what you have asked for. You are co-creators in all of this.
What you are living is important, and you are big factors in the reality creation equation... but know that we cannot simply override your vibration. Recognize that you have help on the other side and by that which is non-physical... serves you. and so we will also always encourage you to believe in yourselves and in your abilities.

Know Yourself as the Christ Consciousness ~ Thymus.
You are so much more than the physical body.
We invite you to feel for the lack of separation that exists between that which we are and that which you are right now. And when you feel those walls coming down and you align with our vibration, it then becomes much easier for you to align with one of your fellow human beings.
It is a part of your spiritual evolution to open up in a state of oneness to all that is around you... See yourself as more than just a physical body or a name with a personality. It is easier for you to start that process with your guides, with your galactic team and it all starts by you simply no longer seeing yourself as distant from us.
We are together with you right now, dwelling within the cells of your body, and we invite you to our energy. .. then you become closer to your higher self.
You will see yourself as being more whole, more complete.. see the expansion of yourself into a higher nonphysical energy... there is so much beauty in merging the nonphysical and the higher dimensional with the physical and with the experiences that you have available to you on Earth right now.

Physical & Nonphysical E.T.s & First Contact
Some of us don't have physical bodies, nor do we have ships that we can land on Earth. and we can support in ways that far outweighs anything we could do for you in the physical realm.
Some of you feel that things are so unfair there on Earth that our teachings are a little too woo-woo, a little too much like a fairy tale, but that’s just because you don’t know how powerful you are... you could look more to yourself to be the one to release humanity from bondage, and no need to be seen as gods and saviors. They want you to see them as equals. They want you to recognize that you have as much to share with them as they do with you.
Seek inner peace, balance, compassion, and unconditional love within yourself, and do so joyously to raise your level of consciousness to the point where you are even ready to stand face-to-face with one of these higher-vibrational beings that you will see as your friends and colleagues when they do land.
It has always been about the light choosing to be the light in spite of the presence of the dark, and therefore integrating the dark within and assisting the dark out there to see the light within them.You can do it right now and change everything.

The Place of Ultimate Power
Even though your ascension is assured, you still are deciding how you are going to do it.
You are there to integrate, and you are integrating that which you have previously condemned so that you can see everyone and everything as part of one Whole Being. That being is Source, and when you are loving as Source, you are able to see everything as Source. When you are thinking and acting as human, you want to judge and separate, and then you get more of the same reality that you’ve been getting.

The Most Satisfying Experience You Can Have in a Body ~ Thymus
You are ready to toss aside the consciousness of the old self, the limited self, to move beyond that now, to embody more of your Divine self in the physical. Ask yourself : ‘How would Source experience this?’ - ‘How does Source see this person?’ ... ask because you want to hold that same perspective.
See where there is room for you to grow in the way that you are perceiving yourself, your world, and the others with which you interact.
You do find that your life circumstances change, but you don’t care as much about creating a perfect life because you are too busy cultivating the new earth of Heaven that is within you.
That is within you because we know that cultivating that inner space is what will be the most satisfying experience you can have while in a physical body.

What the June 2024 Energies Will Bring ~ The Andromedan
The June energies are going to be about helping you to know yourselves more as energetic beings, or your vibrational signature.
And that self, your soul, is responsible for the upgrades and activations that you do get… it is the truth that you will be able to feel yourself more fully.. because of the amplifications coming from your soul.
You best prepare for the energies of your self, your true self, that are coming... by grounding in your body, getting plenty of rest and hydrating... by meditating or spending time in nature.
It is time to know yourself in a feelings-based way as much more than just your human self… via these bursts of energy coming from your soul.
We will be supporting you through this transition to open up more to these energetic blasts… and to share those experiences with others to let them know what is possible for them. Pay attention to all that is happening to everyone there on Earth, as this is a universal ascension.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


May 17th 2024
Let the sunshine in... on our galactic essence & State of Being

If You Want to Solve the Game ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
What all oppressors do is they give you all an opportunity to be love in the face of their oppression. Their malevolence must be met with beams of love, compassion, and forgiveness in order for you to move to the next level of the game. The more you fight, the more oppressors will rise up to be fought. The more you love, forgive, and have compassion for them, the more of them will change... that monumental change within you that changes everything outside of you. Now, about the innocents what is going to happen to them if we don’t fight. When you change yourself, you change everything, including the number of people being oppressed in your reality. So if you really want to free those who are enslaved, you must change, because you are creating all of this, you give yourselves the greatest number of opportunities to grow, to evolve.
When you see someone who is spewing hate, bigotry, racism, and has all kinds of agendas to separate people from one another, you must respond to that person with love because they will not just go away once you point out all of their flaws. Be the one who says, I will choose love over fear.. no matter who they are, what they have done.. then you will get to go to the next level. Then you will have solved the puzzle. And sometimes it is you that you need to forgive. You are always helping yourself whenever you offer love to someone else, someone who is in great need of that love. And it will have a domino effect. You will be love in the face of whatever they are offering, and you will level yourself up, eventually finding yourself standing in the fifth dimension.

Do This & Everything Will Change (for the Better)
It benefits you so much to accept, to make peace with whatever it is you want to express to another person, and then to express it from that place of peace within yourself.
There are so many advantages to opening up, including the fact that you will be preparing yourselves for the fifth dimension, where you too will all be telepathic, and there will be no hiding of anything from anyone.
It will then allow you to feel the way that you want to feel and therefore manifest what you want to manifest in your life... Give everyone the chance to do the same, and you will enjoy the company of your loved ones so much more when you do.

The New Age on Earth & What It Means ~ Thymus
As a collective, you are ascending, and those of you who are awake want to help the rest of your collective to ascend with greater ease and with an awareness of what is happening.
They will come at their own pace and in their own way, and you will not always understand the ways... trust in the value of their experience to the whole.
Only that which serves all of humanity can exist there on Earth, it is up to you as awakened ones to see how it serves humanity to go through the trials and tribulations of your time.
You are there to bring more light and more love to the darkness. You are never there to simply point out the darkness and condemn it. It is all a part of you because you are your collective… when you are able to see beyond the atrocities and the injustices.
When you are able to see the bigger picture, you join us in our vibration and you hold that trust and that knowing that all is well with humanity.
We are all headed home to the state of oneness with Source, and every step we take consciously aware of that is a step that we take in joy.

When Will The Shift Be Complete?
So many of you are expecting a better future for humanity, and we know that you are because you believe in the shift in consciousness. You are simply meant to experience the ride, the journey, and the steps forward that you take in your spiritual evolution.
As incremental movements forward in your consciousness... you want to experience the slow and deliberate path to the fifth dimension. You are faced with choices all the time that are about you either clinging to some aspect of the third dimension, or letting go and letting yourself rise up to a fifth-dimensional level of consciousness…. as you become the next highest version of yourself on this path, there are way more than two Earths already.
If you see the completion of the shift as something that is inevitable and something that you are there to enjoy, then you can let go of your timeframes, and just be in the present moment with this version of you that’s being given yet another opportunity to evolve.
So also do not be in such a hurry to go home. Bring Heaven to Earth. Bring your galactic energies down into the physical realm and into your bodies and feel yourselves expanding as you do, and you will be your fifth-dimensional selves right now, and you will show others the way.

When You See a UFO or E.T., This Happens
You all have a history in this galaxy of ours, and you have played many different roles and most of you in many different star systems... and that you have been many other things besides a human dwelling on planet Earth. You have been quite exalted in other experiences, and have known yourselves as having abilities, gifts, powers that go far beyond what you are seeing on Earth at this time.
You can sense that things were better in the Pleiadian star system or the Arcturian star system.. and you are there to bring those memories to light, to bring the heavens to Earth.
And so any time you have an encounter with a UFO or an e.t., it is to remind you of who you really are and to give you an activation... something to strive for, something to work towards, as you are there to make that shift, to complete the transition to the fifth dimension. .. that fifth-dimensional frequency and state of being, and we are very happy to be a part of that ride with you.

Being Truly Awake Means You Make This Choice
Something loud might get your attention for a moment, and then you might say to yourself, ‘I don’t need to focus on this,’ and you can consciously and deliberately put your attention somewhere else.
You may have heard of the truth that what you focus on expands, and it is also true that you become one with what you focus on because you start vibrating in harmony with it the moment you give it your attention... pay attention to what you want to see more of in your life and in your world.

Is Reality Broken?
If you put all of your energy and all of your attention on the one thing that is going right, you will shift more quickly into a reality that is more to your liking.... rather than you have often been taught to find the problem and fix it. The problem with that approach is that there will always be more problems to fix.. take a new approach, a better-feeling approach. Think of yourselves as artists, and everything that is in your reality right now is a different color on the color palette.
You have free will, and this is why you get to have so many different experiences. See yourselves as creators and not reactors.
You certainly are making progress towards knowing yourselves as Source. Source is the ultimate creator, and we are all going home to Source, taking whatever paths we decide we want to take. It is always best to create with love. Therefore, you must allow your reaction to be what it is, but if your reaction is to get angry, then that is not the time for you to be picking up your paint brush.
Allow your emotions to be what they are and just feel them. Move through them and let them move through you. The higher-frequency energies that are bombarding you right now there on planet Earth want to co-create with you. Feel for them inside, to be the best version of yourself that you can be, living in the best version of reality.

The Doorway to the New Earth
There are many reasons why you chose to incarnate… you are travelers, explorers, and adventurers and every place you have ever been to is serving you right now.
You are drawing from all of those experiences, all of those selves, all of those places, and you are co-creating an experience of harmony and peace on Earth, and you are doing it by experiencing the opposite of those things first.... not all experiences have been positive to say the least. But all of those possibilities needed to exist for every single soul to get a taste of what they wanted out of the Earth experience.
You are meant to transform, and when you do transform, you get to experience a new Earth, a different Earth, an Earth with less polarity, less trauma and tragedy, more unity, harmony, peace, love, joy, and excitement... and you will show others the way to the new Earth is through accepting, loving, and making peace with the current Earth you inhabit.
Everything was created on purpose and serves a greater purpose. And in the process of experiencing the Earth and the Earth experience as they are, you are at the same time co-creating the new Earth.
It is your mission to become your higher self, the self that sees all, knows all, accepts and loves all, and you are getting there gradually, experience by experience and moment of surrender by moment of surrender. You will know you are done with this Earth and this experience because you will love it all, and you will see everyone as Source, and then you will access the doorway to the fifth dimension and the new Earth, and that will be a glorious moment indeed.

Your Abundance of Power
You have never had as many activations and upgrades as you currently have... to bring yourselves into harmony with the new Earth and with the life that you desire to live.
Most people do not realize that their power truly lies in their ability to focus, to feel, to vibrate about the reality they want to experience.
It is time for you to step out of doubt, fear, anxiety, worry, and disbelief and tune in to the truth of who you are as everything, as all-that-is, as all-inclusive... it is so important to meditate, to go within, and to feel your feelings, because when you are willing to do those things, you will have the keys to the kingdom, and you will be able to create whatever you want.
This life is filled with possibilities, and you have more timelines available to you now than ever before because you know how to manage your thoughts and your feelings. So relax, tune in to your power, and feel for the energies and the beings around you that are supporting you. Know that there is so much more for you to live and to share .

What Happens Right Before Physical E.T. Contact
No one can convince someone of something that they are not open to changing their minds about. But for those of you who feel energy, you resonate with those of us in the higher realms who want to help.
It is possible to go beyond where most humans are living right now, and you are willing to reach out and up to us, even before we appear to you in some sort of form that you can see with your physical eyes. And instead of asking yourself whether or not that was real, ask yourself how you feel. Ask yourself whether what you received is beneficial to you, whether it serves or not. Use all of that as your criteria for whether you keep doing it.
You can trust your feelings, and also you can use your critical mind to deconstruct your doubt about whether something is real... more contact will be made with the nonphysical throughout this year to prepare you for contact with the physical. And those of you who are excited about e.t. contact can take those steps right now.

The Best Way to Start Your Day
You could not help but face these challenges at a time when the entire multiverse is ascending. We all live in a holographic universe. There is no separation, and every part contains the whole.
Turn your consciousness inward and find the love that you truly are in your heartspace, breathe into it, magnify it, and fill your whole body up with it.. and then go out in the world as love. You have the power, always, to activate it.. and it is what is needed more than anything else on planet Earth right now.

Progress Report: Is Humanity Still Ascending?
Humanity is in fact on the right track .. you are ascending!
And you don’t have to go out there and move all the pieces around so that they fit into place perfectly.
You are there to change you, and you are doing just that. People on Earth are shifting, evolving, and ascending, no matter how it might look. as you are the one who refuses to point fingers, choose sides, and get angry about what ‘they’ are doing.
They may not go along with what you are putting out there, but you will have planted a seed.
And you can change everything by looking at something differently.. what will change first is you.
You are ascending by letting go of all of your baggage and rising up to a higher level of awareness. But first, you will impact your internal world by letting go of fear, resistance and judgment, by letting go of resentment, anger, and anxiety. You have had those experiences already, and you are ready to let them go, and now is the time.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


May 3rd 2024
A Walk in Nature, a Meditation, a Love feeling... Interstellar steps

Time to Claim Your Power ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Everything you’ve experienced, was orchestrated by you and all others who were involved to give you certain experiences... for everyone to come to the decision that they want to release that which is heavy, that which has been holding them back.
You then have a choice about whether you are going to continue to see yourself as a victim, or whether you can accept yourself as a co-creator. Forgiveness is freeing, liberating, and it allows you to start anew in your life. When you are starting fresh without all of that trauma and all of those wounds, imagine what you can become.You are then putting yourself in a position where you can create such a beautiful life for yourself and all others who are a part of your life.
You are eternal and infinite beings who existed before this incarnation and who will continue to exist forever and ever more.

Come Together as Lightworkers & Receive More from Above
Take that weight of the world off of your shoulders deliberately and consciously, and tell yourself that you don’t have to do everything.
You can receive a download that assists you with your spiritual gifts from a version of your soul that existed thousands of years ago... you don’t have to reinvent the wheel... but you are also there to change the way that you go about doing things, accomplishing things and receiving what it is that you want.
Start to go down the path of self-reflection that will absolutely help you to identify the ways you may be limiting yourselves and using a very narrow-minded approach to your life’s circumstances and the things you want to change within it. Relax and remember that you have soul family members in physical form that you have not met yet in this lifetime. Know that the number of helpers you have around you is far greater than you probably think it is, and realize that so much is already in motion.

This is the Place You Are All Moving Towards
You ask yourselves to do the impossible and be perfect so that you may ascend into a higher dimension. We suggest that you all take it easy on yourselves. See yourselves as being perfect and on a journey.
You will not be able to avoid hurting someone else’s feelings from time to time. These things happen, and they are meant to happen because you are not there to have a perfect journey by your standards or anyone else’s.
You are there to get closer to one another because of your fights and disagreements... give up the idea that you are supposed to be something other than what you are. And when you can accept yourselves as you are, you can accept everyone else as well. Let everyone else off the hook for not being perfect as well.
When you see everything as perfect as it is, even though it might look like a mess, then you are starting to see the world and each other as we see you.
You are a puzzle piece that is completing the puzzle of this universe, and also completing the puzzle that is Source Energy.
We are not here to tell you what to do.. we are here to help you discover what is within yourselves to help you forgive, love, heal and have compassion.
You knew that people would disagree with people, and that it would then become your task to love them anyway and see the Source Energy within them, and that is your task at this time, no matter who you are or who you’ve been.

What Will Humanity Access Next? ~ The 12D Creators.
If you spend just a little bit of your time throughout your day relaxing and rooting around inside yourselves, you will find that you have answers, you have gifts, you have so much more to express through yourself, and the world is waiting for what it is that you have to offer.
What you desire is a state of being.
Everything that you could possibly experience from something happening outside of you is available to you right now inside of you, and you get there by focusing within and feeling for what it is that you have always sought.
Nothing is ever taken from you by first acknowledging that everything already exists within you... and you are honing those abilities right now by making it necessary for yourselves to do this work before you will have something that you can hold in your hands in the physical realm.
Beyond manifestation there is a satisfaction in knowing that you can bring yourself into a feeling state... simply by going within and tuning yourself to that vibration.
You always intended to be in this beautiful lifetime of ascension. You have awakened, to everything inside of you and it’s just waiting for you to unpack it.

Are You Very Awake?
That soul still wants to have that experience, and has not awakened within the dream yet in order to give itself that particular human experience that can only be had in the asleep state.
Do not worry about them, because everyone will be all right, and everyone’s soul has experiences planned for them that will awaken them. Once you have had certain experiences enough, and you have gotten everything that you needed, then there is no point in continuing to have the experience.
And it is good for you to release them by allowing yourselves to feel those energies, those emotions, moving thru you... then, you can start to make decisions about the types of people you do want to associate with and the types of people you do want to be around.

Awakened Collective: Answer the Call
The importance of you being there, is not about fitting in. It is about taking the bold steps forward out of the ordinary… for something that is unique, and when you do tend to follow your heart.
You are moving beyond that traditional life because this is the lifetime of ascension for you and for all of us in the universe. Yes sometimes you may have to face fears and think outside of the box in order to follow through with your passions, with your dreams.
You are meant to express yourselves in all the ways that you can and to share with others who and what you really are. Follow your inner calling .. because that is how you all set it up, and it was a good plan, and it still is.

The Teachers to Follow When We’re Not Around
The experience of so much joy is something that you all have to look forward to as you continue on with your ascension, your ascension doesn’t have to be serious business. Of course, there are serious things happening on Earth, and you cannot avoid hearing about them. But you are there to be the light in the face of the darkness, and as you seek the lighthearted approach, you find yourself then becoming a match to lighter and better-feeling news.. aligning with a reality where there is less darkness.
What you vibrate will determine what you experience. And many who do want spirituality to be less serious and more fun.
The only thing you ever need protection from is your own vibration, and you have complete control over that.
You will not be missing out on any of those opportunities, but you always have that option of creating more opportunities to experience yourself as a lighthearted being of joy, love, and laughter.

What Is Present on Earth at This Time ~ The Andromedan
The plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms are very receptive to higher-frequency energies, and we are offering those energies all the time. We encourage you to get outside and commune with nature because we know that it is operating at a higher vibration than most of you are most of the time. Now, you do have the capacity to go very high in terms of your vibration and what you can connect to in the nonphysical.
When you un-complicate it all and you get focused on receiving from what it is all around you and above you and within you, that’s when you start to get a glimpse of what it is like to be one with all, to be in a state of enlightenment. We continue to use the planet that you are traveling through space on as a means of anchoring in our higher-frequency streams.
By being outside, connecting to a tree, or a deer, you get grounded into your bodies and you can feel the shifts that occur within you when you connect to these beautiful beings, you will know that everything you need is contained in that moment… and that they share their light with you.
The crystals also fall into that category of the mineral kingdom, they too are containing lots of energy and a higher consciousness. You are surrounded by beings there on Earth who already have connected to higher consciousness and extra-terrestrial beings, and you benefit so much by their presence in your lives.

The New & Different World That’s Coming
You are amidst wonderful energies of change, meant to stimulate the new.. bringing to fruition something that you would like to experience that goes beyond that which is traditional.
You get to create the different world, the new world that you want to experience... to see in your experience that is different from what you have been experiencing. If you don’t believe, then focus on something that you do believe is possible, so that you can demonstrate to yourself that you are in fact a conscious and deliberate creator of your reality.
And you have helpers like us, and we are looking out for all of humankind. Now, you also have the ability to change everything by changing a single thought, you will then feel more in alignment with that new world that you want to see.
Don’t wait for ships to land or governments to crumble.. let the change begin with you... change your thought about something, someone.. that will help you move past the old ways and move into the new world that you and others like you have been co-creating… feel your resonance with that which you desire. Your guides know it, your higher selves know it, and it is time for you to know it as well.

The Magic Trick You Are Currently Pulling Off
It really is quite challenging to be there on planet Earth and to be able to know oneself as separate from Source. Remember that in truth each person is their soul, and the soul never left... the truth of who you are as your Soul has never left Source, and you are experiencing the illusion of what it would be like to do so. You may feel it as energy blockage but… you cannot un-expand because it is an ascension for the entire universe and everyone and everything within it. If you feel that you are stagnant.. ask yourself what you are resisting. And then you will get the easy answer as to how you can go with the flow a bit more with acceptance, which will lead to compassion, and finally to unconditional love, which is who you really are. That is the home base that you seek.~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



April 6th 2024
The Chrysalis & morphosis of our Lives

How the Number of Asleep Souls Serves You ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You are being given more high-frequency energy to play with because you have shown an ability to handle it... and to use it for the purposes of adding something very wonderful to the collective. And even more energies because you are still surrounded by so many who do not understand that these energies exist and are being given to them at all times.
It is also a time for you to expect more coming for all of humanity, and as those who are awake get to experience it first.

Big Things Are Happening on Earth ~ The Andromedan Council
Realize you get to determine with your choice how something is going to affect you and what you’re going to do with it. If it is something that offers you the opportunity to step into your power more, then use it. If it is something that feels disempowering to you, then analyze that.
Go deeper within yourself, and ask yourself why. Why this event that’s happening outside of you is disempowering you? Because you will come to some wonderful realizations when you do that, and you need to know how powerful you are. Remember that when you change your perspective on something, you change it, and that happens quite literally whether you’re doing it consciously or not.
Only give something power that is outside of you if you believe it is helping you in some way, and you can have more positive aspects of life there on Earth to assist you on your journey.

A Massive Wave of Eclipse Energies
You can do what you will with those energies, because you have free will and because you are creator beings.
Experience the motion, the evolution, and the expansion. And those of you who are doing it consciously are joyously riding the waves.
If you are more negatively oriented, you will go to the place of fear. The choice is yours… or It is through the merging of the nonphysical with the physical that you get the desired results

The Awakened Ones Are Meant to Do This ~The 12D Creators
There are countless reasons why you have that interaction with that other person, but nothing you ever do or say defines you. Go easy on yourselves when you do find yourselves slipping up, going into the dark places, and coming out not looking so shiny and new. You can always dust yourselves off, forgive yourselves, and ask others to forgive you.
You can also be less judgmental... sometimes someone is just having a really bad day.
Be kind and gentle with yourselves and do not take any of this too seriously... you who are there to bring out the best in your fellow humans. You are there to go beyond where you have been before, and you can do so consciously and deliberately without knowing exactly what it is you are moving towards in each and every moment.

The Real Reason for the Spike in Humanity’s Vibration ~Thymus
… is when any one of you maintains your vibration in the face of some sort of adversity. Like a disagreement with another person, or just a disappointment that you are facing. Whatever it is, if you are able to maintain a higher vibration in spite of conditions, you are making gigantic progress and you are contributing to the progress of all of your fellow humans.
How you are reacting and responding to what is happening in your world, because you do have this ability to experiences it at a higher vibration than the circumstances would generally call for. That’s your strength.
It is your ability to be your higher self in the face of which could potentially pull you down into that lower vibrational state.
And the only way you’re going to have those experiences of that higher consciousness is through experiencing those lower-vibrational circumstances. Anything can be seen through a more positive lens, and it can be given spiritual significance. Find the meaning in everything that you are experiencing or witnessing, and then you can grow from it.

What These Challenging Times of Transition Are About
Your challenges are coming to you because you, as the soul that you are, knows exactly what challenges are going to get the most out of you. Giving you the biggest opportunities for expansion. You are there to recognize as Source Energy Beings, this recognition doesn’t bring you to that highest of the high points all at once.
You are becoming your true self, you can grow more consciously into the more expanded you ... you get to experience what it is like to move from where you have been to where you are going. So if you expand out in all directions, obviously there is more of you to know and to experience.
Because you are sentient beings, you get to have the experience of knowing thyself, as Source Energy. So these challenges you place before you are for the purposes of getting you to know who and what you really are, more than just as a concept, or a belief, or an idea.
As you accept all challenges in your lives as your creation, and as being there to get more out of you, then they suddenly they don’t look so terrible. They don’t look like something someone out there is doing to you in order to oppress you.
Bless everyone who has ever been a part of your experience, whether they are known to you and by you or not. It is the eternal expansion of Source Energy that this is all about, and it will always be about that for all of us within this universe and beyond.

Going Where No Other Human Has Gone Before
Those who break the mold so to speak do so because they feel the itch within them. .. you are feeling ready to move beyond where the rest of humanity is and this itch doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. It can feel like a calling; it can feel like a warm, loving sensation that is inviting you towards a particular endeavor.
Everything matters; every moment is an opportunity to be more of who you are, and when seizing those moments you're making the biggest difference there on Earth... are giving yourselves an opportunity to be more of who you are.
rdYou have the ability to take something that seems like an insurmountable challenge and turn it into a fun, joyous experience, that’s when you know you have attained mastery. Take something that looks difficult and you turn it into something that is easy. You are ready to make the quantum leaps that are possible for all of you, and this calling will get louder.
As you make a commitment to yourself to be who you really are, all blockages melt away. All obstacles suddenly become helpers. You are exercising that free will in the most positive way possible, and going beyond where any other human has gone before.
Determine what is best for you and then follow that thread. Keep listening to your feelings and heart, and you will always be on the right path for you. Trust that you will be guided to what is easier.

Are You Harming Your Soul? ~Thymus
Your souls are who you really are. They are your truth, your essence, and they are aspects of Source/God/All-That-Is. Now, who you are pretending to be in your physical body doesn’t always hold that knowing.
The goal is to know themselves as they truly are while masquerading around in their physical meat-suit. That is how you live the best of both worlds. Who you really are in spite of the challenges.
The worst of what you are doing when you are not being your true, whole self is that you have what you would call a negative emotion. You can learn from it, and you can grow from it... and recognize that there is something that you want to change .
Be easy on yourselves; you have to forgive yourselves in order to move past the false, limited self that you’ve created for an experience.
Your soul and Source have never judged you. Not once. But you tend to judge yourselves, and it’s one of the things that you’re letting go of. Choose who you want to be and how you want to feel, and live happily ever after.

Simple Steps for Ascending Easily & Joyously ~The 12D Creators,
You are becoming your higher selves more and more every single day. Your evolution is a very natural process... relax and go easy on yourselves... don’t take all of this so seriously, play more, and go with the flowg.
Most of the work you have to do there on Earth involves letting go of that which you have become attached to... in your beliefs and judgments. Go with the expansion, by letting go of that which is heavy that which is dark.
That which you judge will continue to show up until you let go of that judgment. That which you resist will continue to find its way into your experience until you drop that resistance.
You don’t have to work on climbing the rungs of the ladder every single day... follow your bliss, listen to your heart.
Remove your thorns lovingly and send it on its way, as you know the thorn has its own process of evolution.

Receiving More from the Pleiadians, Sirians & Us
Because you have included us in so much of what you think and what you believe, we can be more powerful contributors in your experience.
Collectives like us throughout this universe want to assist.
Know that the upgrades and activations that are coming to you at this time are all about making you better receptors of the help that you are receiving. It can bounce off of you if you are not welcoming it in. It can also be too much energy for your bodies to handle. And so, you are getting upgrades to be able to handle all the help that is coming from all of us... as significant you are in the unfoldment of the shift in consciousness that is happening all throughout this universe.
Be better receivers, better receptors physically, emotionally, and energetically, of all that is available to you. What you want to awaken to is just how worthy you are of receiving all that is coming to you from above.

Our Mission, Your Purpose & Source’s Desire
It is our mission to transform consciousness into its more natural state... yet we also are very relaxed about the whole thing. Everyone is where they are spiritually, and that particular experience they are having is a necessary component of Source’s experience of Itself. And so, if a consciousness is not ready to transform back into its natural state of oneness, love and peace, we simply allow that being to continue.
You can allow everyone to be right where they are and still live your life in joy... even sadness is in service to Source. That is why when you accept something and go with the flow, you are living your purpose; you are allowing for the service to Source to continue.
Don’t worry about the state of the world or anyone in it. You can do that from a place of love and compassion, but you are not meant to fix a broken world, and not everyone would receive the healing that you offered, even if you were able to walk up to every other human and offer a healing.
So you might as well do what you feel called to do, and know that the call is coming from Source. You are meant to be unique. Your interests are no accident, and you can trust that every soul is transforming. Letting go of the egoic pursuits is something that not everyone even wants, yet to let go of your egoic pursuits is the challenge that you face as someone who has already recognized who you really are as a Source Energy Being.
Your lives have been about merging the experiences of that which is God and that which is human, that which is nonphysical and that which is physical. And you will create the best of both worlds because you will continue to align with a version of reality where others are doing the same. Relax into the unity consciousness that is always present and is always inevitable for all of us to experience in this beautiful universe of ours.

Have You Already Ascended to 5D? ~The 12D Creators
If you put your attention on that which naturally raises your vibration, you will perhaps find that it is easier for you to stay in a higher vibration all the time.
You can remind yourselves of how good you feel when you do certain things, when you listen to certain things, when you watch certain things, and you can make a mental note of which things are bringing you into that higher-vibrational state.
You can find that alignment by being with the people that you love and laughing.
Keep focus on that which reminds you of who you really are, and gently and lovingly turn away from that which does not, and you will find yourself operating in a fifth-dimensional frequency state.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



April 6th 2024
A Eclipse to nudge you into a Higher-Vibrational State

We Access Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities ~ The Andromedan
Follow the flow of the good feelings in order to experience more good-feeling things out there in your reality. Think about a child that has fun playing with a stick, or a box, or a rock, and you will see what is possible for you in your life. You can just as easily be satisfied with your ability to breathe consciously as you can be by some spiritual gift or ability that you haven’t accessed yet.
It may be simple, but it is profound and it can be life altering. And the more you do it, the more you will discover in terms of what is possible for you... if you trust that all it takes… is for you to keep going.
Just tune in to what’s going on in your heart.. everything that you want is contained within that space, and we know that each and every one of you has the ability to focus there, but you have to demonstrate it to yourselves first.

Is Your Technology Taking You to 5D?
You can use technology to connect with one another.. to access information, and share aspects of yourself to the world. You can be very creative with it. Those of you who are truly awake are using technology in these positive ways. Like anything, it is fundamentally neutral, and it can be used in a positive way, but it can also be over-used, abused.
And do not rely so heavily on technology that you forget that you have the power to do all of this within yourselves. The next step is to recognize that you don’t need a phone in order to communicate to a loved one. It is the recognition that you can download whatever you need and have it available to you at all times.
You can go even further right now than the current level of technology that you have.
Why do e.t.s still travel in ships then? They travel in ships because they like to have an experience of traveling together. They like to co-create with each other. Also, the ships are meant to activate something in the one who is seeing the ship. Some of the ships are organic or they are beings with higher level consciousness.
You do not need exterior, external technology when you realize that you are everything and everywhere. You don’t need anything to heal you when you realize you are already healed, but for now different healing modalities and technologies exist to help you to get to that place where you can say once and for all, ‘I am healed, and I know it,’ and really mean it.
You are getting to the place of teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, even time travel, all without the need for a machine... these are just stepping stones to get you to where you are really going, and those of you who are awake perhaps already knew this but needed the reminder. Put down the device and go outside and this is why. You don’t need the device, but you do need to shift your vibration to a higher level, and being outside, generally speaking, will help you do that.

What Is Alignment with Source? ~The 12D Creators
Humans have been taught that they manipulate their world through words and actions.. to get it to conform to their desires, and you are also taught that some people are better at that than others.
You don’t need to sacrifice anything in order to have anything else. You don’t need to sacrifice material wealth in order to be in alignment with Source.
Now, some of you are wondering at this point what exactly we mean by ‘alignment with Source,’ ... it's about feeling the way that you want to feel emotionally. .. operating from the vibration you want to operate from. When you’re focused on that which brings you joy and that which lights you up, you feel in alignment with Source.
When you are focusing on the lack of what you want, or on the reasons why you cannot have what you want, or when focusing on what someone else said to you that hurt your feelings, you are out of alignment with Source… But when you are focused on the beauty of a flower, you are in alignment with Source.
Ultimately, you want your actions to be inspired from that place of having found your alignment, and then those actions are fruitful.
It will also bring you the inspired ideas that you can then act upon, so that you can joyously take your actions towards those desired outcomes in your lives.

Predictions About the Upcoming Eclipse
You are always progressing with each and every breath... you want to understand that your evolution does not have to involve pain and suffering, just as it doesn’t have to involve chaos and cataclysmic events.
You can take advantage of an eclipse, a full moon, an equinox, a solstice, or any other event to tune in more to the energies that are always helping you grow and expand, but you don’t have to wait until anything is going to happen in order to experience your spiritual up-leveling of self.
Yet don’t feel like you have to wait for the next prediction to come along to tell you that now it is time for you to go to the next level of your consciousness. You can grow spiritually because that’s what you want to do. And again, no one can stop you, and you don’t have to wait for anything or anyone.
It is always nice to look forward to something like an eclipse or some other event and get excited about. Ultimately, you will determine what your experience of that event will be for you. You will have to decide for yourself what you want to make it about for you.

Humanity is Setting & Breaking Records
From the perspectives of your souls, you are doing very well there on Earth, and you are making history, setting records and creating all sorts of new universes as a result of what you are living... an incredible journey, whether you are always acknowledging that or not.
So much is being accomplished and created with your mere presence on the planet. We also know that you don’t always feel so great about being there and so it is important for you to take on the perspective of your soul. Your soul is not suffering nor damaged, no matter what is going on there with you in your physical body.
On the perspective of your soul, you can begin to appreciate your lives, yourselves, and your journeys in the way that we do.
There is also a record number of helpers available to the human collective. You can benefit from all the e.t.s, angelic beings, and ascended masters who are sending love, compassion, and healing to the planet and to its inhabitants.
Appreciate yourselves and your journeys, and start to contemplate the help that is coming from above. from all the dimensions, all the star systems.
We are so excited for all of you, even if you are not excited for yourselves, but we do hope that some of our excitement will rub off on you so that you can enjoy the rest of your time there in the fourth dimension, as you ascend into the fifth.

Who Should You Listen to More Than Ascended Masters? ~ Thymus
We are not here to tell you what to do... your spirit guides, the universe, and Source Energy are always communicating with you, but at the end of the day you’ve got to pay attention to what’s going on inside of you in each and every moment if you are going to live a life of joy, love, peace, freedom, creativity and abundance.
Use the feeling test to tell yourself whether you want to adopt that person’s perspective, even if they are channeling higher-dimensional beings and collectives. Now, something that felt good yesterday might not feel good today. What changed? You did.
Listen to your heart, your gut, your feelings, your instincts, your impulses, and your intuition, and give everyone else the freedom to do the same with themselves and their lives. And you can all live joyously and harmoniously there on Mother Earth.

What Really Happens When You Look at the Night Sky
You have merely to open up to the energies coming in, as well as the starlight and stardust coming from above, and it is yours. You benefit in so many ways from giving your attention to the stars.
In order to receive directly from us, you just need to relax and open up. We are transmitting all the time.
This is about consciousness evolution, and it is by connecting with that intention of expanding, of going beyond where you’ve been before.
So when you shut off your minds and you shut off your devices, and you go and look out at the night sky, you are doing so much more than you can possibly imagine.

The Resurrection ~ Thymus
This can mean that you die in a body and then come back into that body, as you do every night when you fall asleep. Now, you don’t die but you do leave your body.. on your journey through the astral plane, and then you come back.
A resurrection is a transformation... See that there is no death, that the consciousness cannot be destroyed, and you cannot destroy an idea either... the resurrection shows that the body is not the only house for the consciousness.There are lighter bodies, and you all now are transforming yourselves into lighter-bodied beings so that you can have eternal life... in the eternal nature of the soul.
As you focus yourselves into higher and higher states of being, higher and higher vibrations, and you allow yourselves to become your fifth-dimensional higher selves, your resurrected, ascended selves.. you wake up and you get to decide who you are going to be on that new day.
That is something to feel joyous about because there is no end to our experience, but more to explore and discover about ourselves as Source Energy Beings.

Ask Yourselves These 2 Questions & Then Ascend
Everything now is about inching you forward to your inevitable ascension, and there are many paths to raising one’s consciousness. And even though pain serves a purpose, you can ascend just as quickly and easily by following your joy.
Perhaps you will need to move through some negative emotions before you get to the place of love within you, the love that is always available to you.
You are transmuting yourselves, and one of the ways you do that is through accepting everything as it is and being love in the face of everything as it is. Just because you feel some anger, some sadness, some fear, or even some hate doesn’t mean that you are devolving. It just means you are having a temporary experience of yourself as something other than love, and you knew you would before you incarnated on Earth.
And if you can make peace with the fact that the path to getting there often does have a lot of unwanted Earth stuff, then you will get there more quickly.
You are there as awakened souls because you wanted to do it first and then show others. And when you light the path that you are on with love, everyone else, no matter where they are right now, can and will eventually follow.

What You Can Expect in April 2024 ~The 12D Creators
You can grow in leaps and bounds throughout the month of April, especially if you are aware of the opportunities to go to the next level of your consciousness. You will be continuously nudged towards the thoughts and the behaviors that will bring you into a higher-vibrational state, and anything that is taking you in the opposite direction will stick out more like a sore thumb to you.
You are more likely to detect a thought or a belief that doesn’t serve you because you are so accustomed to moving in the right direction now. Continue to become more and more aware of when you are moving towards the light, towards your fifth-dimensional higher self.
You will also be able to make giant steps forward in projects that you have, goals that you have set for yourselves. You’re going to get the nudges from your guides, from the faerie realm, from your higher selves, from the muses are around, and they are in fact a joyous group who want to co-create with you.. with inspiring thoughts and ideas that you can and want to act upon.
April is a month for you to expect great things now you can open up more and you can see yourselves more, moving in the direction that you truly want to go in this lifetime of ascension.

Why the E.T.s are Coming to Earth
You have so much more compassion today than you have ever had before, and that is due to your technological, information age. And so, what this means is you are coming together more as a world community than ever before.
To be able to see someone who lives oceans away from you as your counterpart, as your co-creator, your friend, this brings you together in a very real way and gives you a taste of that unity consciousness that every single one of us seeks.
You can recognize that you did not evolve spiritually in a vacuum. You evolved spiritually while being a part of a human collective, and you are adding to that human collective with all of your good thoughts, intentions, and your meditation.
You, holding compassion in your heart for the suffering of another, is a sign of your spiritual evolution, and it is a sign of humanity’s evolution of consciousness. You can rest assured that the e.t.s in those ships in the skies are noticing this.
You have so much help coming your way because of the chaos and the cataclysmic events. Therefore, you as the Awakened Collective must open up to receive all the help, all the positive energy that is coming, and anchor it in to your collective.

Dream Big & Create More with the Eclipse Energies ~The 12D Creators
We offer you an invitation to create with the eclipse energies. You’re going to find that your system upgrades are very valuable during that time. All the clearing, releasing, and healing that you have done has made you a beautiful vessel for energies to flow through.
Through the month of April... your desires are powerful, and they do create, but when you have more supportive energies coming in, you can experience faster manifestation results.
Many of you have become impatient with the process of ascension and many other things. And so, as creator beings who have additional help at this time... we are telling you to dream big... think outside the box. It is a beautiful time for you all to be there and to have so much that you do want.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



Mar 24th 2024
Connecting Holographic & Parallel Space-Time Realms

Why Did You Choose the Hardest Path in the Universe? ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
We want you all to know that everything is going to work out for you. We want you to realize that you are in fact dreaming this reality into existence.
And you will experience everything that you have created at some point in the future.
You are truly in the driver’s seat as it is your creation; it is up to you what type of life you lead. Yes there is karma, and yes there are contracts. Yet you have lived long enough to have cleared most of your karma and as fourth-dimensional beings, you are the ones determining what you experience next by how you feel, how you vibrate, what you focus on.
This is a free will universe, and you do get to decide what you experience and what you do not.

What You’re Not Hearing in These Messages
Now as you continue on with your journey home to Source, you will have more and more moments when you have that full recognition of self, and you will feel infinite and eternal. You will realize that you are everything that you seek, everything that you see, and everything that you create, and you will not feel worried or fearful about anything at all.
That is how to create the reality you want to experience; it is to realize that the reality is within you. Nothing is outside of you, and therefore, nothing is inaccessible to you. How you feel is your indicator as to whether you’re moving towards it or away from it…. noticing whether you are expanding or contracting will always be helpful. Ultimately you want that feeling of expansiveness, which is as close as you’re to get for now to being completely your infinite and eternal self.
It is wonderful to take the slow and steady approach to your ascension to the fifth dimension and to the home base that Source is, because you get to have all of these experiences one by one... This was very purposeful for each of you, because remembering would be so sweet. You all knew the journey was what this was all about.

Are You Able to Do This.. Then You Can Ascend
Embracing every experience as it comes your way, you make it easier for yourself to ascend. And anything that you resist you will need to continue to experience until you make peace with it.
Can you make peace with everything in your life and all the people in your life?.. with everything that’s happening in the world? being at peace with people who think differently than you do?
With your thoughts, your feelings, and your judgments; those are your clues as to what you have to work on next.
Realize that all you have to do is be at peace with everything and be yourself.

How to Get Past All that is Negative on Earth
If we were to shine a spotlight on what is negative and happening there on Earth, we would only drag you down vibrationally and energetically.
Therefore remain positively focused... Look for the things that are going right in your life and in the world outside of you, and let go of thoughts that are fear-based, because they do not serve you. Your mind likes having problems to solve, and your ego likes having enemies to fight against, but if you continue to operate as mind-oriented egos, you will not raise the level of your consciousness.. It shrouds you from the truth of who you really are as Source Energy Beings, as creators, as love.
What you are focusing upon is what you become.. you are not there to defeat anything. So you can send love; you can offer healing; you can have compassion for all who are involved.
When you align with higher-dimensional beings who are offering a higher vibration, as we are, you get to experience what it is like to align with those energies. You are choosing not only what you eat and what you wear, but also how you think and how you vibrate.
Remember that those who are experiencing something negative are all being given an opportunity to grow spiritually from that, and you don’t have to let negative emotions consume you. See them as an experience and allow them to pass.
And when you are in the flow and unblocked, you are in the flow with all of the positive forces that are pushing all of us up into higher-vibrational realms.

Above Average Lightworker
There are more energies now than ever that are affecting you, the human collective and affecting Mother Earth.
Like a healer called upon to act as a conduit… that’s what you are doing for humanity, for yourself, and for Mother Earth. Because you are open, sensitive, and you are taking care of yourself enough to be able to let those energies run through your physical bodies... to take care of yourselves by hydrating, by clearing your negative emotions and negative thoughts. You need to rest, to meditate, and to spend time in nature. You need to take care of your relationships and eat well, and when you do all of that, the reward is a healthier you.
Be the conduits for the higher-frequency energies that are coming in and that are all around you, and you will lead a happy and healthy life.
There is so much more to come for humanity, beyond the fourth dimension. So don’t worry about which future you are all headed for. All of planet Earth is on an upward spiral.

Are You Awake? Here is How You Show It
When you see things going on out there in the world, in other countries, that do not seem to affect you personally, know that they are affecting the human collective consciousness, and therefore, they are affecting you.
As you look around at what’s going on in your world and in your personal life, you can find all the opportunities that you could ever want to show up, to radiate love, to send healing and peace to where it is needed.
The amount of kindness, love and compassion you show to your fellow humans determines how awake you are. It is about showing up as the light in the face of all darkness that is there on planet Earth at this time.

Unlock Everything You Haven’t Had Access To
Look for just the right frequency to have the desired effect on humanity or on beings from some other world in our galaxy. As beings who primarily feel, we have become quite attuned to the different levels of vibration, which we refer to as frequencies.
Use this ability to help others and to manifest what you need to live the life you want to live there on Earth.. you are ready to go beyond the limitations of the mind and step into the limitless realm of the heart, which is your main point through which all feelings are experienced.
As you Tune in more to your heart and to what you are feeling, you will be able to fine tune the frequency, you can go to the reality that you want to experience that is a match to that frequency... very few are taught about the importance of their feelings and their ability to conjure up a vibration with intention and focus.

No Matter What Happens... Remember This
By focusing within yourself and looking for that which is good, that which is love and light, when there is something going on outside of you that is not to your liking. You become more of your true self.
You are unconditional love. You can be the love that you truly are in any and all circumstances and conditions.
You can feel your compassion and send your love without making it the new topic. You can be aware of problems that are going on in the outside world and still live your life.
You don’t have to try to cheer them up or convince them that there is a better way of looking at the situation or thinking about it. You can allow someone else to be in their sadness without joining them in that sadness.
You always have a choice, especially on a world like Earth where there are so many choices. We support you no matter what you choose, and yet we always invite you to the light, to the love that you truly are, and we nudge you in the direction of joy.

Are You Doing Enough of This!
There is great value in you having to face your chores and the things that you feel you need to do in order to maintain your health and well-being, but you need to make time for yourselves for the things that you would do all day everyday.
Being in a higher-vibrational state is necessary. You need to offer that higher vibration in order to ground in the energies that are coming in and so ask those in your life to make room for you and for your needs. You are there to enjoy the journey of your ascension.
You love doing certain things because doing them is also a part of your becoming who you really are.
Allow yourselves the freedom to choose.

Is Ascension Happening Fast Enough?
You are ascending at an appropriate pace. Many of you would like to get to the fifth dimension as quickly as possible, but the point of all of this is to have experiences. They stimulate growth, which then put you on a higher-vibrational plane of existence.
Ask yourself, ‘ What is it I am trying to escape from?’ When you have the answers to those questions, you will have the keys to your spiritual evolution,... You will know what you are there to heal, to forgive.
Embrace the journey; when you do that, you complete the journey more quickly.
Maybe you need a limitation of some kind to get you to go within more, to get you to focus, to feel, to meditate. Remember that everything that you have manifested in your life right now was once a desired experience for you. Experience it. Love what is.
And even though you might not complete the shift in this very moment.. that’s what savoring is all about. That’s what enjoying the journey is all about. There is so much more for you to experience in joy and in the state of being of love, and all you have to do is slow down.. so that you can have those experiences, and you can feel those emotions. And to breathe your way into a state of bliss right now is so empowering.

You Will Transform in the Moment You Do This
It is in the asking that you open up more to receive. Open up to the help that is already there, your guides, and so many other helpers that you have working on your behalf... none of us can do it for you, but we can assist you.
By nudging you in a particular direction, by giving you an activation or an upgrade ... helping you to single out the resistance, the blockage, the belief that is inside of you so that you can release it.
And when you relax and unclench, it comes flooding in.
You can look for opportunities to experience joy, and you can appreciate the life that you have already created. You can appreciate all that you can with your five senses and more. More energies will always be coming in to support you, and more manifestations will always be coming because you’ve created them and they are yours, and it is inevitable for you to experience those creations.
Now, we can help you speed up the time that it takes for you to manifest.
You have so much that you have yet to experience on that Earth in that physical body.
Get out and enjoy Mother Earth and Mother Nature... they put you at ease and that you are more likely to open up when you get away from all the thought forms and all the energies in your homes. Let all of the help that is coming your way enter into your energy field, your chakras, your cells and your DNA, and you will feel transformed in the moment that you do.

Are All of Your Lives Predetermined? ~ The 12D Creators
You do get to jump to the timeline that you want to be on, and you will be living out a purpose of being awake and ascending in this lifetime. And the help that you offer will come from a place of joy.. from you doing what you most want to do.
When you are in the vibration of joy.. rather than a place of guilt and obligation.

Faster Manifestation ~ The Andromedan Council of Light
This is a glorious time for humanity because you have access to so much... tapping in to so much nonphysical consciousness with more teachings available to you.
When you exhibit the trait of patience, you are in that moment letting go of any attachments. Now, you can be eager and excited and patient all at the same time. And you do also accelerate the manifestation into your reality. It is like telling the universe, ‘I trust that it’s coming, and I accept the perfect timing of it.’
All doubt and all worry slow down the manifestation process.
When you are experiencing joy, you are saying to the universe, ‘I have everything that I need right now to be my whole and full self,’ and it is that energy that is in alignment with abundance.
When what you want to manifest hasn’t arrived yet, you are in the vibration of lack, and so you get what you focus upon.
Go to the center of your heart. You will be in a timeless realm where everything is possible, where you are everything.
We are destined to experience that homecoming, to Source, that is inevitable for all beings in all times and all places throughout this universe.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


Mar 9th 2024
From Source… To Source… Am here now Source

Remember These Two Things & Be Your 5D Self ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
See everything that is happening on planet Earth as a co-creation whose purpose it is to get more people to come together in the acknowledgement that you are all one as a human race…. rather than more attempts by the cabal to keep us down... In one scenario, you are the powerful co-creators, and in another you are the victims. In other words, everything that is happening with friends, family, neighbors… are not happening because you are the victim of someone else’s trauma, or narcissism…but see it as your co-creation that is meant to help you awaken to the truth of who you really are as unconditional love.
Easy for us to say it, harder for you to enact it… yet you can shift your perception of reality to such an extent that you can know that truth viscerally… by accepting everything as it is just as it is, and acknowledge that it is your creation. Next, be willing to notice when you go back into resistance to it, no matter what it is, and just let go.
And when you are open to receiving that piece of information that tells you how it serves you… there’s going to be something you need to heal, forgive, release, or have compassion for in the set of circumstances you are facing… then choose to rise above the pettiness of the ego. When you do so, you will feel such relief because you will have risen above the level of consciousness that many operate at for lifetimes. You will feel more connected to all others in the universe and then nothing will be able to bring you down.
Love is all there is, and everything else is an illusion, and we remind you that you are Source Energy Beings pretending to be human.

You Have Begun Your Ascension ~ The 12D Creators
You have begun your ascension.. because you are a part of this universe, and this universe is ascending. You grow spiritually through experience. Aspects of your soul’s consciousness are having quite the ride at this time.
Your soul does not limit itself to one incarnation at a time... and you are also benefitting from what other aspects of your soul are... achieving milestones in their consciousness evolution. You benefit from all they are experiencing. It is a team effort. You are a group consciousness, and you are all helping one another.
You are there helping your family line. You are there to help humanity, and you are there to help other aspects of your soul. Because you are awake in this lifetime, you have the stability that is required to help all other aspects of your soul. As well as Mother Earth herself, just by being there.
The major appeal of ascension is that you get to leave everything behind that is dark or destructive..
A true master recognizes the love that is in every person, situation, and moment.. because that’s the feeling that gives the most Expansion. And when you do it deliberately, with intention, you get enormous results.

The Huge Energies Closing Out February ~ The Andromedan
There is a great cleansing, a great purging going on right now, of the fears, the anxieties, the anger.
Know that we the Andromedan have always been there. We have been with you from the very beginning in various forms, and right now, there on Earth. We are collaborating with other collectives to give you these energetic packets, and the healing that you need to move forward.

The Dark Night of the Soul & How You Benefit from It
There is an inner peace that we feel is present because we know that everything is ultimately going to be all right for the humans of Earth. We also realize that when you are having experiences of despair, ill health, abject poverty.. you do not know that everything is going to be okay.
And in spite of all of the negative emotions you’ve had to feel, you got through them... because you were strong in facing those challenges... aware that you have created everything that you are experiencing in your lives… and it serves you somehow. All of those steps allow you to come to a place of acceptance. When you have acceptance, you drop resistance... then you allow in all of the help that is available to you in every moment of your lives.
So if you’re feeling not so great physically, mentally, or emotionally, then know that you have some resistance to something that you need to find a way of accepting.
Everything is your creation and then when you realize that something serves you, it becomes easier to accept.
And you will, as a soul, always survive... always heal.. always find relief, somehow, some way. And in that inner peace.. you get to that point a lot faster.

You Are Not Fully Informed Until You Do This
You exist, therefore you get to feel love, connection, joy, excitement, abundance, confidence, and so much more.
You are there to expand from the heart and to use the mind to focus you in that direction. If you have only felt half of the emotions that you were meant to feel in this lifetime, you might think that you have a lot to offer to humanity. But if you want to help people in a long-lasting and effective way, you will start by helping yourself.
Sometimes emotions get stuck, and that leads to addictions of all kinds. It also leads to people not fully being able to access the love that they are, and they do not even know are trapped inside of them, creating their reality.
Ultimately, you are helping them to unblock those blocked negative emotions. You are helping them to heal so that they too can feel the love that they are and be who they need to be for humanity. And when someone lets the floodgates of emotion within them open up, that too is worth celebrating. And so join us in the flow.

How to Face the Darkness on Earth
Impressive how humans handle the amount of darkness! … all the crosses you bear; working through some very heavy stuff from genetic line, childhood, past lives...
As awakened souls, you now know that and you can move forward with the truth that you hold within you that all of this stuff needs to be accepted, embraced, processed, and ultimately released to allow more of the light in. The high-frequency energies that are upon you right now are helping you to release all of it, but it helps to have an awareness of what is happening when you are in the midst of one of these purges.
If someone is being mean, or rude to you, remember the weight that they carry and know that they are having a particularly bad time... so that you can always focus, in such a way that you know what to do when something comes up. And we see you all, making the choice for the light over and over again.

Your Arcturian DNA & the Completion of the Shift
You have the power to receive and to translate energy… set aside time to relax and open up to receive us and our energetic transmissions.
You have so much more to discover about yourselves, and that includes your Arcturian lineage. Know that the puzzle pieces of who you really are will continue to fall into place, as you continue with your journey. It is inevitable for you to recognize who and what you really are, and since who and what you really are is Source and Source is everything, you will at some point understand that you are everything and everyone that you experience. And when you accept that fully, you can relax and open up more.
You don’t have to be just like your family members, or community... You get to be uniquely you. You get to be who you choose to be, and we know that the aspect of you that is us is an aspect that you enjoy being. You want your Galactic DNA activated. You want those memories of your times in our star system, and we are here to help… to live better lives there on Earth as you evolve and ascend into your fifth-dimensional selves… as your higher selves, a collective of beings coming together to form one gigantic whole self.
In order to break free from a pattern, a loop, you must be willing to recognize that you are in a loop and that freedom is worth tapping into. You are always free because you have the free will to choose.

The Realm of Infinite Possibilities & You
There are multiple realities, multiple timelines, there are even multiple pasts from where you are sitting right now in the present. And so, while you want to trust your own experience above and beyond what someone else is telling you is true, you also don’t want to limit yourselves because of your experiences... and also recognize that when someone else has had an experience, they created that experience for themselves. It doesn’t mean that the experience is for everyone to have.
You are navigating through this infinite realm, that is through all possibilities. You get to decide what is true for you, what is real for you, and what you want to experience. And you are deciding with your focus, with your intent.
Desire is there for a reason. It is there to get you to focus your attention in that direction, no matter how far-fetched-seeming something seems to you.
All realities are real, accessible to those who are willing to take a leap of faith and so constantly believe in yourselves and in your abilities.

What March 2024 Is Really About ~ The 12D Creators
Because you are awake, you know you can change everything with a single thought… as you understand the nature of reality is always changing because you are always shifting.
Now you can rise above the drama of us versus them, and you can step into the power of yourselves as Creator Beings. And you are there to experience a great shift in consciousness that you are also participating in.
You participate in it more consciously once you awaken to the truth of who you really are. You are the Source and you are The Creator.
Sitting in the twelfth dimension, we see much energy being given for creative purposes, and those of you who are there, grounded in your bodies and present in the moment are more capable of receiving those creative energies and doing something with them. You have that level of freedom, knowing that you are being given more of the tools of creation.
The showering of that creative energy will continue throughout the entire month. You can tap into that energy at any time, and you can start creating at any time what it is you desire to experience.. there are less limitations upon you now than there ever have been before. But until you know that, until you feel it, you can still operate under the assumption that you are meant to be very limited.
Therefore, start deciding for yourselves what this month of March is really about, tap in to the creative energies of March.

For the Awakened & Newly Awake
You are there to foster love and integration. You are sensitive; you are empathic. You know when something feels good to you and when something feels off.
To ascend is to become closer to Source Energy, and Source Energy is everything and everyone.
You can have different opinions about who has the better political ideas and still be united with those individuals you disagree with. You don’t have to let any belief separate you. Come together with those individuals based on the truth that they are Source and so are you. And rise above all of that.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by

Feb 24th 2024
Breath Deep.. then beam.. like a Lighthouse

Pay Attention & Notice This ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Slow down, pay attention to whether or not you are breathing easily... and when you notice something is awry you can turn around quickly and easily. You will do so because you have gone off of autopilot, and you have put yourself in the driver’s seat.
You don’t need to control anything outside of you... When you want to see changes out there in the external world, then you had better believe that there are changes that need to be made within you... see the outside world from any number of lenses that you have inside of you to choose from.
You are not only the creator of your reality, but you are also the experiencer, and you are the creator of yourself. You really do have all the power, and when you exercise your power to choose and to pay attention, well then you have everything that you need to live the life of your dreams. You are dreaming this life into experience, into reality, and so you might as well start dreaming it the way you want it to be. Start with the little things that you can notice, then you can see the ripple effect.
There is nothing more satisfying than mastering yourself and your reality. ~ Thymus

Transmission from the Galactic Center ~ The Andromedan
You get to move now on whichever timeline feels best to you, and all of those timelines will include e.t. contact experiences and ascension. So that means you can all relax. The apocalypse is not coming.
You are doing beautifully with the energies that are coming from all points across the universe. And even if these energies sometimes zap you and slow you down or disrupt your sleep, you are acclimating to them nicely.
These galactic transmissions of energy are going to help light you up to more people so that you can have more interest in you and what you are doing to evolve your consciousness. All meant to inspire.
And we are excited to see the looks on your faces as you evolve exponentially throughout the rest of the year. You will have everything that you have been working on within yourself to offer, and that is beautiful to witness from our star system.

This is Happening in the Entire Multiverse
Know that all changes are for the better. Now it seems as though humanity is not doing so well on the whole. However, everything that you are in the process of releasing and deconstructing is coming to the surface. You can always choose to look at it or ignore it.
However, you are in a time when you know that you are experiencing mass awakenings and big changes, you must be able to look at the circumstances of your world differently than ever before. Tune in to the bigger picture in order to benefit from all that is happening... you are ascending, and in the process of ascending you are letting go of that which no longer serves you…. of that which has been dark, heavy, and hidden for so long. And so, when everything comes to the surface to be seen, you have to exercise that free will of yours to see it in the way that serves you and humanity best.
You are the universe. You are Source; you are everything. And so, whatever it is you are resisting is you. You are meant to be love; you are meant to experience unconditional love. Embrace it, and ultimately love it, then you get to move on to other experiences. That is why it doesn’t do anyone any good to resist any aspect at all of life on Earth as it is today.
You ultimately would always have to go within and find out which aspect of yourself it is that you are not loving... your beliefs, your judgments.. that compound the issue of what you are not in love and acceptance of. When you release all that does not serve you, that is when you naturally rise up to that next level, and there will always be a next level.
There will always be more for you to love. Things are getting better, and they will continue to get better because of the work that you do.

Who Are You & What Were You Made From? ~ The 12D Creators
Relationships are tricky, and they challenge you in myriad ways that you could not even imagine when you first went on that initial date with another person. In any relationship that you are in, you at times must step back from it and go within yourself to remind yourself of who you really are.
You are challenged just by being there in human form on planet Earth. But they are all challenges that you felt you were up for when you decided to embark upon this lifetime, so remember that the evidence you see out there in the quote/unquote ‘real world’ will not always support the truth.
One of the most universal truths that there is, is that we are all love. It is what we were created from and with, and we were all created by the most unconditionally loving being that there is - Source. And so, when you need to take a break from the details of your lives and remember who and what you really are, just tune in to your heart space, and you will be able to remember fully the truth of who you really are. As you do so, everything else in your life will fall into place.
You will find that by being your true and whole self, you suddenly don’t have so many problems. Even your relationships will heal because you took the time to relax into the center of your heart as a being of unconditional love.

This is Your Job, Your Purpose, No Matter What
We know that being love in the face of hate isn’t easy.
The job of the awakened lightworker is to see the love, to feel it, to look beyond the shroud of darkness over it. It’s the most effective thing you can do to change yourself, change your life and change your world.
The only trick is that you have to go through your own darkness to get to it, and that’s uncomfortable… but in the end, everyone’s going to do it, no matter where they are now on their journey.
And love is what we are all moving towards; it is our home base. We all cannot help but go there, because all paths ultimately lead to Love-Source.

Why Are the Andromedans Coming Now?
A momentous time for humanity!... It is one of the many reasons why we are coming forth.. we have a part in the co-creation of your world and of your consciousness.
We are of greatest value to you when we offer you energies and activations, rather than coming to your planet and simply handing you pieces of technology.
We seek to crack you open a little bit at a time to get you to realize your fullest potential there in human physical bodies. Realize how supported you are. We want you to know that you are never going at it all alone there on Earth. You have always been part of a galactic community,.
You will always find what it is that you have to offer by going within and seeking it out. And when you allow in all of the healing energies that are upon you right now, you will do so much more than just helping others to heal. You will help them to create, to connect, to recognize who they are as Source Energy Beings.
You are shifting your consciousness to a higher frequency rate every single day.

This is True in All Realities
Now is where different realities are being allowed to coexist with one another. A place where two people can look at the same thing and see two entirely different things: you don’t all have to agree on one reality. There isn’t just one reality that you all have to accept as the one true reality. And that means you can live and let live. You can let everyone else have their version of reality. That takes a great deal of responsibility off of your shoulders. You can relax; allow all aspects of Source to be as they are… that is something that everyone will come to eventually.
Acceptance is the key to moving beyond any aspect of Source/reality, you cannot deny the existence of any reality. You cannot abolish anything.
Everyone that exists right now in your reality exists as a creation of Source, and they are meant to be exactly as they are. You are meant to decide who you want to be... in relationship to all of them. You can be the one who forgives. You don’t have to change anything about the reality when you are experiencing right now to be inner peace.
No matter what reality you are in, you do change the level of consciousness for the collective that is sharing that reality with you. You can add more light.. rather than feeling trapped. It’s important for you to be the creator beings that you really are. And you cannot be the creator being that you truly are if you think that someone or something outside of you must change.
Feel the truth within it, and it’s true no matter what reality you are in.

Humans of Earth are on Everyone’s Radar ~The 12D Creators
You are triumphing over your own limitations, your own thoughts and beliefs. You are becoming masters of your experience of your reality. There is no external foe to defeat. You are seeing the ways in which you sometimes self sabotage, and you are letting go of those thoughts.
You are quite capable of creating paradise on Earth, and doing it much sooner than you think. Some people are telling you humanity is going to a time of self-destruction. But they are looking at your situation through a very narrow lens. You cannot just look at your world scientifically and pragmatically. You must include consciousness.. you are there raising the level of consciousness on Earth to co-create paradise on Earth that will very much resemble the fifth-dimensional Earth that you are graduating to. It is the same basic planet that you are on, but at a higher-vibrational level.
Your Earth is graduating with you also, and you will find that as you change your perception of reality, you are stepping into new realities all the time. There are no limitations right now being placed upon you. There are only the limitations that you place upon yourselves.
You don’t have to worry then about what anyone else is doing, or thinking, or believing, but as you focus on your own, you become the captain of your own ship. And the destination of the 5D new Earth, and is not even the final destination.
We are speaking to those of you who are doing it more consciously and who are interested in doing it consciously all the time. As we contact you in the astral plane .. you recognizing that there is untapped potentials. You are to be the pioneers and the trailblazers. And the shift in consciousness is very much being elevated by your awareness.

Your Romantic Relationships ~ The 12D Creators
You may be hard on someone else that you are in a relationship with because you are hard on yourself and because someone else, or several people, have been hard on you.
But for the most part it is the person who is asking the other to change who needs to change.
Sending love to the other person and being love under all circumstances, then you are getting it to the other person, but you are also getting it from within yourself. You don’t need anyone else to change in order to experience love.
It is important to accept and love yourselves as you are, and it is just as important to do that for everyone else who is in your life.
Go within and generate the love that you truly are from inside of you.. Find the love that you truly are so that you can be it and feel it in all circumstances and around all people. And that will make your life a whole lot easier… you will have practiced it... Ultimately, however, you want to start having that relationship with yourself.

Become Your Higher Self & Meet E.T.s
We understand your fascination with other star systems and other beings, and we appreciate that you have that desire to reach out and to connect. We also know that there are many fascinating aspects of planet Earth.
You are there to elevate yourselves, so that you can align with that which is higher dimensional and higher vibrational.
You are becoming the beautiful beings every day, and if you can feel that with every breath, you can bring yourselves closer to the truth of who you are. You are multidimensional infinite beings of love and light, and you deserve to experience yourselves in that way. It is time for you all to know yourselves as you truly are, and you are ready to take those next steps vibrationally, feeling it and understanding it in a very visceral way.
You are ready to become your higher selves. You are ready to embark upon many journeys both outside of you and inside of you.
And no, you don’t need to know what that is in this very moment. You just need to keep taking steps forward with that faith and that knowing that you are moving towards something that is bigger and better.
As you tap in to the infinite and the eternal within you, you do embark upon many journeys of consciousness that will result in you standing face to face with an extra-terrestrial. And that e.t. will be another aspect of the you that you really are as a soul, as an aspect of Source.

If You’re Disillusioned, Do This ~ Thymus
The inner exploration that you do will always be fruitful so long as you are patient and you go into it without any attachment or expectation.
You live in a time when there is so much to focus on outside of you... but we invite you to seek a balance between that outer exploration and the inner exploration. Sometimes you need that validation to come from another person, and there’s nothing wrong with any of that.
As we said, there is so much that can get your attention out there, but remember to go within, and set that intention. The best reason to go within is because you really do need to know yourself in order to be yourself in this world of yours, and being yourself is your number one purpose. You can follow in the footsteps of others and get inspired by them, but always do it in your own unique way.
When you find your balance between action and inaction, thinking and feeling, being true to yourself and listening to the advice of others, then you will start to know how much you can benefit from all that is in your world, internally and externally.
Spend a little bit more of your time seeing what you can feel, what you can intuit, what you can access by doing nothing more than turning a lens that you usually have pointed outside of you, and you will be a much more effective creator of your reality.
You will be much more responsive and less reactive to what is happening out there, and you will find that everything in your life becomes easier and makes more sense to you because you took those few moments.

Make a Huge Impact on this Galaxy & the Earth
We are attending to several matters that exist both on Earth and throughout the galaxy simultaneously.
You all have the ability to forgive and to wipe out the karma of the person who has done you wrong, and when this occurs, the level of consciousness throughout the galaxy is raised to such an extent that all beings are affected in profound ways.
You can have compassion for those individuals who have hurt you right now. They are just repeating what they have heard many times themselves, or they may not feel hurt by those words because they are so cut off from their emotions. If you could see the lives they have been lived , then you could also recognize that they are doing the best they can under the circumstances of what they have lived.
Again, doing so helps every single being in this galaxy and beyond. It is more powerful to forgive than to have the power of telekinesis, teleportation, time travel, or any other fun, cool, interesting power that you can conjure up with your mind. So please do find it in your hearts to forgive so that you may make the huge impact on this galaxy of ours that you know you want to make.

Who’s Controlling the Path to the 5th Dimension?
There is much more for you to experience.. your growth is inevitable. Sometimes, you can look back at an incident, or trauma and say, ‘I can see how I grew from that experience”. However, you do not have to suffer in order to grow.
You can just as easily grow through a joyous life-altering experience... recognize that there are many ways for you to grow and expand that do not involve pain and suffering.
You in fact grow in leaps and bounds while you are sleeping and traveling through the astral plane. So when we tell you that you have a lot more growing left to do there on Earth, please do not take that to mean that you have awful experiences in front of you.
Create a joyous journey to the fifth dimension, and we often encourage you to do so when we meet with you in the astral plane. Believe in yourselves as the creators of your reality... no one is choosing the remainder of your path to the fifth dimension for you.

Start Doing This Right Now
Let go of that need to figure out what your offering will be, instead, continue to open up in your heartspace, because that is where you access your multidimensional self. Being the highest version of yourself means coming from your heart, and you can always use your mind to remind you of that… by focusing on your heart, or on a tree, or a flower, or a cloud... anything at all that will put you in that higher-vibrational state so that you can receive the inspiration... to create your offering to humanity, you must remain disciplined and stay in that heartspace.. not using your mind to analyze or criticize what you are doing.
Many beings want to collaborate with you. And also, we just want to point out that it’s still okay if you don’t do anything... you might as well do that consciously and deliberately.

What Makes This Lifetime Different from all the others.?
It can be quite challenging at times on Earth, especially when you let your life circumstances drag you down vibrationally. When you get down in the muck, you forget that you create the problem for yourself in order to grow from it. You also forget to do something playful and fun for a while. That is when your vibration naturally rises up.. so that the solution. Not pretending something isn’t real when it truly is, because you are there to face that challenge that is in front of you, but you are also there to face it in a different way than you have ever faced it before.
You have better strategies or teachings that are new to you in this lifetime… you can allow yourself to fully surrender, to fully let go.. by watching a funny video, or by getting in the ocean, walking in the forest..
It is important for you to recognize that things are always changing and changing for the better. And therefore, your circumstances will change if you allow them to, by taking your attention off of them.
Recognize that it is always a good idea to raise your vibration. Doing it to give yourself a sense of relief to have a break from the problems you have created.. by not focusing on them.

An Invitation from the Andromedans
Let go of the idea that you must travel through space in order to have a different experience of reality… you are experiencing different realities all the time not only while you are asleep.
By choosing within a wide array of possibilities that Source has made available to us all... You don’t have to choose what everyone else in ( your parents or community) is choosing. You get to choose with your free will. You don’t need to have a special piece of technology… or decades of training. All you need is a willingness to explore your own consciousness, and you start that by changing the way you are perceiving the current reality.
You don’t have to wait for anything or anyone... for an ‘event’ or a solar flash.. for a financial collapse or a mass landing of ships. You have the tools inside of you. There are so many humans and e.t.s who have done this.. ready and willing to teach you. They are easily found by those who have a true desire to connect to other realms, other dimensions. Not better than you in any way. We are just more practiced at focusing. We are just looking for willing participants.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



Feb 6th 2024
When discovering the substances of which you are made of

Your Purpose & How Do You Find It? ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Realize you have all the time in the world, and in the universe, and that nothing actually has to get done, but you also recognize that you are there and you might as well have some experiences.
Some of you come in with certain gifts and certain interests, and it is also most important for you to just pursue them and pursue them with reckless abandon.
When you access more of your inner child, and you take play more seriously, you recognize that as a child you would create without limitation. You would create without giving a second thought.
When someone has an impulse to do something, and they don’t follow through with it, then they are denying themselves their truest expression of self... it’s not even that you only have one purpose for your life, just like you don’t just have one life.

The Progress You’re Making as the Awakened Collective
So many of you are finding your paths, your true callings, by being in alignment with your true self... and you become more likely to act upon your inspired ideas. You have shifted so much energy lately, and you have taken your attention off of politics, the virus, conspiracy theories, and everything else that has been keeping you from knowing what your true mission is there on Earth.
You have activated your Lemurian selves, the inner shaman, wizard, witch and inner oracle. You are moving the needle for the human collective by stepping into those roles with confidence. And as empathic beings, you are there to know that compassion is the way.
As you lead your fellow humans into the fifth dimension, and your patience with your fellow humans will pay off in huge dividends.

Doing This Will Cause Huge Changes in Your Life ~ The 12D Creators
Simply because your physical reality moves more slowly than the energetic one does... When you surrender, then you can feel the expansion that you have just gained.
And as soon as you start imagining it, you bring it closer to you. So accept that you are on a wild ride, to more easily continue expanding and becoming more of that which we truly are. Source is always benefitting from what you are experiencing, and when you remember that you are that Source pretending to be a physical human being… and you will actualize more of your true being-ness, and that is what all of this is all about.

Your Godself & the New Earth
Your true creature-hood…. how many times throughout the course of your day would you say that you are operating from that knowing of yourself as your Godself?
How would that change your life? ... everything is changing and everyone and everything is getting closer to the Source from which we all emerge.
When you operate as the Godself, you see others as perfect just as they are all... you will be living in a world where everyone eventually will know who they really are and treat others, and the planet and the animals as they really are. That’s simply the world you are co-creating right now.

Steps You Can Take Every Day to Ascend
The action of self-care, eating what you know feels good in your body... spending more time connecting with Mother Earth and Mother Nature and rest. Also reaching out to those who you need to communicate with.
To step towards a meditative state is very important for all of you… with Conscious Breathing when you are not meditating. And then see how your life is transformed.

The Awakened Path
Acknowledge all of your other selves. This is how you become your higher self in the flesh. You allow the integration of all of your other lives, and you become whole. Rather than attached to an identity that is limited and limiting. It is important to let go of the idea that you are supposed to have done everything perfectly up until this moment that you are in right now.
And so, as you go beyond the concept of self that you have had, you allow yourself then an entry point to knowing yourselves as Source, as unlimited.
As you make this moment a perfect moment for you, then you perfectly align to all of those other selves and even your past selves in this lifetime. more complete. You become more masterful over the present moment... more complete.
As you value your infinite, eternal and spiritual nature, you integrate that into the physical nature,. And you are more than capable of bridging those two worlds - the physical and the nonphysical, all created to be experienced.

Why Are You Interested in Arcturians?
You are there to create; and also create challenges for yourselves because you like the feeling of overcoming a challenge and choose which challenges you want to face. Any challenge you are not interested in facing and overcoming, you can let someone else do it and benefit from the beautiful ways in which they have faced and overcome that particular challenge. We truly are all one, and when you take an interest in us, an interest in our star system, it is because you are more interested in becoming your whole self, and that is exciting for us, and hopefully, for you as well.

Exciting Events Coming in Humanity’s Future.
You are right now on the precipice of so much more e.t. contact. Others are having your experiences in the dream state, or even in the waking state.. experiences bring you closer to the completion of your ascension.
Your ascension is about so much more than something happening outside of you. It is about an exploration into your own consciousness… to discover that you existed before this lifetime, and other incarnations, that have nothing to do with planet Earth.
In other words, you have been the e.t.s in different forms, in different bodies, and when you can accept this, it becomes easier then for you to know yourself as your true self, your fifth-dimensional self when you put all the pieces of self back together again.
You’ll always be getting closer and closer to the home base that is the Source Energy dimension, and then from there, there will be even more for you to explore. Consciously moving from your carbon-based body into a light body.

The February 2024 Energies ~The Pleiadian
We are nonphysical, and we can tune in to whatever consciousness we would like to. We also were physical at one time and did participate in the seeding of your planet.
As you embark upon the month of February, you can expect a lot more galactic energies to be coming in… to remind you that you are from the stars. You all have roots in our star system, one way or another.
We are not the only beings offering activations and upgrades of your extra-terrestrial DNA into alignment... as multidimensional beings. You are meant to know yourselves as collectives. You are there to benefit from all the good karma and all of the wonderful gifts and abilities that these other aspects of you have attained.
February really is about putting more and more of the pieces of you back together... bringing your consciousness closer to home, closer to who and what you really are as Source Energy Beings, and that is why e.t. contact is important for all of you. It is a reminder of how much more you are than your human physical selves living lifetimes there on Earth.
Some of you can expect more of those contact experiences that you do want by the end of the month, and e.t. contact experiences by the end of 2024. And we will all do our part to contribute to it and to ensure it happens in the easiest and most joyous ways possible.

Extra-Terrestrial Tech & Your Inner Tech
Many believe it will be the extra-terrestrial technology that takes care of everything. However, no matter where the technology comes from, you still have even more advanced technologies within you.
Everything that you see out there in the physical realm, pre-exists in the internal, nonphysical realm. And so, you can change your world with thought, with imagination, with focus, with frequency, and you don’t have to wait for a financial collapse, or replicators. You don’t have to wait for med beds in order to be healthy.
You don’t have to wait for your light body to become activated for you to feel lighter in your body... you can do it all right now. Now, when you think about the arrival of the e.t.s with their technologies, remember that they will come when you are ready. And you demonstrate your readiness by showing them that you don’t need them. When you become sovereign creator beings who understand the power of your focus, then you become their equals. And when you are on an equal playing field, you can enjoy more of the variety of what it is that they have to offer.
You are on Earth to rise up and meet the challenges as beautiful Source Energy Beings that you are.

Big Changes in You & on Earth ~ Thymus
You are also noticing that there are more changes that you would like to see... and we just want to assure you that there is nothing wrong with any of you.
Understand that there’s a perfect timing for things to unfold, and sometimes you do need to experience more patience than you generally want to put forth. Yet still with a gap between what you create and what manifests in your reality... or In some cases instant manifestation is possible.
One of the things you are there to experience is letting go... trusting, patience, and surrender, and none of those things seem to go along with being a conscious creator, but you do associate them with mastery.
Be kind and gentle with yourselves and do not jump to the conclusion that you are doing something wrong. Look for the opportunity to enjoy the moment you are in, and rest assured that everything you do want to experience is coming your way. It is your creation, and you will let it in in perfect timing for your journey.
It will always serve you to go and do the things that you can appreciate... and you have awareness and you are developing more faith. Do acknowledge yourselves for having manifested anything at all, no matter how small it is, because doing so is the path to those larger manifestations and those bigger changes.

Do You Need More Information to Awaken?
It is through love that you will awaken to the truth that you are love... this is the goal and the plan that your higher selves have and that your spirit guides put into action.
People can reject love and they can avoid light because they know that ultimately they will have to feel everything at some point. You have received so much of our love and light, and the more you spread around, the more you get.
It’s all love; everything is love. Awakening is about realizing that eventually it wants to be expressed, and you are feeling the call to do so all the time and answering the call.
We enjoy the journey because we love offering love. You will get activated, you will get upgraded, and you will download everything that you need because you will be in the flow, and there is no better place for any of us to be.

So Valuable
While you are still waiting to become completely telepathic with one another. There always needs to be better understanding between humans. And so... Communication breeds compassion. Compassion elevates the level of consciousness, the overall vibration of the collective, and you all get closer and closer to that moment of ascension because you opened up.
Then you may need to draw the emotions out of the person you are speaking with by asking them the right questions. By helping them to get in better communication with themselves, you offer them everything that they need to raise their vibration and to ascend.
You are meant to create, to experience, to love, to serve.
You will avoid so much conflict and so much confusion, and you will live in greater harmony with one another and you will ascend with ease and joy.

What Is Coming to Humanity is Huge
You are going to receive the upgrades that you need, to be able to handle higher-frequency energies... at cellular and DNA levels, as well as within your chakra system... downloads and attunements to help you with the connecting of consciousness.
So that you can know yourselves as multidimensional beings.. capable of reaching out into all other dimensions that you would like to.
It is inevitable that you will shift to the fifth dimension.. to live better lives now, that are more enjoyable, more fun, more interactive with Infinity.

Is Technology to Be Avoided by the Awakened?
There is always a positive purpose and a good use that anything can be put to. Therefore, when you think about all the various ways that you have of expressing yourselves, do include the technological ways.
Being yourself is so important to fulfilling your purpose there on Earth. In order for Source to know Itself fully and completely, you must exist. And the more of yourself that you express, the more you are allowing Source to know Itself fully and completely.
All of you can speak up and be teachers and leaders for humanity.Pay attention what your reaction is to what you create. If it resonates and speaks to you, then it will speak to others, and they will benefit from your use of that wonderful technology of yours.

This is Why You’re on Earth & What Deja Vu Is
We are very eager to see where humanity is headed, as much is available to you right now, to feel into the various timelines that you have. And you don’t have to wait for an event, a solar flash, full disclosure, free energy, or the landing of ships to bring you into a higher state of consciousness.
You don’t have to do it by reaching millions of people with your ideas or your teachings. You do it by shifting within you the vibration that you are offering. That changes which future you meet, which people you come in contact with. It changes the world and everything that is happening in the world. So, if you feel despair when you look out at what’s going on there on Earth, then realize that you’re looking at the mirror that you need to be looking into at that moment. You’re getting to see exactly what you need to see to trigger you, to inspire you, to reflect to you what it is that is going on inside of you.
Just being happy is its own reward. You need this time lag so that you will continue doing what you need to do in order to vibrate in the frequency that is best for you and for everyone around you.
Keep focusing inwardly, and you will not be able to make a misstep. You will be so aware of what you are feeling that you will know what you need , to shift that energy. You are going back to the higher-dimensional planes, back to Source, back to the truth of who you really are as unconditional love, and there is no better journey in the entire universe, so you might as well start enjoying it now.

Living as a Hybrid Being on Earth
You have traveled quite a bit to get to where you are, to lower your vibration enough to be able to have the myriad experiences that you do there on Earth, and all of it is fascinating to consciousness from all across this universe.
Let go of the notion that you should be further along than you are right now. Find yourself sinking comfortably into the now moment, just settle in and experience it. Experience it from the knowing that you are creating it for your own highest good.
You can see how facing emotions is a big part of the ride. But as you face them and move through them, you become more powerful, like steel that has been forged by fire... because when you find yourself, you find your whole self.. with far more knowledge from the higher mind.
You have been doing a wonderful job under the circumstances, and it’s also going to get better because the higher consciousness that is upon you is taking effect... you are shaking loose all that is lower vibrational. Change your experience of reality right now, and change everything. That is the way to live as one who is a human/Source Energy being

You Are Affecting the Entire Multiverse
You want to be one who contributes mightily to the evolution of consciousness, and if you can step back from the drama that is the divisiveness, and you can observe from that higher plateau.
This shows that you are all ready for e.t. contact. You are affecting the multiverse with everything that you are offering vibrationally, energetically, and with your actions… And when you tap in and you can see what is needed, what is being reflected back to you.
This is how you raise the level of consciousness there on Earth, you want to be a part of the solution.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



Jan 19th 2024
The 5th-Dimensional Beings You Are Becoming.

Predictions About ‘The Event’ & a Solar Flash
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
This shift has never been about external factors... or what the planets are doing in your solar system and beyond. It has always been an inside job, and therefore, each of you are allowed to choose what comes next on your individual paths and what you want to experience as a part of a human collective.
Because there is not one future, and there is not just one Earth and one human collective. There are more than you can imagine, and you get to align with the one that feels best to you.
Your vibration is inside of you. It’s the part of you that tells you what you are aligning with. Do you want to align with a world that is very third-dimensional in nature where there is a battle going on between the forces of good and the forces of evil? - Would you rather align with a version of Earth and a version of the human collective where everyone is coming together, uniting, forgiving one another, releasing hate, and moving towards a higher level of consciousness as one unified whole? .. to us that sounds a lot more like a shift in consciousness.
So you only need to focus on the version of reality that you want to experience... many are falling into more of a 3D type of mentality, and so we will continue to send you energetic downloads, but also know that you do have the power to choose.

What You Have Coming with Full E.T. Contact
We are always interested in what keeps you interested in life there on planet Earth… having what it is that people want and experience what they want to experience.
This helps us understand ourselves better, and that’s what e.t. contact is really all about. Many people want to be rescued, whisked away on a spaceship, want access to that very advanced e.t. technology. But those of you who are awake must recognize that when you meet an extra-terrestrial being, you are meeting more of yourself... opportunity to explore an aspect of you.. and what will activate within you when you are in their presence.
When you get an opportunity to observe your e.t. friends and to see what makes them tick, you will have new understandings of what existence is all about. Merging your culture with their culture will create something new.. to partake in. That coming together of different perspectives, different practices, different art forms.
Opening yourselves up to them every night as you fall asleep in your bed... they are waiting for the right timing and the proper invitation.
Send that signal out to all of your star family members, all benevolent e.t. beings, both physical and nonphysical, and you can expect to have some remarkable experiences.. far beyond what gadgets they have on board. Get ready for an explosion of your own consciousness into so much more than what it’s ever been before to you, because that’s what you have coming with full e.t. contact.

Is There a 5D Blueprint for Yourself & Humanity?
Few of you have awakened to the truth that there is not only one future for you or for all of humanity.
That may have been the case in all of your previous lifetimes there on Earth in the third dimension. Before you set out to live those lives, you may have created a blueprint for each and every one of them. A blueprint that you would stick to because you knew it served your consciousness to do so. But that is not the case. You are choosing which version of the collective you align with, and therefore, which future experiences you are going to have as a part of that particular collective.
Think highly of your fellow humans, and you get a better reality to experience with them. You want to elevate everything, not just your vibration and your consciousness, but also your expectations for your fellow humans… still having to tap into them, but that they are destined to experience themselves.
Everyone is there to serve the experience of ascension in their own way. You are the ones who are the changemakers, who will decide that the path for humanity can be a smooth, easy, and joyous one, as you help others awaken.. with your ability to hold space for all of them.
They need your positive expectations for them, and they need you to hold your vibration in the highest .. when you are seeing them all as Source Energy Beings, instead of as the ones who are messing things up for the rest of you. That’s what you came to Earth to do. So call upon us for help in maintaining that vision.

The Steps to Creating Your Reality
There have been times in our history when we were subconsciously creating our experience of reality, but over time we understood how to manage our vibration, and therefore, we mastered the art of offering a vibration on purpose, and that changed everything, literally.
Becoming aware. Accepting. Relaxing into the feeling. Choosing what it is that you want to offer and feel, in the present moment. Finding that vibration within you and activating it. You can think of your bodies as being filled with dormant and active volcanoes.
You may be very experienced at loving other people, animals, nature, the Earth and even e.t.s, but then self-love might be something you’ve experienced very little of. That would be one of your dormant volcanoes that you want to activate.
But if you’ve got an active anger volcano, you may not realize that you have a choice not to be angry all the time. Dormant volcanoes can be activated when needed, and can wipe out entire cities.
Nature teaches you in every moment, if you are willing to sit quietly and listen to her and feel her wisdom... without any more uncontrollable eruptions within yourselves. .. We love to see everyone becoming more aware and more in control of what they are vibrating and therefore creating.

This Is What Really Matters
One of the advantages to being a collective consciousness is also of being nonphysical. You have two ears to listen with, we have no ears, and yet, we can sense all. This is how communication is happening on so many other levels than just words .. and you are receiving energies from above all the time.
Realize that what you are projecting energetically matters. Clear whatever you need to clear out of your bodies, out of your systems, and then you can communicate with another more clearly. You can align your intentions with your energy. You are projecting energy all the time, and it is the way in which you create your reality.
Pay attention to what energies you are receiving and what you are offering, because the time of being able to hide behind words that you don’t really mean is coming to an end. You are all becoming telepathic... recognizing that you are energetic beings and that energy matters, and at the same time you are shifting your consciousness.

The 2 Most Important Things You Can Do Right Now
When you don’t know how long it will take you to access your gifts, but you keep going anyway, that is a demonstration of your faith in yourself. It is time for you all to recognize that everything does exist inside of you, and that when you take the time to go within, you can find it.
When you are following your bliss, it also tends to rise to the surface and show you all of the power and strength you have inside of you. Go within, wait for that inspiration and then take the action. And of course, be patient, you are meant to be enjoying the journey, not doing something to get you something else. The truth is, the rainbow will keep moving, and there will always be another pot of gold and another pot of gold, and you will keep ascending.. no matter what timeframe you are in there on planet Earth.

Abilities You Need as You Close in on the 5th Dimension
We know that conditions there on Earth can be very harsh, extreme, and oppressive, and we want you to know that we see and feel it all, even though we remain positive in our outlook and in our assessment regarding life there on planet Earth.
Take notice of when you are overcomplicating things with your minds... Release and use your breath to ground and center yourself, to bring yourself back into the present moment and back into your heartspace.... where the fifth-dimensional consciousness is already active and ready for you… Look out for the games and the tricks that the mind will play with you. Try to remain relevant at a time when you’re shifting into becoming beings that operate with a higher mind, a higher level of consciousness. Your mind will create problems so that it has a problem to solve.
Being focused on the present will grant you access to your higher mind, and all the ideas, all the inspiration. Relax into the moment, and everything will be taken care of. Not just because you have helpers who can do things for you, but also you will shift your vibration in that moment to one that is very close to, or in, the fifth-dimensional frequency range.

Ground Crew & Awakened Collective: This is How You Help
You don’t always know what someone else’s story is, as you cannot truly walk in their shoes and understand what type of cross they are bearing in their lives... and what has been put upon them in this lifetime.
You can enjoy your journeys so much more when you are doing the work that is necessary, and when someone else is not doing the work, just realize that they eventually will.
This can be the way that you contribute.. and holding space for them, and you will get to that place where you can feel compassion and unconditional love for them....meaning you can see a person doing the best they can and having some good fortune come their way.
And so, as you recognize that they have their own unique paths, and they have to walk them themselves, you can let go a little bit and trust that their team is on it. And as you hold space for them, you will feel better in the moment, and that is a good indication of when you are on the right track.

The 2024 Wars & the Coming Months
We have been observing your progress, and we are very happy to say that we have noticed yet another gigantic leap forward for humanity. As you move through the challenges, you come out on the other side in a higher-vibrational state. Humanity’s warring nature has been right there in your face .. the peaceful side, the side that acknowledges unity consciousness and that we are all one. As those of you who are awake recognize that you must be the peace that you want to see in the world. And now, as you face other challenges along your journey, you will continue to make enormous progress as individuals and as a collective.
And while you cannot just drop yourselves into a war zone and get everyone to drop their weapons, you can, from the comfort of your own home, embrace that aspect of humanity that starts wars. Activate peace within yourself, and send love out to all who are involved... The healings that you do matter.
You are the ones once again who are being called on to make the enormous difference. This will be seen in the coming months as you continue to do this work and recognize yourselves as the changemakers, the lightworkers, that you always intended to be in this beautiful lifetime of ascension.

This Will Help Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities
If you try to figure it all out with your mind, you are going to have a very hard time making sense of it all. And so, use your mind to focus. Use your mind to filter; use your mind to think a thought on purpose. Your sensitivity leads to your compassion, your ability to feel a vibration on purpose, and your ability to create a better reality for you and everyone else.
Those who are stuck in their minds are usually not in touch with that sensitivity that would allow them to feel. A sensitive person goes within, to feel their feelings, to meditate, and all of those things help to unlock their spiritual gift or ability.
The love within you beckons you to live happily in whatever life you’ve created for yourself right now.

Are Reptilians, AI & Cabal Groups Preventing Ascension?
The natural evolution process is the best way to raise your level of consciousness. You can look to the predictions about med beds, and solar flashes, and things that can fix all of the problems of your world, or you can choose to take more control of your spiritual evolution by paying more attention to what’s going on inside of you. Meditation brings you more awareness, and with more awareness, you can make more changes.
Pay more attention to what you are thinking, feeling, and vibrating, as your higher vibration is an invitation to join us in the higher-vibrational realms.
We know that there’s a lot of focus on A.I., and reptilians, cabal groups, and so on, and the idea that they all must be defeated before you can access the truth of who you are within you. All of it just keeps you from focusing on what is truly important, which is always what’s going on within you.
And we know that you, as the awakened collective, are ready to not only receive those higher-frequency vibrations, but also to spread them around to your fellow humans.

Receive All You Want & Need
Not everyone is open to receiving what they need, but you can tell them that you receive consciously from the nonphysical all that is being given to you.
You can let them know that you made a decision to surrender, to let go, to relax and to open up, and that when you made that decision, everything changed for the better. If you want to be healed, open up to the healing energies that are already flowing to you. If you want more peace, open up to the peace that is all around you... and let the love of Source flow to you and through you, and see how your world is transformed by these simple non-actions.
Tension, doubt, disbelief, angst, resistance, resentment doesn’t serve you. Let go of the idea that you are there to prove yourself to others as all comes from enthusiasm. Give up the struggle, and let yourself feel the flow that is coming to you at all times.
Even at night while you are asleep, you never stop exploring consciousness, you are doing so in the astral plane.

Not Everyone Will Receive This, But You Can
Pay attention to how you are feeling when you are focusing on something.
‘Do I like the way that I feel when I focus on this?’ .. Focus upon what you want more of, and never focus upon what you want to eradicate.
Continue to focus on that which you want to see more of and experience more of. That is the only way to live a conscious and deliberate life as a creator being there on Earth.
As you are ascending and we are ascending, there will be more energies for you to receive from us.

Do This Now for Best Results
You must know what it is like to be the type of person that you would someday help.
You have the ability right now to step forward as the master that is within you, and you have the ability to change lives and to change the world. Call upon us at any time for help on your journey, and we will be there, ready to help the helpers.. that is our agreement with you, with the human collective, and with everyone in this universe.

How to Live Your Purpose in this Life Right Now
Nothing exists outside of Source, and when you recognize that, you begin to treat others accordingly.
But everyone has to be wearing blinders to a certain extent in order to have a fourth-dimensional experience. And the trick is not to get caught up in the illusion to such an extent that you forget completely who you really are.
You end all the suffering by being the love that transforms the consciousness of the collective you are a part of. People are inspired more by your acts of kindness than they are by your success, your financial gain. Seek to inspire others by holding the knowing of who you are and who they are, and you will be living your purpose right now.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



Jan 2nd 2024
Gigantic Leaps are Coming for Humanity

Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Becoming God-Source - by The 12D Creators:
We see you in your majestic evolution... On Earth… You wanted to see if you could believe in something that you could not see, feel, hear, taste and touch. Many also wanted to be able to put faith in yourselves as creators or manifestors, and that is why you have the time lag in between what you ask for, what you create, and what you get to experience. But if you don’t trust and truly have faith that your creations are yours and that they are coming, then you will be anxious, you will be in doubt. And you will put off living a life of joy, freedom, and creativity. You will withhold your love. You will not be yourself. And so, you must be unconditional in your love of life. And when you do that, you are that “God”. You are there to merge with everything. To become one with All-That-Is and to live your lives accordingly.. this is part of the plan of existence. Feel the resonance. Put your faith in your feelings, and in the laws of the universe, and everything will work out for you and for all of humanity.

The New Earth That Is Coming
On Earth.. there are aspects that are not as beautiful and fully aligned as they could be, but can’t you see that all of that gives you something to do? It gives you purpose. It gives you something to heal. It gives you people to have compassion for.
When your solution is meditation, prayer, healing energy and good thoughts, that still counts. You get to create a reality where everyone gets to align with that better reality.
It still needs much tending to there on Earth. So please do not assume that it means humanity is headed in the wrong direction just because you still have more growing to do. That is part of the journey... to contribute to the new Earth that is being created all the time by those of you who understand that you create and then experience the new world. You can feel good about where you are, because you are awake, when you can feel aligned with that reality where there is no more war, there is no more poverty, there is no more famine, and where everyone has what they need to be themselves fully. The reality already exists, and you are there to ground it, to create and experience the journey to it.

You Are Working as Spirit Guides in the Flesh
We are reading the energies of all of you who have agreed to be the leaders of the expansion of consciousness there on planet Earth.
You are emanating such a high frequency that you influence others to also be in a higher frequency. As our ground crew members, many councils are also working with each and every one of you.
Because of what you emanate to them.. you have the ability to put people in a better mood, to help them come to realizations that they have been seeking out, as you are anchoring in more of the crystalline energies .
We work with you while you are asleep, as you travel the astral plane, and also when you are awake. It is a wonderful time for you to be very expressive and to serve humanity in the way that you intended.

Your Many Paths to Ascension
Source’s desire for a variety of experiences… and you, as souls, also desire a variety of experiences.
You get to decide which path you take, and we will always encourage you to take the path that feels the best.. Forget about everything you’ve ever been told and instead tune in to your ideal path and feel.
Give everyone permission to be themselves and to follow the path of joy by doing so yourself. Of course, you are going to encounter the themes, the issues, the karma and the trauma that you came to experience so that you can release all of your negative energy, your judgments, your fears. But you might as well encounter those little potholes on the path of greatest joy for you... You are there to experience it all, not just the good stuff.
When you focus on the choice you have made, you manifest that reality, you experience that path, and you get to have more joy because you have chosen to be yourself, your whole self, rather than to follow along with what everyone else is doing. All you have to do is be yourself and follow your feelings.
When you’re joyous, your service to others matters more. It creates a bigger impact on their lives.

Steps for Navigating the Powerful Year of 2024
Being grounded, being present, being hydrated and being aware. Acceptance is the key, and then you can go about shifting.
You can shift the way you are experiencing something, rather than asking, ‘How do I change this? How do I make this go away?... Instead of doing that, you shift yourself and your perception of what’s going on so that you can have more compassion for yourself and for the others involved.
Next is to feel, to release whatever is lingering from that initial shock to your system that you took for having manifesting something in your life that is unwanted. Then by giving yourself what you need, communicating with the others involved about the experience. And when everything that was initially shocking to you has been cleared, you can go about creating something new.. like a new way of communicating. You can make a point of being more aware so that you catch yourself before you create something similar in the future.
And then, with your final step you can relax and know that it is done. Know that what you put out will come back to you.
You’re not going to get better by feeling bad, but forgiveness, acceptance, more awareness, a new plan, these are the ways to create the better version of yourself and the new Earth. That is how to navigate through your lives, in 2024.

Don’t Wait 2024 is here - by The 12D Creators:
You can wake up within the dream you are living and start to live the best of both worlds. You can start acknowledging that everything in front of you is your creation. You can accept it or resist it... but it is so important that you enjoy giving yourselves challenges to grow more fully into who and what you really are.
You are there to break down the old beliefs, the old systems, the old ways of doing things, and start with something new, something fresh, something different, something that is more life affirming and empowering. You don’t have to wait for any big event or any moment on the calendar that says ‘Now is the Time!’. You have received the invitation of your soul, your higher self, Source… and then to witness yourself in your beautiful growth experiences.

Time for Humanity to Admit What’s Inside of You
Look at your environment as a projection, then you can start to get an idea of how this is possible. Everything that you experience comes from your own energy, the projection of your own consciousness. You are showing yourself what is inside of you when you witness the outside world. If you see people arguing, then even if you are not arguing with people in your life, there is a lot of internal dialog that holds that same vibration as the argument you are witnessing. To manifest something you have to offer the vibration of it, rather than offering the vibration of the lack of it in your experience.
It is a bit more challenging to admit that this is the world you are creating and projecting, and it takes some real courage to take responsibility for everything that you see and experience out there and then do something about it. Once you realize that the infinite and the eternal are inside of you... instead of judging and criticizing who and what you are, you get to choose from all that is inside of you.. Who and what you want to activate... the choices are limitless.
You all have the ability to focus, to feel, to think, and to activate what you want. We know that you can and you will.

It Could All Change in a Heartbeat
You are always seeing the world through your own unique lens...and the way you interpret your experiences will change over time.
Create your experience of it, and know that any belief you take on will color your experience of whatever it is that is happening to you. Listen to your hearts; your internal guidance, and connect up yourselves to the higher dimensions and higher wisdom from higher-frequency beings and streams of consciousness…. by seeking out for yourselves so that you can do more than just believe.
Many new and interesting experiences are available to you, and the more fun you will have, the more people you will encounter.. you will find that this universe can surprise you and it can give you anything you want, including any experience.
Be open to feeling into what is next for you… like shifting to a new dimension, by being open you let go, and see where the current flow of energies takes you..
Feel that spark before you get out of bed in the morning, and notice how less attached you then are to the circumstances of your world being just right for you. And as you accept the world as it is, so much more of it can open up to you and bring you that which you are no longer attached to, all because you took the time to feel for the path to Source that is within each and every one of you.

Because of your willingness to absorb the energies
… you are also helping those around you.
You are helping them with your level of consciousness, with your acts of kindness, and with your vibration... and even doing nothing. You answer the call with your intention for others to be fed, treated fairly, and respected as the beings that they truly are.
We are all Source Energy Beings, and we seek to help each other remember. You don’t even know how much you help your fellow humans just by being there. We are to you as you are to your fellow humans.
And that’s one of the reasons why you all needed to come into this lifetime with less forgetting of who you really are and with a determination to know yourselves as spiritual beings, as Source Energy in the flesh.

As Awakened Souls, This is Your Work Right Now .
We are always impressed with the way that humanity has been handling all of the challenges that you have thrown at yourselves.. awake or asleep.. It hasn’t been an easy path. This is the time where everything is rising to the surface… it can get hectic and chaotic there on Earth, but all of that has to be seen acknowledged and forgiven in order for you to move on. It is not your job to copy, paste, and post so that others can agree with you about how horrible that person, or situation is. Your job in that moment is to offer forgiveness, release judgment and have compassion, because they are doing so from that place of being out of alignment with Source. And there is no worse place to be in, and you all know that because you have all been there as well.
So what your fellow humans need is not more condemnation, more finger-pointing, but rather, they need to be seen as Source Energy Beings who have lost their way. That is the way you bring the level of consciousness to a higher level there on Earth. There are no ways of getting around what your work is at this time.
This time you are in is all about integration, not about separation, not about the light defeating the dark. The challenge of UNITING HUMANITY is the biggest one that you have... you are there to help and to heal, and everything will be all right. Everything is of course all right, but there is always room for it to get even better.

Receive More from the Archangels, Ascended Masters & Others
Relax into the receiving.. into what is coming to you, moment after moment, you will feel the expansion of your consciousness occurring in leaps and bounds.
We are not the only helpers you have here in the higher realms, and so at times you may feel like opening up to Pleiadian energies, or the energies of your favorite ascended master or archangel. You may even feel like faerie energy.. and your spirit guides and higher selves are also very consistent in their offerings to you.
You will realize that you have been receiving energies and you have been working with them.
Let go of all of your tension, your anxiety, your thoughts, your worries, your fears, and then you naturally open up to receive those higher-frequency energies. You can receive archangel energies one day and Sirian or faerie energies the next. Think of this as choosing what you’re going to wear today or what you’re going to eat today, we are always seeking to help, to heal, to guide and to support.
Just luxuriate in all the energies that are positive, playful, and helpful, and all around you all the time, and you will never feel alone again. You will never feel separate or abandoned again, and you will always feel full of everything you need to create the beautiful 5D Earth you are continuously moving towards.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


Dec 14th 2023
Getting Closer to our Higher Self & Source

Simply Love the little things you like... to enjoy the ride even more.

The Solstice Energies & 2024 ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You are being catapulted into a cocktail of higher frequencies of energies, a higher level of consciousness with every breath that you take there on Earth... because you want to be awake for ascending to a higher dimension. What this means is, you’ve done all of this before.
Humanity has moved away from tapping in to all of the possibilities of celestial events.
Now to prepare, you do want to keep your bodies as clean and pure as you can and that includes your thoughts and your emotions... in order to cleanse away anything that no longer serves you, making yourself a beautiful conduit of the solstice energies.
Expect an upgrade to all of your seven main chakras, by balancing your intuition and heart with your mind-intellect … for everything that is coming to you in 2024 and beyond.

Put Your Consciousness on the dark or a Flower?
It takes time and practice to reach a point where you know what you are focusing on in every moment, and with purpose.
Once you begin to use your consciousness deliberately, it starts to become its own reward.
Give your attention to what you want to see more of, rather than putting it on dismantling what you want to see less of there on planet Earth. .. give your attention consciously to what makes you feel expansive, with love.
That is how you force the old systems that are in place to crumble, to fall away... do it because it’s the only way to really affirm that you are alive, that you are Source.
... it’s all a projection of your consciousness anyway. If that’s the case, why would you need a whistleblower or someone who has their finger on the pulse of the deep state to tell you what’s really happening in the reality that you’re projecting from within yourself? Of course, these stories are entertaining, and they get your mind’s attention, but you really want to use your mind proactively. You want to use your mind creatively. You want to use your mind to focus, instead of just feeding it what it finds interesting or compelling.

Is Physical Reality Really Real? 8The 12D Creators:
It is not that you are either in the physical or the nonphysical. You are merging the two.
The more you focus on becoming one with some nonphysical aspect of you, the easier your life experience will be…
If you want to change something about the physical reality, or your experience of it, you will have a much easier time of going about that by accessing more nonphysical energy. Call out to us, or Source, or God, or whomever it is that floats your boat. You have our undivided attention, because we are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. We are not local. We have no body. We have no attention span. We are present in every moment of every day there on Earth with you, just waiting for you to tune in to us.

Multiple Realities, Timelines & Versions of Everything
That is a co-creation that you have asked, and we have answered... don’t think that every single person on Earth in this reality with you now has to change. Only you have to change to go to a reality where there’s another version of humankind that is a reflection of what you have changed into. You see, you can only change yourself.
When you change you, you change your vibration, and when you change your vibration, you change your location. There’s an agreement between you and the version of the person that you’re going to experience to come together in that reality, to animate that reality with your souls’ consciousness. Your soul can project the consciousness that it has into many, many realities all at once.
They give you the opportunity to experience many different ways of knowing yourself and many different ways of knowing your fellow humans, and the universe. It serves you so much more to see yourself as the creator of all of it.
And when you change the way you look, think, respond to something, you are changing everything because you are shifting to a different reality.

Is Anyone Trying to Stop You from Ascending?
You don’t need to change the world out there, because the world out there is a projection of your consciousness anyway.
Change something that is going on within you, and change everything, all at once, including the future, but definitely the present moment.
No one and nothing out there, no matter how much technology they have, is responsible for your feelings... and the sooner you understand that, the sooner you can move forward and into the life that you desire. Nothing has to change out there to give you that opportunity. You have what it takes to choose your point of focus, to choose your reality, to choose your future.

Welcome to Your Multidimensional Self 8The Andromedan Council
It is time for you all to reach out to the stars and to acknowledge your origins here. It is time for you all to feel more connected to your e.t. friends and family, and it is time for you to bring the energies of these other star systems down to Earth where you can play more fully as your whole selves. Now, by accessing the energies that you have within you, you do connect to the stars. You are comprised of e.t. DNA and stardust. You do have memories in your subconscious of your off-world lifetimes and adventures.
You took on a lot of this galaxy’s past and the issues and problems that we faced in prior eras, and you took it on to bring about a time of peace and harmony throughout the galaxy.
We are here to help you explore your multidimensional self... to help you to feel more flexible within your sense of self.
We know that peace on Earth is in your not-so-distant future, and we know that you achieve that peace by finding peace and harmony within yourselves and your family and friends group. So look for that which inspires you to love, and keep your attention on it, and let everything else take care of itself.

The December 2023 Energies & Entering 2024 8The 12D Creators:
Do not fear what you are creating for yourselves. If you have fears, then you must look at them, examine them, deconstruct them, because they do not serve you, and there is no reason for you to hang on to them... what you are doing at this point in your consciousness evolution is letting go. Enjoy the good-feeling center which is more representative of who and what you really are. Let go of what is heavy, what does not serve you, and what you have taken on as your own because you thought you had to.
You are ready to do what it takes to let go of that heaviness, that fear, that judgment, that resistance.
When you strip away all of these layers, what you will be left with is your original self, and that will be so much fun for you to play with as you enter the New Year as the new you. You will have our help.

Opportunities to Shift to 5D All Day, Every Day .
Every moment of every day is an opportunity to shift to a higher level of awareness, to a higher vibration, to a different thought, a different perspective. And life will continue to give you those opportunities.
Also look within for what you’re feeling physically, emotionally, energetically. And as you pay closer attention to your thoughts, you’ll become more aware of what your vibration is... the energies are moving faster, they are of a higher frequency, and therefore everything comes back to you more quickly to show you what you’ve been vibrating.
See the significance in a synchronicity. Know that they are happening all the time.
You will find what is within that experience that is there to serve you, to take you to the next level of consciousness, of your evolution... and you let go of lower frequency, that keeps you tied to a third-dimensional type of experience of reality. And when you decide to do so ,more consciously, you get to experience it more joyously.

So Much Good Is Coming to Humanity
Some of you have chosen very challenging lives and have taken on more, and therefore you may not feel like you’re doing a very good job in your life, and that might make you feel unworthy of receiving, but nothing could be further from the case.
So much good is coming to you because there is so much good up here in the higher realms supporting you, and we want to help so much.
You are constantly moving up the vibrational scale, and therefore you do not have to anticipate death and destruction to bring about great changes. When you start to see yourselves as having come a very long way on your journey, then you can expect things to get better and not worse there on Earth, and you can enjoy the ride more.

Your Andromedan DNA & Humanity’s Surge
We will tell you this about Andromedans: we love art, and we love to work with music, sound, color, and movement. We are inspiring more of your creatives to bring forth more Andromedan energy, to activate more Andromedan DNA, and to remind you of where you have been in this beautiful galaxy of ours.

Get Ready for the Boomerang Effect
It is true that what the world needs now is love, sweet love, just like the song says. It’s been true for a long time, and it continues to be true. And so, what do you want to see in your world?
You are there to break cycles. You are there to end trauma in your genetic line. You are there to shift the consciousness of humanity, and humanity needs to go from the consciousness of a judgmental, damning Deity to one that only loves because that Source of all what we are is Love.
We sometimes operate more as teachers than lovers, but we always emanate that love and some of you can feel it. Some of you are attuned to that energy, while others block it. Absorb the love that is coming to you from all angles right now, and then you will feel like you have more of it to give, more of it to spread around.
Just be ready for the boomerang effect of the love you put out and open your hearts, your minds and your arms to it, because it’s coming. It’s always coming, because you never left it and you never stopped being it, and those of you who choose to attune to it will never stop receiving it. That’s how it is possible to be love in a world that sometimes forgets who and what it really is.

We Hope You Included this in Your Awakening
Nothing and no one really exists outside of you. In fact, "they" are all saying things and doing things that will spur on more of the evolution of your consciousness, if you allow the expansion to occur.
Once you realize that people out there in the world all represent aspects of you, then you can start seeing the possibilities for you. You created it as it is so that you could have the experience of growth.
There’s no movement then from judgment and condemnation to acceptance and unconditional love. You want to do more than just say that you know you are a Source Energy Being of love and light.
And all of the people in the world are giving you the opportunity, but you have to accept it. There will always be more love and more light, more expansion and more growth. And even after you complete your shift in consciousness, you will not be done. There will be more for you to experience and to grow into because Source is expanding. That is the journey that you all signed up for.

Do This, And Everything Will Get Better .
We’re always being given exactly what we need in order to grow, to expand, and to evolve. There is always something to appreciate about the moment that you are in. You would look at your spiritual growth as your number one priority and desire.
You would also know that eventually you will get everything that you want as well, as that better reality that you seek. As you go into resistance mode, you have taken yourself out of that place of peace, and you have inadvertently thwarted your progress.
You can be positive in a sea of negativity. You can be the light in a room filled with darkness. Those are your choices.
‘How do I grow spiritually from this situation?’ You don’t even have to label it as a negative situation. No definition required. And then you can get to the point of acceptance. You can embrace it. You can forgive those who you have deemed responsible for bringing it to you, even though deep down you must know by now that you are creating all of it.
And everything is temporary, but when you fight it... and judge it, you’ll get more of it. You can choose by how you feel, by what you resonate with, everything that you would like to see more of in your reality. And if it doesn’t show up the way you want it to, make peace with that.

Receive All the Energy, Wisdom & Support from Above
We are always listening, every one of you, all at once. We can respond to you energetically, and some of you will be able to interpret that energy into words or sounds, visions, intuitive hits, internal knowings, and so on.
We want you to feel more of that support coming from above, not only from us, but from all of the higher-dimensional beings.
We will all continue to give all of humanity everything that we can.
You are multidimensional beings, and you have projected just a small portion of who you really are into a physical body, there is really no difference between you and us, no hierarchy, and so, you are connecting to us on the ninth-dimensional level all the time. And it is time for you to bring some of that back down into your physical bodies, along with all the other energies, and all the other wisdom and support you are getting from above.
You are not there to dictate everything, to become dictators. You are there to be unconditional love, and that means you are choosing love in all conditions, and all conditions must be allowed to be in order for you to be the unconditional love that you always have been and always intended to be for this time there on planet Earth.

Welcome to Your Multidimensional Self 8The Andromedan Council
It is time for you all to reach out to the stars and to acknowledge your origins here. It is time for you all to feel more connected to your e.t. friends and family, and it is time for you to bring the energies of these other star systems down to Earth where you can play more fully as your whole selves. Now, by accessing the energies that you have within you, you do connect to the stars. You are comprised of e.t. DNA and stardust. You do have memories in your subconscious of your off-world lifetimes and adventures.
You took on a lot of this galaxy’s past and the issues and problems that we faced in prior eras, and you took it on to bring about a time of peace and harmony throughout the galaxy.
We are here to help you explore your multidimensional self... to help you to feel more flexible within your sense of self.
We know that peace on Earth is in your not-so-distant future, and we know that you achieve that peace by finding peace and harmony within yourselves and your family and friends group. So look for that which inspires you to love, and keep your attention on it, and let everything else take care of itself.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by

Dec 1st 2023
Gratitude & Appreciation: Your Tools for Creation

These Are the Most Exciting Times & This is Why ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
If you start your day by putting your attention on something that you do appreciate, something that is positive, then you have begun your day off on the right foot. When you let go of that which is unconscious, that which is subconscious, you bring everything to the conscious mind so that you can explore it. Then you can ask yourself whether you still want it active within your vibration, and whether you want to hold that belief any longer.
When you start living intentionally by being intentional about what you are thinking and saying and doing, you will feel more powerful, and when you feel more powerful, you won’t need money, fame, status, or a position of power that might take you a lot of time and a lot of energy to get. You can change your life and change the world that you experience.
Do nothing by autopilot, and you will be well on your way to creating the reality that you prefer, the reality of your dreams. You will find yourself living in a world that reflects all of that positivity, all of that love, and all of that peace back to you.

What You Need to Know About What’s Really Going On
You can change your world for the better right now, and then you can wait to see how the world reflects to you the changes you have made.
You can also look out at the world right now with the understanding that the world is showing you what is needed. Keep your vibration high by focusing on the things that put you in a higher-vibrational state.
And the people creating the stories know this. They know how to grab your attention and how to keep it. That is why it is so important to let your experience be your truth, your reality, and we are talking about your experience of your inner world and your experience of the outer world.
Don’t go looking for someone else’s truth in order to make it your own. Live your truth, shine your light... you can co-create the world that you want to experience and that you want others to experience as well.

Why the Unawakened in Your Life Stay Asleep
You get the benefit of being awake, and it is something that you planned for yourself for this lifetime. Those who are still asleep chose to stay asleep a bit longer because they wanted to play out some third-dimensional types of life circumstances
They are not making an incorrect choice in that moment, but rather, they are seeking to have a particular type of experience that they can only have by staying asleep, and it’s all right. You are there to allow everything to be as it is, and have compassion for those who are suffering, or seeking your help.
Keep shining your light, and do not be afraid to be different. If they are not ready to hear you at least you will have planted the seed.
It is perfectly fine for you to let go and let everyone else live out the drama that they are choosing to live out while you live happily and continue to send the invitations to the rest of humanity with your joy, your peace, your love and your creativity.

Join Us in the Realm of How it Really Is
Feel the enormous amount of compassion and healing available to you at all times, because truly that’s how it really is, and we invite you to join us in the realm of how it really is.
The illusion is fun; the illusion is fine... but the truth of who you are and who we are, and how we relate to one another is beyond all of that, and sometimes it is good to experience what is beyond what you’ve been experiencing.
Everything is moving closer because this is the time of ascension, and that means it is the time of integration. It is the time of all of us moving closer to Source, closer to wholeness, to oneness.
It is all happening now. Be with us and be with more of yourself. Behold yourselves anew, for you are the masters there on Earth.

Trust in This Law of the Universe
Follow your heart. You do have internal guidance, and internal guidance is always there. #1: meditate. #2: allow inspiration. And #3: act on that inspiration.
You need to have faith and to trust. Being in the flow means things happen easily for you, like helpers showing up.
You are there to break new ground, and you are doing it by stumbling in the dark at times and tripping over things, but you keep getting up, and you keep dusting yourself off. There is so much more to do in this lifetime than just survive.
You are integrating so many different aspects of yourselves. And so, you are being asked to forgive quite a bit. You are being asked to drop a lot of resentment, a lot of judgment, and you are being asked to face a lot of your fears and your other lower-vibrational emotions... but the reward, the payoff is so much more as a result.
Hang in there, and know that it will get better because you are there making it better. You are anchoring in the high-frequency energies and making it better for everyone... you all have the choice to do so.

How to Manifest Miracles in Your Reality
When you ask for something that you want form higher-dimensional beings and collectives, notice if you are attached to the when, the how, the delivery system, and even from whom you will receive what you are asking for.
Be grateful.. look for all the ways in which you can enjoy your lives right now, rather than stressing out about when your package will arrive. Be open to all the energies that can flow to you, and you will have more with which to co-create the reality that you desire.
Sometimes they come in nonphysical form, or energetic form. Be the creator and manifestor.. as you move forward into the fifth dimension.
Be comfortable with the now moment you are living in. Be willing to dream big, and expect all of the miracles, then you will start to feel closer to Source, the Source that is within you, that is all around you. Source never doubts in Its ability to manifest and create.

Is Humanity Shifting to 5D?
If you are open to seeing the rising consciousness out there in humanity, you definitely will find it. If you want to go looking for problems out there in the world, or within yourself, you can find them.
But when you realize that you do not have to fix anything, then you can live more beautifully ... you will have more fun and more satisfaction approaching your life in that way.
Now, will there be things that you discover along the way that you want to work on? Absolutely. There are people who take great joy in fixing things, and it is good for you to know that you are a work in progress and that you will always be in a state of spiritual evolution... the process will continue to unfold and unfold naturally. And you can take part in it consciously.
You wanted to give yourselves all the twists and turns on the road that you are on, so that how it is possible to experience joy under these conditions.
What it is like to be Source... is always looking at everything and everyone as if we are all perfect just as we are.. aligned with the truth of who you are as Source Energy.
Your higher self accepts and is compassionate towards everyone, no matter what.
These are the ways to the fifth dimension, to becoming your higher selves. .. which is to be a heart centered being of unconditional love and infinite compassion.

This Is What You Need for Full & Open E.T. Contact
We will provide you with what is necessary to be in that higher-vibrational state. But you have to accept it before any of that would be possible. This is a time where you are getting closer and closer to full and open extra-terrestrial contact, and the question of what is help and what is interference will be coming up a lot once that full and open e.t. contact is attained.
You have to make decisions based on what you feel, not on what your mind tells you, as your mind is easily programmed. Your feelings are yours, and your gut can tell you so much that your mind has yet to tap into. You will be using your discernment with the e.t.s, just as they will be using their discernment with you, and there will always be room for helping each other.
You have had to ask yourself, ‘When do I start helping and when do I stop in order to give this person everything they need while also not taking away those opportunities for growth and development?’
When you really want something, and you understand the laws of the universe, and you know about frequency and vibration, then you absolutely are aligning with what you really want. Remember that it also takes patience to receive, and it takes a willingness to open up to ways of receiving that your mind hasn’t considered. We will continue to give and give .. that enough of you will rise up to receive to make the difference there on Earth.. as the lightworkers, and change-makers that you truly are.

UFOs, UAPS & Entering the Galactic Community
Consider yourself in the galactic community.
Of course, everyone has their own journey and you shift to the reality that best reflects where you have gotten to, on your spiritual evolutionary journey.
Those of you who want to make contact have understood that you need to release certain fears and certain blockages, and heaviness, in order to be ready for that experience, and you have been doing that work.
We, in the nonphysical have felt it, and we experience you all the time in the astral plane. You have reached and crossed this threshold, you can expect much more to come.

Are You Awake to Source’s Greatest Gift?
You have a wonderful consciousness to explore, and your consciousness is your greatest gift from Source. You have a depth to you that goes beyond the physical realm of five senses.. when you are willing to explore that which you really are as an infinite and eternal being... but you don’t always use your conscious awareness to guide you, and instead you go by what is habitual or societal.
We can feel your readiness to stretch your experience of reality right now, and to see another way to enjoy your lives that you were not taught about in most of your schools there on Earth.
Ultimately you do want to understand that you have your own guidance and that you have your own connection, and sometimes you do create scenarios for yourself to give you those reminders.
Realize that everything does have its place on your journey. Nothing, however, is meant to be more valuable to you than what you have pulsating inside of you at all times. You are meant to live as the love that you are in spite of everything not being exactly the way you would like it to be. It is all about living a life on planet Earth as a spiritually awake person.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by

Nov 10th 2023
The Dawn that imparts your Cosmic Wisdom

The Lightworkers & Change makers ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
There is so much still to discover, but please know that there is an evolution of our consciousness going on, and we pass that on to you.
You are not just there to relive and repeat that which is old; you are there to give birth to that which is new.
You are growing constantly, not only in your spirituality, but also in the way that you are able to perceive reality and in the ways you able to access ideas, information, and new approaches to living life there on planet Earth.
We are bringing you what is bright and new in many different ways, and you are taking it and sculpting it into a better world for all humans, and that is why our relationship to you is so special and one that we cherish always.

All You Need to Know About Life on Earth Right Now
Can you feel good about life on Earth? ... Everyone is evolving out of something and shifting from something else. Therefore, look for those opportunities to laugh and sing and dance and play, in spite of the fact that you still have your challenges.
You are also there to spread joy, love, peace, and harmony around... to be creative and enjoy the creativity of others. You are there to welcome in the light and spread the light around. Therefore, you don’t have to solve all the problems of the world or the challenges that you face in your life just because they are there. Hand them over to your guides and to Source, and go have fun, and see how much can get done when you’re not the one who has to do all of the hard work.
Reach for what is lighting you up, putting you in a space of peace, of higher vibration, giving you solace in a moment. A state of appreciation is worth pursuing all the time, regardless of what is going on in your finances, in your relationships, in your body or in the world. When you let go of something, it will show up.
Pursue something that lights you up. And that’s all you really need to know about life on Earth right now.

What You are Meant to Do on Earth
You are supposed to find a way to support yourself and everyone else that you are there to support while also having a good time doing it.
In the state of being that is referred to as ‘love,’ you are automatically of service. Love yourself, love others, love animals, love trees, love Mother Earth, and you are automatically of service. Do what you feel inspired to do, and you are helping everyone. You are there to follow your gut, your heart, your intuition, your spontaneous inspiration in the moment. Be yourself. Be true to yourself. And watch how life unfolds beautifully and you will also see more people thriving, because you will see a reflection of yourself everywhere you look in this beautiful universe of ours.

Avoid the Spiritual Ego & Do This Instead
Your path began so very long ago that it would be difficult to quantify it in a number of years. The journey is always changing because you enjoy variety and you enjoy challenges.
You are meant to see yourself as a multidimensional, eternal, infinite being. Your true self is everything.
Realize that making this life fun and enjoyable is a small task by comparison to how much you have already accomplished. You need to give yourself more credit without getting caught up in spiritual ego. ... in that egoic trap. We are all Source, and we are all one, and there is nothing higher than that. Know yourself as love in the face of hate, of discrimination, of abandonment.
Rather than what they or you are supposed to do, it is so much more important for you to focus on who you are supposed to be, and then let the doing come from that. See the expression of the true self as ... in a simple smile, and kind words.
You don’t even need to get caught up in the human condition, in the human struggle… Relax and know that you are loved because you are love
Don’t worry about mistakes or missteps, it always serves the highest good… .be curious about yourselves; be curious about life.

Is Happiness a Part of Your Ascension?
Happiness can be a choice because your ability to focus is... being conscious in the moment, you recognize that there is a choice.
Enjoy this journey, wherever you go, because that is the best way to ensure that others are also enjoying the journey.
Talk about the things that bring you joy; focus on them. Think about them, and move towards them and notice how the universe can always bring you more... and this will raise your vibration, and you help all of humanity.

Move Closer to Source with this Simple Non-Action
We welcome you to join us in our celebration of consciousness, of existence. It is enough to exist. It is enough to be. If you can accept everything as it is, you can begin to get closer to Source.
If you find it hard to love and accept... put your attention on what is easiest for you to love in the moment. Acceptance will lead to love and more creative changes.
You are all inventors; creating all the time, but not always experiencing that which you create. We here to help you manifest what you have created. You must manifest it in your experience in order to fully enjoy it.
And you are all co-creating so much there on Earth at this time, and some of you can move more consciously into the secrets of the universe. As you know, you need to relax, to focus and to let in. Not everything is accomplished through action.
You are the creator of your experience, then you can let everyone else off the hook and let go of the idea that you are a victim of someone who is more powerful or more important than you. And that’s when you end your suffering and end human suffering. As you master manifestation, you can celebrate yourself right now, because you exist.

The November 2023 Energies
Via several collectives here in the ninth dimension, the energies are coming in from your sun, your planet, your moon, and the higher realms. This November theme is becoming your higher self... to allow that part of yourself, that true, whole self to come through and emerge as the dominant force in your life.
Expect things to get much better. Ground yourselves regularly. You are there to be yourself. You are there to be what Source created you to be, allowing the truest aspect of yourself there in physical form. Let go of all limiting beliefs. Relax and let yourself receive the upgrades and the activations that they bring.

This is a Pretty Good Deal…Take It!
You all have been taking yourselves to various extremes in your lives to give yourselves the full spectrum of experiences,
Now, you can be very deliberate about what you are creating. What you need to experience will often enhance your appreciation of what you want to experience. Every experience allows for more appreciation of its opposite, and so you don’t have to work very hard to avoid unwanted experiences.
Wherever you are, you are meant to be there and to grow from that place into a closer proximity to who and what you really are. It’s about the journey.
When upset... Allow yourself to have that frustration or that anger because you are meant to feel that as well. You don’t have to skip over anything and just get to the good part. Relax into that time and enjoy the ride a little bit more, it won’t feel like it’s taking so long for your manifestations to arrive at your doorstep.
And with no resistance, then you will not need to experience physical illness, mental anguish, and emotional turmoil. You do put yourself on the fast track to ascension and the fast track to manifestation of anything and everything that you have ever desired.

Do This One Thing & We Guarantee Big Changes
Be open to the possibility that there’s a new approach, and you will open doorways that even weren’t closed to you because you weren’t worthy of them. They were closed to you because you closed them, but as you tell the universe that you are open to seeing things in a new way and to having all possibilities available to you, then the universe can respond accordingly, and the universe always does.
Approach life with the attitude that there is so much more for you than you could have possibly imagined. That is how life becomes, as you are the creator. Decide consciously that you are open to what is new and unimaginable, and that is what you will experience.

The 11/11 Portal & Energies
This is a portal that is providing you with energies to support you in healing, in manifesting and accessing spiritual gifts and abilities... the right codes and frequencies to assist you in leading your preferred life. This is a time for you to dream big.
And not just there on Earth… you are also right now in other dimensions, in other times, in other star systems, assisting so many, and there is a balance between giving and receiving.
By letting go of limiting beliefs and resistance.. you can expect so much on the day itself to come flooding in to your experience. Those energies will remain with you throughout the month of November, and you can rest assured that you are being supported in myriad ways that you cannot imagine because you have taken the plunge and gone down so far into density there on Earth. By letting go of limiting beliefs and resistance you are doing so for all of us in all realms and dimensions, all star systems. Everyone else in the universe is benefitting from what you are doing there right now. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


Oct. 25th 2023
Freeing our Light Body dna-Codes

What Needs to Change for You to Complete the Shift? ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You face challenges to spur on growth because if you just got everything you wanted there in the physical, there would be no reason for you all to grow spiritually. You could get very caught up in all of the bright and shiny toys of physical reality.
Whatever it is that you face, when you are not getting what you want there in the physical, you do tend to reach for the spiritual.. leading to more awareness of your true nature as an infinite and eternal being.
It is happening, and if you are not benefitting from the challenges and hardships that you face, then you are missing the opportunity to enjoy the ride by reaching deep within yourselves for what is there, for what takes you to that next level of consciousness without anything outside of you changing. And then you won’t need anything outside of you in order to feel the way that you want to feel. That is the key to living happily ever after, on Earth, or in any star system in the galaxy.

Allow Us to Work Through You
Sometimes it serves you to be right where you are for a little bit longer. Most of the support that we send is to help you get through something and to receive the benefits from having experienced it, rather than getting our nonphysical hands and scooping you up out of an unwanted scenario in your lives.
Your higher self would realize that you still hadn’t gotten what you needed out of it, and you would recreate the same scenario, or a very similar one, so that you would get the growth out of it that you intended all along.
Feel for the support that encourages you to go within and when you’re going through one of those dark nights of the soul, you get to listen to all the guidance from within.. Your feelings, your intuition, and your inner knowing are all wonderful tools that need to be employed.

This One is for All the Truth Seekers
Filtering information through your minds, you only let in that which is already a part of your current belief system... means you do not allow in new information. When instead you run information through your body, you can feel whether it resonates with you.
Know that all realities are real, and therefore, all truths are true, and you have a future that is best suited for you and that will be most enjoyable to you. Therefore, you want to be led to that future reality by your feelings, and your feelings are guiding you towards the truths that serve you the most, rather than the truths that validate your pre-existing beliefs. It serves you more to process information through your bodies than through your minds. If something doesn’t feel good to you, then pay it no more attention.
Make a choice based on the resonance... then you get to travel to the reality that you want to experience most and that suits you the most, and you do so with your focus as well as your feelings.
Sometimes you base what you believe to be true on what others believe to be true.. rather than feeling into it and determining for yourself whether it’s a road you really want to go down and a reality you really want to experience. Source will always be infinite and expanding at the same time, which is another concept that boggles the mind.

Who Should You Believe Regarding Current Events?
It’s hard for you to discern sometimes what someone’s agenda is.. and that can make it quite challenging for you to know which channel to tune in to for information.
We will tell you that you don’t really need information as much as you need teachings. You need beings, whether in human or extra-terrestrial form, who will guide you into yourself, into your own truth. You also want to know what to do about your feelings when they come up and how to get yourself operating at a higher vibration.
There is not one future that you are all destined to live; it is up to you what you vibrate in harmony with. And so, when we see you all tuning in to rhetoric that leaves you feeling worse, we know that you are confused, and we know that you need to let go of the mental processing, so you can go do some emotional processing. Once you clear whatever was just triggered inside of you, that’s when you can vibrate on purpose, and create a much better-feeling reality for you and for everyone else.

How to Jump Timelines & Accelerate Ascension
Ascension is about helping you to transform yourselves from within, which then creates a better place around you.
Trust that the star energies are going to take you to a higher-vibrational plane of existence, which is also a better timeline.
You are there to go beyond the mind, to go into realms that the mind cannot possibly fathom or understand. When you surrender to what you’re feeling happening all around you, energies that are supportive of your transformation and of ascension, you can let go of control, you can go with the flow, you can let yourself be taken to the better feeling timeline. It’s easy when you stop trying to figure it out... when you let go of the mental gymnastics and all the mental processing.
You have to focus in an appropriate way, paying attention to how you feel about what you’re focusing on. That is when we see the giant leaps, and the huge spikes in the vibration of the overall human collective consciousness.

The Outside World is Lying to You
You don’t know you are expanding unless your expansion is important to you, and you are willing to feel for it. You cannot measure any of your experience as a spiritual being by looking at the physical world, but by exploring what you are feeling about the physical world as you observe it.
You get to determine how you respond to something when you are conscious and when you slow down enough to take it in, realize how you feel about it, and process those feelings. Someone who reacts usually isn’t aware of what they are feeling until after.
You can feel for the movement forward you are making if you are taking the time to consciously reach within for what is available to you now that wasn’t available to you yesterday... if you can be patient enough with the process of stretching your consciousness out beyond physical form. You are always making progress all the time, no matter how it looks to you in the outside world.

The Current War in the Middle East
Activate the vibration of peace within you and send it to the entire Middle East. But we first encourage you to make sure that you first have that vibration of peace within you. Before you looking to help others, you must first get your own house in order.
And so, as you look within yourself for the conflicts that you experience and you seek to let go of those, you also help those who are suffering in war right now. The outside world will always reflect to you what you need to see within you.
You don’t have to unravel the entire situation and get to the bottom of it, but feeling your feelings will get you to accept that this is the world that you are co-creating.
We are co-experiencing right now, so that we can get to the place of compassion. We can also see everyone involved with unconditional love, and that will help so much more than choosing a side. It is time for humanity to clear this type of violence from your collective root chakra, and it is time to live in harmony, and you are getting there.

What the Shift in Consciousness is Really About
Everyone in the universe is connected and has some sort of history with each other. And it solidifies the eventual coming together of all beings so that we may reform ourselves back into Source. Of course, we are Source now, and so language doesn’t really do justice to what we are doing .
It means you are operating more now as a whole being than ever before while there on Earth... with your previous lifetimes, both on Earth and throughout the galaxy, and much closer to operating as your higher self together while still in physical body.
You are co-creating a peaceful Earth with all beings loving and respecting one another. And yes, you did take the circuitous path because you wanted all the challenges along the way…for the ability to forgive and to see another as your self and as Source, that we all are a part of.
If you can feel for what that type of peaceful, harmonious unity feels like in your body, then you’re inching closer to it.Go for the feeling because the feeling feels good, and the feeling is available to you right now, and you don’t have to do any mental gymnastics to get there.

How Do You Change the Minds?
Our knowing that we are a collective is not questioned by any of us… and this is what humanity is striving towards.. a unified consciousness that operates through the collective will to support everyone rather than self-interest. It is a huge undertaking.
When you see the world through the eyes of Source, you see no separation between you and another person, animal, and the entire planet... then that is not only the vibration you put out, but it becomes the world you are creating.
It's when you shine your light more brightly. You convince people without the need to address them at that level of the mind.
It is by tuning in more consciously to what you’re thinking, feeling, believing, vibrating, and go from there, and you will see that it’s a much easier task.

A Healing for Earth & Her Inhabitants
Realize that the cosmic healing energies coming through now, are for you... receive them in your bodies and in your minds. We invite you to unclench, to release all the tension that you are holding in your body right now, so that you can receive the offering of our healing.
You are there to experience what that feels like when you have emotional pain, physical, psychological pain, and you are there to experience healing, a releasing of that which has caused the pain. And to recognize who you really are while remaining in your physical body… to elevate the consciousness of self and of others.
This energy is transmitted from the twelfth dimension. Rest, relax, drink plenty of water and realize that you have so much help coming to you. Breathe it into the core of Mother Earth, and now send the healing you have received to where you know it is needed the most. And trust that it will get there.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by

Oct. 12th 2023
Activating ... Surfacing as an intuitive Inner Knowing

The October 2023 Energies ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
The energies are very supportive.. coming in to assist people in making changes within themselves and externally as well.
You get to bridge worlds while you are there, and that is a beautiful experience. You get to bring together that which is seemingly a polar opposite from some other aspect of reality.
You get to be of both worlds, because there is nothing wrong with the simulation as it is. It is your creation; it is your simulation. It is there for your benefit. It is there as another aspect of Source. You can embody the ascended master energy within yourself, because that is what you are meant to do.
These are the challenges that you face as awakened souls, having these journeys that are very unique to you because you are awake. Everyone does benefit from you being there, especially when you are conscious of everything.

Energies & Your Inner Portals
The energies are helping you all to access more of the internal portals that you have located inside of your seven main chakras. These portals are connecting you to other dimensions, to your guides, and to abilities. And the energies that will come in through your seven main chakras will of course also be giving you DNA upgrades and activating your light bodies, which are your fifth-dimensional vehicles.
If you have no idea what it is you are meant to do or how you fit in, then October is a good month for you to be quiet, to go within, to allow the downloads to inspire you towards something... so much inside of you that wants to come out and be shared.
Because of all the changes that you have yet to experience, to be more of who you really are.. you will see the changes that you want to see outside of you, but more importantly you will experience them inside of you first.
There is a need for change and a need for integration; so much better than what humans have been doing for eons and eons.
It is time to see everyone outside of you as an aspect of Source that you are meant to accept and then love unconditionally, and until you do, you will stay stuck in a box that no longer fits you. We will continue to invite you with our energy and with the extension of our consciousness… you will merge with that truth that we are all one.

A First Time Experience for Humans
As beings who have decided to lower your vibration enough to have the Earth experience.. remember that when you are experiencing anger, hate, frustration, loneliness, and despair, these are not reflective of who and what you really are. They are temporary experiences.
No matter what your life circumstances are in this moment, no matter what you’ve been feeling about yourself, about others, and about your life. You still are that which you truly are.
You are of greater service to all of your fellow humans when you drop all of the judgments, all of the fears and all of the resentments.
Perfect, as Love, as Source.. regardless of what they are doing, saying or believing, and you will transform everything by transforming you into what you always have been.
Step forward as the changemakers that you are. Everyone has gifts to share with humanity, ,and sometimes you just need a bit of a nudge from higher-dimensional planes.

Simple Steps to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe
The internal shift must come before the external shift can come. Just like the changes you want to see in the outside world must first be made inside of all of you. Everything is a projection of your consciousness, and you get to decide what it is you are projecting. That’s your free will… but it’s really about being free to offer whatever vibration you choose to offer.
And you must be aware of what it is you are vibrating… shifting from one vibration to another. Once you find that you are offering a lower vibration, accept it. Accept .. it’s not your fault; you incarnated into a world that was meant to trigger you... to experience vibrations of all frequencies. You wanted to have access to all the ingredients before creating the most wonderful meal that you will ever devour.
You have many distractions and that is why quiet time, meditation, time spent in nature, these are all wonderful tools.
This is why we will continuously encourage you to shut off all of your devices and have some more awareness time. We want you to unlock all of the secrets of the universe. Care about what you’re vibrating, become aware of what you’re vibrating, and then shift what you are vibrating with acceptance… it’s just that simple to access all that this universe has to offer.

The Radical Changes You Want in Your Systems
Most people don’t change that quickly… but more gradually. Over the course of several years, the changes will be enormous. But for right now, you need to accept, appreciate, and even celebrate the changes that you do see that are for the better.
There is more transparency now than there ever has been before. Anything that you hold judgment towards and cannot forgive will stick to you like glue. And anything that you cannot accept that is within yourself... will also be sticking to you like glue.
So use the things you don’t like about your systems as a way of determining what needs some retooling inside of yourself. Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, judgments, fears, and so on. Those are your indicators of what still needs some tweaking inside of you… and until you look within for what you do not like that is outside of you, it will continue to be there, creating your reality with its vibration.
You just have to tune in to what you are thinking or feeling, and let it go... and before you know it, you will be living in that world you want to be living in. It will take a little bit more time.. because the outside reflection does take time to catch up to the inner workings of the human, but one thing you can be certain of is that everything is changing all the time, and it is changing for the better because you are in fact ascending.

Manifesting Your Requests of the Arcturians
You don’t have to be special... you just have to align with what it is you have asked for, and we are happy to be the delivery system for you, because higher-dimensional beings can handle your requests.
You may not agree with the timing of the delivery.. but living in peace and joy… you would have achieved a type of spiritual mastery.
It is when your thoughts, words, and actions reflect the higher vibration that you are more likely to receive. Be fulfilled now. Find something to get interested and excited about now, and let go of those requests once you make them. Focus on how much air there is to breathe all around you and how delicious it can taste if you breathe it in consciously and with that intention of receiving all that the air has to deliver to you. And let us and your guides and your other helpers do all the heavy lifting, all the work, while you find the higher vibration that is always available to you by relaxing, opening yourselves up, and letting go of attachment to anything being other than the way it is right now.

These Are the Only Ways to Live on Earth
If you have trained your mind to be positive, then you will realize that you are being shown a path to more joy, more peace, and more of everything else that you desire. Be comfortable with doing nothing but focusing on your vibration.. until you get one of those undeniable impulses to move forward with something that will light you up.

Powerful Tools You Can Use Right Now
Trust, faith, optimism, hope - these are words that are sometimes seen as airy-fairy and lacking in any real substance. And if you did know everything, you would no longer be participating in the simulation, in the game, in the co-creation that is life on planet Earth in the fourth dimension.
You need to let go in order to let in all that is unimaginable to you right now. The unknown is filled with that which you have yet to experience.. so to truly open your mind to limitless possibilities, you must be willing to go beyond thought and even imagination.
You can also surrender to the truth that you cannot possibly know what the best outcome is, and yet you can feel hopeful and optimistic that you and the rest of humanity are moving in that direction at all times. It is in the surrendering and the letting go that you allow in so much more.

The Villains & Heroes Planet Earth
Knowing that you are playing a game and that it is a simulation.. should help you to relax a little bit more about what’s going on in your lives and in the entire world.
See the game and the simulation are your creation, and you do have the ability to shift within yourselves at any time .. you have got to be willing to explore the love that is inside of you.
You do experience the type of bliss that you can experience in a heavenly realm every once in a while there on Earth, and so, you must decide for yourselves.. that you are in fact in your version of Heaven, and put yourself there as often as possible.
When you access that frequency that you need to be in so that you can feel that you are experiencing Heaven on Earth, you are literally bringing Heaven to Earth. Because you are grounding those higher-frequency energies in to your body, to your planet, to your grid system, and therefore, everyone can indulge… Most people don’t know that there’s another option available to them. And you don’t have to wait for anything to happen outside of you to give yourselves this type of experience.

New DNA Upgrades & Activations
The energies upon you right now are about those DNA upgrades and activations... helping you to remember and also helping you to tune in to what it is that you have mastered in other star systems across the galaxy... your Sirian, Pleiadian, Lyran, Andromedan and so on DNA.
The timing of all of this coincides with the work that humanity has done on itself to grow and expand in your love and compassion.
You do not just come from one star system. You are everything. You are this universe. We are happy to assist you as we are so much more than just The Arcturian Council. We know what a beautiful galaxy it is to travel through and be a part of, and we are happy to awaken that sense within all of you as well.

Access the Fifth Dimension Right Now
You growing and expanding in ways you might not be able to detect as much growth in yourselves as you would like to see, but every moment of every day you are gaining more awareness, more consciousness. Be aware of things you do on autopilot instead of from a place of inspiration.
This is a long and meandering journey for you. Think about everything that is in your life right now, and realize that it serves you. And then ponder everything that isn’t in your life right now, that you would like to be there, then take a deep breath, and then relax. And realize you have attained inner peace in just a few moments of your time.
From the place of peace, you can create; you can open up and receive. You don’t always have to be striving and climbing and struggling to get to the next step of your spiritual evolution.. Realize that awareness is the key. It means you are more conscious, and you will choose more consciously the next time around, the next time you are faced with that difficult person.
You will not be waiting for anything to change outside of you, and it will change more quickly because you took the few little steps. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


Sept 24th 2023
Interstellar you are… in Alliance with the essence of eternity

You Want Open Contact w/E.T.s
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Sit quietly, enjoy the silence, enjoy the not-doing for a while, and instead of seeing it as a chore to let go of your thoughts, see it as liberating. Freeing yourself, as you await some sort of impulse.. instructions that you know are coming from your higher self because of their nature, because of the vibration they hold.
Begin open contact now with a higher-dimensional being known as your higher self. You don’t have to wait till everyone is ready; or government official discloses the truth about e.t.s and humans.
You can begin your contact experiences by starting with your very own higher self consciousness... it’s an aspect of you that’s operating from a higher-dimensional plane, that’s the best place to start with e.t. contact.
You’re meeting you, no matter whom you are meeting. It’s always you; it’s always another aspect of you… there are beings that you’ve connected with over and over again. Get in touch with your own heart, with your vibrational signature. Ultimately everything is meant to get you to look within, and when you do, you are certain to find what you are looking for, every time.

The Divine Plan :
You see, everything is always changing in this universe of ours, but nothing needs to. No one needs to get better, to improve, to evolve, it just is. It’s just what’s happening and always will be happening, and when you let go, you let it happen. But when you get down on yourself for being where you are or who you are, then you are not aligning with Source Energy, and that doesn’t feel good. Recognize that if you are making a lot of mistakes, by your definition, in your life, then you are exploring what it is like to make a lot of mistakes, and that’s okay. Acknowledge that every time you slip up in one way or another, you give Source that experience through you, and therefore, you fulfill your life’s purpose.
Your purpose is to exist and to exist as you, but if you think your purpose is to do something, and you are not doing it, then you’re being unnecessarily hard on yourselves, and that’s not a part of your purpose. Self-love starts with self-acceptance. Self-acceptance begins when you bless all circumstances as they are, including you and your relationship to your gifts, or abundance, or other people.

The Future Moment that Will Bring Humanity Together
Everyone is having a different experience on Earth right now, because that is what’s necessary in order for Source to benefit from all of this and to expand. And you are Source.. pretending to be human, to have human experiences, to feel human emotions, and you are adding to that which is You.
Through someone else’s eyes all is opportunity, because you want to understand what they are experiencing.
You may never agree on the level of the mind, but you can always relate to the truth that someone else feels what you feel at times, that they are having a human experience, just like you. After that, the next step is recognizing the Divinity in all of your fellow humans and all beings throughout the universe.

How to Find Your Purpose, Your Life’s Mission
If you want to be of service, you have to start with yourself...being your true, authentic self... and when you use your free will appropriately and choose consciously, you get much better results. Be your authentic self, and what you gravitate towards then will be more fruitful than if you are pretending to be someone or something you are not and taking action from that state of being and that vibration. Just close your eyes, quiet your mind. Something will come to you, and then you just have to trust it and follow through. You too can experience that expansiveness of you becoming more of who you are through all of your day-to-day activities and associations, and when you do, you will be that much closer to us and our vibration.

This is What You Really Want
In order to remember who you really are, you must face challenges that force you to go within and find out who you really are... and feel for what rests there at your very core. You start to recognize that you are more than just your physical body, even though you are still grounded in your physical body, dropping your consciousness down into your heart center… you will feel more expansive.
Remember that you are there to experience yourself as Source through the physical… so go to that place where you have merged the worlds of the Divine and the human, so that you can feel as masterful as you truly are in those physical bodies of yours that are your vehicles for discovering the truth. Everything is perfect as it is. Do not be in a hurry to get anywhere, but rather, be more fully where you are and experience yourself as you truly are, and we promise you everything else will take care of itself.

The Sooner You Realize This, the Sooner You Can Ascend
It is all there for the purpose of your spiritual growth and evolution and it was all put there by you... embrace the world outside of you as it is. You will eventually see it as perfect because of all of the opportunities it gives you to become more of who you are. All the institutions, all the people, all the groups, everyone that you have been taught is bad.. see as aspects of yourself that you are there to forgive, heal, and have compassion for, and the experience of letting go of all of that resistance within you will open you up to a sensation of unconditional love, the likes of which you have never felt before. Practice with those you hold dearest to you, especially the little ones and the animals. To be able to hold it as a state of being within.. these are accomplishments that few have made there on Earth.
Take the baby steps that you’ve been taking to ascend, to become your higher selves, because that will be the most rewarding and enjoyable journey. Letting go of your resistance to all that is outside of you and inside of you , that you have not been able to accept just as it is. Let go of guilt for ever believing that there’s something outside of you to fight against, that you are the victim.
You’ve had a lot of fun playing these movies, but this is a game of integration, not a game of separation, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can ascend. You can start living a fifth-dimensional life as a fifth-dimensional being right now, because we make these agreements with you at night while you are asleep, and we continue to nudge you in that direction, transmission after transmission.

What Matters Most in This Universe
Your moments are filled and because you have so much to do, what you are putting out vibrationally, what you are feeling, and what you are thinking about are more important than whether you get that pile of laundry done today.
See how it goes for you to take that approach to life, let go of the programming. Realize that you accomplish a lot while you are sleeping, and you can accomplish a lot while you offer a higher vibration, because you are shifting yourself to a different reality, one where there will be less for you to do.
You can just be, and you can exude a good vibration, and while not as many people will notice you for that particular accomplishment, you will feel better all the time. Your vibration will materialize in the physical that which is a match to it.

Your Assignment & Your Mission
You can help the collective by what it is you put into that collective consciousness, and that requires no action whatsoever on your part. Realize that what is going on within you may be due to the fact that you are picking up on something that is going on within your human collective.
You will understand that sometimes your role is just to work with the energies that are around. We are talking about helping the collective consciousness, of which you are a part, to heal, to raise the level of consciousness, and to have more compassion for those who are suffering.
There is suffering that is going on, and you, being a part of a collective, are affected by that suffering. So you have to start by helping yourself to feel more stable, more peaceful, more at ease. You have to activate the vibration you want to see outside of you. And you can do this for every single issue facing humanity… even if they may not be happening in your home, or in your country.
So you can tune in to paranoia, to victimhood, to the feeling that you are being manipulated, oppressed, and all of that, or you can tune in to your power, the power that you have within you to transform yourself and to spread that energy of empowerment around to others, so that everyone in your collective can be at peace, at ease, and live lives in joy, freedom, excitement and love.

What Humanity is About to Uncover:
This is a beautiful time to be alive there on planet Earth because of how much you have yet to discover about yourselves, about your world and about your history. Humanity is about to have its socks blown off.
… not in terms of becoming aware of all of the cover-ups and all of the conspiracies. Instead, we are speaking of your connection to galactic beings and to the abilities that you have within you.
You are growing exponentially, and sometimes there are these growing pains that you experience individually and collectively. But as you approach life with the attitude that things are always going to get better they will in your experience get better. You have options in terms of what you focus on and in terms of what you are going to experience in the future, and that is why your attitude, your perspective, your way of framing things is so important.
Don’t ever be hard on yourselves, and remember that every moment is the opportunity. You are there to uncover the good in you, in others, in your planet, and throughout the galaxy. You will see everything through the eyes of Source. It is important how you respond to anything and everything that comes your way. It is as important as what you create. You hold the keys to everything that this beautiful universe has to offer.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



Sept 10th 2023

The treasure chest of truths we've hidden from ourself

Are You Always Channeling & Accessing Your Gifts?
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You also have been accessing healing abilities, psychic abilities and the ability to jump timelines, to astral travel, to lucid dream and to connect with extra-terrestrials.
Everything is changing there on Earth, much more rapidly now, and the energies are speeding up. And so, you want to ask yourself the question of, ‘Does this resonate?’ If it does, then you’re on the right track.. or if it doesn’t feel good for you to focus on it, then just let it go and recognize that you’ve got some vibrational tuning to do.
You don’t need as much information as you think you do. What you do need to do always is check your vibration, and when it needs to be raised, raise it. That means engaging in more of the things that you love to do and engaging with more of the people you love to engage with. It means spending more time in nature and with animals than on devices.
When it comes to e.t. contact, get excited because it’s coming and it’s coming to you individually and collectively. While you are asleep or awake... Again, trust that you’re only going to be contacted by benevolent e.t.s, and that will help you to relax and help you to open up and receive from these friends and family members out there in your beautiful galaxy.

What is to Be Revealed in Each of You
We are here to remind you of that which you already are and to show you a path to getting to that place where you always know and experience who and what you really are.
Evolving is to recognize that everyone is playing their part, and everyone is as they are supposed to be right now.
Everyone will change, but as an individual, you are not in charge of when that happens or how it happens, and that’s why surrendering is also a priority for everyone there on Earth at this time. In other words, let yourselves and everyone else off the hook
So that you could experience rising up from chaotic failure and moving into blissful success. Your feelings will always guide you in the direction you are always meant to be going in. And then you become clearer about the importance of listening.

Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts for the Newly Awake
As you pay attention to your bodies, your thoughts, and your emotions at this time, remember that you are being called to these higher-vibrational states.
These spikes in your frequency of the newly awakened are detoxing, while disrupting normal day-to-day activities they're bringing more awakening experiences.
Most people don’t think very much about their spirituality, or themselves as souls, as essentially nonphysical consciousness... they need support and healing. Right now, just look after yourselves and notice how this recent change in the overall frequency of the human collective consciousness is affecting you. Take care of yourselves so you can take care of the others.

Your Relationships & What They’re All About
You always get to choose how you look at the various relationships in your lives, but one thing is certain. You chose those people to be in your lives, and you chose the relationships you are having to one another. The reasons will be many, but all of them can potentially lead to more spiritual growth, more expansion into who you really are as Source Energy Beings.
Listen to your guidance that comes to you from within because it always knows best. We love you unconditionally, and we know that whether people consciously receive that love or not, our unconditional love has an impact on the totality of the human collective consciousness.
This is a time of great change, and a time when there is more awareness. Your awareness comes to you through your experiences, but you also get to choose... choose loving knowing yourself better as who you really are over judging others. Let yourselves go with what is natural, which is the flow of energy that takes you into higher and higher levels of consciousness. That is what you came for, in addition to exploring these different relationships and how they can all be experienced by you and by everyone else.

Your Thoughts…Do They Belong to You?
If a baby was born into a room where people were smoking, you wouldn’t blame the baby for inhaling the secondhand smoke, and so your thoughts don’t originate from inside your head ... The energies that were present when you were born and that continue to be present now, and we just want to say to you all that it has never been easier than right now to change your minds.
Awareness is the key, because if you can be aware of your thoughts, you can let them go, and once you let go of a lower-vibrational thought, you can get to the vibration that exists within you that attracted that thought to you in the first place.
But then at a certain point, you do hopefully realize that you have a choice and that you don’t have to choose to think like those who raised you. Now is a good time to be paying attention to what you are thinking, whether you want to keep thinking those thoughts.
Let them go, and feel what’s behind them. Feel the vibration; breathe into it. If it’s not a good-feeling vibration, let that go through conscious awareness of it and how it feels, and you will put yourself in a better position to be accessing thoughts that feel better to you, because they are vibrating at a higher frequency, and that is a simple way to change your life and your world.

The September 2023 Energies
Now you know that there will be changes to the various systems that you have there on Earth, and they can go rather smoothly if that is the timeline that you choose for yourself. You don’t have to worry about what anyone else is choosing… or about big natural disasters gobbling up large segments of land and people.
You can let go of those fears that you’re still hanging onto from Atlantis and Lemuria, and ask: ‘What am I still holding on to? What is it that am I attached to staying just the way that it is right now?’
Embrace the change from being carbon based to crystalline based, you will feel the lightness of being that you want also to feel as a physical human. Remember that you’re always moving towards something better, filled with ease, as you release your fears and your anxieties.
The ultimate experience that you are having now is shifting and changing you, and the September energies are helping you to transition more beautifully into the butterfly that you are becoming as the human collective.
It is important for you to feel for what you resonate with and what you do not resonate with. We tell you this because we want you to know that your feelings are guiding you towards that which is best for you, but you have to listen to them... and you need all of them to guide you appropriately to where you want to go.

Live Your Soul’s Purpose
All of your pre-birth contracts and agreements… coming from within you, the deepest soul aspects of you, of who you are.
And so, to be yourselves fully you must listen to those impulses and those ideas and follow through with them. And now you find more and more people are bouncing around from different interest, hobby, to another, and that is as it was meant to be in this lifetime to give yourselves as many experiences as possible.
So you don’t have to figure out what the one thing is that you’re supposed to be doing and then stay on that track forever and ever more. But rather, go within on a regular basis and check in and feel for what the impulses are for you. It’s safe to follow your bliss.’
You will find a lot of satisfaction and a lot of fulfillment when you do.

Galactic Energies for the Lightworkers
When you ground those energies into your physical bodies, you are doing so for your fellow humans and animals and Mother Earth.
Everyone benefits from every positive thought... And there are energies coming in from all angles at this time... and with the equinox coming, more mass awakenings coming.
You can relax and let those energies in, as they are infused into every single one of these transmissions, and they are coming all the time from parts all across this galaxy…. and with the extra-terrestrial contact experiences.

Is Humanity Going to Make It?
We are awakening within each and every one of you pathways to new realities, new experiences, new energies.
This can be a ride like none other, a joyous journey.. and you have the ability to vibrate in harmony with the better experiences, the better timelines, the better versions of yourselves. This shift in consciousness is inevitable.
It’s the ride you signed up for, so you might as well play it consciously, and you might as well have fun while you’re doing it. to see your own potential... allow it to be and if you choose it to be, and we are here for you eternally to hold that space, just as we know you are there to do the same for your fellow humans.

What Are Humans Actually Doing on Earth?
We have been admiring humanity... because of how many challenges you took on by lowering your vibration to the extent that you have to be able to exist in that reality. You see your wars, violence and bigotry and pollution, and you might wonder why anyone would take an interest in humanity at all.
So much adversity that it causes you to have to be more creative... that does eventually lead to solutions... Because of the necessity that is the mother of invention being a major part of your experience there. And because it helps to create new realities in this universe .. and with that also compassion raises the overall level of your collective consciousness vibration. Look for by the ways to feel good, ways to be happy, to experience joy, to experience appreciation, and to experience love… to someone that needs some of that.
With acceptance and forgiveness, there’s always a way to look for a silver lining.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



Aug 27th 2023
Moving in New Frequency & New Dimension

Energy Transmission from the Ascended Masters
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
We were all created with love by Love to be love. And so, ask yourself the question, ‘How much do I love?’
When you love, you are fulfilling your purpose, period. It doesn’t matter what you love.. animals, plants, flowers, trees or people…. who have received love have received the activation within you that makes it easier for you then to give it.
You don’t have to remove all the things from your world that you deem to be unlovable. Start with what is easy, with what always fills your heart with a warm glow, and then See if you can hold your gaze of love while looking upon something or someone that has been a rascal in your life.
Challenge yourselves, but do it in your own timing. You just have to let go of tension, anxiety, fear, so that you’re willing to open yourselves up and be vulnerable enough to receive love from this collective of ascended masters who love you. And yes, we are all returning home to the same place of Love from which we were born, and love is the way, love is the truth, love is the light. Find your love first thing then activate it, and see how much you can transform.
What if the World Were to Completely Change?
Changing you at your very core is the only way to change the outer reality and to make those changes long lasting and to have them be the changes you actually want as a soul.
An ego doesn’t like challenges, it wants to be safe, comfortable, taken care of, and so on. But a soul craves those challenges, because a soul knows that its journey is to grow and evolve, to expand and even better feel, in an entirely different experience.
When you love someone else, or you say something kind in spite of the fact that they have done nothing to deserve that love, that is a Source Energy experience. When you feel oneness with all, that is a Source Energy experience.
You came for those experiences and it’s the movement of your soul from one level of consciousness to another.
So bless your world as it is today; give thanks for every experience you get to have, because they are all giving you opportunities to feel something you have never felt before. Source is growing along with you and because of you, and is grateful for you and your willingness to go out there at the edge of creation.
You are receiving help. And in the asking, you are actually creating what you are asking for, so it is all good.

The Most Important Place on Earth
We see every disaster that you experience there on Earth as another opportunity for you to grow the amount of compassion that you have within and also an opportunity to forgive.
When you hold on to resentment and anger, you hurt yourself and everyone around you is affected by you hurting yourself. So there is a ripple effect that is both positive when you are offering compassion and negative when you are holding on to resentment, anger, and even hate.
You have a responsibility to yourselves that also affects all others when you take care of your inner realm. This is the fastest way to affect change there on planet Earth. It is not only through action or words; it is not through posts or videos. It is through tending to your own garden. Access what is going on inside of you, and you clear out that which is lower vibrational, and you replace it with that which is higher vibrational, you affect the whole of humanity in ways you cannot possibly see or understand.
You are there to create and co-create a better Earth for everyone. And you were not created to wait around for something to take you to the better Earth. Spend some time every day going within, and you will change the world.
Access Your Spiritual Gifts the Ascended Master Way
Now, everyone has the option of offering healing energy through the palms of their hands to Mother Earth, to the ocean, to a tree. You can feel for the appreciation that is coming back from that being of consciousness.. so many benefit from you accessing and sharing your spiritual gifts.
Now, if you do not have any interest in spiritual gifts... start by filling yourself up with the Love that is Source Energy, and then put your attention on what it is you want to do in this life. Everyone on the planet benefits from what is deep inside of you and waiting to come out and be expressed by you.
How Time Works in Your Favor Now
Everyone could use a bit more of patience. Also acceptance, as well to develop faith through trust. And when you have all of those elements, it is like fertilizing the soil. It is like giving yourselves the most appropriate amount of water and sunlight.
See yourselves as the ones who are tapped in enough to lead the way for the rest of humanity, and we just want you to know that the energies that we are sending you right now are energies of timelessness... taking you out of the trap of linear time, and away from worry and fear when it comes to clocks and calendars.
Everything can change in a heartbeat, and it often does. Because you are jumping timelines so frequently. You are there to shift, and one of the ways that you shift is in your perception. And as you shift in your perception of time, truly anything is possible, including the awakening of billions of people in a very short amount of your linear time. Let yourselves relax into this moment that is the eternal now.
What the Fifth Dimension Will Be Like for You
You won’t need an educational system, because everyone will be able to access whatever they want, and without a computer or Internet connection. You will simply download whatever it is you like directly into your higher minds. You won’t need an economic system because you will be instant manifestors. So there won’t be a need for an exchange of any kind. No need for governments, as you will be able to govern yourselves.
There will be no trade agreements, no war ; everything will flow according to vibration. Everything will be happening by synchronicity. Focusing more on being fifth-dimensional beings, by clearing what you need to clear from your chakras in order to ascend, rather than complaining...
You have all the power, within the Now, where you can offer a vibration that will dictate everything, and so those who are ready for more contact will have it. You can help raise the level of consciousness there on the planet, and you don’t have to worry about what others are doing or not doing. You don’t have to assume that anyone else is creating in your reality, because they aren’t.

Here Are the Eternal Truths
Wouldn’t it be much easier for you all to recognize that you just don’t have all the facts in front of you. And so, we invite you to examine your assumptions, and hold only eternal truths to be true. Here are the eternal truths: We are all one. We are all Source. And Source is Love, therefore, we are Love. You can start activating your belief that is knowing that you have gifts inside of you that you have yet to discover, and excited to find out what they are.
Now, if you recognize that you accept the not knowing, you can live more happily ever after in the now moment. It’s very enlightening to not know and to go on this journey without having to know every step along the way and how you will take it and who will be by your side.
By going through the veil of forgetfulness... you get to experience surprise; you get to experience wonder; you get to experience anticipation, and those are wonderful experiences that you get to have while you are still fourth dimensional.
What Really Matters to The Ones Who Are Ascending ...
Staying more focused to what is growing, expanding, evolving and ascending. Even though you will have bodies in the fifth dimension, and you will have personalities, those are not really what is ascending... Your soul doesn’t care who is in power politically. Your soul is in it for the journey. Your soul is ascending, which is your true self, and it’s the eternal, infinite part of you that operates in the same ways that we do. It takes the expansion and goes for the feeling of it, rather than getting caught up in what is temporary there on your world.
The journey is something that you may not always be able to quantify physically, but you can always feel it.
Concern yourselves with what you can feel.. How open your heart is, the amount of kindness you are spreading around, so you can experience this expansion, this evolution of your consciousness, in so many beautiful ways that have nothing to do with the physical. Nothing is going to stop you from ascending, and no one with a negative agenda can prevent you from doing anything, but you can prevent yourselves from enjoying this process.
Keep focused on what matters, the nonphysical essence that you are really feeling and everything that does materialize in your world will follow.

Earthquakes, Fires & Other Cataclysms
Reality is always co-creation, and so it is a fruitless endeavor to look for anyone to blame and to create more of the 3D consciousness of victim and perpetrator. You are moving out of that consciousness now, and you are coming together more as a collective to support those affected by tragedy and trauma with your compassion, with your understanding. And if there are people at fault for something, then to really raise your level of consciousness, you must look for forgiveness within yourselves. It is not about figuring out how, with the mind, to prevent something from occurring in the future, when the everything that occurs serves a higher purpose.
The higher purpose is always about bringing you together. It’s always about unity, and you get that when you focus on how you can be a part of the solution.
It is also necessary to focus on what you’re feeling, what you’re thinking and believing, how you can heal from all of it, and how you can build something new from whatever has occurred that has left you standing in a pile of tears.
You’re always meant to co-create something better from whatever is occurring, and you can and you will do that when there is no resistance, when there is no more stuck energy to release, and when you can see the possibilities for the brighter future that the tragedy has then created for all of humankind. That’s your work as the Awakened Collective, and it is hard work, it is challenging work, but it is the work that you signed up for in this lifetime.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



Aug 14th 2023
Life is a Multidimensional Journey… Breath-relax-calm

What the Ascended Masters Did on Earth ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Many of you have reached that level of knowing that you are creators of your reality, that whatever you created was with your vibration. Pay more attention to your inner realm and everything that is contained within... be more curious about what’s going on inside of you than outside of you, and the things that are outside of you and how they affect what’s going on inside of you.
If you pay attention to what brings you joy, then you are more likely to move in the direction of what brings you joy.
Because we know that when you are heart-centered, you are present, you are grounded, and you are aware of how you are vibrating. Enjoy your lives, and therefore, you must become aware of all the ways in which you are deciding. You don’t have to change everything outside of you in order to make your life more enjoyable, but you do need to change your perspective on certain things.
Let your feelings guide you, and use your mind as a tool.. but you must take command of your mind in order to use that power that you have within you.
Your Place of Power in the Universe
We are not as concerned as others are with fighting the good fight. Although we respect those who protect humanity from harm. We seek to amplify those feelings of creative peace within you through the energies that we send.
Even if all weapons on your world were disarmed simultaneously, the people with the feelings within them that were left unresolved, and that were filled with hate and anger, and even fear, would find another way to start a war.
So there must be an authentic willingness to accept what is present within the self, to embrace it, and to release the judgments that you have of yourself and others.
Ascension is not about separating the good from the bad and allowing the good to move on, while the bad is left to fight and war amongst itself. If you are truly awake, then you are willing to look within yourselves for that which you may not like to see, and you are willing to make peace with it as it is. You are also seeking to look outside of yourself at where the most love, healing, and forgiveness is needed. You are compassionate, even to those who are lashing out because they know no other way and because they are hurt, traumatized, and have been given no opportunities to heal from their families, teachers, and society as a whole.
The inner realm is where all your power lies and it is where we meet you. It is where we are available to you all the time and where we spread the peace within you so that you may spread it all around your beautiful planet.

Create Your Reality or Accept & Surrender?
‘How long are you going to struggle and resist before you finally do accept what you need to?’ One of the most helpful ways that you have of looking at something is to ask yourself how it serves you to have that particular experience in your life. Of course, as a soul, you want to have a variety of experiences, and not all of those experiences would be described as good experiences from the egoic perspective.
The collective you are a part of was also something you chose to experience before you were born. So it serves you so much more to accept them as they are and to change you.
Everyone is experiencing what they are experiencing by choice because everyone is the creator of their reality. Choose to shift your consciousness in little ways every day, and all of those little shifts will amount to a monumental shift in consciousness for you that will have the ripple effect that you want it to have on the rest of the collective. And then you will see how it is possible to live in peace and in harmony with all other beings in human form.
Avoid Spiritual Bypass & Receive Arcturian Love
If you allow yourselves to feel more and think less, you will be more in tune with the universe... more in the flow of the energies that are present.
You are there to become more sensitive to energies, so that you can choose wisely which ones you want to play with, you want to feel, and you want to create with, moving forward in your lives.

August 2023 Energies & the End of 2023
As you make a point of processing your negative emotions and releasing your negative thoughts, you put yourself on that timeline where things around you are shifting and changing, peacefully and beautifully. You all get to be a part of these experiences by projecting your consciousness out into the future that you would like to see there on planet Earth.
Bring yourself into Mother Nature more regularly and connect with the consciousness of the trees, the flowers, the plants, the grass, the Earth.
Give yourselves plenty of time to rest, relax, and meditate.. and engage in that which brings you joy. Appreciate what you do have and expect things to get better for all of you, for all of humankind. You can also consciously bring about those changes by envisioning them.
Sometimes the best way to help is to just hold compassion for others in your heart. Practice breathing consciously and feeling free as well.
What Lies Dormant Inside of You
You all are there to enjoy the journey of becoming masters in the flesh once again… Rest assured that whatever your purpose is for being there, it will show up in your life as a challenge that you cannot help but face.
You are meant to dig deep down inside of you and find the power, the strength, and the mastery that was always there but that had been lying dormant within you until the challenge, came into your life. They are there not only as masterful beings but also as unconditional love and unconditional joy.
And it’s not that you have karma, or work to do, so much as it is you want to experience yourself ... like playing games when you know they are games.... a great game of seeing the bigger picture of eternity.
And when you bring that playful approach to life, you can start to see everything as an opportunity for you to have more fun there on planet Earth.

Choose This & Change Everything Immediately
In conscious breathing, you have the ability to slow everything down, including your mind... to tap in to potentials, to open doorways, and to allow for healing to occur in the physical body. It is very easy for you to raise your vibration simply by paying attention to your breathing.
You can breathe more consciously while you’re eating, talking, walking or while you’re driving. You can see just how high you can get your vibration while sitting or watching your computer... and sending healing energy to a place in your physical body. You can download inspired ideas while you are breathing consciously. You can let go of thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you. You can literally blow them away with your exhale.
You can create connections and open portals with conscious breathing... and as a spiritually evolving human you will be choosing a path that will bring your closer to everything that you want in life.
Access the Full Power of Source Energy
At your core.. the changes that occur within the individual affect the entirety of the human collective there on Earth. The ripple effect that you all have been achieving as individuals in the past few weeks has yet to be experienced by the collective.
You are the leader of your own reality, because you are the creator of it, and the experiencer.
If you want to realize the power of Source Energy flowing through you, then you first have to allow everyone else to be where they are spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. See them as necessary pieces of the giant puzzle of which we are all a part.
Continue to expect seeing the changes outside of you that you have already initiated inside of you, to realize this power of Source and be in that flow.

Believe You Can or You Can’t
Your life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You get what you focus on and what you expect.
You have the option of expanding that lens out to be able to see more than you’ve ever seen before, and that is the good intention to set for yourselves.
If something doesn’t feel right to you, then take your attention off of it. If you do recognize that you are infinite, eternal, multi-dimensional beings, then you must understand that you have many paths in front of you. All paths lead back to Source... the home that you seek is also inside of you, and that’s a truth.
Love is a feeling and a state of being; it is a substance, because it is Source, and it is what we are all made of. And beliefs are in your head. Merge those two worlds, of the head and the heart, and you will be living the life that you set out to live when you decided to incarnate there on Earth.
Your Problems Are Not Too Small fo Us
We do not see anything you are living as trivial or unimportant from our lofty perch ( 9thD.) We know that everything you are living affects you emotionally, and impacts your emotions are on everything.
Do not see what you are living as insignificant in any way, and you will align with our perception of reality. You are there to navigate through energies that help you to grow and evolve.
You are a part of us; it is like when you talk to an organ in your body or some cells. You don’t see them as less important than you. It is our aim to make you happy with our energies. Your joy will influence the way you ascend; it will influence when you ascend. But we will continue to attempt to convince you to lighten up and not diminish your problems, for they are the unique ways that you have chosen to grow and expand at this time.
Speak to us as though we are always listening, because we have the capacity to listen to every single human on Earth simultaneously, and more. And what you are going through there on Earth fills us with compassion and makes us want to help even more. Everything you are living is helping us to fulfill our purpose for existing in this current form.

The Lions Gate Energies & You
You are all there to become masters in the flesh, to understand what the human experience has been like there on Earth for so long, and then you can help others to heal.
Now you get to experience purging... releasing. The fears that you still need to face around your survival or your financial stability. And at the other end of all of that is the experience of mastery.
Call upon us that you know of, as ascended masters to help you in your time of need. It is, of course, an important time for everyone there on Earth, and you’re going through a collective ascension moment right now, bringing you closer to full, open extra-terrestrial contact and bringing you closer to the completion of the shift.
And as you prepare yourselves for that experience, you pave the way for others to do the same, and you bring yourselves into a state of readiness also for traveling to other planets, moons, systems, space stations, everywhere you’ve ever imagined you could go and everywhere you’ve ever wanted to go. And that is the upside of having to go through some purging experiences on Earth at this time that are not so pleasant.
You’re not going to a place; you are going to a higher level of consciousness where then you create a new experience of reality.
We are shifting towards a better, more expansive version of this universe that we are all co-creating together.
You want an expansion of consciousness that includes everyone and that allows everyone to experience what they want to experience. That’s what ascension is.
Earth’s Progress as Seen by the Arcturians
Think back at all the times in your life when you felt like everything was falling apart, when in fact you were bringing yourself to a better place. It continues to happen in all of your systems there on Earth as well. You don’t have always to figure all of that out, but you do have to trust in the path of ease and joy in order to experience those shifts in your systems as easily and joyfully as you can.
You do have complete control over what’s happening inside of you. If you spend more time in meditation, in nature, consciously breathing.. more grounded, and knowing that humanity is going through something right now, but it is a rebirthing process.
You are there to experience it gradually and incrementally and in ways where you can feel your growth. So set every mind at ease even when so many people are telling you that the sky is falling. You are there to be the peaceful ones, the wayshowers, and we are always here to help.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


Aug 1st 2023
The Lineage of DNA - Lemurian Gifts within all Heart Vibrations + Sirius Rising

The Lineage of DNA - Origin to Now ~ Excerpts from Kryon

Your DNA is that which is the core element of Who You Are. It’s where the higher self is, the akashic record, the blueprint of everything you ever were.. all of the lifetimes, all of your spiritual growth, all of your talents are there. The karma that you came in with and all the records of that is there. Some of you understand this to the degree that you were a Lemurian and if you were and feel this way you know of the incredible profundity of what's inside. Your DNA is over 3 billion chemicals in a loop... however these parts are a mystery and only three percent do anything.. you can see no codes so some have called it junk . But Mother Nature and Gaia are very efficient when it comes to human biology.. whether it's photosynthesis all the way to the human genome... it is the Quantum blueprint, the divinity of your Akash. It is the record of all lifetimes, all things accomplished.. all growth, all epiphany, all failure. It represents a vast amount of experience all the way from the beginning, which 90% of it is literally the pattern which drives the 3% … 3% of DNA is the engine of the vehicle you ride. In that 90% is human consciousness in charge of the Earth Consciousness.. responsible for the vibration of the planet.. the 90% which is quantum human. However it doesn't work well, not representing what was given to you.. your immune system is horrible.. almost every disease on the planet goes right around it. You could have cancer in your system and your body will never tell you. Your self-diagnostics originally built in doesn't work … if a nerve is severed something keeps them from growing back together. Starfish can grow back an arm you can't - how does that feel being the top of the evolutionary ladder - all of this because there is a DNA that is not functioning as it should.

The Pleiadians who visited Earth 100 000 years ago, is a race that is quantum.. that is to say there is no time, no space, there is no distance. They willed themselves here as an advanced race that is spiritual to help change the DNA of one kind of human being and that is the creation story. The Pleiadians look like you. On purpose Spirit allowed them by invitation for this purpose.. the only planet of free choice. When the Pleiadians moved to this Earth literally spiritually was born.

Slowly the first civilization on the planet was born and it was called Lemuria. Their DNA was at 90 percent. All the quantumness of their DNA was activated for that is what the Pleiadians passed to them. The oldest civilization on the planet the one that was the most long lasting; that never had a war. Broken up only because the seas rose. They were the original Society on the planet .. on the top of the biggest island of Hawaii .. that's where the Pleiadians landed first that's where they began their work. Lemurian knew in their DNA all about the solar system. Understand that a Quantum DNA working at 90 percent creates a Consciousness that is one with the Universe, being one with everything. The remnants of Lemuria are gone, covered by water a long time ago… no proof of this, not physically.. only if you go there.. the ancestors will welcome you home.

Atlantis was much much later and there were three of them.. Humans have a dramatic interest in civilizations that get destroyed - Of the most advanced was Lemuria, it had no technology technical abilities at all and yet it knew how to heal with magnetics. It was all in their Quantum DNA. The Lemurians knew all about the solar system, the Galaxy and the Stars. They knew about the galactic alignment coming. You are now sitting in this energy.

The splitting of Lemuria and the fragmenting of human collective consciousness as you did in this process the DNA was reduced back to 30%... literally you started over.. you did not have that Quantum intuition you didn't know where your seeds came from… Today the lineage of DNA goes into an activation.. that means you are beginning to increase it in a Quantum fashion.. you sit in a shift, you sit in a remembrance .. a return to a Lemurian State. The shift is upon you and you begin to work with that Quantum sacred DNA part of you .. ready to be enhanced with intent, bringing consciousness in vibration and in its efficiency you're going to start to see it in many ways ... starting with the indigo children. It's about how much of the quantum DNA they are using. The more you use the less linear.. the more self-diagnostics in the DNA re-creating a human cellular structure which actually repairs itself.

The Lemurian could grow back a limb and there'll come a time when you can too and it won't be through modern medicine - it's going to be through thought, activation, consciousness - You're bringing back an original energy slowly.. it was designed for today, it is time for you to return to the Quantum State which is the spiritual state and it starts now.

You fight a battle on the earth between old and new energy and the new energy is winning... the old energy will be with you for some time, you're not all done. You will see the ways of a new paradigm of being, of structuring and it's going to take some time - do not fear what it will do, for it will emerge as one of the strongest on Earth filled with integrity. All part of a human evolvement in Consciousness that you can see in your DNA. So I say to the scientists this: when you develop the quantum lens you will see it... for you will actually see the chemistry in the 90% of DNA it will glow under the influence of the quantumness. And it will change colors with the activation… very beautiful. It is like the old soul.. it's something you've done so many times, you can't even count and you will come back because you'll not want to miss this. This is the shift you have waited for and you're going to be born with a higher level of DNA efficacy than before. Watch these children develop even into a more aware group than they are now... and some of them will be you when you return. Feel in your own innate intuition sense the truth of it all. The mind works in time and space… your heart is Quantum. And be aware that you are dearly loved.
~ Excerpts from Kryon by Lee Carroll


When Other ET Groups Approach Us Re: Humans ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Tune in to the vibration that’s inside of you... your own thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and chakras, and that it is just as big a universe.. inside of you... right below or beneath the layer of resistance that you have to what is in your world right now. You will feel more of your true self emerging, and there is nothing more important than that. When we see you, we see your true selves emerging all the time in little ways.
Feeling for the consciousness of everything around you will help you tune in to your own consciousness, and what is consciousness other than awareness. The unaware person is very reactionary and easily programmed, and the aware person is taking life slowly, is breathing consciously, is taking in everything about a situation before coming to a pre-packaged conclusion about it. To live a more conscious life will ultimately lead to more inner peace, and inner peace leads to more happiness, and when you have inner peace and happiness, you are much better at living your life and creating the reality you want to experience.
When you make peace with everything as it is and everyone as they are, and then you accept, forgive, and love them, you are a true master. You will get to that planet you are co-creating because of what you do in the peace, in the silence of your mind, and in the comfort of your own home.

Awakening the Sleeping Ones
We are working so closely with your sun to bring about a different type of energy and light transmission.. and all of Mother Nature.
You can detect the sunlight hitting you, starlight and moonlight ..The help is more impactful when you consciously and deliberately let it in… and the help is getting amplified at this time.
The light that you receive is an aspect of physical reality that truly is spiritual.... that represents Source and the Love of Source.

What the Awakened Collective is Doing on Earth
So many of you reaching beyond yourselves, reaching beyond your egos, and seeking that which is coming from a higher-dimensional plane, a broader consciousness. .. through the living of your lives. being yourself is enough. There will be opportunities, when you have more to give to those who either are facing a challenge, or will face it, and all you have to do is say, ‘Yes!’ to your life as it is in this moment.

Activate Your Multidimensional Galactic Self
Activate that which is Arcturian within you. When you allow it, you get to recognize yourself as a multidimensional galactic being of light and love. And of course that’s just the start, because you are universal beings and you are Source Energy Beings, and you are so much more than you had ever allowed yourself to imagine before you woke up in this lifetime. B
Yeshua, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Buddha etc .. were always meant to be to you an example of who you can be and in fact what you are becoming… and you also know that it is a part of your journey to connect to extra-terrestrial consciousness .
By facing the challenges that you have in front of you in your very unique life, you accomplish mastery, unity, and you begin to explore the galaxy. As you initiate a ripple effect that brings the entire galaxy together into one harmonious whole.
You begin to recognize that you are connected to all of these other star systems, to all of these other dimensions, and in fact as a soul you are still there. You are doing the hard work and the heavy lifting there on planet Earth, and we appreciate you immensely just for being there.

It is Time for Humanity to Know This
You incarnate to run into obstacles, to fall into pitfalls, and to face hurdles that you have to jump over... all meant to show you exactly how powerful you really are. And when you didn’t feel so powerful.. that’s when you needed the most compassion. We, in the higher realms, are meant to have that compassion for you. And when we feel it, we are fulfilling our missions.
helping you gain more access to your power. Breathe into those chakras so that you can feel your power.
You have experienced all of the emotions you were meant to experience... now The only question is, do you know how ready you are? We will continue to show you and to point you in the direction.

Avoiding Predictions of Cataclysmic Future Events
And to those who are very much seeming to want to stay asleep. You provide the formula; you provide the template. You are impacting the collective consciousness with what you have been able to do and how you have been able to grow in this lifetime,
by holding space for them to do so.
Recognize that whatever the state of the world is today, the growth experiences that are available to everyone as a result of the state of the world are what you are really there to experience.
All you need is to believe in humanity, and that all starts by you believing in yourselves.. many of you have stories to share. You are a representative of humanity and they are a reflection to you. Hold space powerfully for all of humankind so that you can have the ascension of joy, peace, and love that you all desire.

Enormous, Massive Changes You All Want on Earth
We are connected to all of you in a way that allows us to better understand all aspects of Source. There is so much in the diversity that exists amongst all beings in the universe. See your differences as what makes you powerful as a collective.
You do want everyone to be given an opportunity to be exactly who they are and to fit into the space they were always meant to fill. Every time you give someone permission to be exactly who they are, you make this coming together more possible... and as a powerful collective, you can experience enormous, massive changes, the types of changes you all have been waiting for.
Realize that the power has been within you all along and remains inside of you, that should be enough to warm your heart, and the more accepting of others.
Of course, it’s not always easy to just accept the actions of a person who is harming others .. but it is the first step in getting them to heal and become who they really are. You have tried to just condemn everyone to prison .. and it hasn’t worked. In fact, that strategy is backfiring, as your prisons become breeding grounds for more crime or by dropping bombs.. it just creates more terrorists.
Then you can see how you could possibly accept, forgive, to see those enormous, massive changes you want to see there on Earth.. because you will be seeing the world through that new lens. You will be vibrating differently, and you will be attracting news and other stories about people coming together. That is where your true power lies.

Breaking Free from the Matrix & Manifesting
On Earth, when you begin to believe in the illusion, or ‘the matrix,’ you forget that your existence is about expanding into the newest creations of Source.
It also becomes more fun, when you see it all as Source… allowing something that could be infinite.. you can manifest the state of oneness. Going into nonphysical types of experiences, the feeling states... are much more infinite in nature than what is physical. That is why people's spirituality understand that the beauty that transcend the illusion. Knowing that nothing is stopping you from breaking free from this so-called matrix but you.

These Are the Keys & the Real Secret to Everything
Everything is love, either turned up all the way, or with that dimmer switch turned all the way down so you can barely perceive it. But it’s always there; it’s still within the darkest of places. The spark of Divinity, of unconditional love, still dwells within.
It’s not a secret that takes a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out, but you need reminding, because the world can get very complex and even complicated if you allow it to, and you will understand that it is what you are there to be.
It’s a lot easier when you are free, when you have food in your belly.
It is easy to get caught up in that rat race, especially when you think there is a limited amount of cheese. But when you understand that there is an infinite supply of everything that you need because you are the one who creates your experience of your reality, then you can relax more, you can be more at ease, and it becomes easier for you to stay in your heart and to radiate love out in all directions.
Think of love as an eternal flame that burns in the center of your heart, and know that when you place your consciousness there, you always find it.
We exist inside of you in your high heart chakras, and we are walking you into the fifth dimension, holding your hands, guiding you along with your spirit guides, the archangels, and so many other helpers that you have.
Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


July 16th 2023
Astrology!... with this Nodal Axis Shift

You are in the Unknown. And from the Unknown, all things are created. You are in the Quantum Field “ ~ Dr Joe Dispenza


One Simple Step to Receive from all your Helpers ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Gratitude and appreciation are so important. It is because in the thanking of those you have to thank, you are in acknowledgement of all the helpers and all the help you have. That acknowledgement relaxes you and opens you to receive.
Let go of this idea that you have to do it all yourselves and control everything. You are there for the ride, for the journey, and when you let go and surrender, you can sit back and enjoy the scenery a bit more. People show up out of the woodwork to be your angel in the flesh. You did not even know it was possible and did not even know they existed... sometimes helpers will take physical form. And you don’t have to figure it all out either... your role to experience and then receive help, you will begin to live a life of joy, freedom, and creativity

The Human Being, Version 2.0
You don’t have to have a huge following on social media, you are co-creating the new breed of humans. Who are willing and eager to participate in your spiritual evolution.... quietly, humbly, and by virtue of the fact that you exist and this is the time of ascension for humanity. Simply through the vibration that you emit and from the templates that you create. You are creating new blueprints for your fellow humans.
It will always be an inside job... by looking within yourselves, by feeling for what is there, and by activating more of what you want to experience. You grow in your ability to forgive, love, and to feel compassion.
Those of you who are sensitive also have the best chance of taking the expansion that is available to you in every moment of your lives. When you want help with that, you know you can call out to us. Really! it is because we love to witness you growing, evolving, and ascending.

Do This & Change Everything
Take moments to relax and raise your vibration so that your frequency is high enough to be able to receive us and what it is that we offer… plus add patience.
Looking for what brings you joy will always put you in a better position for manifestation.
If you can trust and have faith that everything you create is coming to you, then you can manifest it so much more easily than if you are focusing on why it hasn’t happened yet. You have to feel in alignment with it in order for it to appear in your reality. You have to be of the vibration of what you have created to go to the reality where it is, because you are traveling through different realities all the time with your consciousness.
And when you allow what is to just be, that’s when change can occur.
You are there to change you first, and then you can change the world. As the world outside of you is a reflection of the change you have made within yourself. You get to decide how you want to feel, once you allow and release what you have been feeling that has not been serving you. And then you don’t even have to be patient for what you have created, because you are happy. You are content. You are at peace. And right now, living in the world you are living in, those states-of-being are enough.

How You Will Experience the Completion of The Shift
We are so very interested in the development of the new self that is taking place within each and every human being at this time. You are essentially shifting your consciousness from within by noticing that you are more than the identity that you had previously clung to as the real you.
You were taught to identify as a race, religion, nationality, gender and so on, and as those things are becoming less important to the awakened collective, there is push back.
The way of the ego is to cling, to attach, to assign meaning to the meaningless, and the way of the higher self is to be present, to care not about form, about structures, about made up ideas, like a country, and instead to be more unconditional love, to show more compassion, and to create from the beauty that is all around the higher self.
You don’t have to wait for any of it to occur outside of you in order for you to decide that you do want to identify as an infinite, eternal, formless being of light and love.
The shift will actually continue to unfold, into where everything that you need already exists.

Becoming Human/ET Ambassadors
Many wonder what their role will be in the future, as humanity becomes a part of a galactic community with many other beings from many other star systems, and even galaxies.
You are there to notice how the various dysfunctions got started in your society.. without placing judgments on people and on the entirety of humankind... because you will also need to advocate for your people.
And you will be evolving continuously from now until the time when these meetings are happening in your waking state. You are already meeting with e.t.s at night when you are asleep in the astral plane... getting better at practicing diplomacy, understanding how to communicate and how to connect with e.t. beings in a respectful way and in a way that benefits all.
Couple that with the intention for everyone to thrive, with an understanding of what people need in order to heal and in order to become their true selves. This next phase that you are stepping into will be so much fun, and so enlightening, and that is as your existence ought to be.

What Will Bring You the Most Spiritual Growth
There will be times when you must help another by letting go of the need to be right. When you change, everything around you changes, and when you lead a life where you are examining yourself on a regular basis, you will change for the better. And when you do, that’s when others around you will also show that they can change, that they are also evolving with you.
When you exist in the present moment, and when you are able to be honest with yourself about how you feel in the present moment, that’s when everything can change.
Look at every situation in your life as an opportunity for deeper self-exploration. Take a look at what triggers you, and then ask yourself why.
If you look at the lives of those who are willing to look at themselves and examine their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you will see that they are much happier than the people who are looking for what else they can protest, what else they can be angry about. You are responsible for so much of the growth and evolution of the entire human collective consciousness.

The Power You Have to Impact the Universe
Each act of kindness, each thought of unity, and each feeling of love within each and every human... you impact the entire universe... just by thinking about who or what you love.
Now, on the flip side of that, you have negativity - negative thought, emotion, action.. they all have about one one-thousandth the impact of something positive. Give your attention instead to the positive energy that you want to emit and do emit.
You always have a choice of what you are focusing on.
You don’t have go looking for the bad ones so that you can root them out. You can, but you also should be aware of how that lowers your vibration, and most people who do go down those dark rabbit holes eventually come out, realizing that the fight didn’t feel that good.
We are always talking about acceptance and forgiveness, but you need to realize that anything that is dark that is outside of you is also inside of you, and it shows up to be healed. Ask yourself the question, “How much darkness do I see?” And then ask yourself the question, “How much is around me right now that is of the light, that is light?” And you will realize that you have the power to harness all of that positivity... what you are doing and what you are emanating, and you have the power to impact the entire world in a positive way. What you are paying attention to and what you are offering is important.
You are there to ascend; we are all ascending together. This is about unity; it’s about coming together.

A Beautiful Transition into the 5th Dimension
You will have your own unique experience of the ascension of humanity and Mother Earth. No matter what... yours will still be uniquely yours.
You can be a major player in what happens for all of humanity if you are choosing the path to ascension that feels good for you. We know that you all can have a beautiful experience, and it can still be unique to each and every one of you.
You don’t all have to agree on what will happen in the future, but hopefully you can agree that you all can impact the future from now on.
And for those of you who don’t know what to do, we want to reassure you that sitting, breathing, focusing, and activating a higher-frequency vibration is enough. If everyone on the planet were doing that right now, you would be assuring yourselves of a beautiful, calm, peaceful transition into the fifth dimension. Shifting from being mind oriented to being heart centered. And your heart is all about feeling, it is a good practice for you to pay attention to your thoughts, but then ultimately to recognize that your thoughts are also pointers, and they are pointing you in the direction of your feelings, your vibration.
You will be able to go deeper with other people as well... connect with them, feel compassion for them, and let them be the reflections to you that they most certainly are.
You are getting more sensitive as individuals and as a collective, and it is serving you all very well, no matter what you are feeling right now. Embrace it.

What You Must Face to Become Your Higher Self
Make peace with the fact that you have challenges in your life, and that means sitting with the emotions that you are feeling, breathing into them, clearing them through your attention to them, and then finding inner peace so that you can move on. You especially don’t want to tackle one of these challenges when you are in a negative emotion.
Your higher self, and all of the help you are getting from above, that’s not the time to be addressing the challenge head on. That’s the time to go off by yourself, close your eyes, focus and breathe. It is from the state of peace, where you are levelheaded, that you can approach a challenge with all the gusto of someone who knows they can overcome it.
Let go of the thoughts about the challenges. Let yourself focus on something that will put a smile on your face, that does keep you in your heart. Feeling your emotions is so important in this process of healing and evolving.
You are not there to make it all happen. You are there to experience the shift in consciousness... and let the universal forces take over, you get to enjoy the ride more as well. That means you get to feel more; you get to connect more; you get to access more of your spiritual gifts and abilities.
Sit back, relax, open up, and receive. Pay more attention to your breathing, to being in your body, and let go of the idea that you are supposed to be accumulating accomplishments in this lifetime. You’ve done enough of that in all of your previous lifetimes put together. You have nothing left to prove and everything to gain from letting yourselves shift gradually, and with ease and joy in the process. ~
Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council b


July 2nd 2023
Weaving your Heart Frequencies... Creating higher dimensional Timelines

The Schumann Resonance Spikes & Ascension Symptoms ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
When you see a big spike, you know you are doing a collective clearing, and each of you as individuals may feel the repercussions of such a spike. Now is the time to be doing that clearing consciously and to be allowing these experiences as best you can.
And then you will wonder why you have that heavy feeling. It is always because you are attaching yourself to something that it is time for you to let go of.
Realize that you wouldn’t have those ascension symptoms if you were completely going with the flow. Let go and let everything be as it is, including yourself and where you are in your spiritual evolution.
If you come in as the perfect master and never experience any hardships or heartbreak, then how can you help others? You wouldn’t be able to relate to them. You can expect for things to get easier for you in your lives, even if you do not accomplish everything that you set out to do in this life. Continue to ride the waves of the spikes in Mother Earth’s energies, for she is there to support you.

For Starseeds: This is Why You’re on Earth
You do need to be reminded at times that you are on the right track and that this isn’t all just a mistake. Everything that is happening on your world today is very calculated, and it is meant to get more people to release what no longer serves them, which will help every single person who does that releasing get what they need. The energies are strong and will continue to get stronger, because we hear your prayers, your cries, and the way that you feel homesick, and we just want all of you to be able to call Earth home so that you can help the Earthlings to ascend.

Your Power Extends Beyond Your Dimension
It is to your benefit to consider how you can communicate using your energy, using vibration. That is the way you are going to communicate with others and with extra-terrestrials as well. You have the ability to help others in far corners of the world with what you are thinking, with how you are sending energies in that direction. And as you send out the love, the light, the healing, and the compassion, that is what you will get back from your fellow humans.
Your power extends even beyond your dimension and your Earth, as we feel it, and others feel it in the nonphysical dimensions when you step into your power, when you align with Source.
This is a universal ascension...and we are all affecting each other when we go with the flow, and we accept these changes that are occurring. Make sure you are taking some time in your busy day to open up to what’s coming to you from above.

Source Energies to Couple with the June Solstice Energies
We are about to introduce energies of the ninth dimension to your dimension through many portals.. infused with more of the light and love.
and how you will play with higher-frequency vibrations, that will enhance your experience of life there on planet Earth. Your journey there on Earth is about many things simultaneously, but one of the more significant aspects of your journeys is merging the individual human with that of Source.
When you merge more fully with the truth of who you are as Source, as All-That-Is, as the Oneness, you then spread more of that around, and you transform others into their higher selves. And on some level that by just being there, you are contributing mightily to the ascension of the human collective.

Continuing Your Awakening Process
We see you as you truly are as Source Energy Beings who are merely pretending to be something less than the wholeness of Source. Now is the time of lifting of the veil of forgetfulness, and it is a letting go of the illusion of separation.
because nothing is permanent.
Now, We know that very serious things are happening and that there is abject pain and suffering there on Earth, and we do not mean to make light of any of that or diminish it in some way, but if you are in a place where you are not feeling a lot of pain, suffering, and despair right now, you can remember that those individuals who are would benefit from you sending love, light, compassion, healing, and forgiveness to them. It is entirely up to you how you move forward, but we know that you will... complete this journey of shifting your consciousness.

What We See Humans Doing on Many Timelines
Anything that feels to you like it is a movement towards coming together with any other is going to feel good, and anything that is a movement towards separation, segregation, moving apart, is going to feel bad. You would be going against the grain if you were to choose a path of separation, especially at this time.
By looking for ways in which we can forgive, we can let go of resistance, and we can put aside differences so that it is possible to come together with another being or group that we had seen previously as the enemy. We truly are all in this together.
If you want to go with the flow and go with the easier path, you will look for and even create those opportunities to help others, and see beyond differences.

The Power of the June Solstice Energies
These solstice energies are opening all of your channels up so that you can be the receptors / transmitters of higher-frequency energy that will continue to come to assist you with the shift in consciousness.
Take care of your physical vessels. Your bodies are continuously being worked on while you are sleeping so that they can keep up with your raising of your level of consciousness... experiencing in the astral plane every night while you are asleep, and your soul’s consciousness has to come back to a body that can handle the information and the energies that have been received during those travels.
So We will continue to offer the help that we can energetically…via ideas, inspiration... something new, something different, something higher vibrational. You are Source Energy, experiencing itself in a physical body, and the goal here is to experience more and more of that.
This is why it is so important to take the time to rest and relax in order to thrive in your physical bodies... as you have not always been as willing to go with the flow as you are now... and every time you go through another purging you make yourselves more available to energies like these solstice energies.
These energies are intense, and they may have you sleeping more or sleeping less. We know that you have the freedom to use the energies that you receive now to create the world you want to inhabit, you are there to exist as Source Energies in physical bodies, and therefore you don’t have to force anything, but you do have to remember to relax and receive regularly.

What All Lightworkers are Working Towards
While there are still wars, violence, greed, and hunger present on your planet, you are more aware of these things as a collective than ever before, and most humans do not want these things to continue to exist.
You have the ability to recognize that they have served a purpose, and you have the ability to then Recognize that it’s time for you all to move past those experiences, by forgiving those involved in them. Those are the ways you move past the third-dimensional paradigm, the third-dimensional way of living there on planet Earth.
And first you make peace with them, and then you recognize that you and all of the other lightworkers across the planet are working for a better world... and creating that better world is reaching a tipping point.
You know that it is time for you and the rest of humanity to move beyond that level of consciousness. The way to move past them is to raise your level of consciousness and to be the love, the peace, the generosity, the harmony that you want to experience. And that is an inward journey.. being done on the nonphysical level.
Many of you just want off of planet Earth, but you are there to bring humanity to that next level of consciousness, and we see the ripple effects that each one of you has with your positive intentions. You are changing the vibration of the human collective consciousness .

One Simple Choice That Will Change Your Life.
You are able to receive so much more help when you are operating at a higher frequency, and your vibration will naturally rise up through the simple act of choosing to focus on something in your life that is working, that is positive, that is life-affirming. ..being consciously aware of the choices you are making, including what you choose to focus upon. Become the conduits of high frequency energy you were born to be, and you will be what people look to when they need to feel hopeful about the state of the world at this time and the state of the human collective consciousness.

Old Systems Crumbling & New Ones Sprouting Up
You have noticed that the institutions that you once placed a great deal of trust in are all really houses of cards that could topple at any moment. And yet, there you are still standing, still stable in your environment and in your vibration, because you choose to be stable forces for humanity. You choose to recognize that new systems are formed to take its place.
You want to be the creators of those new systems, new ways of being in the world. You are not just building bomb shelters with your dried fruit and canned goods. You are able to see the possibilities that are springing up all around you for a better world for everyone, and you are even able to envision those worlds and your part in co-creating them. You are constantly co-creating new experiences of new versions of your world.
That is why you don’t have to pay so much attention to what’s going on in the governments and the banking systems, and so on. They represent the older consciousness, the third-dimensional version of you and the rest of humanity. You are graduating and you are the ones orchestrating.. in service to everyone, rather than just a few.
Be the beings focused on your spirituality... you could start to operate effectively in the physical realm as the masters you truly are, of bringing those two realms together harmoniously. You are a spiritual person whether you acknowledge it or not, and you can live comfortably in the physical world without living in excess.
The merging of the physical and the nonphysical, the material and the spiritual, the human and the Divine, humanity and extra-terrestrial, that’s what you are all about as awakened souls. In one harmonious whole, where you become your higher self, and you usher in the time of the new age, the fifth dimension. To not only co-exist, but to thrive.

Your Spirit Guides & Higher Selves Work w/Us on This
We also know that you have your own helpers, your own guides, your own galactic teams, and your own relationships to Mother Earth and your sun.
Yet you don’t always get what is meant for you, and some of it goes over your head. To maximize your effectiveness as receptors of energy and information, we suggest that you do the following: relax and spend time doing nothing at all, listen to your favorite music....
The two states that match the best are the states of joy and the state of relaxation.
Rely on inspiration and spontaneity to put you in the right place at the right time to maximize your effectiveness… and help is always on the way. Sometimes that help is physical and other times it’s nonphysical, from your guides here; we are speaking to your higher selves.

Are You Ready for Physical E.T. Contact?
You have had a spike in your overall vibration as a collective consciousness.. due to how well you are handling all of the energies coming to you... with progress like this, the extra-terrestrial beings in your skies do take notice.
In other words, they’re going to connect with those of you who are offering a higher vibration… more able to stand face to face with them and handle their energy. .
Yet you cannot be attached to having a face to face with an e.t. if you want to manifest that experience in your reality. You have to let go and live your life at the highest vibration that you possibly can… let your higher self bring you the experience in the appropriate timing for you.
If you are attached to this because you want to prove to someone else that they exist, or to prove to yourself that you are special enough, then you are only delaying the process... you want to enjoy the journey to that event. You want to relax into it, and you want to allow it to happen in the perfect timing for you as an individual and for humanity as a collective.
So live your lives, and be in a state of joy, and don’t make that joy conditional, and you will be on that timeline where this event can happen and you also must demonstrate that you can live amongst your fellow humans as one who accepts, loves, and has compassion for each and every one of them.

These new energies are giving you all of the necessary upgrades to your chakras, your cells, and your DNA, so that you can handle these face-to-face.
Do hydrate, rest, relax, and consciously open yourselves up to them.. Letting go of your attachments allows you to be more present in the moment… so you can enjoy the moment that you are in. And when you are not thinking about time, you become timeless... no worries how long it’s taking for what you want to come to you. And also, once you create something, you will experience it. You are creator beings who are there to have experiences. Knowing that should bring you some peace, some solace, and some enthusiasm for what is to come.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



June 16th 2023
Changing into Your Highly Inner Best

TheSolstice June 2023.
The energies are Codes assisting us in the major shift… into the run up to the Lions Gate 8/8... to support us in these deep changes.
As Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn, we feel the deep need to change and the last vestiges of the old being thrown off. In many ways there is a tussle between the old and the new.
And emerging from all this is the New Human, the Deep Human who lives in the Quantum new time on a vertical spiral (rather than horizantal linear time).
The Deep Human is centered in the Heart and can make deep dives down into the ancestral timelines or up into the Galactic and Cosmic spirals.
The Deep Human is present in all time and flows deep within the Divine Heart on the Light of the Divine Feminine.
Everything is Changing.. Flowing and Becoming... deeper and lighter and more of an expression of Creator Energy and Love.~ Celia Fenn


Changing into Your Best Self ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Awareness is so huge... When the human response is to feel hurt, betrayed, attacked... and yet when some of you who are willing to examine yourselves and be honest and truthful about what you find are taking the consciousness of humanity to that next level, because you are willing to change.
MakIng a decision to change is the intention to become more of who you are, to become closer to Source, a Being of unconditional love. You don’t have to be perfect to be Source, but you do want admit that all aspects of yourself are real and that some of them do need addressing.
This is a time to be very open and honest with yourselves, because you can change more quickly than ever before. Your level of inner peace and harmony is a manifestation. .. closer to being your higher self there in the flesh. You’re all getting closer and closer every single day, but those of you who are doing it on purpose are leading the rest of humankind, and that is something to feel very good about right now.

What You Will Say After You Ascend
Instead of enjoying the journey, many of you feel trapped in your dimension or stuck emotionally, and we understand how frustrating that can be. But if you can settle in and set the intention every day that you are going to enjoy the ride, then you can embrace everything that comes up for you. Every little challenge that you face can be seen through the eyes of a being who enjoys challenges, and if you enjoy growth, then you enjoy challenges.
Realize that you set it all up, you decided to take it on, that can help. And if you can let go of the idea that you are trapped, or being punished, then you can see how much there is for you in your current life experience, and you can begin to notice the little things about life on Earth that are worth sticking around for.

How to Get on Your Path & Complete Your Mission
You don’t have to accept anything as your truth if it is not resonating with you. If something doesn’t feel right, then it simply isn’t right for you, and you don’t have to debate anyone else as to its rightness. When you are in meditation, or introspection, and quiet contemplation, you are more aware of what’s going on inside of you, and that’s where your focus needs to be most of the time in order to be creating the reality you want to experience.
Let them have their version of reality, and you can be where you are, having your version of reality. Be aware of what you think, what you believe, and what you feel. In order to become aware of those things, you must tune out the rest of the world long enough to tune in to what is going on inside of you.
Now, if you are entertaining thoughts and beliefs that you don’t like, that do not feel good to you, and we want to assure you that you don’t need to hold onto them. You have the freedom to choose. You came forth to be a unique expression of Source Energy and to have a unique perspective.
Your overall journey allows you to move from feeling insignificant to feeling the truth of who you are. It is about letting go of everything that is trying to convince you that you are that smaller version of yourself that you once believed you were. As you let go and you expand out in all directions, you find that you need nothing, you want nothing, and you are everything. And your shift in that moment is complete, no matter where anyone else in relationship to theirs. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing or thinking, because they only have as much power over you as you give them.

The Pleiadian/Andromedan/Arcturian Project
Here to inspire healing technologies within several humans at the same time. .. to work with your musicians, and sound healing music, and to connect with humanity through the use of your writers. Your poets, your authors, your playwrights, your screenwriters have all been inspired before by higher-dimensional beings and collectives.
The reason why these connections are important is not so much about the music, the writing, and the healing technologies. We want everyone to know how connected they are to the galactic beings that are all around you ... You already have so much of what we are talking about right now, but what those individuals don’t have is the knowing of where that download came from, or how they got inspired, but all of that is about to change and change for the better for everyone throughout this galaxy of ours.

Conscious & Subconscious Creation Processes.
When you do anything, or experience anything, you are in the act of creation, because consciously or subconsciously, you are thinking that what you are experiencing is something you would want more of.
You have so many creations out there already that what you are mostly doing now is fine-tuning. You are able to continue working on any creation of yours, just as a great painter can put down the brush at any time, but then they can pick it up again and continue.
Use that reality you have been told about to get clearer about what you want to experience, especially if it is the polar opposite of what you have been told is the inevitable future for you and all of humankind.
You know when you are creating something that you want, by how you feel, and to create a better truth, a better reality for everyone.
We are fortunate in that we get to experience what we create immediately, whereas you have to trust. You have to have faith, and you have to surrender and let go, in order to let in all of your beautiful creations and more. And yes, there is always more, because you are not the only one creating. You have many co-creators working with you for the better future for all of humanity that most people seek at this time.

Darkness in Everyone & Awakening in the Dream
It is because we understand that you took on a certain amount of darkness in order to be able to incarnate in that density, and very few have been able to make peace with it. Most people fear it, or are in denial. It’s okay to be who you are; because you are human and you are there to have the human experience. It is the real illusion, but an illusion you decided to play in, because you wanted to explore all aspects of Source and the Earth experience. You must be able to accept this dream of Source as it is, in order to become lucid in it. If you are resisting the dream, then you are still in the dream. And so, that means making peace with the darkness in others, as well as the darkness in yourself. It is a game that you all agreed to play with each other. Darkness is the illusion; it’s not the truth. When you remember that, you can navigate around it, and maintain the love in your hearts that is necessary for you to ascend. It’s a lot harder to do where you are, and so, we not only love you, but we also respect you.

The Upward Spiral You Are on & What it Means
There will always be more gifts for you to unlock... more experiences. We and others like us will continue to shower you with energies, activations, upgrades and downloads, and we will continue to invite you to join us in the higher frequencies.
You are on an upward spiral… and in this expansion you are gradually up-leveling yourselves though all of the experiences that you have, even what you would define as mistakes. So you don’t even have to worry about those who are still asleep. They are creating and expanding, and they are playing their role and serving a purpose, and you get to help them awaken.
And know that all of the potential inside you will be realized. So enjoy this upward spiral journey more, however, because that is one of the ways you get to use your free will.

Receive More Activations & Upgrades
The living of your lives will cause you to grow just because you have experiences there on Earth that are so unique and so taxing on you that you cannot help but evolve from them.
Some of you are taking the path of least resistance to your ascension event. You are not worried, and you are not stressed; you are not afraid, and you are not angry. You are just wide open to life as it is in this moment on Earth, and when you are wide open, you get what we and others like us are giving you energetically. It is because you need to unclench your fist in order to receive with an open hand, and the same is true with your energy.
We know that it is hard to let go, and we know it is hard to take your attention off of the dark ones, but it really is a reality that you don’t have to experience yourself. And as you make your life and your spirituality an inward journey, then it truly does not matter what anyone else is doing. And when you reach inner peace, and you radiate love to everyone in the universe, you will then truly begin to transform others around you. And that will be immensely satisfying.
We get to know so many of you when you come to visit us in the astral plane, and we see the beauty of what it is that you have to share.
We also completely enjoy witnessing you overcoming adversity there on Earth and on all of the other worlds in which life has had sentient consciousness.
You thrive as you get more in touch with your feeling abilities, and It always serves Source, and therefore, the greatest and highest good of all.
And as you follow your bliss, as you listen to that inner knowing that you have, you become the perfect piece of the puzzle you were always meant to be. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


“Do not think like a human. You have the ability within you to create anything you wish. Truth is, you are all highly powerful entities walking this planet, disguised as simple biological beings and the disguise fools everyone -- even yourself.” ~ Bashar


June 1st 2023
Truth Revealed ..Awakening our True Nature.. in this Quantum Leap Forward

Exploding Supernova sends waves of energy to Earth by Celia Fenn
The energy tsunami we have received after the 5 /5 Full Moon and Eclipse has been amplified by an exploding Supernova in the Pinwheel Galaxy near the Big Dipper/Ursa Major.
This Supernova is close enough to be photographed by backyard astronomers on Earth. Which means its light and energy are reaching us.
( discovered on 19th May and apparently reached its climax on 24th May at power 11.)
Supernovas are exploding and collapsing stars that give off waves of light and information that hold all the records about that dying star. It is a major information transfer from that star to the records and libraries of the Cosmos.
So, we may have been feeling this major download of information as an "overload" of "stuff". We may feel overwhelmed and unable to "keep up" because on higher levels there is so much information flooding our record keeping systems.
Secondly, we may also feel the "emotions" of the dying star as sadness, feelings of wanting to let go as well as feelings of joy as the light goes out into the Cosmos.
So, this accounts for many of the powerful waves of light that we have been experiencing as we witness the death and rebirth process in a member of our Celestial Family. The process of the Phoenix: Dying to Live eternally in another form and gifting us with its wisdom and knowledge.
This is an absolutely awesome process! Love to everyone! ~ by Celia Fenn


The Day is Coming ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
The day is coming, when you will all be able to read each other’s energy fields, and you will all be telepathic, but you are not there yet, and you need your discernment now more than ever, because there are always multiple perspectives on what is going on there on Earth. But in the meantime, you are where you are. And you do rely heavily on information; this has been called ‘The Information Age.’ There are those who think they are telling you the truth, and those who know they are not telling you the truth, and are very good at convincing people that it is the truth.
All realities are real. So the question then becomes, ‘Are you using your discernment to determine which reality you are in, or are you using it to determine which reality you want to be in? So if someone presents you with a version of reality that seems a lot better than the one you’ve been experiencing, then we suggest you gravitate towards that vibration and what that person is telling you.
Discernment is step one.. step two is always choosing which reality you want to make real, and for the greatest and highest good of all. Then you can move beyond trying to figure out whether something is true or not, and you can start making the reality you want to experience the one true reality.

Invitation from the Ascended Masters
You don’t need another master to come and show you again what it is you have already been shown, but instead, you need to take those teachings and utilize them. You need to recognize that you already have everything that you need, but you also have to put into practice that which has been shared with you by these beautiful teachers and masters. And now many are doing the practices, the meditations, and so on, and they are showing you that you are able to utilize these methods of alignment, these methods of integration. And it’s just a matter of you finding the ones that resonate with you. Most of you will find that it is easier to connect to a higher level of consciousness when you are in nature. When you connect to Mother Nature and Mother Earth, you have the ability to feel all of that love around you, all of those high-frequency vibrations that are emanating from the trees and the rocks and the soil, from the bodies of water and the wild animals. And every time that it is nice enough outside for you to go and connect with those elements of nature that you appreciate.
Go within. Quiet your mind. Be heart centered. Be love in action. Be of service to others. Connect, connect, and connect some more.. You will find your own path to enlightenment, of this we are certain.
You are needed more than you realize, and there is always more going on than your minds can comprehend.

The 5th-Dimensional Portal & Energies Upon You
We have noticed an awakening of many humans that has opened up a gigantic portal over your world. .. for the delivery of fifth-dimensional energies to you. And the capability of raising consciousness to new levels. All you have to do is acknowledge them, relax, and open up to let them in. These energies also affect your physical body to give you the DNA upgrades and activations that you desire and to make available to you more of your light body.
They do feel familiar to you, and that is because you have all been fifth-dimensional before. The idea of simultaneous time is challenging for many humans to comprehend, but real. You were born to remember and to activate your spiritual gifts and abilities.

Help Coming Thru Physical Doorways
You are existing in one dimension, and there are eight dimensions that are higher than yours. It is also a very big universe, and so the helpers coming in are coming in through all sorts of portals. .. in mountains, in the ocean, and in other bodies of water. These doorways are usually in places where there are less people and more plant and animal life around. That is why when you go out into nature, when you go exploring Mother Earth, you can feel the help that you are getting.
Yet in cities and other places where there are lots of human beings, you are meant to have certain experiences with your fellow humans. But you do need to go out into nature every once in a while to seek them out. You do need to connect with these energies in order to feel supported, in order to feel whole and complete, and in order to receive everything that’s going to help you along on your journey. And now quiet your mind, it is time to enter into the feminine cycle of relaxing and receiving.

Why Are So Many E.T.s Interested in Humanity?
We are connecting with you all the time, and we are enriched and enlivened by each and every experience that we have with one of you. Know that the experiences you are having there on Earth give you the greatest opportunities for growth and evolution. You are contributing mightily to Source Energy with all that you are willing to take on with those challenges. It is time to see yourselves as equals to all other beings in the universe, and to make contact with other beings in this universe of ours with that knowing.
Your soul is projecting many aspects of itself into our dimension and higher dimensions as well, and you are your soul. See us as your collaborators and your co-creators, as we are benefitting from all that you are experiencing there on Earth. All of the issues, the challenges, the problems that you face are helping the entire galaxy, the entire universe, and are giving Source opportunities to know Itself that Source otherwise would not have had.
You are keys to this universal ascension, and when you value yourselves to such an extent that you can start living the lives of joy, freedom, love and creativity that you deserve to be living.

Truths to Be Revealed in the Remainder of 2023
Through the revelation of so many different truths, you will have a deeper and clearer understanding of who and what you really are... that you are so much more than your physical bodies, so much more than this one human lifetime, so much more than your mind and your thoughts.
You are a part of a galactic family and the more that is uncovered, the more that is revealed, the more you can see the flowering of consciousness that would occur very naturally after more truths are revealed. And you would not even be there in the form that you are without the help of e.t.s.
Knowing of who you really are then becomes easier for you all to accept the most important truth of all, which is that you are Source Energy Beings... it becomes possible then for the mind to expand into that knowing that we are all One, and the One we all are is Source.

Before You Return to the Chaotic Outside World
Living in the world can seem chaotic .. unless you maintain that higher vibration while you are interacting with other people and going to other places... no matter what is happening outside of you and or interacting with.
If you let others decide what the mood of the room or the situation is going to be, then you have lost your inner compass, or by allowing someone to take that inner peace away from you... so let go of what you need to let go of.
How you feel inside is the true barometer of how you are doing as an individual. And give others time to catch up and reflect that vibration to you.
Strip away all the fear, all the judgments, then all that is left is the unconditional love that you truly are, and that has always been the goal and the purpose for you in this lifetime.
Always reach for the happiness first, and you will then get the inspiration to do something that will bring you more joy, that will allow you to feel more freedom, confidence, creativity, and everything else you want to experience there while in a physical body. Yes, you are accessing your spiritual gifts is a part of the ascension, so enjoy that process, to let go of worries, and anything else that is keeping you from being your whole self. Put yourselves on that highest timeline.
New Heart Chakra Upgrades are going to make it a lot easier for you to move through any blockages emotional energies blockages that you have stuck there around your hearts. These upgrades help you to go deeper within your own heart chakras, and will make it easier for you to access the multidimensional portal that exists at the center of your heart.
You are able to reach any place, any being, any collective, within this universe and beyond it by going within and by putting your conscious awareness on the center of your heart. A lot of you have felt blocked, but that is all changing now.
As you access your multidimensional selves, you will also have more access to your abilities, and akashic records and your higher selves had something to do with it.

Inner Peace
You need to achieve inner peace, to raise your vibration, to grant yourselves access to your spiritual gifts and abilities. Unity and oneness are the ultimate goal there on Earth. Be unified in order for e.t.s to feel comfortable landing their ships. You need that sense of oneness in order to ascend. You are not getting yourself anywhere with your beliefs by holding on being right. Rather by being kind and compassionate And if you can strive for acceptance of others who make a different choice... then you take one step closer to harmony there on Earth. Let everyone be where they are, just as we must let all of you be where you are. True spiritual evolution comes from you being able to love each other in spite of your differences.
Feel compassion, and be unconditional love… these truths we are giving you right now, let others know that this is where you stand. See everyone else as your equal, regardless of what they believe and regardless of what they choose for themselves.
And if you really don’t want to be worthy of the label ‘sheep,’ then you will not let those who profit off of your fear divide you. You will move out of these trying times and you will move into enlightenment.

Awakening Your Immortality
Within your cellular memory is the awareness that you have been able to live much longer lives in your human physical bodies. You need to have those memories awakened within you... we are referring to the leap from having a mortal, carbon-based vehicle to an immortal, crystalline-based vehicle. It has nothing to do with science and technology. it is not magic; it is consciousness
It is a way of knowing yourselves as having transcended the physical, while still maintaining a physical form. You don’t need to do anything, but you do need to change your perception of self, of others, your perception of reality. You need to shift what you know to be finite to the infinite.
Seek out the feeling of infinity within you. Seek out your true eternal nature as a vibration, and then watch yourself transform. All of this is inevitable, but you can accept it and put yourselves on the faster track.
As you help, as you heal, you are doing so for another aspect of that which is you. Hold that awareness, the others can feel it. They will also feel heard, understood by you, and then they have a greater chance of being helped. Your ability to hold your vibration is of paramount importance to your journey.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


May 16th 2023
Earth’s Repaired Grids = Healing Humanity

Make All Your Problems Melt Away ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
If you have a daily meditation practice, with the willingness to look within at yourself to determine what it is that you need to change, then your enlightenment can be a gradual upward spiral that does not include any semblance of a pit of despair…. and it doesn’t have to be hitting rock bottom. Different souls want to have different experiences and take different journeys, but all journeys are ultimately leading back to Source. You all have the ability to sit every day and feel for what is infinite and eternal in you, and then you realize that the light has always been within you, and it is Source.
You will start to create your reality with love, rather than anger, fear, or sadness. And that’s when things really start to change all around you, but more importantly, the change starts within you. And that’s exciting, because that’s when the fun on Earth can really start.

We’re Giving You Channeling Attunements
Because we are nonphysical now, and so we do work with so many in the astral plane, and we can also work with you on projects that you come up with. If you have ideas for making life better there on Earth for everyone, you can also come to us, and we can pull some nonphysical strings to get your ideas off the ground and running. It is the collaboration or combination of you and your physicality and us and our nonphysical nature that makes something new. And we will be more likely to come through someone who wants to be of service, who is pure of heart. So you see, you can work with us in myriad ways, and we are open to all proposals.
It’s time for humanity to reach out and to reach within for that which is of a higher level of consciousness. You all can make such a huge impact on your world, just by sitting and closing your eyes, breathing and opening up to beings and collectives that feel like love, like Source, like higher-frequency energies raining down upon you.
You can channel Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Ascended Masters... We are all here for you to co-create with and to play with.

Making Powerful Use of Energies & Forces
The chaos of planet Earth is due to the fact that you have so many different energies, so many different forces among you, and you have been charged with the task of sifting through them all, using the ones that are beneficial to you and discarding the rest. And what makes it more challenging for you than it is for us is that you have the limitations of your mind. That is why people who talk about energy and vibration usually find themselves in the right place at the right time,
And when you are willing to reach for the energy and feel for the vibration, your mind becomes clearer, because you have unburdened it. You have given it the opportunity to relax. This is what meditation is as well.
When you meditate.. that is when you simply clear your head and you feel for that force within you that is so powerful, so creative, and so expansive… You exist in a sea of energy and that the only force worth using in any situation is the force of love.

How to Avoid a Future of Doom & Gloom
Anyone who understands the way this universe works, knows that you get to create your experience of the present, the future, and even the past.
We would like to see all of those individuals coming together and deciding not on the specifics, but on the feeling, on the vibration of the timeline you all want to be on together.
Those of you who can find a few like-minded souls to co-create with, please do get together and talk about what the ideal timeline for humanity would feel like.
Nobody knows everything.. because you get to create in this moment and the next, something that is unexpected. Extending yourself out to others to offer them this opportunity to take their power back from the doom and gloom scenarios that are being given to them. You don’t have to worry about what anyone else’s agenda is, because they don’t create your reality. You do, and you are more effective at creating your reality when you have a powerful number of you gathered with that same goal of uplifting the consciousness of humanity and taking everyone on a joyous journey to the fifth dimension.

Align with Source & the Forces of Light
When you seek to be of service, you are aligning with Source and accessing more of the energy of Source. Stay in the flow of Source by continuing to focus on the fact that you want to help, and know that you can align with us, you can align with Mother Earth, you can align with the sun, you can align with Source, or you can align with any number of collectives, councils, and even individual beings who are higher dimensional and who want to help.
You don’t have to figure it all out, and that is what trips many of you up. You are never alone, and you are always more aligned with the forces of light when you maintain your desire and your intention to help.
We can sense what most cannot sense, and we can feel the impact that you have on the human collective consciousness at all times, even when you are asleep. You are working with the grids, the ley lines, the energy that runs across, through, and all around Mother Earth, and the work that you are doing is beautiful. For it is your consciousness. It is now, it always has been, and it always will be... that makes that difference that you want to make there on planet Earth.

Current Energies Affecting the Awakened
There is an inner knowing within certain individuals that they are there to rise up and be their full, true, and whole selves. It does not matter what it is you want to do or how it is you want to serve; there is always a way. So listen to your own inner guidance, your inner truth, follow your intuition, and don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. As you welcome in more of the help that is yours to receive, you understand what it means to merge the physical and the nonphysical in the most beautiful and harmonious of ways.
Use your sensitivity to tell you which people to approach, which people to leave alone, and so on, then it becomes a tool that you’re using for yourself as well. When you use it in regards to information that you are seeing, hearing about, you can also then use it to guide you as to whether that information is relevant to you, or whether it’s even true in your reality.
And you need that discernment more than ever at this time, because there is a lot of information out there, and there are a lot of agendas behind the spreading of certain information. You can also be sensitive in regards to your vibration and you can shift it more easily… to be sensitive to where your joy lies in your chakra system.

We’re Transmitting Wisdom Codes via this Message
What is inside of you is multidimensional and spans thousands of lifetimes. So tap in to the infinite and the eternal that is inside of you.
Right now, we are transmitting codes to you that will go right past your minds and their ability to understand those codes, but the inner wisdom that you have will be unlocked because of your willingness to sit in the energy of this transmission right now.
And we want to see what is inside of you as well. Everything is shifting and evolving, and that includes the way that you access and utilize power there on Earth. You just have to be willing to ignore those who are trying to tighten their grip on external power, so that you can go within and access the power and the wisdom that lies within your heart center. Because you are there to change yourselves and with the ripple effect, change the entire world, galaxy, and universe.

Negative Energies & Your Mission on Earth
We can accept them as they are = so much potential within them. We can utilize any energy whatsoever to serve the greatest and highest good of all, and part of the reason for that is because we do not feel afraid of anything or anyone. It is your fear that gives the negative its power over you. When you fear it, the negative energy can feed off of that fear and grow larger and more powerful.
See it see them as it really is, as underdeveloped consciousness. You don’t have to fix it, and we think you know by now that you don’t have to defeat it. But there is one thing that you will always have to be in the process of releasing, and that is your fear of it.
The difference that you are making may not be easy for you to quantify or measure, but it is real, and the cumulative impact of what you are all doing is enormous. You will start to see the effects all around you manifesting in the remainder of this calendar year there on planet Earth.

How to Become Ambassadors to the E.T. Realm
Getting to know any extra-terrestrial being is like getting to know another aspect of you... it’s not about the technology that we can hand to you. It’s all about you becoming more of who you are, and yes, the best way to know the e.t.s that are all around you is to first get to know yourselves. And when you raise your vibration you align with e.t. consciousness.
Recognize that everything you are searching for is also within you, and taking the inner journey is the best way to become aligned with more experiences.
By going within, you will connect the dots for so many of your fellow humans, and they will be better served by having teachers who have done the work on themselves.

It is impossible to know exactly what someone else is going through, what they are experiencing, but you can do your best to empathize. That is how you will shift your consciousness…it is through inclusion that you reach a higher plane of consciousness. See everyone outside of you as, a piece of the puzzle that is you and one that needs to be brought back into the whole, the center, the totality of who you are. The attempts that have been made throughout history to divide you and to get you to dehumanize each other are continuing; they are being amped up at this time. But you cannot fall for that trap, not if you want to go to where you are destined to go in a timely manner and in a joyous one.
You must be able to go within and find inner peace, and then look outside of you and maintain it when dealing with another human being who is unaware of the fact that they even have trauma that they need to process. That is your assignment, and all you need is love, compassion.. and all those ingredients already inside of you.
You are beginning to recognize that the veil is thinning, that your skies are full of ships. And now is just the beginning of what is to come in regards to all of the connections that you can and will make while in your physical body there on planet Earth.
If you can see e.t. contact as a way of uniting humanity, instead of as an opportunity to leave, then you can do some real good there on Earth. Escaping your negative emotions has never served you well. It will always serve you to ground yourself, and deal with what is right in front of you and inside of you. And you cannot do that if you are just whisked away on a spaceship. There would be less growth in that experience, as lovely as it sounds. You will all realize that you were created by extra-terrestrials, and you have been helped by them since day one on planet Earth. ~~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council b


May 1st 2023
Astral Openings and our Inner Ships

Within the Star Children ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
All recognize the potential that exists within each child to make Earth a better place... because they represent more of their extra-terrestrial lineage. So... the best way to help is to get out of their way. Let them be who they are, and let them teach you, as they are very capable of leading with that wonderful light that shines from within each one.
And you can rest assured that nothing is ever going to get in the way of your ascension, because nothing is ever going to be able to extinguish all of that light that is coming in.
You can always count on the children of your world to guide you and to bring you into heightened states of joy and love. They will teach you how to play again. Collaborate with these beautiful star children, and wait to be amazed at what lies within them.

Simulation Theory
Many believe that something outside of them is the villain in their story. You are not there on Earth to feed artificial intelligence, or any other life form. You are the ones creating the simulations, because there isn’t just one, you are many, and you are the ones benefitting from every little bit of your creations.
Everything is your creation to give you an opportunity to have the experiences that will help you to grow, and this is true of everyone else within your illusory reality. Your feelings matter, and your experience of your feelings is real. Your thoughts matter. Your thoughts create, and you get to decide what you are creating next for yourself and for others. You are meant to use your powers effectively.
You get to experience whichever aspects of All-That-Is you truly desire to experience. Realize that you really are your soul. Your soul is not the puppet master either. That’s you deciding that you wanted to be born into a reality where you would have certain shortcomings and definite challenges and things that you knew would be traumatic for you to experience, because you like a challenge.
And it is challenging to create the experiences you want to have, but it’s also fun, it also brings more of you up and into your soul.. this creation that is a merger of the physical and the nonphysical. So play the game and have fun with it.

How to Fulfill Your Purpose in this Lifetime
Radiate love when you go out into the world.. You have so much to give to your world and to your fellow humans, and we will always encourage you to shine your light, because we know that your light is needed, and it is the most satisfying thing you can do... also because you are receiving from us, you are open, you are loving and caring people, you are awake.
Send everything that you are getting and everything that you already had to your fellow humans, and change the world. And while you cannot talk someone else into waking up, you can shine your light so brightly to all.

Progress Report: Where is Humanity Headed?
You have been facing the challenges of planet Earth, and finding that your strength truly does lie within you. You look for that which is infinite, eternal, and all powerful... expanding, and evolving right on track.
You are becoming better manifestors as a result. Now, what this means in terms of the rest of your journey is that you can expect smooth sailing. Your peace of mind is contagious. When you spread it around, regardless of how you think it will be received, you are recognizing the significance of your thoughts and beliefs… Continuing to evolve and to do so consciously is the most delicious experience you can have there. And so, we say ‘bravo’ to those of you who chose to awaken and to be that light for others to follow.
In order to manifest the life of your dreams, there is less that you have to do and more that you have to release. Also when you say a prayer for everyone, when you meditate for peace on Earth, or when you see those who are being oppressed, and you desire for them to be free, you have the support of the entire universe and many beings and collectives who operate within this universe.

How Mother Earth Affects You All…Every Day
Connect with her beauty and notice how immediately your vibration shifts. You don’t witness the grass growing, but you know it is growing. The same is true of the plants and the flowers, the fruit and the vegetables.
When you try to force something into place in your life, or rush something along, you know what happens. It doesn’t go well, because you are not willing to accept things as they are and enjoy the life that you do have, as it is. And so Mother Earth is also teaching you and she’s sending you energies from her core. She has an electromagnetic field that surrounds her that is her aura that also gives you lots of different gifts all the time.
She is as precious to you as any animal friend could ever be. She’s there every day, giving you everything you need and more, and she asks for nothing in return.
No matter how things might look out there in the world, it is a world that is a projection of your consciousness, as everything else is. Remember that it is easier to change your perspective, your point of view... to shift your focus, and that is what is most appropriate for you to be working on at this time.
The power of the light is in its ability to illuminate what everyone needs to see in order that it can be healed. Thus you connect yourself to Jesus and the other Masters.

Galactic Energies Preparing You for Full ET Contact
You are opening up more to your intuition, to your guides, to your higher selves... you are opening yourselves up to a multitude of galactic energies that are pouring in at this time from all the major star systems.
So give yourselves the hydration, the rest, and the time that you need to let in the new and release the old. All the positive changes that you have been asking for are coming, and they are coming because you are shifting. And those of you who are awake and who are aware are doing so consciously and deliberately, and you are bringing so many others along with you, because now is their time as well, whether they know it or not.

Help Coming from Arcturus (without Interference)
Everything that ever happens in your experience happens for your benefit, but the benefit is to your spiritual growth and evolution, which is what all of this is for in the first place... you are not incarnating there because some being outside of you sent you there.
As a soul, you want to experience the movement of feeling less evolved to feeling more evolved... so ask yourself how these current conditions are helping you to become more of who you really are as a Source Energy Being. And yes, you want the answer right away.. But again, it serves you more spiritually to look at it yourself and to come to your own conclusions.
Ask yourself : ‘How can I be the Love in this situation? How can I show up more as Love in the face of that which is appearing to be something other than Light?" Remember those circumstances, are not because someone in a government, or corporation, are in control.. you are still the creator of your experience, and the sooner you own that, the sooner you can do something about it.
And when you do help yourselves, when you do open up and allow in more of your own creations, then you do experience getting a helping hand at times from a being, a friend or a collective, in a higher-dimensional plane. But it’s still you who had to align with that experience of receiving the help. It always will come back to you and what’s going on inside of you, and the sooner you see that, the sooner you recognize that. And we know that at the heart of all of your requests to us is that desire to thrive.

Get All You Want & All You Didn’t Know You Wanted
We are ninth-dimensional, and there are three dimensions that are higher than this one where we dwell in right now. Our experience is that we don’t need to know everything, and this is so true when it comes to humanity. There are things about life on Earth that are supposed to be unpredictable. You are supposed to be surprised. You cannot predict everything that will occur. If you could, you would take the emotional component out of life there on Earth, and you really don’t want to do that.
With the creation of your reality, you need also to remain open to the possibility that there’s something better for you than what you imagined. You can feel into a future experience and know you’re going to like it without knowing what it is.. that is when pay more attention to your feelings, and use your thoughts purposefully, but do not limit yourself to thinking.
There are always energies coming in as well to support the creation of that which is unknown, that which is unpredictable, and those energies are the most fun to play with. Surrender to the flow of the energies, and to keep up with them by slowing down, by feeling good, and by breathing consciously. And then you can have everything that you wanted and some things that you didn’t even know you wanted. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


April 16th 2023
Above... the Mountains and the Stormy Seas

How You Stretch & Bend Time
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You get to work with Time in the same way you work with every idea, every vibration, emotion, and every thought. That’s what you are there to do. You are there as creator beings to use what you are given as your raw materials. Time, believe it or not, is one of those raw materials, and so is money, and so is love. Bring more love to everything that you do and you will have no issues with time whatsoever, because you will be in love with whatever you are doing and you can feel more love when you are more present.
Do not fear the future, and do not have regrets about the past, and you will also change your relationship to time and to the present moment, which is where all of your power is and where all of the love is.

Simple Steps to Clear Ancestral Trauma
We have an enormous amount of respect for all of you who have chosen very challenging lives for yourselves, because we know that you are not just doing it for your own experiences. We know that those of you who come forth and take on a lot are doing it for your entire ancestral line. You are helping past life versions of yourselves, and you are helping the generations that are to be born into your family in the future. You are helping parallel aspects of yourselves on other timelines and even in other universes.
Life’s traumas do not have to crush anyone, and what we are seeing there on Earth at this time is that far fewer of you are being crushed by those challenges.
Accept the challenge... Recognize that you chose it... Acknowledge your emotions that you feel in regards to it… Feel those emotions. And finally, having cleared those emotions you will have a much different perspective on what it is that is actually happening. Be able to see it as a springboard, a way for you to grow even more spiritually. All of life’s traumas, challenges and tragedies are nudging each and everyone of you in a particular direction. You are all meant to inspire each other, and no one is meant to pity anyone else there on Earth. But having compassion for someone is different. And when you can hold space for one of those individuals to get what they are supposed to get out of it and eventually thrive, then you really are being of service to them.

This is Why We’re Enthused about Humanity’s Future
Any fears that you have over what is to come are really fears about what you have already experienced and know that you don’t want. And so, it is your work then to clear those fears so that you can focus purely on what you do want to experience moving forward. We are enthusiastic about your future. It is not because there is only one future, and that you get to choose creatively which future you experience and to bring about a better future for all.
You know how to focus, and how to clear a lower-vibrational emotion. You also know how to hold space for your fellow humans. And remember that everyone has their own path.
We and you.. can co-create even more magical experiences for humanity’s future, for all future timelines, for all human beings. Just set that intention as you are drifting off to sleep.

The Monumental Event of Full E.T. Contact on Earth
We are existing in nonphysical form and therefore are nonlocal, but we still carry the energetic signature
of our place of origin, the Arcturian Star System.
When you receive nonphysical extra-terrestrial energy, you are getting activations of your own e.t. DNA. You also have the opportunity to remember more of your lifetimes as an extra-terrestrial. Therefore, these contact experiences are laying the groundwork for the physical face-to-face encounters. It is a beautiful time to be alive there on planet Earth because you get to have so many of these experiences in this one lifetime, all are leading to your ascension.
Relax, enjoy the ride and play with what you have available to you right now. You will be able to feel more timeless and to enjoy the journey to full extra-terrestrial contact.

The Volunteers of Earth are Needed Now
With the changes that are going to occur there on planet Earth... You can become one of the ones who plays that role for humanity by opening yourself up to higher-frequency energies and anchoring them for the collective. So there is no need at all for you to try to fit in, especially when you can clearly see that so much of what is going on there on Earth isn’t really working for everyone. Then simply spread that light through the gridlines on planet Earth.
What you are sending out is more of a message of peace, love, joy, harmony, creativity and freedom. You want people to know who they really are, and these fulfill that purpose you had for incarnating.

More Effective Spiritual Practices
Now is especially a good time to be paying attention to your own vibration, your choices, and what you focus upon, because everything is "speeding up" there on your world and throughout the universe. Everything can and will come to you at a faster pace than what you are accustomed to in this lifetime, and that also means that your spiritual practices can be far more effective than
they have ever been before.
It is also just nice to be a bit more spontaneous and playful, even when it comes to your spirituality.

Humans In All Universes, Realities & Timelines
You are not just growing as the individual that is in your physical body right now. Even past and future versions of you are helping you to evolve and ascend.
Therefore, you can take the weight of the world off of your shoulders. You can relax more and know that your evolution is a natural process. And It can be quite smooth and easy. The help that you bring to other humans is through the up-leveling of your consciousness; it is not thru the completion of tasks.
There are many wonderful teachers out there who are assisting you in raising your vibration and becoming more of who you really are. You already are your fifth-dimensional selves In recognizing that truth and letting go of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and stuck energies that hold you back from knowing yourselves as your true selves, your transformation that follow..

Manifestation is Spiritual Mastery
We are happy to assist you because we know what a challenging path you are on and because we delight in the process of co-creation. When you can detach from when it comes and even whether it comes, then you are in the right vibration for receiving what you have already created and is coming to you. Your happiness must be something that comes from within you. Because you have the power to choose what you are focusing on in the present, what you are remembering from the past…
and what you are anticipating about the future.
It is when you release all expectation about a manifestation, and you insist on doing the best you can in the now moment to enjoy it, you then have become a spiritual master. You can live equally going within and focusing outside of yourself, and you can do so with the knowing that part of what you are doing there now on Earth is integrating all of these seeming opposites. Have your desires, create whatever it is you want to manifest, and have a rich inner world
and you will be able to live in all worlds simultaneously with a smile on your face.

The New 9D Energies Coming to All
Energies are like nutrients for your physical bodies.. sometimes out of balance. Your symptoms are in your minds, and you chose to incarnate on planet Earth at this time because you also wanted to explore the variety of thoughts. But because you are living in the information age now, and you are on the verge of the galactic age, you do tend to become a little too mind-oriented, and it is not serving you as much as you all think it is. New e.t. technologies are not the answer to all of Earth’s problems
because it is the consciousness of humanity that matters the most.
Therefore, we have mined certain energies that are bound to assist you in being more centered and balanced. Almost everyone on Earth eats, and everyone is either drinking the water or showering in it, and if you do take a bath or a shower, you are ingesting that water. So everyone will receive these balancing energies that are coming from the Star Systems, but also from the ninth dimension,
which is nonlocal.
It is perfect for achieving more balance in yourselves and in your lives. Choosing what you think about and what you focus on are the easiest steps you can take. And of course, all the work that you do on yourselves to maintain a higher vibration will also be very helpful in this regard. You are the ones doing the hard work, the heavy lifting, and we and others like us, are just here to help.
You have stepped into this time in human evolution to give yourselves an opportunity to do less so that you can activate what you need to activate. The Current energies need your willingness to let them run through you.. being willing to look at something in a different way, to accept something you haven’t been able to accept before, to release a fear or a judgment. That’s the hard work of consciousness. That’s the heavy lifting that doesn’t require any actual physical heavy lifting, but nevertheless, all of it can be very taxing on you physically. And so, you need to rest. And meanwhile you are clearing hundreds of thousands of years of ancestral karma and trauma.

Awakened Collective: Unite & Fulfill Your Destiny
Recognize that you are not alone, even if you feel alone in this quest. You - the Awakened Collective - are connecting with one another in the astral plane... sharing thoughts, ideas, and experiences there, just like you do on the Internet.
You will then relax and let in more of your soul family group. You will tell the universe that you are ready to come together with more e.t.s and nonphysical friends.
And we know that letting go of those petty differences is a big part of how you raise your level of consciousness, you raise your vibration, and you become that which you were always meant to become in this lifetime…
thus leading humanity into the consciousness of the fifth dimension.
Your sensitivity is a superpower and your compassion for your fellow humans is what ultimately will save them. You are there to bring peace to a war-torn planet… It sometimes means living in a type of isolation.. to rise above getting into arguments.. that are promoting fear. You are there to anchor in certain energies and hold a certain vibration.
In the meantime, you do still live on a beautiful planet with lots to create, lots to explore, and lots to share with others. Be in a state of gratitude and appreciation for all that is flowing to you, and you will be ready for more. Let go of anything that does not serve you, and you will expand and become ready for your personal e.t. contact experiences.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council b



" The Cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the univers to know itself. " Carl Sagan



Earth’s Transition 2023
In this last phase of Earth’s transition from darkness into light, a short period of chaos seems inevitable and a brief lockdown seems certain. The latter is both protective and a pivotal happening that will hasten the awakening of still slumbering souls. Some bumpy patches will likely follow, but none would be long-lasting, and there will be no mini-ice age, abrupt geophysical shift or any other predicted catastrophic event.
When irrefutable evidence of truthful information starts coming forth, you who have waited so patiently will greet it with rejoicing, but—as many of you are anticipating—most others will be shocked, confused, outraged and fearful. As encouraging mentors, calmly and confidently explain to all receptive souls that everything going on is ending long ages of darkness on Earth.
It can be helpful to recommend books and websites that support what you tell them about this profound turnaround, how civilizations have been helping Earth, and the wondrous changes ahead. The unconscionable disparity between the few “haves” and the billions of “have-nots” will end and everyone will share in the planet’s abundance. The global economic system based on precious metals that will replace the current corrupt system will protect honestly-earned savings and investments. ~ Excerpts from Matthewbooks. com



April 1st 2023
We are Whale Dreaming... our Shifts of Consciousness & Reality

Remember who you / they all really are as spiritual beings. You live on a beautiful planet with many natural resources, and you have created many, from the infinite and eternal that is inside of you. This was all part of the plan, of course.
This is a time for so much more to be awakened within so many.

Where We’ve Hidden a Multitude of Energies ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Notice what those kingdoms ... plant, animal, and mineral life. They are the building blocks for human life, and when you connect to Mother Earth, Mother Nature, you are connecting to something that stabilizes you. You are connecting to energies that are responsible for life on Earth, and as you show them gratitude, you grow spiritually. You also get to connect to those energies that we have infused into these life forms.
Your connection to all things will be a stepping stone to you recognizing your connection to all humans and then all beings thru this universe of ours. So tending to your own gardens will help you.
You are not there to put a stop to anything that is happening outside of you. You are there to live in peace and harmony inside of your own bodies and your own psyches. You are there to balance your own energies and your own emotions, and you can’t do that when you are fighting against enemies. It hasn’t worked for anyone, for any society in the history of the universe.
You are there to unite with the love that is all around you... hidden quite literally under every pebble, every grain of sand. Shut off your devices and get outside; connect with Mother Nature because the outside world will always reflect your inner realm, and because ultimately it is all you ever have control of there in your lives.

We Transmit Energy, Galactic Light Codes & DNA Activations
Recognize that you are living in a hall of mirrors, everyone reflecting a different aspect of you back to you. You become more of who you really are when you allow everyone else to be as they are, and you realize that there is always a way to accept, to forgive, and to love.
Have an understanding of how connected we all are in this galaxy and in this universe.
We seek to connect to all humans who are willing to explore the possibility that consciousness exists outside of humanity, outside of your dimension, your solar system. Trust that you’re going to receive exactly what you need to when you need to, so long as you take the time to relax and open up to what is always around you and always coming to you.
Be of service by shining your light… by maintaining a high vibration in spite of everything that’s happening in the world right now. Be who you really are, and at the same time, be humble. Let go of your expectations to how this is supposed to unfold from here on in, because you will be surprised at what is coming.

Receiving All That You’ve Requested
Know that everything comes to you in the perfect timing, when it is appropriate... You are there to be the ones who explore, to anchor in what it is that you have requested for yourselves and others. All energy that is summoned is given to you, especially those of you who are there in service.
Face challenges so that you can evolve. Experience patience and trust, which you can only do when it looks like you might not get what you want.
And it will be so much more satisfying if you can see how you aligned your energy with your request.

Heal Yourself, All Others & Shift Your Consciousness
We love getting to know ourselves better through you. We understand that this may be something that you all do at times, subconsciously, but we advise you to do it more consciously. And from all the positive and negative perspectives.
That is also a choice that exists within you, and it’s a choice you need to make peace with. You need to make peace with the darkness, because it can’t just exist outside of you, not in this holographic universe of ours.
Everyone you encounter, and everything that you see and hear and come to know, can benefit you because it’s another piece of the puzzle that is you. Become whole. It is time for you to let go of the illusion of separation, to stop playing that game of victim and perpetrator, us versus them, darkness versus light. This is about bringing it all together inside of you, one harmonious whole. That is the way to heal you and them.

Why You Will Ascend This Time
You all are accessing exactly what you need to and when you need to, and it is a very exciting time to be a human being there on planet Earth. If you truly want to ascend, to be your higher selves, to be fifth dimensional, then you will share when you can, and you will teach anyone who is ready to be taught. So don’t just wait for your fellow humans to catch up to where you are and where you have been for quite some time; guide them. Give them the tools that they need, and invite them to exist in the higher frequency state that you have been so fortunate to have found.

Update: You've Avoided Many Catastrophes
Even in the past twenty-five years, you have grown exponentially. Now, you still have plenty more work to do to bring yourselves to that point of ascension... to move forward from whatever you’ve been feeling bad about. It all starts with you letting go of all that you’ve been experiencing that you don’t feel very good about… and then you will feel good about where you are if you change the way you are looking at your lives and at the world at large.
You shift your perspective, you shift the way you are looking at things, you shift everything, and when you are willing to look at the bright side of things you are the catalysts to bring it all about, and you are the ones to lead the way for the rest of humankind..

Ready to Stop Waiting for Med-Beds?
You are ascending and everything you are experiencing is a part of your ascension. Nothing is just an inconvenience…it is happening for you and is happening because of you.
First, you create an obstacle or a hurdle, and then you find the power within yourself to go over it, or around it, or through it, but you always move on. There is always a continuation of the expansion of Source Energy through you.
Remind yourselves of the simple truth that, ‘This is temporary, and it serves me.’ .. You have the ability to relax and breathe into anything that is happening, and when you exercise this, you get the positive results that you want. .. you get to go to the next level of your ascension. And there will always be challenges because you will not be done ascending.
You will keep ascending from the fifth to the sixth to the seventh and so on. You knew you were a master when you signed up for a series of Earth incarnations. And yes, everyone is playing their part. In order to play your part, you must be you. That means being true to yourself is another way you take a gigantic step forward.
Be true to your feelings, and you give everyone else permission to do the same, and you will start seeing more signs of an ascending society. It all starts with you; you are the master and the creator, and you have every tool imaginable inside of you. That’s why we say stop waiting for med beds. Stop waiting for any type of bail out, and take the challenge that you have set before yourself. See it as an opportunity to become more of you, because that’s what it is, and you put it there because you knew exactly what you needed to go to the next level of your consciousness.
Just look around at your life, the people in it, the world, because they all contain exactly what you need to rise up to that next level. You are the ones to lead the way because you agreed to awaken first and then you will have many brilliant stories to tell.

The April 2023 Energies
These energies will help people to forgive and to even have compassion for those who have very different views on almost every subject. These are the energies of integration, and they are also about bringing your various aspects into one harmonious whole, also known as your higher self.
You cannot just complain about how polarized humanity is, and think that by pointing it out you have somehow solved the problem. It has to start with you, as individuals who know better and who can rise above it and see and feel the unity that is available to you at all times. It is through letting go of all that you are resistant to and eventually getting to that place where you can forgive, have compassion for, and unconditionally love all the people that you once saw as those who needed to be defeated in some way.
You can look for the opportunities to let go of what you have been pushing against, and you can look to be a force for healing and for unity in the world that is truly just a reflection of everything that is inside of you.

E.T. Encounters, UFOs & Non-Interference
There is a reason why the non-interference rule is in place for humanity. You must be allowed to evolve on your own. This is a time when you must discover that everything you need is inside of you. Therefore, even seeing spaceships and being visited by e.t.s, all pale in comparison to what you can experience when you close your eyes and you focus inwardly.
When you open up to your own infinite and eternal nature, you will realize that you never needed any information, nor any intervention. You have access to Source, and to everything when you look inside of you, and you also have an unlimited capacity to create realities and experience those realities. So yes, the physical experiences you can have are intoxicating, quite literally.
You have extra-terrestrial DNA inside of you. You have memories of your lives as extra-terrestrial beings inside of you, and you can experience your multidimensional self by going within. And so the more exploring you do of your infinite and eternal nature, the more the outside world will open up to you... and you can ride as many spaceships as you want to.
When you expand your concept of who you are, everything you want to experience will open up to you in radical ways that your mind could not have possibly imagined. So if you seek more experiences with e.t.s, start with yourselves. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by



March 19th 2023
Crystal Earth Ships - We are

These Are the Shifts You’re Making Now ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
Every experience that you have, serves a greater and higher good than you can actually perceive with your your physical mind. It is time for you all to respect each other in the same way, and that respect will raise the level of consciousness there on Earth and amongst all humans. This is hard to make peace with, because you have so much pain. Know how important it is for you to go beyond the mind, beyond the five senses, and into that which is infinite and eternal about yourselves.
Step back from the view that you have of the world out there and take on a higher perspective of it all. And as you do, you not only change yourselves, but you change what you are observing.
Be an influencer, because every thought, emotion, intention that you hold, affect the totality of existence.
Trust that you are moving the needle of consciousness on Earth with every breath that you take. Recognize that just shifting your perspective shifts everything.

Lightworkers: You Are Being Readied for This
You can become addicted to some aspect of the physical, but more than anything else, it is a lack of a sense of purpose that is troubling you on some level of your consciousness. There’s a lot within you that you can clear to make space for that moment of inspiration. Release that which is no longer serving you and that which is not yours to begin with, and let yourself be your purpose for awhile.
There will be so many different jobs, careers, and businesses in the future, and some of you will create them. And when you cannot see the broader picture of that, it is hard for you to trust, and have patience, but these are the things you must have in order to eventually let in that inspired thought, that inspired idea, that impulse that takes you to it. We also know that you do tend to associate purpose with some sort of action.. many people there are holding space for others, holding a high vibration to balance the energies there. Meditating, chanting, doing whatever they can to raise the level of consciousness.
Be aware of how much there is inside of you that you can tap in to right now, that universe that exists inside of each and every one of us. We invite you to relax more, to let go, and eventually let in that which will inspire you to be the being, the love that you were always meant to be and that you are destined to be in this lifetime.

Should the Arcturians Take Form & Land Ships?
Many of you know that you can only see and hear a tiny fragment of what is actually available to be seen and heard, and yet, you still consider your five senses to be your most important, your significant tools for understanding reality. Now you are here in training to be able to harmonize your vibration with ours.
And it is available right now to those who are willing to go beyond the five senses and reach for the feeling that we activate within you every time as you harmonize with us vibrationally.
We and the Universe will be better at holding space for all of you to become your true selves.

You Are Receiving Signs from the Universe
The universe as you experience it, is you talking to yourself, and therefore, if you know what a sign, or a synchronicity means to you, then you have gotten the answer. Just keep paying attention and working on your faith, which is feeling based, so that it eventually overrides your mental processing, which is thought based. You want to go beyond the limitations of the physical 3D mind in this lifetime, and in order to do that you must first admit to yourselves that your minds are very limited. They are brilliant, they are imaginative, and they are limited.
This is not a judgment of your minds. Your minds have to be limited in order for you to play this game that you are playing. You are ready to move on; you are ready to graduate to the next level. And the next level is all about going beyond the mind and into the knowing of yourself as spirit, as an essence, as an aspect of Source.
Then with some help, becoming aware of what you are meant to be aware of in the moment, and then the choice is yours. Now all you have to do is apply it over and over again so that the rest of humanity can witness you and your success and want to know what your secret is. And you will share it to them, because you know that you are also moving beyond the time of keeping secret how powerful you really are.

This Programming Must Be Shaken
Nothing just came to you on a silver platter.. struggles and the paying of dues..That has been your programming for quite some time, nothing just came to you on a silver platter that you have to shake right now, as you become conscious and deliberate creators who are capable of instant manifestation. Start emphasizing the times when things just fell into your lap, when everything lined up for you, and when you were just in the right place at the right time.
Now you understand that you have to be in vibrational harmony with anything and everything that comes your way.. or you could work very, very hard for nothing because you continued to run an old program. Now is the time to shed that whole idea of victimhood. Now is the time to start feeling more empowered, to start remembering who you really are and putting what you know into practice, and then you can teach others. And then you can become masters over the physical realm. That makes it much easier for you to dedicate your time to your spirituality.
You always tend to seek out something more fulfilling... to attain a higher level of consciousness. Let go and allow everything to flow to you and through you.

What the Orbs in Your Photos Are Doing
It is not through hard work that you receive. It is through the acknowledgement that the help is there and then surrendering to it. When you acknowledge how much help you have all around you at all times, you become the open conduits for higher-frequency energies you were always meant to be in this lifetime.
The easier way to receive is: seek to establish relationships with your guides, your galactic team, the ascended masters, the Archangels, faeries, and all of the other helpers that you have around you. People are often catching glimpses of orbs in the pictures and videos that they have taken. See these spheres as your helpers, because they are. They are higher-frequency beings, and that is why you do not see them with your physical eyes all the time.
They are coming to observe and to help because they too recognize what a beautiful transition you all are making there on Earth, and they also want to be a part of it. They are wanting to help without interfering, they let you know that they are there, and people are starting to get the idea that they are in fact surrounded by higher-frequency, higher-dimensional beings at all times. Therefore, we recommend that you take the weight of the world off of your shoulders and just open up to receive that help that is coming from above.

How’s the Awakened Collective Doing?
Along your earth journey, you awakened to discover that you are much more than just a human being, and you have lived many more lifetimes than just one.
.. playing with the idea that you and the tree, the flower, the ocean are one, and of course, the more difficult to swallow pill that you and everyone else are also one. But the experience of it is much harder than just placing the bumper sticker on your car. So many are getting it and moving forward with their expansion... of unity consciousness.. to include more than just your physical human body, and that is real progress. That is now what changes everything for humanity.
What you fear or hate, what you judge sticks to you like glue, and depletes your energy and lowers your vibration. What you love expands. What you love gives you more of an opportunity to find new aspects of self, to manifest, and to live in joy. Simply you must take responsibility for what you are creating in order to move beyond it. There is so much for you to feel, so much for you to remember, and so much more for you to become. Everything will always lead you back to yourselves, because you are everything and everything is you.
If you could only be more interested in how you feel, you could make things a lot easier for yourselves.. attuning yourselves to the highest vibration possible.. helpful, no matter what you are hoping to achieve in your life.
You have within you this Center where you can be All-That-Is. You can be Source. Whenever you don’t know what to do in one of these complicated situations you have there in your lives.. simply be the love vibe that the world needs right now, and you will fulfill your purpose for existing. You will also have a much better life.

You Are Building a Bridge to the New Earth
You are the changemakers. You are the ones to question everything and to envision a new world, in peace and harmony. When you follow your heart, you are following inner guidance. You are then living your truth.
Consciousness is expanding… People are waking up, and you are there to be a part of it. It’s only a matter of time, and the time just happens to be right now.
You are the ground crew in physical form for those of us who are in the higher-dimensional plane and who are in non-physical form. You are energized and electrified by what we send you, and we see more and more of you opening up every single day to the light, the energy, the information and the love that we share so openly and so freely.
That’s one of the ways that you are of service to humanity at this time. It’s the vibration you put out that matters, and you can put out such a strong vibration just by being, just by sitting with your eyes closed and breathing. You can exude so much light, love, and high-vibrational energy, just by intending to do so, and we see you do it… you become the earthbound activators… with the goal of helping humankind raise the level of its consciousness and ascend to the next plane of existence. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


No matter what... Keep the heart open
We are in the process of transcending duality as our consciousness levels rise in order to fully embrace unity consciousness, and the deep knowing that you are another me and I am another you and it is AS ONE that we co-create the New Golden Age.
The old Divisions, the old judgements, the old shame, blame, guilt, the old separation and alienation have no place in the New Earth.
In the next few weeks and months, so much of the old duality and darkness will surface in some form or another, as the heavenly spotlights are being turned on full blast. Light reveals all, so do not be surprised when all the old things now surface, after being hidden and suppressed for so long. This included the old wounds, the old things within yourself, which need to be finally let go of, forgiven and loved into wholeness once more: - within yourself and others.
The great collapse is here. The collapse of the old systems, old governance, old regimes, old programming, old ways of life and living. All need to now collapse, so that the new can be born and blossom into the fullness of its true Being, with love and unity.
In this chaos.. Keep the heart open – no matter what. The still-point lies within. There is such hidden beauty within ALL. We just need to learn to see with the eyes of the soul, and embrace the infinity alive within all of us,
and allow ourselves to centered within the eternal eye of the storm, which holds the sacred stillness within its core.

As the great portals now open in the Lightning and Power Rod of the New Earth, we are ascending into 5th, 7th, 9th dimensional frequency bands. All which cannot hold that vibration is busy dissolving.
The Divine Light, Divine Love and Divine Power Codes are pouring onto humanity now like hurricanes of activations on all levels, as the timelines are separating at accelerated pace. Through it all we are being supported and carried through, as we are being enfolded in the cosmic heart, ever held in Divine Omnipotent Love.
It can become very uncomfortable at times, yet exhilirating too, for we, the pioneer souls, now are cleaving open, and creating a totally new way of life in the New Earth. Let us allow ourselves to be open for the new, to explore with a sense of wonder and awe as we step further into the great unknown, yet known. Yes, it is an adventure and we simply do not quite yet know what is awaiting with every single step we are taking. Yet, herein lie the hidden treasures awaiting to be discovered and to be utilized with loving intent, for the greater good of all.

The pyramid energy is being fully activated now, within us as well as being activated in all the pyramids inside the earth, on the surface and under water. These are ancient and were first established millions of earth years ago, during the time of Elysium, the Lion Kingdom, Avalon, Mu and Lemuria and are 7th to 9th dimensional… This means that we are moving into the higher frequencies and vibrations which are transcending even the 5th.
We will find our old Adams, Eves, Liliths dissolving more and more, and will need to dig deeper into our reserves, even as our consciousness rises in quantum leaps. It is wise to go deeper within, so that your soul as one with Divinity can lift you through, as the heart centers opens to a higher degree.
Transfiguration in all aspects of our life on earth is occurring. Let go of all you ever believed yourself to be. Embrace the new and much higher dimensional you. ~ Judith Kusel



March 5th 2023
Sea of Change  &  Higher Dimensional Existence

The Lyran Contribution ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
The energies being sent by the Lyrans are for helping you all to release the traumas you experienced on Atlantis and Lemuria and all traumas experienced with extra-terrestrial beings. You are going to receive tenfold in the positive everything that has been projected to you that has been negative. Certain limitations needed to be put into place so that you could all have the experiences you wanted to have. You will continue on your journey of ascension without any interference.

The New Energies Coming from Arcturus
We noticed how much further you grow spiritually when you simply focus yourselves on your heartspace.. and that the less thoughts you are thinking and the less beliefs you are holding onto the better.
You want to feel unity consciousness, you want to feel expansive, because it is the truth... you are receiving support energetically when and for being more heart centered, more present, more grounded, and more capable of feeling everything as it comes up so that you know what you are putting out into the universe… and for those of you who are open, you will feel those energies and you will be able to notice the nudge you are getting into your heartspace, and that nudge is going to feel very good.

The Arcturians & Archangels Unite
Some of you, of course, are open to both realms, as well as the faerie realm and the ascended masters. Of course, there are more realms than those, and we all have our roles to play in helping you to grow, to evolve, to expand and to ascend. Know you will experience more of that higher-dimensional consciousness. we are helping reconnecting you to your roots in the twelfth dimension. Everyone has their roots in the twelfth dimension, no matter where they are in this universe. You simply need that foundation and that vibration to grow from, and you need that place of love, comfort, cohesiveness and expansiveness, just like flowers need their roots to do so.

Your Impact on the World & Universe
Some cannot see how you are impacting your world all the time.. if everyone could, they would be much more conscious about what it was they were putting out into the world. And those of you who want to be of service but don’t know what to do must trust that you are still having an impact with the thoughts you think, the intentions you hold, the vibrations you offer, the words you speak, and so on.
Do put your faith in a type of ripple effect, and know that everyone out there in the world is affected by everything that’s going on with you, internally and externally. So do not hesitate to make those energetic adjustments just because you might not be able to see how they have impacted the world. Do what you do, think what you think, say what you say, and vibrate how you vibrate because doing so feels good. Let that moment where you are resonating with what you are putting out there be enough. Your feelings that matter to you.. are how you create your reality, and your reality includes the reality of the entire world, of the entire universe.

Be of Service to Many
You are very helpful beings by nature; not only because it is part of your journey to help, but because in the helping of another you are acknowledging that there is no other. We are all in fact one; that’s who we really are, and separation, hierarchies, dimensions, these are all illusions to give ourselves the opportunities to know ourselves in a variety of ways.
And so, you are fulfilling your mission there on Earth when you seek to know yourself, and then you discover that you are everything and you are everyone. You can let your unique abilities, tell you the various ways that you are meant to be of service.
If you are good at something, use what you are good at to help another. You will become closer to the truth of who we all really are as Source, because you will be coming together. That is why when you get to the nonphysical, we all operate as councils and collectives. And you still get to experience being individuated at the same time as holding that knowing, that we are all one, the best of both worlds!

You Could Be Heroes
You all want to experience yourselves as Source Energy in a physical body, whether you realize it or not, and what is Source if not unconditional love? Unconditional love means that you will be love under any conditions that you are confronted with in your life.
You can speak words to that effect; you can forgive others. You can send transmissions of healing and love if there is no action to take on your part, and that is what we see more and more of you doing, all the time there on Earth.
Bad things happen and bad things exist on your world. They exist so that you have the opportunity to rise up and be love in the face of whatever is thrown at you. Even the intention to be that which you truly are is an enormous step forward for the human collective consciousness, and we are seeing those steps taken every single day.

Are the Bad Guys Coming to the New Earth?
You transform yourselves first, and then everyone around you transforms to reflect to you the work you’ve done. So if you still see people out there being racist and dumping chemicals wherever they want to in the environment, then you must admit that you are not done transforming... or you haven’t been able to forgive those who are doing those dastardly deeds. Either way, there’s something you’re holding onto that you need to let go. Clear, forgive, release, let go, and you will find the lightness of being that you are seeking in a fifth-dimensional light body. You don’t have to wait to be transformed by your sun. .. or by e.t.s.

Simple Steps to Raise Your Vibration
You create on many different levels of your being-ness. When something is not going according to plan, then recognize that there is a better plan, resist the urge to get down on yourself for not making happen what you thought was the best case scenario for yourself. Trust that it is always a best case scenario that you are living. Make the most out of what opportunities do come your way, and relax about all the rest.
If it doesn’t come in the timing you would prefer, it means you just need to relax even more, accept, and focus on being the version of yourself you most want to be in those life circumstances, and that is the way to live a life of spiritual mastery.
If you are carrying tension, if your thoughts have not been the most positive ones you could be thinking; it’s all right if you pick up on a lower vibration within you. You are there to detect these and release. You are there to let go of what has been holding you in the same vibration you’ve been in for a long time. This is how you consciously raise your vibration, and by consciously raising your vibration you shift to a higher-frequency state. This is how you live happily in the here and now, and this is how you move closer to your ultimate ascension.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by


Feb 18h 2023
New Healing Portals Popping Up All Over

A New Energy Delivery System from the 9th Dimension ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
When you are in nature and appreciating one of these energy-infused aspects of nature, you will then receive the energies that you need and desire. When you are sitting with your back up against a tree or a large rock, or when you have immersed yourself in some body of water, that’s when the energies can and will be delivered to you. You have to be relaxed, so you can be offering a high enough vibration to receive the energies.

This Will Catapult you into the 5th Dimension
You knew that you needed something to awaken you, to get you to go on a different path than others who would be more interested in the physical trappings of planet Earth. And there’s plenty there that you could be focusing on instead of your spirituality.
Mother Earth, like your sun, can give you activations, can heal you, can provide for you upgrades, attunements, downloads. Right now, Earth herself is getting more positive activation to balance and align her energy systems, her grids, her poles, her electromagnetic field. There is so much for you to tap into that is right beneath your feet at this time to assist you. You are ready to receive more not only from above, but also from below. You are there to access energies from both the sky, the ground, the physical and the nonphysical, the masculine and the feminine. That will catapult you into the fifth dimension.

Are E.T.s Spying on Humans?
You are becoming a part of the galactic community. It is a big piece of your ascension, and these e.t. beings really do need to know how you are doing, what you are vibrating, and some of them even needed to know about your emotions. All of those emotions have helped e.t.s to understand humans so that they can better relate to you and be more prepared for their contact with you. We are not talking about ourselves here, because we are a nonphysical collective, and we will not be coming down vibrationally to take on physical bodies and visit you there. However, there are many e.t.s who have, who will continue to visit, and who will eventually live amongst you.
It is not just humanity who is ascending; It is the entire galaxy, the entire multiverse.. and humanity plays a pivotal role in that ascension. You all agreed to go down as far as you could go into density to explore so many emotions, and you are doing a phenomenal job.

The Earthquakes in Turkey & Syria
We are here to give you a perspective that can and will help you to live lives of beauty, joy, creativity, love, peace and wonder. We make ourselves available to each and every one of you, and we do show up even more in times of trauma and tragedy there on planet Earth.
Everything is about bringing you to a higher state of consciousness, and you can send love, peace, and healing to those who are in pain, suffering loss, and who are now homeless. You have the ability to create a shift in consciousness, along with those from the nonphysical realms.
We are here to help amplify the healing and the compassion that can come from the rest of humanity, and you vibrate onto a timeline where you get to experience it in that way. What is inevitable is peace and harmony there on Earth and more joy, more creativity.

More Than a Financial Reset, Mass Arrests & a Solar Flash
See and know how every thought you think, every perspective you take, every ounce of compassion you feel adds. See yourselves as influencing the totality of the human collective with the times that you meditate, that you connect with Mother Nature, and when you can recognize your worth, your value. We see more gigantic leaps forward coming for humankind.. because of each individual part of the collective and what you are doing as individuals.
When you forgive someone quietly, internally, you have moved the needle. It is possible to forgive someone who has wronged you. It is possible to have compassion for someone who doesn’t deserve it. it’s not only possible, but you demonstrate something to someone you will never meet on the other side of the planet, because you are all connected.
We are all connected, and we know that we are all evolving. We add something to the universal collective consciousness and in the higher realms.
You who are The Awakened Collective are a part of something bigger than yourselves, you are connected to people on the other side of the planet that you will never meet. And together, you are making a difference.. bigger than a global financial reset, mass arrests, or a solar flash, and the reason it will be bigger is because it came from inside of you.

Your Tribe, Your Soul Family & Becoming Source
You are going to come together with those individuals who likely will have a similar perspective on life as well. You can co-create a better version of reality together for all this ability, you are also recognizing how you become Source Energy again.
It’s okay to realize that you’re not in vibrational harmony with someone, and yet offer that person love, compassion, from afar.
You are coming upon a time there on Earth where these types of collaborative collectives are going to be needed to advance the consciousness even further and to help spark that initiative to bring all of you together as one, one group of ascending beings, because that is truly who you are.

The New Healing Portals Popping Up All Over
You are at a time right now where you collectively are opening up to receive, and that makes this the perfect time for beings and collectives from all across this galaxy to deliver the healing energies you have requested. From Sirians/ Pleiadians/ Antares/ Lyrans etc.
When an event like a disaster, gets the attention of almost everyone in the world, your collective asking is enormous. When enough of you relax into the receiving of what you have asked for, that’s when we all can deliver to you what you are a vibrational match to.
The portals are popping up all around the planet, not just in those areas where they are needed the most, but also each region and individual needs some amount of healing And when you see traumas and tragedies it reminds you of your own, and what you still have yet to receive.
These healing energies will heal you physically, emotionally, psychologically, and energetically, so you can move past the wounds and the hurt and move towards the future where you can create that beautiful, peaceful, harmonious world that you all desire.

What’s Holding You Back from Your Ascension
Understand that when we are meeting someone else, we are meeting another aspect of ourselves.
You want to exist in a higher-frequency state, one that we refer to commonly as ‘the fifth dimension.’ But you cannot get there through seeing yourself as separate than anyone else.
Creating division keeps you stuck in a third-dimensional paradigm, and it is what you are there to transcend, what you are there to ascend out of.
Again – stop waiting for something outside of you to happen, and in order to really experience yourselves as Source Energy, you must have the others present, because they are a part of Source Energy, and therefore, a part of you.
"How can you possibly forgive some of the heinous acts that your fellow earthlings have taken part in?. We are asking you to imagine that in some other lifetime, one in which you were much, much different than you are today, you were the one committing the heinous acts. If you can forgive someone else, you can forgive yourself, and then and only then you can become more whole and complete.
Once you clear your anger, your sadness, then you are in a place where you are letting go of some of the weight that’s holding you down... that’s keeping you from your own ascension. And as you ascend, you take others with you.

The UFOs Shot Down Over North America
Your skies are filled with spaceships from all across the galaxy and from other dimensions, and we also want you all to rest assured that no one has shot down a spaceship. Something being a UFO does not make it a spaceship.
Focus on you and your readiness for e.t. contact. You need to focus on what you still need to let go of and the places within yourself where you still need to raise your vibration. What you want is a harmonious planet to live on where humans and e.t.s can walk side by side and where space travel will be available to everyone. And what will not get you closer to that reality is finger-pointing and speculating about what the cabal is doing today, or what they were doing yesterday, or what they will do tomorrow.
Continue to focus on yourselves, on what you need to clear, what you need to forgive, what you need to let go of, and you will continuously inch closer and closer to that time where the real ships can land, and you can be reunited with family members from out there in the stars.

The Grid-workers & Ground Crew
We are helping right now by working with the Earth’s gridlines. And your guides help to open up your crowns, to give your bodies the upgrades that they need so that you can be those wonderful conduits and help by anchoring in the energies. This is a pivotal time for humanity, and we see the Awakened Collective stepping up to be those grid-workers that you were born to be. And as the physical Earth environment has a lot that needs to be healed, released, forgiven, and so on. We also see that by doing so, you connect with one another, you anchor in more for yourselves, and you go beyond where you have ever been before in a physical life there are Earth.
It doesn’t have to be hard work. This is meant to be fun, joyful, playful, and you are all leading the way with your hearts wide open… leading the way where people can live harmoniously and thrive.

If You’re Waiting for Ships to Land, Do This
You are there to ground in higher-frequency energies for the collective of humanity and having a physical body at this time gives you a reason to feel grounded.
There is something about the physical reality there on Earth that you can appreciate, such as love, get excited about, and participate in. And in so doing, you offer yourselves up as conduits for higher-frequency, nonphysical energy that is coming from the higher-dimensional planes. So you see, even following your bliss is an act of service for not only humanity, but for this entire universe, and you are all needed at this time to be right there on Earth.
So you can stop looking at what is wrong with life on Earth at this time so that you have the time and the energy to put towards those things that truly do light you up.
You can live a life on Earth that not only contributes to the higher-frequency energies that the human collective consciousness needs so much, but it can also be a life that inspires others... get more proactive in your lives, that you get out and connect with Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and other humans, and we suggest that you don’t wait around for anything at all to happen before you do.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by

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Right now we are in the nexus of a powerful combination of creative forces : a Tsunami of Liquid Light/Plasma and a powerful X Class Solar Flare.
The Liquid Light that poured through the Aquarius Gate is flooding the Earth and sweeping away areas of density and darkness in our lives and on the planet. This is creating turbulence and chaos both on the planet and in our lives.
Now more than ever we need to walk the Path of the Pure Heart, where we hold crystalline consciousness and love and compassion for all life on Earth at this time of great transformation.
The New Earth is reaching up into new levels of cleansing and purification.The X Class Solar flare is sending out powerful Light Codes for the initiation of new forms of living and social interaction.
We are seeding the new communities of Light and Joy. So do not worry if you may be feeling a little out of sorts, or emotional or even depressed.
There are powerful forces at work and they are creating a New Earth and a New Future Timeline/Spiral.
Just go with the flow and surrender to what is manifesting and taking form as the new emerges and as we emerge as the new Masters of Frequency in the New Earth/New Lemuria. ~ Celia Fenn


Feb 5th 2023
Dream the New Earth - Allow your Hearts to guide you.

If You Want to Solve the Game ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You always grow when you choose love. Malevolence must be met with beams of love, compassion, and forgiveness in order for you to move to the next level of the game. Then you make that monumental change within you that changes everything outside of you.
When you change yourself, you change everything, including the number of people being oppressed in your reality. Be the love in the face of this hate. And you will get to go to the next level… you will have solved and changed the game. You are always helping yourself whenever you offer love to someone else.

Your Spiritual Gifts, Abilities & Mastery Are Coming
It serves you very well to face your challenges head on and to access everything that you need from within.
Every time you access a past life memory, or you process some past life trauma, you are aware of another aspect of you, and that aspect of you has something very positive to add.
Everyone had past lives where they have mastered their thoughts, their emotions, or the energies of their world. You are accessing those lifetimes and those abilities that you have already attained in those previous versions of yourselves. Yet these are really simultaneous ones, not actually existing in “ the past.".. You can access these other versions of you existing somewhere else in space/time.

The Best Way to Start Your Day
At a time when the entire multiverse is ascending, everything comes up from inside of you and even from the shadows.
By seeing the corruption in others, and systems that you once put your trust in, you have uncovered something that exists as a part of the human experience. We all live in a holographic universe. There is no separation, and every part contains the whole.
The darkness within also is coming up and triggering you because there is some healing and some forgiveness that is needed within... and you are there to elevate the level of consciousness there on Earth, and all of that begins by doing it within yourself. Everything is being created and experienced.. ask how you can become more of who you really are as a being of unconditional love. It does make it easier for you to forgive others, especially those who never received any love from anyone else.
Now, the way that you show up as love is by cultivating the love that is inside of you in every moment that it is easy to do so. If you are bored and you don’t know what to do, Turn your consciousness inward and find your heartspace, breathe into it, magnify it, and fill your whole body up with it. Fill your energy field up with it, and then go out in the world as love. You always have the power to activate it. It is what is needed more than anything else on planet Earth right now.

Undo Societal Programming & Be More Powerful
To experience unconditional love, appreciate the way that the diversity in this universe has created such a beautiful tapestry, such a powerful kaleidoscope. And you will experience even more of yourself.
The world you are living in right now is how it is for a reason, and that reason is your expansion, your growth, and everything that you have yet to accept and embrace. It all serves you, but it does take effort on your part in order for that service to take effect…. while also increasing your readiness for E.T contact.

Physical & Nonphysical E.T.s & First Contact
We are always very happy to assist humanity with the evolution of your consciousness.
It isn’t about e.t.s bringing their advanced technology to solve all the problems of Earth. It doesn’t work that way. They want you to see them as equals. You must seek inner peace, balance, compassion, and unconditional love within yourself, and do so joyously to raise your level of consciousness to the point where you are even ready to stand face-to-face with one of these higher-vibrational beings that you will see as your friends and colleagues when they do land.
It has always been about the light choosing to be the light in spite of the presence of the dark, and assisting the dark out there to see the light within them. You can do it right now and change everything.

Timelines, Futures, Predictions & You
Focus on only the most positive futures for humanity, and that expands and grows to include more positive experiences for humanity... realize is that we are all co-creating these positive futures… by putting more energy towards what you want to experience.
Choosing which version of the future you are aligning with, and you are doing so with the vibration you are offering right now. There is not one future, every future is malleable. They expand with your focus upon them to contain more of those absolutely mind-blowing, heart-opening experiences that you all want to have. You can grow through pain and suffering, but they are not prerequisites to growth.

The Energies Being Sent to You Need Recalibrating
Feel compassion for the people in quakes, tsunami, hurricane, or other natural disaster… anyone’s heart can go out to the victims and the families of a bombing or a shooting.
And because more of that is happening now than ever before in human history, you are growing by leaps, you are catapulting yourselves into a higher level of consciousness and you are doing it one choice at a time.

How to Safely Channel Higher-Frequency Energies
Get yourself in a higher vibration... you know what puts a smile on your face.
There is always something that you can do to raise your vibration and then from that place, you are wearing higher-vibrational armor. You in your higher-vibrational state are out of reach from these lower energies.

Awakened Collective: Work with the Grids
You are not there to judge anyone because of their beliefs, their words, their thoughts or their actions. You are just there to be love incarnate and to help whenever you can.
Now is one of those times when you can absolutely help by making yourself available to the universe, by being a conduit of light and healing energy that you were born to be, and by holding space for all. You are there to make whole, to bring together, to integrate. Ground these light energies into your physical bodies and down into Mother Earth, and let the wonderful energy grids beneath your feet do the rest.

The Best Way to Get the Answers You Seek
Ask yourselves whether it resonates good and feels right, whether it takes you into a higher state of consciousness and to choose to accept.
Great discernment, is not about whether something is logical to you at this point. You have taken your logical mind as far as it can possibly take you. Now is the time for feeling into whether you feel more expansive or more contracted. And the only way to have that sensitivity is to allow yourself to feel everything.
You are masters of energy, of vibration, of thought, and of focus, and you came to this reality, with all of its challenges, to prove that to yourselves. Ask yourselves also if there is a possibility that the experience was chosen by you so that you could grow from it. Don’t be hard on yourselves, because you are conscious and deliberate creator beings now.

The February 2023 Energies
It is going to be about making room in your cells, in your chakras, and in your DNA for that light that transforms you, that light that then becomes your light body. And that means by the end of February, you should feel like a ball of light, a sphere, an orb that can float and fly.
You simply can rest, relax, hydrate, cleanse, and take care of yourselves in all of the ways that you know how to take care of yourself. Open up to the light in the same way a flower opens up to receive sunlight. Feel for the transformation that you came to Earth to experience. Light is everywhere and it is everything, and you have the choice to receive it and to live within it.

The Blueprint of the New Earth
You don’t have to wait... You just have to care enough about Earth and the society that you all are co-creating together. It’s available to those who care enough about the New Earth, rather than focusing on what’s wrong with society today.
Every single time you become aware of a problem, a challenge.. Focus on the Earth and the version of the human collective that you do want to harmonize with vibrationally. Focus on what it is you’d rather be seeing in your society, in your fellow humans, and even in yourself, as you must recognize that if you see it in someone else, then it must also exist within in you. That is the map that gets you to the new Earth you are all co-creating

Un-Complicate Your Life with These Steps
When you feel overwhelmed, when you feel that something has become too complicated for you, that is a time for you to set it aside. Let it go. Focus on something else.
Sometimes you get the solutions to those problems when you are doing something fun. When life gets complicated, you need to un-complicate it... go and connect with nature or an animal.
Feel good first, and then re-examine the situation, and see the new perspective that comes to you from that higher-vibrational place. Walk away from those complicated situations more often and play more, and you will be enjoying your lives.
Look for something that is right in your life or in the world. it automatically raises your vibration.
Be grounded in your body, be thankful , this causes you to expand, to become more of who you really are as Source Energy Beings.

UFO Disclosure is Happening…
You are much more than just physical bodies with brains who are living out a lifespan in a single lifetime on a single planet.
You will have e.t.s walking amongst you, openly. You will be able to ride on their ships and go to faraway places, and they will share their technology with everyone.
You are phenomenal beings; you are beings of pure love. You are Source Energy projecting yourselves into physical bodies, and you have forgotten who you are and where you came from, but it is time you are awakening.
It’s very natural for it to occur, and this is a reflection to you of your expansion and your new consciousness.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



Jan 20th 2023
When the heart opens, you are going beyond.....

The January 2023 Energies . ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
The alignment of your soul, mind and body matters immensely at this time. Things that happen on Earth can knock you out of alignment.. things that you see, hear, experience, or even physical trauma can cause a misalignment. It is so important for you to recognize your nonphysical nature and the truth that you are more nonphysical than physical and always have been.
You are a Source Energy Being, operating as an individualized soul. You are projecting a portion of who you are into this dreamlike reality that we call the physical. This is a temporary experience. You are meant to enjoy your mind and body and enjoy your time in this life and in the physical, and now you have so much more support in doing so.

Can The 9D Arcturian Council Take Physical Form?
You will not take your physical body higher than the fifth dimension right now. You are evolving and as your new selves you will have new bodies.
Raise your vibration just to see how good you can feel, and do it without expectation and without attachment.
It is something to experience so that you have inner peace, so that you resonate love and joy... Meditating, focusing on your breathing, quieting your mind, and tuning in to your heart are universal ways of raising your vibration. For some of you, being in nature will automatically raise your vibration. For others, it will be dancing, singing, or just listening to music. Others will benefit most from being in some sort of body of water, or even a bath tub.

What Happens Right Before Physical E.T. Contact...
When you seek contact with the unseen, it is not that different from seeking to connect with Source Energy. Those of you who feel energy you resonate with are those of us in the higher realms who want to help.
It is possible to go beyond where most humans are living right now, and you are willing to reach out to us, even before we appear to you in some sort of form that you can see with your physical eyes. And when you do connect to the nonphysical, of course your mind can come in and wonder whether or not it is real. Ask yourself how you feel.. whether what you received is beneficial to you. We feel more of you doing it every day.

The Doorway to the New Earth
You are travelers, explorers, and adventurers in all that you have been... every place you have ever been to is serving you right now.
You are drawing from all of those experiences, co-creating an experience of harmony and peace on Earth. But you are doing it by experiencing the opposite of those things first. All possibilities needed to exist for every single soul to get a taste of what they wanted out of the Earth experience. What you are meant to do in your lifetimes is to gradually come to peace with the way everything is on Earth.
You are meant to transform, and when you do transform, you get to experience a new Earth, a different Earth, with less polarity, less trauma and tragedy, more unity, harmony, peace, love, joy, and excitement. The path to getting to that Earth is through this one that you are currently experiencing, where there is hate, violence, war, bigotry, discrimination, and so on. You make a difference there on Earth by changing yourself, and it really is that simple. And you will show others the way to the new Earth through accepting, loving, and making peace with the current Earth you inhabit.
Experience by experience and moment of surrender by moment of surrender, you will know you are done with this Earth and this experience because you will love it all. You will see everyone as Source, and then you will access the doorway to the fifth dimension and the new Earth, and that will be a glorious moment indeed.

You Have Physical Bodies, So Do This.
You are alive because of the fact that you are consciousness. Your consciousness is just focused in a particular place.A place that includes a physical body that you think of as yours. It’s more of a rental, however, and you get to change everything about your consciousness, and about yourselves.. but the physical realm often looks the same to you, unless you make a gigantic change in your vibration.
If you put how you feel first, then you can notice a change right away. When you demonstrate to yourself that you can feel bliss and peace for no reason at all, no reason other than that you chose to feel bliss, then you are really on to something.
You can go further than your minds can possibly imagine with reaching for higher and higher states of being, all while staying in your bodies. Those feelings are inside of you at all times, just waiting for you to give yourselves an excuse to feel them.

How Your Soul Grows
No one has been a saint in all of their past lives, and that is as it needs to be for a soul to grow. You must be able to forgive yourselves for what you think you have done and who you have been, and that also makes it easier for you to forgive others for who they are now and what they are doing. Past lives gives you so much more access to compassion, to experiences, to emotions, things you couldn’t possibly all experience in one lifetime. That is why it is possible for you to become your higher selves in a single lifetime. You are drawing from all of those previous experiences. They all contribute to who you are right now.
Your soul knows better than your judgmental ego. You can let go and it will take you to higher and higher levels of consciousness. It is the easiest path to get to where you are going. It is the path of letting go, forgiving, and having compassion for yourselves and others.

What Will Open the Floodgates?
Going beyond your ego and into the multidimensional you that you really are. Whenever you send a wave of love from your chest to another human, that’s what you’re doing. You are sharing a part of yourself that is infinite and eternal. You are there becoming unconditional love in the flesh, and if you are holding back who you really are for any reason, you are denying yourselves and denying the rest of humanity something wonderful.
What exists inside each of you is a unique aspect of Source that is yours . Share that aspect of who you are, it is so important, because of how close you are to the completion of the shift in consciousness, and because you all want to see massive changes in your world. Those changes do begin with you; more love, more creativity, and more of Source Energy. Let the infinite and eternal part of you out for everyone to experience.

Is Reality Broken?
Focus on something about your current situation that you like. There may be nine things wrong, from your perspective, in a moment, and one thing that is going right, and if you put all of your energy and your attention on the one thing that is going right, you will shift more quickly into a reality that is more to your liking. Think of yourselves as artists, and everything that is in your reality right now is a different color on the color palette. You have choice; this is why you have free will, and this is why you get to have so many different experiences. All of the different experiences you have are making you better at being the creators you were always meant to be, creators and not reactors. (if your reaction is to get angry, then that is not the time for you to be picking up your paint brush.) Instead shift into creation mode.
Source is the ultimate creator, and we are all going home to Source, taking whatever paths we decide we want to take. It is always best to create with love. Allow your emotions to be what they are and just feel them. Let them move through you, so can be in that place where you are a much more effective creator, more infused with such a higher-frequency energy. The higher-frequency energies that are bombarding you right now there on planet Earth want to co-create with you. Feel for them, and feel for all that potential you have inside of you to be the best version of yourself that you can be, living in the best version of reality, as far as you are concerned.

The Fastest Track to the Fifth Dimension
You are seeking expansion, relief, release, with as much profundity in comedy as there is in drama. You could all benefit from making it a point to seek out that which makes you laugh, smile, feel good, and remembering that being human gives you a lot to laugh about. Now, there’s also an inner smile and laughter that you can seek out in the same way that you can seek inner peace or to be in the state of being that is unconditional love; it’s something to play around with. Know that as you lighten up, you are going with the flow. As ridiculous as life can be, to point it out will give someone else a reason not to take it all so seriously.

Predictions, Timelines & Simple Universal Truths
You are going to see your vibration reflected back to you in some way, shape, or form.
If you are feeling something, whether it was something positive or negative when it came to the surface of your awareness, it was already there. Let that negative emotion go and give yourself the freedom to choose what you want to feel, how you want to vibrate, and what you want to create. You are choosing your timeline, whether you are looking at it from a personal perspective or from a global one. When it’s something you don’t like, make the course correction. Forgive yourselves, and forgive others. Love yourselves unconditionally, and offer that unconditional love to others, and then you will find yourself living in a world where other people are doing that as well. And doesn’t that world sound like paradise, like Heaven on Earth? That’s what you are there to do.

Progress Report: This Changes Everything
You are adding more positive energy to the overall human collective consciousness every time you are aware of suffering or an injustice of any kind. Even though you don’t know what to do in certain situations, you know you want to help and it is this wanting to help that puts the energy out there...and the impact is felt all across the planet. Now, that growth does give you access to more abilities... and you open up to receiving more activations and upgrades. And so, intention is everything. Intention helps to grow consciousness.. something that goes far beyond actions taken.
You have never been supported by more energies or more beings around you than you are right now… and also bring yourselves into harmony with the new Earth. This life is filled with possibilities, and you have more timelines available to you now than ever before.. because you are conscious, because you know how to manage your thoughts and your feelings.

When You See a UFO or E.T., This Happens
You are getting DNA activations that will piece together your galactic history... and you've played many different roles in many different star systems.
You already have some of your e.t. DNA active, and you can sense that things are better.. Bring those memories to light, bring the heavens to Earth, to merge the various systems throughout the galaxy so that we can be one united galactic community.. and all the experiences you are having there on Earth are benefitting all of us throughout the galaxy. You chose to go into a place of such polarity, such density, and to forget to such an extent that the coming home will be an experience we are all curious about.
And everything that is happening and not happening in your life right now is about to get you to exist in that fifth-dimensional consciousness, and we are very happy to be a part of that ride with you.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton

Jan 5th 2023
2023 & Beyond: The Galactic Age of Humanity

Do This & Everything Will Change (for the Better) by The 9D Arcturian Council
We know conversations that you have with other people are not always easy, but we also know that it benefits you so much to accept whatever it is you want to express what you are feeling… to another person, and to express it from that place of peace within yourself. There are so many advantages to opening up, including the fact that you will be preparing yourselves for the fifth dimension, where you will all be telepathic, and there will be no hiding of anything from anyone. It will release blockages. It will free you of stuck emotional energy, and it will then allow you to feel the way that you want to feel and therefore manifest what you want to manifest in your life…. and giving everyone the chance to do the same, and you will enjoy the company of your loved ones so much more when you do.

Our Upgrades, Activations & Your Self-Talk
The latest set of upgrades and activations that we are receiving is to help us feel with more clarity with each and every one.
You are evolving and you are ascending, regardless of how hard you are on yourselves along the way, but you will have a better time, an easier time. And you will be more good to others if you cut yourselves some slack. Relax and know that you are meant to be right where you are, so that you can experience the growth of moving from where you are to where you are going. Give others the same benefit of the doubt, let go of your judgments, and see everyone as being perfect right where they are, because that is how Source sees them, and you want to embody more of Source in the physical realm. Every single person in your life is giving you the opportunity to do just that, all the time.

The Keys to Our Beautiful Universe
Sometimes not getting what you want is the best possible outcome in a situation.
It is hard to remember that in the moment of a disappointing experience. However hopefully, with enough experience there on Earth, you do come to realize that when you don’t get something you want, it can be for your highest good. And it can also mean that something much, much better is coming along, something you could not have even imagined. Your imaginations are wondrous tools because they can point you in so many directions, but when you get fixated on something with your mind, you get attached to it pretending to outsmart your higher self.
If you can trust that your higher self always knows what is best, and always delivers to you eventually what you want and what you didn’t even know you wanted, then you can start to live happily ever after, then you can start to appreciate the moment you are in, even if it’s not the moment you would have chosen for yourself. Be flexible and know that everything serves you in some way. Everything in your life and everything that isn’t in your life truly is positive, but you have to look for the positive.
So if you can just guide your mind ever so slightly into recognizing that what you are experiencing is perfect as it is, and is serving you in some way, then you will hold the keys to this beautiful universe of ours.

Activate Your Arcturian DNA
Many individuals who have that Arcturian DNA fully activated.. pursue that which is taking them to higher and higher heights of spiritual awareness, of unity consciousness, and of unconditional love. These individuals are not waiting for anything to happen. They are simply fascinated by existence and their ability to feel. They are not going to let a circumstance determine how they feel. They are not going to let an insult or a letdown determine how they feel.
It is possible to live a life of joy, freedom, harmony, peace, and love, even if nothing in your life and nothing in your world is inspiring those states of being to be activated within you. Seeking higher and higher heights of spiritual experiences, rather than looking for fame, fortune, and to be adored by others.
To be an enlightened human there on Earth is to activate more of your DNA, if that’s something you want to do.

How Our Universe Works & How to Align with It
The universe is always expanding because of what you are living there on Earth that is unpleasant .. You are creating new realities. You are adding to this already abundant and infinite universe, because you seek a better life for yourselves, your family members, and all of humanity.
When you feel that your life is about serving others, you are acting on behalf of Source, and you are acting on behalf of this universe, which is an aspect of Source. When you don’t see yourselves as separate from anyone else, you also align with that truth that this universe and Source are all about.
Also you want to be patient, and to trust. All will be coming home to Source because there is nowhere else to go. If you want to feel in the flow with this beautiful universe, then allow yourselves to feel something, imagine what it would be like to experience yourselves as that which Source is…all-powerful, all-loving, and all-inclusive, all the time. And let what you create in those moments come to you. That is how you live in alignment with the universe.

When Will The Shift Be Complete?
You are meant to experience the ride, the journey, and the steps forward that you take in your conscious spiritual evolution... incremental movements.. to experience the slow and deliberate path to the fifth dimension. One amazing experience of your spiritual evolution after another.
If you see the completion of the shift as something that is inevitable and something that you are there to enjoy, then you can let go of your timeframes, and just be in the present moment with this version of you that’s being given yet another opportunity to evolve.
Bring Heaven to Earth. Bring your galactic energies down into the physical realm and into your bodies and feel yourselves expanding as you do, and you will be your fifth-dimensional selves right now, and you will show others the way.

These Are the Only Ways to Live on Earth
We the Arcturians are very practiced at following our bliss, as it is easier to do so in our dimension, and we understand why it is more challenging to do so there on Earth in your dimension.
Now if you have trained your mind to be positive, then you will realize that you are being shown a path to more joy, more love, more peace, more abundance, and more of everything else that you desire. But if your tendency is to listen more to your mind than to your feelings, your life will pretty much stay the same as it has been.
Instead be comfortable with doing nothing but focusing on your vibration until you get one of those undeniable impulses to move forward with something that will light you up when you partake in it. It is time for all of you to be more in your bodies, more heart centered, so that you can leapfrog over the limitations of your mind and move into the life of your dreams.
You don’t have to figure out how all of those things can coexist together. It is your job to experience life and let life show you what it is that you are most interested in... sit quietly and let these intuitive hints come to you. Because the energies that are upon you are there to assist you, to help you move beyond where you have never been before.
You know that you are there to do more than just survive. You are there to thrive; you are there to grow spiritually, and going with the flow and listening to your intuition, following your bliss, and doing what lights you up are the only ways to live.

Being Truly Awake Means You Make This Choice
Choose where you are putting your attention more consciously... able to feel whether something resonates or doesn’t.
You chose well when you chose for yourself this incarnation. And those who don’t have it also chose to have those experiences on purpose, so please remember that they are asleep because they want to be asleep. They are watching the twenty-four hour news cycle because that soul decided it wanted to have that particular experience. You don’t have to make anyone wrong or call them a ‘sheep’ because they do so. On that soul level, they know exactly what they are doing.
You are bringing those people into your awareness for a reason. Maybe it is so you can release your resistance, or your judgment, of them. Or this might get your attention for a moment, saying to yourself, ‘I don’t need to focus on this,’ and you can consciously and deliberately put your attention somewhere else.
What you focus on expands, and it is also true that you become one with what you focus on because you start vibrating in harmony with it the moment you give it your attention. And therefore, you must determine for yourself whether this is something you want to become before continuing to give it your attention. What you become, you will also see a reflection of in your outside world. So you can also wonder whether you want to see more of what you are focusing on in that very moment. These are conscious choices that make you be a conscious and deliberate creator of their reality.

2023 & Beyond: The Galactic Age of Humanity
As you enter into the Galactic Age of Humanity, remember that you are creating all of this and that the inclusion of more beings to play with is part of your creation. They are not coming to enslave you or save you. They are coming because life gets more interesting when they are involved in a way that everyone can experience them.
All vibration, all consciousness, all creativity, and all of everything you could ever want is inside of you as well. Do not forget that, when things out there in the physical realm start to get way more interesting. You will still have much more inside of you, and focusing there, will always serve you, no matter what age you are currently in.Take a deep breath, relax, and open yourself up to the realm of infinite possibilities for 2023 and beyond.

Feel the Highest Heights of Ecstasy
We have that sense of Source growing, becoming more of what Source truly is, which is unconditional love. And we seek to feel because feeling helps us realize that we are alive and that we are evolving. You can get there with desire and focus; you can get there by remembering that you are Source and that you best access Source through the love that you feel.
Focus on someone or something that you love, and you can get there. Nothing in your world has to change in order for you to be experiencing these heights of ecstasy.
Put your feelings first; you will get better at feeling something on purpose, and that truly is the ultimate goal for all of humankind. Feel all the feelings, and then you choose which ones you like. Finally, you demonstrate to yourselves that you can feel those feelings any time any place. And then you become more unconditional and you become more of your true self, your Source Energy Self.
You are living in a brand new era. You are swimming in uncharted waters, and you have more energetic support for what you want to create than there has ever been on planet Earth at any time in human history.
The alignment of your soul, mind and body matters immensely at this time, and the energies of January are about ensuring that you maintain this alignment no matter what. Things that happen there on Earth can of course knock you out of alignment, things that you see, hear, experience, and even physical trauma can be traumatic enough to cause a misalignment. So it is so important for you to recognize your nonphysical nature and the truth that you are more nonphysical than physical and always have been.
As Source Energy Being, you are projecting a portion of who and what you are into this dreamlike reality that we call the physical. This is a temporary experience, you are meant to enjoy your mind and body so enjoy your time in this life and in the physical, and you will have so much more support in doing so.

Press a Button & Teleport to Your Home Star System?
It’s not about the star system you came from or originated in. This journey is about you returning to the you that you have always been, but have agreed to forget that you once were. It won’t be the same fifth dimension that you once knew, and that is because of what you’ve been living there on Earth. Through hardship, pain, and struggle, you created something better. Now, you don’t have to wait for anything outside of you to happen in order to start knowing yourselves as your fifth-dimensional higher selves.
It is all inside of you right now in this very moment.. Pressing a button so that you can teleport somewhere else where things are much better would be robbing yourselves of the ride you are on.
And if you could appreciate the journey just a little bit more, you could feel what we feel about your journey. In fact, you can feel a bit of who we are inside of you when you match your consciousness to the consciousness that we are offering you right now. Join us here in the beautiful experience of your playful ascension.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton


Dec 21st, 2022
Journey to Nebula Bay

The Path of Ease to the Next Dimension
Excerpts by The 9D Arcturian Council
Standing on the edge of a major evolutionary leap.You are shifting the way you see yourselves, others, Earth, Source, and every reality that you encounter.
Every moment is an opportunity to be more of who you are, when you can take something that seems like an insurmountable challenge and turn it into a fun, joyous experience, that’s when you know you have attained mastery.
As you make the commitment to yourself to be who you really are, all obstacles suddenly become helpers. You change everything when you change one thing... the trust deep within yourself… to go beyond where any other human has gone before.

Our Mission, Your Purpose & Source’s Desire
As much as you want everyone else to awaken and to be right where you are on your journey, recognize that being where they are still serves a purpose for the Creator, for All That Is, for the Prime Mover of everything, and let it go.
You do not have to have the experience because someone else is having it. Don’t worry about the state of the world or anyone in it. You do not have to have the experience because someone else is having it. You can do that from a place of love and compassion, more than to fix a broken world.
You are meant to be unique. Your interests are no accident, and you can trust that every soul is transforming. Continue to align with a version of reality where others are doing the same. Relax into the unity consciousness that is always present and is always inevitable for all of us to experience in this beautiful universe of ours.

Your Illogical Spiritual Path
The thing about life that is hard for an ego or a mind to understand, is that it’s never going to make sense when you look at the bigger picture, and it doesn’t have to make sense, and it’s okay if your life isn’t making sense to you. It’s okay if your spiritual path is not clearly laid out in front to you.
We can see how life on Earth is very chaotic, and we can see how much variety you have there to choose from, and you are supposed to explore as much of that variety as you possibly can. Be consistent in your grounded-ness, in being present, in checking in with your feelings, and in being heart centered, but otherwise, let your path be spontaneous, and let it emerge in front of you in every moment of every day, and don’t worry what anyone else thinks about it because it is your journey and yours alone.

The Time Between Now & the End of 2022
It is what you do with what you have chosen for in this life.. and that is what this life is all about. You knew what you were getting yourself into because you saw it; you saw down the timeline you were about to inhabit, ... but you also didn’t know what you would do with your life. And it cannot be predicted because there is free will. You have free will, which allows you to choose what you do with what you are given. It is a gift, once you start to wake up to the truth that you are creating all of this with more than just your thoughts, words and actions. You are creating all of this with your intentions, your choices, your vibration, and where you place your focus. You are creating all of this with energy.
Believe in what you can do with your lives. You are a part of the evolution of consciousness in a very real, pragmatic, practical way. Feel for it when you breathe. Feel it coming in through the crown of your head, and then direct it with your focus. What is it that you want to create? What is it you want to see more of on your world? And then see what you co-create with this beautiful universe of ours.

The Energies ... Preparing You for 2023
The energies that are pouring in .. are about assisting those who are ready to receive these, and the assistance they bring is to flow and amplify your ability to channel all higher-frequency energies. You are getting upgrades to your chakras, to your energy meridians, to your cells, to your entire bodies, as your bodies are the vessels for these energies and you need to be in tiptop shape to handle what is coming to you in 2023.
Commit yourselves to eat healthier, and to be more grounded in your bodies... and connect with Mother Earth and Mother Nature because all of these will also be assisting you in handling the higher-frequency energies that are coming in and that you have agreed to anchor in for the rest of humanity.
Now, this is not only an act of service, you also get to enjoy way more the feeling of those energies running through you.

It is Time to Claim Your Power
If you can accept what happened, and how you feel about it, and all the repercussions, then you can come to a place of forgiveness. All was orchestrated by you and all others who were involved to give you a certain experience. Those experiences are necessary for everyone to come to the decision that they want to release that which is heavy, that which has been holding them back.
Your choice is whether you see yourself as a victim, or whether you can accept yourself as a co-creator. As a co-creator, you can forgive yourself and everyone else involved in the co-creation that resulted in you carrying that hurt, or those hurts, for so long within you.
Forgiveness is freeing; it’s liberating, and it allows you to start anew in your life… starting fresh without all of that trauma and all of those wounds, imagine what you can become. Thus you are then putting yourself in a position where you can create such a beautiful life for yourself and all others who are a part of your life.

The lighthearted approach
Your ascension doesn’t have to be serious business from where you are right now. It can be playful, and full of laughter, and excitement about what is to come. Of course, there are serious things happening on Earth. But you are there to be the light in the face of the darkness, and therefore, as you seek the lighthearted approach, you find yourself aligning with a reality where there is less darkness to shine a spotlight on or to be the light of joy.
You are vibrating at all times, and what you vibrate will determine what you experience. And therefore, look for ways to have fun, to make light of your situation, your challenges, and you will bring those people to you who also want to take that path.
The only thing you ever need protection from/for is your own vibration, and you have complete control over that. Think about the children and their approach to life. They want to play; they want to have fun. Join them in their carefree nature.
You can also expect more joy, more joyous experiences and more joyful people to come into your life as soon as you make a decision to be more lighthearted, and you are still going to have plenty of opportunities to be of service to the collective and do your spiritual work.

The Solstice Energies & the Galactic Age
When you stand face to face with one of your e.t. friends, it will be as an equal, as someone who is feeling their worthiness .
Enough people will be in acceptance.. to make a huge difference in the overall collective consciousness of humanity, and that is what it will take to complete the shift in consciousness.
You sometimes have to set boundaries with people in order to maintain that higher vibration, because they will seek as much of your time and attention as they can get when they haven’t discovered that they have the power within themselves to vibrate at a higher frequency. Even if you love that person, you can always love them from a comfortable distance. You can send love; you can feel compassion; you can hold space for them to get what they need so that they can start vibrating at a higher frequency and join you in that higher-frequency range.
You can never cut someone out completely, because they will always exist inside of you, and when you have a relationship with someone else that feels powerful at any time, you can rest assured that you will be together again when you are on the same wavelength. Maintain that higher vibration for the entire collective. Take care of yourselves, set healthy boundaries, and trust your feelings.
The Solstice energies coming in are very supportive of taking you into the Galactic Age, and as you enter 2023, you will continue to be readying yourselves as individuals and as a collective for the eventual landing of ships and full and open e.t. contact here on Earth. Suffice it say, these are exciting times, to receive healings, upgrades, downloads, and everything else you can imagine that would help you in preparing you to get to the next level of consciousness. And the galactic energies you have now are a reflection of you and will continue to pour in to support you.
Happy Solstice & Christmas, both the opportunity to bring the Earth and Sky together, Consciousness together into One and becoming more of who you really are.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



Dec 7th, 2022
Earth, Galaxy and Human Journeys… Connections in Quantum Leaps

What Really Happens When You Look at the Stars ~ by The 9D Arcturian Council
You benefit in so many ways from giving your attention to the stars.
One of the ways you evolve your consciousness is by connecting; and connecting with that intention of expanding, of going beyond where you’ve been before.
There are many paths to raising one’s consciousness. It doesn’t have to happen through pain and suffering, but when a person isn’t paying attention, oftentimes that then becomes the choice on a subconscious level. Even though it always serves a purpose, you can ascend just as quickly and easily by following your joy.
You can move more appropriately to the higher realms by continuously choosing love. Perhaps you will need to move through some negative emotions before you get to the place of love within you, the love that is always there, always available to you. You are meant to feel everything that there is to feel there on Earth.
You are transmuting yourselves, and one of the ways you do that is through accepting everything as it is.. and being love in the face of everything as it is. If you can make peace with the fact that the path to getting there often does have a lot of unwanted, not-so-good feeling emotions on it, then you will get there more quickly. Get to that place where you are feeling love in the face of everything that is coming up for you, and you will be in service to others. Others need to see an example so that they have something to follow.

How the Number of Asleep Souls Serves You
You are being given more high-frequency energy to play with because you have shown an ability to handle it and to use it for the purposes of adding something very wonderful to the collective of which you are a part. Now, those who are not receiving any of these high-frequency energies because they never get into a place of joy or relaxation, they are giving you more opportunities to anchor in those energies for them. And the reason that we always remain positive about the direction you are all headed in is because those of you who are awake continue to open up more and more to what is available to you and to everyone else.

Update: A Progress Report for Humanity
People are very different there on planet Earth, and that is how it is supposed to be. Sameness causes less expansion, and Source wants expansion... where people feel free to be who they are and express themselves as they are. It is good for all of you, to be exposed to everything and everyone,
no matter who you are and no matter what you believe.
You are not there to hide away, even if you are going to meditate in an ivory tower. Accept everyone on Earth as they are, and accept that you chose all of the challenges because you knew they were the perfect ones to get you to align with Source, to get you to return home to Source, and ultimately to get you to become Source once again in every imaginable way. You do not have to die to go home anymore; you are there to bring Heaven to Earth, and that’s what we see you all doing right now.

Starseeds: You Will Get to Go Home
Starseeds are awake to the truth that you had to travel through other star systems, and higher-dimensional planes, to get to Earth.
Your roots go back a long way and spread a tremendous distance, and that is all very helpful to bring humankind into the galactic community. We invite you to do your best to remember why you wanted to be on Earth at this time of great changes, shifting energies, and ultimately the ascension of the consciousness
throughout this universe of ours.
Do your best to consider Earth your home for now, because Earth and your fellow Earthlings need you there. They need you to normalize their experiences with e.t.s, which will be coming. You will help them feel ready for those encounters, and you will help them to understand who they really are.

Maximize the Potential of the Energies Upon You
When you collaborate with us, or others in the higher realms, then you are really maximizing your potential as a creator being and a manifestor. You don’t have to wait until you see something that is interesting to you in order to create. You can create with nothing more than a desire to feel something.
It’s invigorating to put your attention towards something that feels good and to move towards it in whatever way that you can. And again, doing so with other humans and with nonphysical, or e.t. collaborators, will add more energy to the project. You will soar to new heights in your consciousness.
If you make the way you relate to yourself a priority, then there is no end to the amount of love, praise, and adoration you can receive from your fellow humans. .. trust that they will start to reflect to you that self-love that you will dedicate yourselves to from this point forward in your lives.

How to Choose the Timeline/Future You Want
New timelines are created when you get imaginative. When you go beyond the beliefs of those around you and those who have come before you... capable of reaching for the stars, quite literally.
When will ships land all across the planet?. You get to decide. When will humanity have access to free energy? when will you manifest everything that you’ve ever wanted? - It is all right there, waiting for you to receive it. You are the one focusing. You are the one vibrating... in alignment with what you do want, and when let go of what you don’t want. Put yourself on that good feeling timeline for you.
If you align with a version of the human collective that is ready for full and open e.t. contact next year, then you will have that experience. But if you look around and say, ‘These other humans aren’t ready,’ then you stay stuck on that timeline. It is up to you. Rather than focusing on your flaws and your foibles, focus on how far you’ve come, how much potential there is within each and every one of you. You are all going home to Source; you are all there to remember who you really are.
Don’t fall into the trap of seeing yourselves as small, insignificant, and destined to have certain experiences. The world is what you make of it. And you are becoming your higher selves, your fifth-dimensional selves, no matter what anyone else is doing or no matter how it sometimes appears. Choose the best timeline for yourself right now by being conscious about the fact that you are choosing and that the timeline that will feel best to you does exist.

Ready for Quantum Leaps & the Next Level?
If Source and infinity are very big concepts for all of you, you don’t want to cut out a piece of Source and toss that piece of Source somewhere outside of Source. And we are here to tell you that there is nowhere that is outside of Source.
So you can’t eliminate anything from existence; all you can do is accept it and then choose something else. And when you do that, it is in the absence of resistance that you are open and receptive.
Now, you’re not going to let it in all at once, because that will be too much, too soon and overwhelming. But quantum leap by quantum leap, you will be living in a reality that is your creation, this is something you want to play with and experience. This life is all about experiences, and you are there to choose which ones you want to have. Yes, You will get better at choosing through trial and error. You have the free will to choose, and you have the ability to manifest more now than you ever have before. So just relax, let go, and let in all that you have determined is most interesting and exciting for you to experience. As a human, you are ready to go to the next level.

How to Explore the Galaxy
Even as non-physical consciousness, even as ninth-dimensional beings, we are still explorers. The galaxy and the universe are always expanding, always becoming more, and that is exciting to us because it is the feeling of expanding that brings us so much joy. Only with love will you ever truly become more of who you are. And nothing outside of you is going to make you ascend. The fifth dimension is something you find within yourselves, and you find it by accessing more of the love that you truly are. Spread that love around, and now you have a fifth-dimensional realm in which to roam and explore.
Our suggestion is to get out of your head, get into your heart, and see how much love is present there. When you do, you will transform yourselves and everything and everyone outside of you. Your power comes from your heart and not your mind. Your power comes from your ability to vibrate on purpose, more than your ability to protest. You have the ability to bring about the massive changes. These will come because the awakened collective will choose love, time and time again. That is your assignment, and we know you are up to it, because when we see you, we only see who you really are.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



All aspects of cellular life and DNA, within our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and all other bodies, is now in a state of transforming into a much higher embodiment, form and expression of our souls.
The New Humanity – with their heart center open, vibrantly, alive, and well, and with it a new vitality, new creations, new ways of life and living, at one with the New Earth and at one with each other!
At one with the Universe, and at One with the Source!
The dolphins and whales are adding their soul songs, enlivening the earth’s new crystalline grids.
We are in an immense gestation period where the New Crystalline Body is forming more rapidly. Transitioning from one form into another. Morphing.
When the seed becomes a plant and now stretches herself through the layers of earth, and to the sunlight above, it goes through intense transformation in order to see the light of day, and as we now have more strands of DNA ... this is a huge alchemical process, a transfiguration in the highest sense.
Old timelines have been severed from the new. At the moment multidimensional timelines are opening simultaneously: The 5th, the 7th, the 9th and even higher.
Every soul is unique and uniquely ascends and each uniquely goes through the transfiguration process. Each one according to how much they can handle. If it would happen too quickly, the physical body would simply disintegrate, as it cannot hold form in the much higher, and faster vibrational frequency bands of the 5th and higher dimensions. True masters co-create within Divine Laws.. span dimensions, and are not bound by physicality, can bi-locate, be in multi Universes at once, can teleport, can be visible and invisible.
What is indeed now opening up for us, goes beyond anything we can even imagine. ~ Excerpts from Judith Kusel


Nov.22, 2022
The New Lemuria Rising..   & our Multidimensional Life

A Big Part of Your Destiny on Earth ~ by The 9D Arcturian Council
We are ninth-dimensional beings, which means we have no physicality, no bodies, and no borders to confine us... and we choose to focus on humanity there on Earth because we are fascinated by you.
You are making history with your ascension. A time for you to be exploring where you want to go next. Your journey is so fascinating to us because we don’t know what you will choose for yourselves next.

The Power of Momentum is on Your Side
Whenever we put energy out into the universe, that same universe matches our energetic output, and so, we understand that we truly do not have to do it all ourselves.
There are higher-dimensional collectives that are helping us to expand and evolve. And you also have momentum that was created in previous lifetimes there on Earth that you can rely upon.
So, don’t you think that you can relax and let go? struggle less, and rely more upon all that you have coming back to you. We can all share in the collective momentum that keeps us all spiraling up, keeps us all moving closer and closer to Source and to our true selves as infinite and eternal beings of love and light.
And it is by taking a break that you often gain tremendous insight. You often get your best ideas when you’re not trying, not doing. Completely let go of whatever it is you’ve been striving for. It is the perfect time for a respite for humanity. Let what you’ve put out there come back to you. We are expanding together, so please take a moment and feel for it; it is your expansion, after all, for the taking.

Are You Doing Enough of This?
You are not just on Earth to be in service or to be a martyr; you are there to enjoy the journey of your ascension, and you know what you need to give yourself in order to do that.You love doing certain things because doing them is also a part of your becoming who you really are.
Many people are living lives that are not the lives of their choosing. And sometimes your beliefs are what block you from doing what you truly want to do, and those beliefs were by and large handed down to you by someone else.
Allow yourselves the freedom to choose, because the living of your lives has gotten you to this point where you have developed clear preferences, clear desires.
Follow through with them and you will be able to allow more love to flow through you.

Is Ascension Happening Fast Enough?
You ascend because you experience. Therefore, do not believe for a moment that you are meant to skip over a bunch of experiences just to get to where you are going. That would be defeating the purpose of doing all of this in the first place.
Ask yourself, ‘What is it I am trying to escape from?’ You will then know what you are there at this time to release. You are there to heal, to forgive, to have compassion for, and to love unconditionally. Doing those things is what puts you into a higher-vibrational state, and ascension is about moving from a lower to a higher-vibrational state.
Some of you want things to come now. You want to be in that relationship now, be healthy now. Recognize that there is so much more to experience along the way of the journey that you are on, and when you do that, you complete the journey more quickly.
Maybe you need a limitation of some kind to get you to go within more, to get you to focus, to feel, to meditate. Feel the joy in what is right in front of you right now, and you can ascend your consciousness to a fifth-dimensional frequency in this very moment. Get the most out of the moment. That’s what savoring is all about. That’s what enjoying the journey is all about.. and all you have to do is slow down enough to look around at the environment you are currently in, so that you can have those experiences, and you can feel those emotions.

How 11/11 is Carrying You into a Glorious 2023
You are affecting the rest of humanity with the knowing that you have that you are all headed to a better place, a better version of humanity and Mother Earth. It is because of your willingness to connect to higher-frequency energies that it is possible for this version of humanity to make that leap.
Take each step with the knowing that you are going in the right direction, that everything is going according to plan, and that you are ascending in the perfect timing for yourself and for the entire human collective.

You Will Transform in the Moment You Do This
None of us can do it for you, but we can assist you... by nudging you in a particular direction, by giving you all the upgrades and all the activations are helping you to single out the blocks that are inside of you so that you can release it.
And when you relax and unclench, and open up and let it all in, it comes flooding in.
Look for opportunities to experience joy, and you can appreciate the life that you have already created. And more manifestations will always be coming because you’ve created them and they are yours, and it is inevitable for you to experience those creations.
Now, we can help you speed up the time that it takes for you to manifest something by reminding you that how you feel matters and you are not on a path to joyous experiences but rather the path is created with joy, and when you are in joy you stay on the path.
You have so much that you have yet to experience on that Earth in those physical bodies... ultimate freedom, wisdom and confidence. All of those vibrations are available to you right now, and all of your helpers are showering you with those vibrations in the hopes that you will relax enough to let them in and feel them run through your physical body. Let all of the help that is coming your way enter into your energy field, your chakras, your cells and your DNA, and you will feel transformed in the moment that you do.

How to Work with the Current Energies
The energies that are upon you right now are very co-creative in nature. We are not telling you how to use the energies that we are sending you at this moment, but we are telling you that you have the freedom to use them however you see fit.We want to encourage you to dream bigger and take whatever action steps you’ve been hesitating to take, because now is the time and the energies upon you can be utilized for just about anything you desire.

This Homecoming is Coming
The Source Energy portal is there within every being and every collective, and you can tap in to it right now by focusing on your heart and breathing. .. the only way to get past any blockages is to go right through them, and you can do it with your focus, with your intention, with directing your consciousness to the very center of your heart.
You will be in a timeless realm where everything is possible, where you are everything... and expand out to all corners of this beautiful universe of ours.

Before You Were Born
You were born to go forth and come up with solutions that will come from your ability to focus and to focus with the intention of creating a society that works for everyone.
Simply by holding that intention, focusing, and maintaining the vibration of the desire that you have for
a better society for all.

Is Your Technology Taking You to 5D?
Technology is fundamentally neutral, and it can be used in a positive way, but it can also be over-used, or abused to promote something that is negative.
Therefore, this usage requires a certain amount of discernment, and so avoid to rely so heavily on technology that you forget that you have the power to do all of this within yourselves. The next step is to recognize that you don’t need a phone in order to communicate to a loved one. Tech is to bridge your belief between where you were before you had all of these gadgets and where you are going, which is a place where you will set them aside
because you will realize you don’t need them after all.
Why do e.t.s still travel in ships then? They travel in ships because they like to have an experience of traveling together. Also, the ships are meant to activate something in the one who is seeing the ship.
Some ships are powered by consciousness. You do not need exterior, external technology when you realize that you are everything and everywhere. You don’t need anything to heal you when you realize you are already healed, but for now different healing modalities and technologies exist to help you to get to that place where you can say once and for all, ‘I am healed, and I know it,’ and really mean it.
You are getting there; you are getting to the place of teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, even time travel, all without the need for a machine. You don’t need the devices, but you do need to shift your vibration to a higher level,
and being in nature will help you do that.
You are Source Energy Beings, and therefore, everything you could ever want exists inside of you. That’s the real secret. Think about the person who gazes upon a flower and feels bliss for several hours, as opposed to the person who needs to pick that flower, bring it home, put it in a vase, and watch it eventually die. There’s a big difference there. Feel unconditionally.. will reveal that the keys to the kingdom of Heaven have always been Inside.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton


Nov.12, 2022
Go to the reality you want.. to experience what is a match to that frequency

You Cannot Escape This Destiny by The 9D Arcturian Council
We are always in the present moment. We have no reason to be anywhere but the present. We are what you essentially evolve into with your awareness.
You are in a sense receiving from your future what will most benefit you in your now. These are the inevitable consequences of living. You cannot escape the destiny of becoming more like Source, more of your true selves.
Find that feeling of satisfaction within yourselves right now, while also holding the knowing that you are nowhere near where you are going or what you are becoming, and you have so much more to experience, while still carrying around a physical body.
You must be able to find your inner peace right now there on Earth, in spite of everything, because all of your fellow humans who will not and could not receive this transmission need you. They need you to hold that light.

The November 2022 Energies
Humanity must free itself from limiting beliefs, self-imposed bondage, and be willing to take a chance at the life you know you want and deserve. These Nov. energies will be so supportive, and they will give you the ideas and the intuitive hits, the inspiration to move forward.
You have all of this inside of you already, but these will be activating what is inside of you to make the next steps in your spiritual development and evolution easier. This is a wonderful time for all of you to be taking good care of yourselves, relaxing, breathing and letting these energies in... Paying attention to the things that might prevent the energies from flowing to you and through you effortlessly. Taking care of yourselves also shows the e.t. community that you are operating from that higher level of consciousness.

Are You Awake? Here is How You Show It
We know that being the caretaker for the other people in your life and for the rest of humanity is a tall order, but we also know that those of you who are awake are always looking for opportunities to be of greater service. Now, this does not have to mean that you are going out and starting a foundation to save the whales, for instance... or going out on an international speaking tour where your objective is to enlighten and uplift. As you look around at what’s going on in your world and in your personal life, you can find all the opportunities that you could ever want to radiate love, to send healing and peace to where it is needed.
If you were not up for it, you would not have chosen to incarnate on Earth at this time, and you would not have awakened before the majority of the population. The amount of kindness, love and compassion you show to your fellow humans determines how awake you are. It is not about what you know intellectually. It is not about having inside infos about what’s really going on with governments and cabal groups. It is about showing up as the light in the face of all darkness that is there on planet Earth at this time.

Unlock Everything You Haven’t Had Access To
In the past, you may have taken a very mental approach to finding the right frequency. You might want to know what the Herz is of that frequency, or you might try visualization, mantras, other ways of thinking positively to put you in just right frequency, and that is all good, and it will get you to a certain point. But we know that you are ready to go beyond the limitations of the mind and step into the limitless realm of the heart, which is your main point through which all feelings are experienced.
Therefore, as you tune in more to your heart and to what you are feeling, you will be able to fine tune the frequency that you are offering. And therefore, you can go to the reality that you want to experience that is a match to that frequency.
Now is a wonderful time to do this as everything is moving faster than it ever has before, on planet Earth.

Mass Awakenings & the Full ET Contact Coming
The shift is not about one moment in time that will catapult you all into a new dimension. The shift is about willing to become beings of a higher consciousness, beings who can connect to another human being with compassion thus to be the positive force that you are, in the ascension process. As you focus on receiving the energies that are upon you right now, you cannot help but then want to spread those energies around. You will fill-up on them yourselves, and then you will want to transmit them to your fellow humans... becoming a conduit that is always spreading light and love around, working towards that goal of raising the level of consciousness for all of humanity.
You see, because you are connected to every other being, whenever you do any work on yourself, you are helping the collective of which you are a part.
You need to have that higher level of consciousness in order to stand in front of a physical e.t. being who can read your every thought, who will force you to face every emotion that is inside of you, just with their presence alone. And we see you moving towards it beautifully, consciously, and with more joy in your hearts, as you know that the e.t.s who are coming will present you with more opportunities to connect... going further along in your spiritual evolution, getting closer and closer to Source, your true nature, and your home.
It’s coming sooner and sooner because of the work you’ve been doing on yourselves right now and the energies you’ve been accessing and transmitting to humanity.

What You Came to Earth to Do
If you listen to someone with whom you disagree, and try to understand where they are coming from, you will have taken a step towards more unity, more of that oneness that you and other awakened souls are seeking.
You don’t have to take sides in order to be right; you can rise above all of it and be love. It’s not because something is broken or something is wrong; it’s because you need to be triggered in order to get to that very specific and sometimes buried-deep-down-inside emotion. Once you can rise above it... because you want to be love.. and because you know that you are more powerful as a collective.
We know, it is a tall order to forgive, to love, and to feel compassion for those people, but it is the only way to raise the consciousness of humanity. You are not going to raise the consciousness of humanity just by being right. You are also there to embody more of that unconditional love, because that is the way to becoming fifth dimensional; your higher selves... which also means embracing every aspect of you.
And remember, if you see it out there in any form, it is also within you and it needs to be healed.

This is the Only Way to Truly Live
Now, here you are, with your awakened consciousness, knowing that every time you offer a vibration, you are sending out a signal to the universe, and you know that the universe will bring back to you something that represents the vibration you are emanating.
You see, you are always going to be responsible for your own vibration, regardless of who or what is in your life, regardless of how much money you have in the bank or how many toys you have purchased with that money. It will still be up to you to be joyous for no good reason at all.

What’s Happening Regardless of What You Believe
Like you, we are just travelers through space and time in this universe. We definitely do have perspectives, but we know enough to not get too attached to these... not to grip tightly to any belief that comes in to our consciousness for a while. You can let go of tightly-held beliefs in favor of joy, in favor of love, in favor of laughter,
We love to be playful. Even without physical bodies we can still feel what laughter feels like to all of you.
Part of growing and evolving is letting go, and when you let go, you let love. You let love in; you let love dictate your words, thoughts and actions; you let love be your priority, your policy, and your number one belief. Believing in love is like believing in yourselves, which is so much more important than your stance on any of the hot button topics there on Earth at this time. If you can let go and let love, then you can let yourself become who you really are, effortlessly, because anything that you are clinging to there on Earth is only holding you back and holding you down.
Rise above the differences of opinion, of perspective, and of belief ….. if you can stop fighting long enough to put a smile on your faces and realize that you are on a beautiful ride through the galaxy, becoming your higher selves, beyond what you believe.

What’s Happening Along with the 11/11 Portal?
It is a time when many people are focusing on what they value, what they hold dear and true to them… seeking alignment with the outside world.
This 11/11 portal is to assist you in this time when you need so much support from above, as many of you do not feel in alignment with your world or what is happening in it. Remember that you always get to choose how you respond to whatever is happening out there in the world, and remember that you have help.
This is the time to be focusing more on the energies present rather than on what’s going on out there in the world.
You will be the one who reminds all humans that the purpose of life is to love one another, and you will bring humanity into the golden age of ascension. And prior to that, you will see the age of extra-terrestrial contact coming to fruition, and you will be one of the ones who brings it about more quickly… when you respond to that call that is coming to you from within right now. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton


Oct 30, 2022
A Mind opened to Wonders, enables Divine Universes to unfold.

Are You Able to Do This? Then You Can Ascend ~ The 9D Arcturian Council
Can you make peace with everything in your life and all the people in your life?.. with everything that’s happening in the world? Can you make peace with the fact that other people think and believe differently than you do?
If Source approves of everything as it is and everyone as they are… then you must be seeking to understand how it all is perfect just as it is.
Then you can drop your resistance.. you can stop being triggered. Then you can be at peace and live with that knowing that everything is all right and it’s getting better.
Remember that everything is in perfect order and that your only job is to be yourself. You complete the puzzle of Source by being you, because no one else can be you except you, and all parts are needed. When you realize that all you have to do is be at peace with everything and be yourself, ascension gets so much easier and your life gets so much simpler and potentially more enjoyable.

The Rest of October, November & December
The emotions people feel get louder and louder until they pay attention to them... Buried emotions coming to the surface after decades can be overwhelming and wreak havoc on someone’s life and their relationships.
You as the Awakened Collective have that responsibility to those around you, to maintain your stability no matter what they are going through, no matter what they are purging, no matter how hard it is for you to stay by their side.
Remember that your spiritual evolution is all about forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love. The final months of 2022 will continue to raise the speed of the energies that are coming in, and the speed of the energies coming in determines how long a person has to keep those negative emotions buried.
We encourage you to prepare yourselves and remember who you really are and what you are there to do during those most uncomfortable times that you have ahead of you of sitting with someone who is experiencing decades of negative emotion all at once. This will all be worth it as more and more humans prepare themselves for the shift, for full e.t. contact, and for all the gifts and abilities that they have yet to uncover within themselves.

You’re Part of Our Galactic Team
You all didn’t create the myriad issues you have there on Earth; you all went there to fix the problems, find the solutions, and raise the consciousness so that all of humanity would be able to do so. Therefore, you are just like us, only you are there in the flesh. You are the ground crew; we are the nonphysical support staff. We are all in this together, and all of the problems of Earth were problems that you inherited from other parts of the galaxy.
So none of it, none of the giant mess that has been created there, is really humanity’s fault. But of course, you have to live your lives believing that in order to feel something, and you have to feel something negative first in order to feel something positive. And we want you to feel as good about yourselves as you possibly can for even being there and taking one, or several, for the team.
This is why all you have to do is open up and receive our help and the help we provide, along with the other beings and collectives in our alliance. Recognize that you are the ones who are there to let in all of the energies that will serve humanity the most. You are there to ground them and make them available to your fellow humans, and we will remain here in the ninth dimension to help, and our suggestion box is always open.

Empaths: You Reach the Souls of All Humans
As you know, the fifth dimension is not a place you go to; it is a state of being that you maintain. It is a vibration that you continuously offer... and you are projecting a different type of consciousness, a different level of consciousness, and the rest of humanity feels that.
This shift is not about doing, it’s not about things happening outside of you, but it is about you and the vibration you offer.
You were born sensitive; you were born empaths. And therefore, you could not stand to be around anything that was of a lower vibration for very long. And the world needs you now more than ever to shine that light, to exude that high vibration.
You are there to enjoy the journey. You are reaching the souls of your fellow humans because your souls always feel that connection to each and every other human that exists on planet Earth right now.

What We’re Working On & What’s Next for Humanity
The energies we are preparing for you right now will help you to have experiences where you are remembering what it was like to be those versions of yourselves that were nonphysical.
You need to have the experience of it in your bodies in order for it to feel true to you.
When we send you these energies, and you have your experiences of remembering, that will be one of the most critical ways for you to merge the nonphysical with the physical. You are there to unite the galaxy, to bring Heaven to Earth, to know yourselves as Source Energy Beings, and these are not small tasks. That is why it is taking longer than many of you would like to do all of this.
All you need to do is to intend to see the world through the eyes of Source. You can be the love of Source in the flesh that you always intended to be in this lifetime.
Merging these two realms will bring you the greatest satisfaction, the greatest fulfillment, and the greatest experiences that you can have. Trust, relax, and let it all happen, let it all in. You are the ones to change what it means to be human there on Earth because you are awake and because you are this far along on your journey.

How to Access All of Your Power
There are many possible timelines for humanity there on Earth, and we have seen some beautiful futures for all of you, but the future is especially bright for those of you who have owned that you have issues, that you have trauma, that you have negative emotions that you don’t always allow yourselves to feel. You are the ones who understand that in order to evolve and become more of who you really are, there’s a certain amount of self-awareness, self-reflection, and work on the self that must occur.
You have to clean out the old to allow the new in, and in this case the new is higher-frequency energy... upgrades, activations, downloads, and attunements, all of which are available to you. But you cannot let them in if you are offering a lower vibration that you are completely unaware of.
Take the time to check in with your seven main chakras... where you are going to feel the vast majority of what you need to feel before you get to feel those higher-frequency energies running through you. When you hit rock bottom, you have no other option but to feel what you’re feeling. You run out of defense mechanisms, distractions, and things to escape into, and you face yourself... a person who is supposed to be loving, honoring, and respecting.
And do not be afraid to communicate to those around you what you are going through, because they will surprise you oftentimes with compassion, support, and kindness.

The more you feel, the sooner you get to choose what you are going to feel in the next moment, and the next, and the next.

How to Get Past All that is Negative on Earth
Your minds like having problems to solve, and your egos like having enemies to fight against, but if you continue to operate as mind-oriented egos, you will not raise the level of your consciousness, and you will not become your higher selves easily and effortlessly.
But you can send love; you can offer healing; you can have compassion for all who are involved. You can be the light that you are and that you are meant to shine on Earth and everyone there.
How you think is how you vibrate. You do have the ability to focus on the positive, not because you are in denial of the existence of the negative, but because the positive is what you choose for yourself and for others.
Remember that those who are experiencing something negative are all being given an opportunity to grow spiritually from that, and hopefully that can help you to make peace with all that is on your world today and that is inherently negative. Feel your feelings regardless of whether they are positive emotions or negative emotions... see them as an experience you are having in the moment and one that will pass quickly if you allow it to.
Positive emotions are more available to you than ever before. And when you are unblocked.. you are in the flow with all of the positive forces that are pushing all of us up into higher-vibrational realms.

Are You an Above Average Lightworker?
The energy healer taps in to the energies that will best assist the person who has come to them... not been able to receive those energies themselves. So the healer is called upon to act as the conduit. That’s what you are all doing for humanity, for yourselves, and for Mother Earth.
Because you are open, sensitive, and you are taking care of yourselves enough to be able to let those energies run through your physical bodies. You need to take care of yourselves by hydrating, by clearing your negative emotions and negative thoughts. You need to rest, to meditate, and to spend time in nature...
And also, you get to enjoy the ride that everyone there on Earth is taking to the fifth dimension with a sneak preview of what everyone will be experiencing at the completion of the shift. Take care of yourselves, and be the conduits for the higher-frequency energies that are coming in.
You will also be of service to everyone else there on Earth, whether they know it or not. So don’t worry about which future you are all headed for; and know that there is a plan for everything to work out for everyone.

The Energies to Finalize the Shift Are Coming
You have positioned yourselves nicely for the remainder of the time that you have in the fourth dimension by continuing to acclimate to all of the changes that are occurring. Constantly receiving upgrades, downloads and activations to ready you for what is to come. That physical extra-terrestrials contact requires you to have everything in order, physically, emotionally, mentally, and vibrationally. It is a very serious next step in your evolution to have full open contact with physical e.t.s.
But this is a big action step ...allowing these higher-frequency energies to flow through you.
Now you are seeing that your sensitivity pays off, because if you were not sensitive, you wouldn’t care about what’s going on inside of you.
You have to let go of caring about what other people think, because that will only take you further from that awareness of what’s going on inside of you at all times, and you need that awareness so that you can clear out anything that is heavy, negative, or dark, and then you will be those primed vehicles who are ready for higher-frequency energies that are preparing you for full and open e.t. contact, the shift in consciousness, and so much more.
You are shifting everything at this time. Do not worry about when other shifts will happen that are outside of you, shifts having to do with your financial system, or your educational system, or your health care system. They will all follow suit, but you will be the ones to initiate it all, just as you have been doing there on Earth for so long.
Remember you are the primary creation, and from where we are sitting, you are doing a wonderful job of handling your own transformation into the fifth-dimensional higher self being that you are destined to be.

Know This & Apply it to Everything
We are awakening within you certain experiences that you have had in other parts of the galaxy, because of the vibration that we are operating at and because of the energies we are sending to all of you.
You also get your DNA activated by these transmissions, and you become closer to your higher selves.
Any anger that you feel, and any resistance that you have to others, no matter what group they are a part of, contributes to the creation of the reality of your world... if you are getting triggered by some of this information that comes across your consciousness, you know you have something to heal within yourself.
You want to be very discerning about what energies you are giving your attention to, so ask yourself whether you feel good after giving those energies your attention.
You are the ones who need to determine what you put your attention on. You are the only ones who can make that decision for yourselves.
~ The 9D Arcturian Council, by Daniel Scranton


" Do not give your power away to anyone… Make up your own mind and discover your own truth.
Do not let fear cloud judgement so that you cannot think for yourself.
Transformation from this dimension to the next requires that you be free of fear. "
~ Dolores Cannon

Sept 21, 2022
Love is the Soul’s Composition, the Source-Godself of Every Life

Giving Your Power Away to Ones Who Claim to Know All ~ by The 9D Arcturian Council
We could tell you that we know what is best for you from on our lofty perch in the ninth dimension, and we have been through the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth dimensions. But because you are the ones living life there on Earth, feeling emotions, suffering through traumatic events, and having to work just to survive. You are the ones who know what it’s like to be having a human experience on planet Earth at this time.
And that is why you are the ones to lead humankind into the fifth dimension.
No one has all of this figured out, and you are meant to figure it out as a collective. Remember that everyone is fallible and can get what they are receiving wrong.
Trust your instincts, your intuition, the impulses that you get. You create one hundred percent of your reality. This journey will always be about the journey and not about just getting to the destination. Remember that, and you can live a happy life.

How to Become Your Higher Self
You are there to go beyond the usual human experience, the usual human lifetime. You are there to expand into and become your higher selves, and the best way to do that is to look for someone or some group to help. You can be helping an animal or a group of animals, a tree or a forest, a patch of land or the entire planet. This is a time where there is a lot of suffering happening there on Earth, and instead of complaining about what the governments are doing or not doing, you can reach out to someone in need and help them, and in so doing you get to become more of your true self... one step closer to becoming your higher self, which is who you will be as a fifth-dimensional being.

How to Bring About Great Changes
We still need to go within ourselves. You would be robbing yourselves of so much and so many experiences if a solar flash just changed everything, or e.t.s landing their ships just bailed you out of all of the messes that you’ve created there for yourselves. You are meant to look at the messes that you’ve created and then go within and see what needs cleaning up inside of you. If you are not doing that, it’s going to take a lot longer for you to know yourselves as your higher selves, which is the next step in your spiritual evolution.
Check in with your energy-chakras that are always vibrating.
And that is what will bring about the great changes that you want to see on your world, physically and spiritually. It will start with that simple non-action-oriented act of going within, checking in, feeling around, and then being honest with yourself. Be honest with yourselves so that you can shift that energy, process it, release it, and replace it with what you actually want to feel.. you will be amazed at how quickly you can transform yourself and everything outside of you.

A Haven for Lightworkers from Across the Galaxy
We are in the process of co-creating a beautiful haven within the astral plane for all lightworkers from across the galaxy to come and share stories, experiences, and ideas about how to bring the physical reality of this galaxy together in unity. Once astral travel becomes a common experience, this haven of our creation will be bursting with those who are operating from the light, in service, and who are ready for a galaxy of unity, cooperation, and collaboration. You will bring your light, your perspectives, and your joy to the proceedings. We know that the humans of Earth have much to contribute. We just want to give you the opportunity to experience that, even if it is in a place where you’re not going to bring your physical bodies yet.
Many of you already work in the astral while you are asleep at night... together we can co-create an experience that has never been a part of our galaxy.

The Real Event You’re Waiting For
We see you as pioneers who were willing to explore the depths of darkness and despair, and all for the purpose of having new experiences that would lead to the further expansion of Source. Source is not a Being that exists outside of you; Source is inside of you,
and so is everything else.
What is very hard on all of you is the acceptance of the truth that even a person or a belief that you despise exists inside of you and is not separate from you. Humanity needs humility in order to get to the step in the evolution of your consciousness. The trap is thinking that you have it all figured out, that you’re doing everything correctly, and that you have all the right beliefs and information. That would be boring, thwart your growth, and be a type of death experience that doesn’t really exist.
You never stop expanding, or becoming more of who you really are. Comprehend what the shift in consciousness is, then you know that it’s not just about a solar flash and three days of darkness. The real event is you becoming more like Source Energy, and that means acknowledging that it’s all inside of you, even the beliefs that you cannot understand how anyone could even entertain.
We realize what a huge mountain that is to climb, most of you had those truly terrible experiences in past lives, and in this lifetime, you are meant to clear those traumas. It’s hard for us to even fathom making that choice. But you did, and we know you did because you are there. But then you also get to have the biggest ride possible... to be on the pendulum when it swings into the light, carrying you and the rest of humanity with it to where you all belong. You are becoming your higher selves, and your fifth dimensional, and
you knew exactly what you were doing when you chose that journey.

The October Energies & Your 5D Chakras
You have been granted access to your fifth-dimensional chakras in ways that you have previously been unable to access .. stepping up to do the work that is necessary to clear out your seven, main, third-dimensional chakras so that the fifth-dimensional ones can reign supreme. This grants you greater access to the multi-dimensional world. This universe contains many dimensions, many realities, and you are in for quite a ride.
In few weeks it is easier to connect to the higher realms. More and more people will discover they had gifts they didn’t know about. You are stepping into your power now as sovereign beings. You’re done playing that game, and you are ready to acknowledge that you are the creators of your reality.. ready to come together with the galactic forces.
As you face what you need to face, take some time at different points throughout your day to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, as you acknowledge these fifth-dimensional chakras are present in your energy field, and they are ready to be of service to you.

How to Receive More Help from Us & Help Others
Being in a lower vibrational state and putting out a request to us, to your guides, to the universe, is not as effective as when you raise your vibration first, and then state your desire out loud. And with also that desire for others, you align with all the helpers that exist throughout the universe, because that is their goal as well. Because anything that you desire for the collective, you desire for you as well. The more you come together with your fellow humans, and you set positive intentions for all, the easier the process of ascension will be for everyone. Even if they are helping you by pushing your buttons, they are still helping you. You want to be love in all situations, and when you are around all people, not just the ones that are easy to love. That too will keep you in a higher-vibrational state.

Why Did You Choose the Hardest Path in the Universe?
Realize that you are in fact dreaming this reality into existence, and we also invite you to consider what a monumental feat that is.
You are the ones who create the most opportunities for expansion in this universe. Enjoy the ride. We want you to relax into the expansion of your consciousness, enjoy your creations of the distant future . Then you can live your lives without any anxiety regarding whether these manifestations will reach you or not.
You are truly in the driver’s seat as it is your creation; it is up to you what type of life you lead. Yes there is karma, and yes right now you have lived long enough to have cleared most of your karma and you are the ones determining what you experience next by how you feel, how you vibrate, what you focus on, and what you believe in.
Receiving help is a manifestation after all; it is a creation of yours. It is a collaboration, an opportunity for us to connect with you and an opportunity for you to connect with us and so many other beings in the higher-dimensional realms. It brings us closer as a universal family... closer to Source, as we truly are all one Being, pretending that we are not, making it all up as we go for the purpose of experience.
That this is a free will universe, and you do get to decide what you experience.

Which Reality is Coming?
It is true that you can focus on a reality that you are not currently experiencing, but if that is the case, then that reality had better be one that you want to experience, because if you’re putting your attention on it, then it’s coming. So it is important to ask yourself whether you want to experience the reality that you are focusing upon but that is not right in front of you in the moment. Choose wisely what you focus upon, because you do want to experience a good-feeling reality, a reality where you get to experience what you want to experience. It is very, very important for you all to learn how to discern, and you do that by listening to your bodies, your emotions, your hearts, and your chakras... from within your own being-ness.
It is easier for you to say that you are Source Energy than it is for you to be Source Energy in action there in a physical body on Earth. These are a few of the challenges you’ve placed in front of yourselves for this very important lifetime. Do you want to be right, or do you want to feel in alignment with Source? .. it is the way to live, the only way to exercise your free will in this free will universe, with all of its duality and all of its polarity.

What You’re Not Hearing in These Messages
We are infinite and eternal beings, and we hold that knowing within us all the time. You may think about it from time to time, but it is not a part of your moment-to-moment awareness. We invite you to pay attention to how you feel when you absorb any information. If it gives you that expansive feeling, then you know that it serves you. But if not then it’s just not for you and move on.
Now as you continue on with your journey home to Source, you will have more and more moments when you have that full recognition of self, and you will feel infinite and eternal. You will realize that you are everything that you seek, everything that you see, and everything that you create, and you will not feel worried or fearful about anything at all. Nothing is outside of you, and therefore, nothing is inaccessible to you. When manifesting, you also want to pay attention to how you feel, because how you feel is your indicator as to whether you’re moving towards it or away from it... noticing whether you are expanding or contracting while doing so will always be helpful, because ultimately you want that feeling of expansiveness.
It is wonderful to take the slow and steady approach to your ascension.. to the home base that Source is, because you get to have all of these experiences one by one. Do not think that the forgetting is a bad thing. You all knew the remembering would be so sweet. You all knew this journey was what this was all about.

~ The 9D Arcturian Council, by Daniel Scranton



"If you have heard of an unusually powerful solar flare or something else of global proportion coming soon, be aware that the dark ones will present it as something fear-filled. We are overjoyed to tell you that what is coming soon is an inpouring of love-light energy of a magnitude that is without precedence in this universe!
On Earth, the high vibrations of your compassion, caring and empathy are radiating hope to people living in dreadful conditions. Hopefulness is light-filled and this also is helping them more easily handle their burdens of homelessness or impoverishment.
Love is far, far more than the emotion it is considered to be! It is the same energy as light, the most powerful force in the cosmos, and the origin of everything in existence. It is the composition of the soul, the godself of every life in this universe. The capacity to feel and receive love is limitless and so are the ways it can be expressed." ~ matthewbooks. com


Oct 5th, 2022

The Angels of Transmutation Within - The Waters of New Life

Your Good Karma is Coming to You ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
The fact that you are still there at this time is huge. You are holding the space for the entire collective, in spite of how hard it is for you to be there ... while continuing to clear your own traumas and while dealing with your own ascension symptoms. You have good karma, and you have endured so much of the lack, the negativity, the sickness, the loss, and all of the very challenging emotions there now, and the scales must be balanced in this universe of duality. Ecstasy must be created in response to your suffering to keep a balance of energies in this beautiful universe of ours.
Now you get to benefit from all of those creations, but you need some help in opening up to receive it, and you need some blasts of high frequency energy to get you to be a match to it. More mass awakenings are coming, and you will not feel as alone as you’ve been feeling for much longer.

Attunement for an Arcturian Ascension
On your world, most people are looking outside of themselves for validation, or for satisfaction, for fulfillment. We will continue to attempt to convince you that there is so much more available to you when you go within. We want you to have an Arcturian spiritual awakening , because you have done enough of the hard work, the struggling, and the heavy lifting.
And we also will continue to seek to awaken those memories within you. The truth of who you are.

A Unified Collective of Higher Selves
Everyone outside of you is a reflection of you and that there is something to be gained by your experiences with them.
Ask yourself how you can love the aspect of yourself that the other person represents. That is how you are going to benefit from all of the billions of other humans that are around you, triggering you, pushing your buttons,
and believing in narratives that upset you.
You have to do more than coexist with and tolerate your fellow humans; you have to see them as you, maybe not you in this lifetime, but you at some point in one of your incarnations.
Don’t continue to fall for the scam of separation.
And we know that you are up to the task of loving the unlovable and forgiving the unforgivable. You can and will become your higher selves and see every single member of your human collective as a valuable aspect of Source
that is playing their role perfectly well.

No One Is a Soulless Background Actor
You don’t really want to all agree on everything, because then you would become stagnant in your growth, and that cannot happen. In order for you to grow spiritually... you must find acceptance. Acceptance is the opposite of resistance, and acceptance allows for change to occur.
You and we are all Source Energy Beings exploring all of the different aspects of the oneness that is Source. And so, we must all allow all aspects of ourselves to be exactly what they are in order to choose. There are so many realities for you all to explore, and of course you will bump into someone who is exploring their reality, while you are exploring yours.
Everyone and everything is Source, that’s how it is in every reality. It is one of the truths that transcends your ability to create. And being Source… should be empowering enough for you to let everyone else create whatever reality they want to create and then live in it. Doing so will not only be liberating for you, but it will also help you to create your reality the way you want to experience it without any interference whatsoever.

You Are the Force
You are not only healing, integrating, and becoming, but you are also inspiring, and that’s why you are so fun to watch.
The collective that you are a part of will always be a reflection of what is going on inside of you... of what you still need to look at, to make peace with, to embrace, and ultimately, to integrate.
As you continue to become your higher selves, you send out those templates, those instruction to all of your fellow humans so that it can be and will be easier on them.

Your Past Life Selves
You are accomplishing so much more in this one lifetime than you have in all of your other previous lifetimes there on Earth, and you are doing so in large part because of those past versions of yourself. Make peace with those past versions of you that didn’t have the tools, the knowledge, or the energy surrounding you that you have now and take for granted to a certain extent.
When you love another human being in the way that you love a child, you want to help and do things for that person.
Realize how little knowledge there was in the 1600s, and how that version of you had no access to information and certainly not the access that you have today, that can all make it easier for you to forgive that past life version of yourself, and it can make it easier for you to make peace with what you have laid out for yourself in this lifetime… These past life versions of you also created quite a bit of momentum. A lot of them also brought you some good karma. A lot of them learned various skills that you now take for granted because you have always been good at those particular things.

Are You Going to War with the Dark?
Because you are ascending, you don’t have to die to move towards the light at the end of the tunnel.
You are the ones leading the way, but you are not leading the way in the third-dimensional paradigm of ‘going to war’ with the dark. You are leading the way by demonstrating that moving towards the light is not only inevitable, but it is also a tremendous ride that is filled with joy, freedom, love, peace, and excitement, and that’s what this journey to the fifth dimension can be about for all of humankind if you are willing to let it be that.
And so, you need to be the ones who are following that flow of expansion, who are feeling for more of yourselves emerging from within, and you will show the rest of humanity the way to become something more than most people are even willing to dream about.

Roadblocks on the Path of the Awakened Soul
You are ascending; that is a guarantee. However, look for what is dense that resides in your consciousness, and deliberately let that go. You may have to let go of a judgment, resentment, and you definitely have some heavier beliefs and belief systems to shed on your way up to the fifth dimension.
Your ascension will continue to be a gradual process, and doing it consciously is the more fun, the more interesting, the more expansive, and the more life-affirming way of raising the level of your consciousness.
Just because you are awake doesn’t mean you are taking the best possible path. There are a lot of roadblocks that are available to you on any path, and we are just suggesting that you avoid them by choice. Choose the light; if something doesn’t feel like the light to you, then it isn’t, and you don’t have to choose it for you.

One E.T. Being to Unite the Human Race
If you all know that you are a part of one race, the human race, then there is the greater possibility that you will come together as one. Knowing that there are other races out there in the galaxy could go a long way in getting people to see that you are as different from one another as you are from an extra-terrestrial race.
Realize that you have more in common than you think, and knowing for a fact that e.t.s exist could help you set aside your political differences, as well as your differing perspectives on the virus.. masks, vaccines etc.
We do not see you as ready for a mass landing of ships at this particular, but we do see that the impact of an experience with even one extra-terrestrial being would be huge now in uniting the human collective.
That’s all you really need is a distraction right now from how divided you feel to move past those differing perspectives.

Can Anyone Break the Laws of the Universe?
The rest of the journey to the fifth dimension should be one of ease and joy for you.
We cannot step in between you and your vibration, however, and break the laws of the universe to give you what you want, but we can be ready to deliver when you are vibrating in harmony with that which you desire.
Out there you are being led to believe in something outside of yourselves. Have faith in yourselves… that is how you gain access to your power, to your strength, to your creativity, and most importantly, to the love that truly are. If you can be love that is unconditional, then nothing that is happening out there can throw you off of your game,
Seek what is inside of you, and then beings and collectives like ourselves can match what you have found. If you focus on something, someone, some animal friend, or some tree or flower that can get you to access the feeling of love within you, then you can really start to know what true power is. True power is alignment with Source, and you are Source.

The Age of Full Extra-Terrestrial Contact
You don’t have to wait for everyone to be ready in order for you to meet with e.t.s. The galaxy is yours to explore, and your reality is yours to create and align with.
No one else gets to decide what you experience. That is your domain. We want to encourage you to be the big dreamers that you really are. Be the creators that you were born to be.
You get to be trailblazers. You get to break free from enslavement... from fear of your mortality, and the limitations that you took on as third-dimensional humans. And to create outside of any sort of blueprint.
This is how you bring about great changes on your world; it’s not by waiting for something to happen. Big changes start with you. You are ready to take humanity into the age of full extra-terrestrial contact... There are many other beings and collectives who want to guide you into this most fruitful era of human history.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



Sept 21, 2022
Cosmic Waves & The New Merging of the physical with the Infinite Soul

Big Changes on Earth in the next Twelve Months ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You are on that journey back to who you really are as Source Energy Beings. You are making a difference by shifting what’s going on inside of you.. you do so much for humanity by meditating and by processing your emotions. You will not get the accolades, the awards, the praise from your fellow humans, but you will live a better life. You will live a happier life, a more fulfilled life, a life of peace, harmony and joy, and you will get inspired to do something. And the universe will bring you people to help and to heal, because the universe will always match you up with the ones who will benefit the most from what you have inside of you.
So just keep being you and when you are being true to yourself, you are more likely to be in the right place at the right time, to do exactly what is needed... and we will keep noticing the changes in the collective consciousness.

New Helpers from Lyra, Sirius & Andromeda
Conditions do not determine your vibration. You determine your vibration, and therefore, you need not worry about what anyone else is doing with their focus and with their time. Look beyond those in the physical who do have a negative agenda, because their numbers and their power pale in comparison to those in the nonphysical… or aligned with Source.
Beings who understand how important humanity is.. and what a key component to the shift Mother Earth is.. are lining up to be of service… because the higher-frequency energies that are upon you will support those endeavors. By bringing humanity to a higher level of consciousness may seem like a daunting task to you, but if you can feel for how much support is around you when you even think about that idea, you will begin to notice just how powerful your intentions are
and just how supported you are.
Align with what you want, with what is supportive, and you will be a wonderful conduit for those energies, and you will support the rest of humanity.

Becoming Your Faerie Selves
As fourth-dimensional beings, you are capable of accessing the fifth. Your higher selves are inside of you... without all the filtration... with all of the abilities you would like.
Right now is an excellent time for you all to be focusing on fun, as things continue to be very serious on your world. Choose to have a more lighthearted approach to life and a perspective that allows for more play, more laughter, and more fun.
In spite of all of that, there is still room for more fun as you explore who you are as
your fifth-dimensional selves.

What is to Come for Humankind?
When you can have hope for all of humanity, with a knowing that all of humanity is going to make it, that’s when you know you have trained yourself to look at the positives in life. Others too can have their awakening experiences, to understand once and for all who they really are. They are all on their path, no matter how it might look to an outsider.
There is not just one future that is set in stone for everyone to experience, no matter what they are vibrating. Every little bit of your experience of reality is your own creation, and whatever experience you find yourself having with others is a co-creation.

The Awakened Collective & the Energies of Ascension
The work really is feeling your emotions, allowing things to be as they are, experiencing life, and summoning energies from beings and collectives like ourselves that you will then later receive. There’s not a lot of actions in what we just laid out for you, but there is a lot of hard work. Just avoiding the temptation to go and look at what someone else has written on a website that you know will make you feel bad when you read it is an accomplishment.
Any time you are clearing negative thoughts and emotions, or accessing past life trauma, you really do need to rest and recuperate in order to recover from those very challenging experiences. And we want you to know that it is time to appreciate yourselves for continuing to
embrace the energies of ascension.

Remember These Two Things & Be Your 5D Self
In one scenario, you are the powerful co-creators, and in another scenario you are the victims... When you experience something on a personal level, you also need to see it as your co-creation that is meant to help you awaken to the truth of who you really are as unconditional love.
Accept everything as it is just as it is, and acknowledge that it is your creation. Be willing to notice when you go back into resistance to it, no matter what it is, and just let go. .. and practice more letting go. Next, look for how it is the current set of circumstances serves you. You don’t have to unravel the giant, tangled ball of yarn. You just have to look at it as it is and say, ‘This must serve me somehow, and I am open to understanding exactly how it does.’
And when you are open to receiving that piece of information that tells you how it serves you, You are more likely to receive it. Ultimately, there’s going to be something you need to heal, forgive, release, or have compassion for in the set of circumstances you are facing. Keep making the choice to rise above the pettiness of the ego and be your Source Energy Self in thought, word and action. You will feel more one with all; you will feel more connected to all others in the universe and to Source. And then you will be able to live happily ever after because
nothing will be able to bring you down.
Love is all there is, and everything else is an illusion... you are Source Energy Beings pretending to be human. Remember that, and it becomes easier to be the fifth-dimensional being you always intended to be in this lifetime.

Are You Worthy of Ascending to 5D?
Lightbearers in this lifetime have played the role of one in the dark, and those who are on the darker side of the spectrum have in other lifetimes been on the lighter side of the spectrum.
The ones who are playing the roles of the villains at this time are there to give you all the opportunity to know yourselves as unconditional love, to know yourselves as Source, to know what it feels like to really forgive someone. Rise above if you are going to be the leaders that you truly are. Rise above the whole idea of good and evil, and all of the other polarities ... embrace every aspect of yourself first, and anything you see outside of yourself is a part of you.
To be who you really are is to be heart-centered, to let go of grudges, hate, and everything else that weighs you down. The path to the fifth dimension is about taking the high road. Shine your light because you are light…. and with grace.

How to Face the Darkness on Earth
We are always very impressed with how humans handle the amount of darkness that you encounter throughout your lives. Move forward with the truth that you hold within you that all of this stuff needs to be accepted, embraced, processed, and ultimately released to allow more of the light in. The high-frequency energies that are upon you right now are helping you to purge all of it.
Be gentle with yourselves and others because of how much you know you all took on.
We witness the effects you are having on the collective that is humanity and the collective that
is this universe.

New Collaborations w/Beings from the Andromedan Galaxy
Humanity is ascending, but the whole process can be smooth and easy or it can be hard and filled with pitfalls. And that is where the help comes in. That is where you all come in as well, as you have the ability to reach out to people now all across the planet, and you have the ability to come together with those like-minded souls who want to help, who want to see humanity take the smooth and easy path.
This is the perfect time because of the energies that are present right now throughout the universe. Those energies are felt by those of you who are sensitive, and you recognize that it is a call... when you gather together with others in prayer and meditation, or when you are just setting intentions with other people.
We are all helping to make this the smoothest transition possible for the entire universe. And you add to those numbers with your willingness to be the conduits, the anchors of high-frequency energies coming from above.

How to Know Yourself as Source Energy
Hold that awareness within you that you are always interacting with another aspect of Source, and that you are co-creating together a beautiful opportunity to become more of who you really are. .. even for one day, you would see and feel the enormous impact that you are having on your world, as individuals and as a collective.
You will continue to grow, expand, and evolve, no matter what, but when you do it on purpose, it is so much sweeter and you have more friends to play with in the higher frequencies, in the leading-edge energies that are upon you at this time.

What to Expect from the September Equinox Energies
As you feel for these energies… notice what they inspire within you. They are giving you a greater sense of yourselves, as being souls connected to your physical bodies. It’s time for you to stop identifying so much with your physical form and to know yourselves more as your nonphysical selves, as your souls. The merging of the nonphysical and the physical is much of what this lifetime is about for all of you, as you are ascending.
All of that gives a person an opportunity to reach deeper inside of themselves for something, something they did not know was there. This is a beautiful time for you all to be relaxing into this knowing, and to give up the struggle, the fight.
When you merge more completely with your soul, you know everything can change in the blink of an eye because of you. You are there to demonstrate to yourselves that you are Source Energy Beings, and that means you are creators. You are the ones to transform the world from within by changing you. Then you can notice and experience a much different version of reality than you have ever experienced before.
This is a pivotal time in getting you all to realize that you have these abilities. The sun and its energies are really important aspects of this shift in consciousness for you. But you don’t have to wait for solar flares, or a solar flash, or solar event.. So do soak in the energies of your sun, and allow the energies of the equinox to remind you of who you really are.

Energies We’ve Channeled That Are All Around You
We are very much like the energy healers that you have there on Earth. They also receive energies from the higher-dimensional planes, run those energies through their bodies, and then deliver them to another person or persons.
We are that responsive to your needs and your desires, and we are just one group of many who are looking out for you in this way. You were taught to believe that the weight of the world is on your shoulders. .. very few individuals were raised with the understanding that they deserve whatever they are summoning, simply because they exist. You are there now to change the way that the human collective consciousness thinks about itself… You are there to bring new light to the way that humanity thinks about its relationship to the higher realms, to the nonphysical, to all the beings and collectives who want nothing more than to help you. Helping you and others is one of the main reasons why we still exist in this universe at all. Your success is our success. We see and know that there is no separation between any of us in the entire universe.

The Final Step on Your Journey
Your higher self is the part of you that looks for the challenges, for the next ideal growth experiences.
Your fifth dimensional higher self is not looking to board a spaceship to get off of your crazy world and get away from those who are ruining it for everyone, and that is because your fifth dimensional higher self enjoys the challenge so much of staying and transforming the collective consciousness within it.
Compassion is the full recognition... that if it’s happening to them, it’s happening to you, and that recognition has never been higher on your world than it is at this time.
The fact that you are passionate about injustice summons more lifeforce energy through you.
Now.. what others believe to be true is not nearly as important as your passionate stance that everyone needs to be free, equal, honored, respected, and given the same opportunities as everyone else.
Once you start to see that you are not separated by race, religion, and nationality, then you can start to make the real progress.. together with others to create the reality that is better for everyone.
More humans now are realizing that they are the ones who are responsible for their own ascension. We are just helpers.
You choose to be there because Earth allows you to have certain experiences that are unique to your planet and to the third and fourth dimensions.
Compassion brings you together, and coming together is the final step on humanity’s journey to ascension.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



Sept 7th, 2022
Our Galactic DNA - the Completion of the Shift & into the New Dreaming

Awakened Collective, It’s Time to Rise Up ~ by The 9D Arcturian Council
This movement from the egoic mind to the high self’s heart is what this shift in consciousness is all about… maintaining those high vibrations and rising above the mind-oriented battles that go on between ideologies.
It’s not because you have all the right information. It’s not because you’ve had more extra-terrestrial DNA activated within you. It’s because of your humanity, and your humanity is all about your emotions. It is a higher consciousness. When you are guided towards the light from within, you have more to share with humanity than someone with three PhDs. You have so much to give because of what you have lived and because of what you have felt, and that is enough to be one who serves all of humanity... and the truth is you are you and that is enough.

Crystalline Consciousness & Your Light Bodies
We do not have a location in space/time, because we are nonphysical. That means we are consciousness.
Everything is consciousness expressing itself as energy. That means when you have some sort of physical ailment, an illness, or an ascension symptom that is troubling you physically.. remember that you are not just skin and bones. You are consciousness expressing as energy, and some of that energy has merged with that physical body to give you a sense of belonging in a particular place.
When you recognize that you are the consciousness that is creating the experience of a body, you can change that experience. When you feel into the expansiveness of your eternal and infinite nature, it makes it easier to alter something as small and temporary as a physical body. Feel your infinite and eternal nature.
It will be you, not the body, that makes the big difference in the way you experience yourself and your life... you are the light, and you can put yourself on an entirely different timeline with a different past and a different future.

The Earth Collective Meetings in the Astral Plane
In the astral plane, you all come together because you may not agree on what is needed, or how to change, but you do agree that change is needed there on Earth because the systems that you have in place serve the few and not the many.
Enough people are waking up now to the truth of who they are as Source Energy Beings, as creator beings. Make the best possible version of the new Earth, an Earth that is for all, not just for the fortunate few.

Does Cord Cutting Really Work?
Now, as you demonstrate a willingness to connect to your fellow humans, e.t.s will take notice, and so will the universe. You do get to decide which of the pre-existing connections you emphasize, you put your attention and focus upon... because the fifth dimension is all inclusive, and so is Source.

Take a Page Out of the Arcturian Book
The more you can feel happening within you, the easier it becomes to be more precise in your offerings and in the creation of your reality. And for you to be rather sloppy is through putting your attention outside of yourselves on what others are doing. Because it is so much easier now for anyone to claim to be an authority on anything, to get sucked in to someone else’s narrative... caring about being precise with the energy that you offer and the energy that you hold within you. Now you are paying attention to what is going on inside of you more than you are paying attention to what is going on outside of you.
Look within. Feel within. And generate within yourselves that which you want to see outside of you... be precise in your offering but unattached to what comes back to you. That is true spiritual mastery, and that is what we see you all in the process of becoming.

The Opening of Your Third Eyes
The opening of the third eye of so many humans is what will be taking place over these next several months. The mass awakenings are just the beginning, and there is a need for more. You have wanted to be of service for so long, and it is also fun to have a gift and then to see someone else develop their gift. You need to feel more connected to one another, because those who seek to separate you are continuing to put forth that agenda in a variety of ways.
It will be a reawakening, as they had the gift when they were a child, and then lost it for one reason or another.

The Future of the Awakened Collective
To lead the human collective down this path.. of self-empowerment. You, the awakened collective, are coming together more and more. You all get to choose the future that you experience, you can be the teachers, the healers, and the guides that you were always meant to be in this lifetime… supporting each other in this endeavor, and you are demonstrating that there is not just one way to go about helping other humans awaken their consciousness. Helping others to maintain a high vibration than you are on, looking for the one true truth about the one future that is set in stone.
The future of your desires includes all of humanity being treated fairly, being respected, being free, and being able to follow their dreams and desires... inviting others to a reality that is much better and much better for all of humankind.

Secret Forces that Want Humanity Divided
See the good in everyone, no matter what they believe, no matter whom they are supporting. Give everyone the opportunity to show you who they really are and not just dismiss them because of which political party or ideology they are aligning themselves with in the moment.
We are all in this together, and what you are playing out now on your world is simply a rehashing of what has been played out throughout the galaxy many, many times. You did not create this issue of being polarized and divided all by yourselves. This was a planned part of your spiritual evolution, and it was known beforehand that there would be enough of you who are awake to rise above the polarization of humankind by these unseen beings and groups. And we say ‘beings’ because we know that they are not all human, and so do most of you.
Love them unconditionally, and you will bring out the best of them.
And if you can respect someone else’s feelings, and someone else as a Being of Source, you don’t have to agree with the conclusions they come to in order to connect with that person in a very real way. That is how you are all going to get past the current set of circumstances on your world, and you are going to become stronger as one human race, because of the efforts of a minority. You, the awakened collective, are that minority.

Collaborating with Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans & Andromedans
You didn’t just pop into existence there on Earth one day. You have a history. Some of you take the time to go beyond what your minds can grasp, and you feel for the experience of having those gaps filled in by just one collective from one star system.
And you will return to all of our star systems and ones you’ve never even heard of when the timing is right. For now, keep looking to your skies, and keep feeling for the resonance with extra-terrestrial energies. We are here to assist. You are getting activations to fill in those gaps all the time, and we are not alone in the universe, and of course, neither are you. It’s time to recognize that you are a part of the grand history that makes up this galaxy, and you are the pioneers out there on Earth, doing the best you can to unite all of the energies, so that we can become a unified galactic collective.

Your Arcturian DNA & the Completion of the Shift
You must be willing to set aside the time to relax and open up to receive us and our energetic transmission. You get to be uniquely you. You want your Arcturian DNA activated. You want those memories of your times in our star system, and we are here to help. And as your fifth-dimensional selves, you will feel no separation at all between who you are and who we are.

The September 2022 Energies & E.T. Contact
Everything that is out there is also inside of you. You will begin to access more of your memories from your e.t. lifetimes... to access more of the gifts and abilities that you honed while in other star systems. This is a long journey that you are on, and it is one that is meant to be savored... and you will notice that you become timeless.

Stand in Your Power & Do This
You have the choice of determining for yourself what is the best path for you.
If you start going down a negative thought train.. say out loud, ‘Stop, cancel, clear, reset,’ and then begin again with a new stream of thought that you want to go down. The type of lives that are available to you if you are willing to make small changes in the way you perceive reality and in the way you react to reality... will affect the way you create reality and experience reality. Some thoughts and beliefs do serve you just as they are, and you can reinforce them. You can start thinking them more purposefully.

How the Awakened Collective Will Lead Humanity
Rising above the hate is so necessary to carry your fellow humans into a higher level of consciousness.
Now is a time for you to be choosing love over divisiveness, arguments, debates.. and choose spiritual growth. And the only way to get kindness into someone’s heart is to spread kindness around.
Everyone can coexist on Earth right now, while holding different perspectives and be living in a world of peace. It’s possible. Offer love and kindness, compassion and forgiveness to all, and see how that brings you together, and see how raising the level of consciousness within the human collective automatically solves all the problems without anyone having to fight anyone else. Now is the time to rise up and rise above.

Your Spiritual Gifts & Powers
You are creative, when you slow down enough to focus on what matters to you the most and hold that vibration long enough to become one with your creation. So stop giving your power away and looking for the next prediction.. you are the ones who are determining what future you experience and what timeline you are on.
You get to decide, and right now there are so many people who are not exercising their ability to create their reality, their power, because they are focusing on someone or something, some future experience that they do not want, but that they believe that the powers that be are more in control than they are. People can create the reality they want to experience by focusing upon the positive experiences they want to see in the world and in their own lives.
If you can all focus together on something that you know the vast majority of people want, like peace on Earth, then you can make a difference. And you get to feel like the change-makers you are, and you get to feel the power of high frequency energies moving through your bodies.

The Karma of the Beings of Darkness.
Human.. whether they are playing the role of a being of light or a being of darkness.. we are all in this together, and that includes those who are playing the role of the dark ones. They agreed to be the villains in spite of the fact that they knew they would have to pay off their karma if they were going to ascend in this lifetime. That’s why it is so important that those who are playing the role of the dark ones have you. You are the ones who can forgive them, and uplift them with your positive energy. Or you can condemn or vilify them, which only lowers your vibration.
We still admire and respect everyone there on Earth, no matter what their point of view, because it is hard to be there, but we will always give you is the easier path, that path that allows you to be more of who you are.
It is very easy to love someone who is lovable, and certainly you want to start there. But we hope that you get to the point where you don’t want that feeling to go away. So keep giving it to anyone and everyone who crosses your path.

You Will Get Enormous Results
As you expand your consciousness to include everything that is negative and unwanted, and see it as a part of you... that’s when you become more of Source.
Truly awake, that you will see everything that is on your world right now as the perfect place from which to create
something new, something better.
You are expanding your consciousness so that you understand fully and completely that it is all you.
All is there for a purpose and this purpose is always to serve you. And so whether there’s resistance or resentment within you.. then your next step is a step towards the expansion of your consciousness.
A true master recognizes the love that is in every person, in every situation, and in every moment.. because that’s the feeling that gives us the most expansion. We are still expanding, and so are all of you.
And when you do it deliberately, with intention, you get enormous results.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton ......



Aug 22sd 2022
The Ripples of ... What You Knew Before You Incarnated on Earth.

This is so Valuable, You Cannot Put a Price on It ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You are meant to have desires, to take actions, to feel feelings, to communicate with each other. You are meant to create, to experience, to love, to serve.
As you open up your mouth, you open up your heart, and as you open up your heart, you give something to someone that is so valuable, that you cannot put a price on it, nor should anyone try. Remember this in all your interactions with other humans, and you will avoid so much conflict and so much confusion, and you will live in greater harmony with one another and you will ascend with ease and joy.

Your 5th Dimensional Earth & Solar System
While many of you have gotten particularly excited about the possibility of traveling to other star systems, you should know that your planet and your solar system are going to be very interesting places to reside once you have completed your shift.
You are going to want to explore the fifth-dimensional Earth because you are putting out a signal, a vibration, that is all about co-creating a more beautiful and inclusive planet Earth, one that supports all life and where all beings live harmoniously.
And that’s why you are not all picked up by spaceships and taken away. That would upset the balance, and you are there to provide the light and to anchor in more of it.
You are all part of a whole, and that is your expanding, evolving, and ascending solar system.

You must exist in that physical realm to feel
You can only help others when you are fully informed, and you are not fully informed if you are not allowing all of your emotions to bubble up to the surface and be felt by you.
You can feed someone at the level of their mind, but you are all there to go far beyond the level of the mind. You are there to expand from the heart and to use the mind to focus you in that direction. You will help yourself to unblock your emotional center and the flow of all emotions by feeling the ones that are most challenging for you to feel.
Emotions get stuck, and that leads to addictions of all kinds. It also leads to people not fully being able to access the love that they are, and you have people also taking lots of actions to compensate for those feelings that they do not even know are trapped inside of them, creating their reality with those vibrations.
You are helping them to unblock those blocked negative emotions. You are helping them to heal so that they too can feel the love that they are and go out into the world and be who they need to be for humanity.

You Don’t Need to Reverse Engineer UFOs
You have gone way past survival, and you are exploring the vastness of your own consciousness. That’s when beings and collectives in higher-dimensional planes get really excited, because then we see ourselves in you.
You’re just getting it from another aspect of you with some help from your guides. There is no separation, so even when you receive from a collective from another star system, it is still you that is giving the download, that is giving the information. You can go beyond the ego. You can go beyond what others have done before you, and that’s what you are doing every time you set out to create something new.
You all are the greatest show going on in the galaxy, and why there are so many e.t.s tuning in to see what you will do and what you will create next with all that energy that you are being given on a consistent basis from higher-dimensionals, like ourselves.

Do You Need More Information to Awaken?
It is our goal to open your hearts, and this is also the goal and the plan that your higher selves have and that your spirit guides put into action. This is why it takes time for humanity to fully awaken and ascend.
Everything is love. Awakening is about realizing that.. so there is no need to create separation. This Light is within you at all times. It wants to come out; it wants to be expressed, and you are feeling to answer the call. You will get more love and light to spread around. You will get activated and you will download everything that you need because you will be in the flow, and there is no better place for any of us to be.
So let go of that need to figure out what your offering will be, and instead, continue to open up in your heartspace, because that is where you access your multidimensional self. That is where your higher consciousness exists.
You can use your mind to focus on anything at all that will put you in that higher-vibrational state so that you can receive the inspiration. And stay in that heart-space so you are not using your mind to criticize what you are doing, to second guess. In that reality where we are doing the same, and we can co-create with you.
There are so many beings who want to collaborate with you… and it’s still okay if you don’t do anything. You are becoming more of who you really are in every moment of every day.

What the Energies Are Doing to the Awake & Unawake
It is so much better for someone to experience something than to just be told about it, and all humans have guides, higher selves, and other helpers who know this and who plan these awakening experiences for them. Just know that as you continue having your own unique experiences of awakening, you are gathering up all the tools that you will need to assist others when they come to you.
You are also anchoring in energies at this time for the collective that are meant to help with the blossoming of the consciousness… they are about helping others, even when they’re not asking for your help. These energies are about making the transition easier on them, and so that they can assimilate everything.
You are able to allow in so much from above, from the higher realms. Everything that you’ve been waiting for is coming. It is up to all of you to trust that everything will work out and everything is working out. The doom-and-gloomers find something else all the time to be worried about. Let go of that mentality because you need to see everything and everyone as if they are you if you are to truly be awake.
Embrace the truth that you are the one creating all of it, all the villains are also your creation. And if you don’t want to exist in a reality where there are villains, then raise your vibration and trust. Because you are getting everything that you need, and it’s coming to you right now.

What We’ve Been Talking About in the Astral Plane
You want us to help accelerate the awakening process for the other individuals in your lives who are suffering. - Realize… it is a part of your journey to attain inner peace within yourselves, even when someone else has been unable or unwilling to do so. They are giving you a chance to be Unconditional Love... to be love in the face of the condition they are presenting you with, which is their suffering.
We know that it is hard on all of you who see their suffering as being created by themselves, by the choices that they make and through the vibration that they offer. We want to encourage all of you to just send love and hold space, while you stop wracking your brains about what the magic words will be that they can finally hear.
You will always teach others through the living of your lives, and as you continue to vibrate in harmony with what you want and make the choices that serve you, the other people in your life will follow suit.
Trust that they have a higher self, a galactic team and many other helpers, and take the burden off of your shoulders to make everything better and right for them. They will find their way... and we are all traveling up together back Home to Source.

The Next Steps You’re Taking as Awakened Beings
You are helping your fellow humans to awaken with your ability to see how your programming got started and how to dismantle it. You are doing a tremendous job of letting go of what no longer serves you, and by doing so, you are making it easier for the rest of humankind to do the same.
You who have been willing to be the black sheep, the outcasts, the fringe-dwellers, you are benefitting from your willingness to be so far outside the norm.
There are so many more who will benefit from this willingness that you have to be aware and to change. You are inspiring so many throughout the galaxy with the degree to which you are awake and aware, and you are receiving so much more support as a result. You are on this continual upward spiral.

More Abundant & Have More Abundance
You can be more of Source with that very important decision that you can make to breathe consciously.
Find a nice patch of Earth to connect to and ground yourself into. The Earth is such an abundant being, and you have so much to receive from her.

Will All the Good Humans Be Leaving on Spaceships?
The journey that you are on right now is a journey that includes all beings, and it is a journey where you get to create your experience of your own ascension.
Instead of looking for someone else’s perspective on what your ascension will be like and when it will happen, we suggest that you start to feel more creative. Demonstrate to yourselves that you are capable of creating your own path, a path that includes forgiving others, healing as many as you can, and holding compassion in your hearts for all.
When you hear about the atrocities that are taking place right there on your planet and elsewhere in your solar system, look within yourselves for what you need to heal or forgive, as you have not always been on the light side of the spectrum.
You have past lives where you’ve played in the dark, where you’ve pretended to be the villains. Now is not the time for condemnation. Now is the time for introspection and creation, and you are the ones who are creating the rest of the journey.

The Hugely Powerful August 2022 Energies
Those who are not ready will still have the energies in their field for when they are ready.
We are talking about a profound transformation, a radical difference in the way that you all look at yourselves, each other and the world outside of you. You are ready to embody more of your Source Energy Selves.
You can expect to feel yourself completely aligned with Source.
You have harnessed enough of the energies leading up to these August 2022 energies to be able to handle this influx.
You can expect to feel more at peace and One with All That Is.

The Energies Upon You & Who’s Receiving Them
Those of you who do receive this particular energetic transmission will have the capacity to serve... by extending the oneness vibration to them... by setting the intention that everyone be heard, seen, treated fairly. And you are sending out that signal to the universe as well that you want to be a conduit through which more can flow, so you can do more good in the world.
Everyone can have enough on Earth, just as everyone is getting what they need energetically. But not everyone receives at the same rate.
You can share with so much love in your heart all that you have been able to download and utilize for your own purposes of evolving and ascending.

Make a Huge Impact on this Galaxy & the Earth
Forgiveness is not only possible through a repayment of karma. Forgiveness is possible when the action or word spoken that needs forgiving has happened, in the moment before it is possible to forgive.
You can have compassion for those individuals who have hurt you right now. You can recognize that they would only hurt you from a place of hurt within themselves.
It is more powerful to forgive than to have the power of telekinesis, teleportation, time travel, or any other fun, cool, interesting power that you can conjure up with your mind.
It is true that people sometimes speak and act from a place where they are so out of alignment with who and what they really are that they do harm to you, to others, to themselves, but holding a grudge and harboring resentment only leads to something that continues the hurt. And when you continue that trend of hurting, you only hurt yourself and eventually others. So please do find it in your hearts to forgive so that you may make the huge impact on this galaxy of ours that you know you want to make.

What You are Destined to Become
Because we see how much you are splitting yourselves in two, based on your beliefs there on Earth.
We see this as something that disempowers you, even though most people feel that their beliefs make them smarter, stronger, and more powerful, as though they are armed with a better perspective, with more knowledge.
Every person that exists outside of you represents an aspect of you. And maybe that aspect is from a previous lifetime, but it is still a part of you.
Instead of trying to change someone’s mind, look for opportunities to draw that which is Source out of them. As an aspect of Source, you are able to forgive.
You are destined to become a harmonious human collective, so you might as well start now by letting go of that need to be right.
You are all coming together as one, whether you like it or not. Acceptance is freedom. Freedom will allow you to expand and become more, and that is the definition of going with the flow.

Those of You Who Are Truly Awake
Those of you who are awake are more than compensating for those who are living their lives in the dark.
You are not attempting to root out the evildoers of the world, but rather, you are focusing on the good that exists within yourselves and within others.
You are not there to go into the darkness to defeat those in the darkness... the smear campaigns on your world are going to continue, and you will not know what is true and what isn’t for quite some time.
It is best then for you to stay in the light. Allowing more of Source Energy to flow through you is what will create this tipping point that many are looking for. Christ Consciousness is not about excluding others, which is why all of these scenarios where half of humanity ascends and half does not makes absolutely no sense.
You are all in this together, and when you can love unconditionally the worst in humanity because you have decided that you are love, that’s when you are ready to take humankind into the higher consciousness of the fifth dimension. You are there to heal.

Attract What You Want to Attract
Your thoughts and emotions are clues that indicate to you what exactly you are vibrating at your core. You are, in fact, constantly presenting yourselves with options, different timelines that you could take, some of which have a higher potential than others.
Pay attention to everything, and you will know what’s going on inside of you. And if you don’t like what you are feeling, then it means you need to feel that feeling. If you do like what you are feeling, it means that it serves you to continue to go down that path with that feeling and with whatever evokes that feeling within you.
It is only then that you can vibrate what you want to vibrate, attract what you want to attract, and experience what you want to experience.

A Fatal Flaw Amongst Humans
Source, your oversoul, and your higher self, all the archangels, all the ascended masters, your soul family that exists in other parts of the galaxy and the universe. And then there’s your planet, the other planets in your system, your sun, nature, trees, flowers, and animals. You are surrounded by love. You are surrounded by support.
You can feel an infinite amount of love flowing through you for a cat, and you can feel that love coming back to you as well. It is unconditional, and there is more where that came from. There is an infinite fountain of love that can be tapped in to by all of you. Once you discover that it is all around you, it’s easier to tap in to the infinite fountain that is within you. It is easier to be heart centered.
Ask yourself why you don’t just be the love that you want to receive. Love is free. Love is infinite, and it is fundamentally unconditional.
The world needs you to be that love more today than it is ever needed you before. You are the ones who know that Source doesn’t withhold love from anyone, ever, no matter what they do, and you know that you are there to be like Source.

What You Knew Before You Incarnated on Earth
You wanted to feel yourselves as the ones who would initiate that ripple effect throughout your human collective consciousness, so that you could then experience what it is like to have such a huge positive impact on the entire galaxy.
Love over fear. You knew that you would choose unity over separation and segregation. Choose what resonated over what made logical sense.. into the fifth dimension.
You have been in other star systems and you have incarnated in very different bodies than the ones you have now. You knew that making those connections to other beings in other star systems, other dimensions, and other lifetimes would give you a sense of who you really are as a whole and complete being, and you knew that nothing else would do.
Initiate the progress, the evolution, the expansion, the growth, and ultimately, the connecting of all beings to one another… feel something you’ve never felt before. The feeling is the Purpose. It is what you went there to experience.

This is Your Job, Your Purpose, No Matter What
We know that being love in the face of hate isn’t easy. We are speaking to that segment of the population who knows how powerful it is to be love in the face of everything that is out there in the world.
Everything is Source, and therefore, everything is love no matter how it looks. The job of the awakened lightworker is to see the love, to feel it, to look beyond the shroud of darkness over it.
The only trick is to go through your own darkness to get to it, and that’s uncomfortable. No one really wants to do that, but it’s what you are there to do. And in the end, everyone’s going to do it, no matter where they are now on their journey. Love is what we are all moving towards; it is our home base.

This is True in All Realities
Everyone gets to have their own personal experience of reality, and when you recognize that, then you also must realize that you don’t all have to agree on one reality. Then there isn’t just one reality that you all have to accept as the one true reality. And that means you can live and let live. You can relax; because what you are allowing is an aspect of Source.
Acceptance is the key to moving beyond any aspect of Source/reality that you do not like.
You are meant to decide who you want to be in relationship to all of them. You can be the healer. You can be the one who forgives. You can be the one who offers compassion. You don’t have to change anything about the reality you are experiencing right now to be inner peace.
No matter what reality you are in, you do change the level of consciousness for the collective that is sharing that reality with you. You can add more light and more love to the overall equation… simply move forward with this knowledge, because it’s important for you to be the creator beings that you really are.
It’s all Source; it’s all Love. Be the one who realizes that... and you will have benefitted from everything just as it is right now.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton ......


Aug 7th 2022
The New Life - Co-Creating every single breathing moment

Any statistical graph, or data graph, has peaks and then downward curves, and the up and down curves start to repeat itself. Currently we are in an immense upward graph peaking moment, as we are being pulled ever higher into the New Earth and the much higher fifth to seventh dimensional frequency bands. This is unprecedented and thus we now literally are being pushed beyond anything known!
When we are being pulled ever upwards, as all the lower densities disintegrate increasingly, it can become very uncomfortable. For now the old road maps, the old ways of doing, being, existing are falling away, and we now need to create new ones as we step further into the unknown.
Our physical bodies have a challenging time keeping up, while our mental bodies often go into overload, as the mind is finite and needs to move into higher alignment with the heart, as the heart is directly connected to the soul, and the soul is infinite and can move in infinite space and is not bound by anything or anyone.
The emotional body is now going through intense clearing and purification, as all the old stuff which caused pain and suffering, throughout all our lifetimes including this one, affecting the great collective of humanity,
is now being released.

Our spiritual bodies are being cleansed of the all the false doctrines, the false information, the falsities which were dished up, and what was often misunderstood and misinterpreted. We now utterly understand that the Kingdom of Heaven is INSIDE of us, and not outside!
As all our twelve bodies get more activated, with our higher Lightbody, the new Crystalline Lightbody,
change becomes a way of life.
That upward will continue and spike higher and higher in the next few weeks, months and years up to 2032.
We will not recognize ourselves in a year’s time, never mind ten years’ time, as we are transfigured into something and someone completely different, yet in essence, the TRUE SOUL SELF as we transcend ego and personality and indeed now live authentically, truthfully and from the heart and soul, AS ONE.
All is happening! All is transformational LOVE.
We are freed from the old existence.
We are Free!

The Sunspots which have everyone in a tizz, are but energetic impulses which are bringing rebirth at the highest degrees, in ways our human mind, cannot understand. We just do not have the science to understand this, yet deep in our hearts and soul we do know.
The whole Universe is in a state of renewal, and so is this galaxy and this solar system and so is our Solar Sun. What is actually happening is that the planet is moving out of this solar system, and returning to its original orbits in another solar system, where it was originally created, and this links us to another Sun. For we are being reconnected now via Sirius, to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.
There is nothing to fear, but only more to embrace.
For every soul now is fully responsible for its own free will choices: To evolve and ascend, or to choose to either stay in the Old Earth, and then through other processes of evolution, eventually evolve in ways they then choose to. No soul is ever lost, nor denied anything. It is merely the soul’s own choice, regarding which evolutionary path they choose to travel – or the tiers of creation they choose to ascend or descend into.
There is nothing in the Whole of creation which is ever out of place, or in the wrong place, or whatever.
All is perfect, whole and complete.

Your soul is simultaneously existing in multiple timelines and spaces – for the physical existence on this planet is but an illusion. Yet, every existence or manifestation of your soul in whatever form you choose,
has a ripple effect on the whole.
Bypass your mind in reading this.
Allow your heart center to open and your soul’s memory banks to trigger and your All Seeing Eye.
In truth there is Only One Single Creator and One Single Creation, and One Single Existence, for Divinity lives and exists within all of us, and every part and particle of the Omni-Verse. ALL IS ONE.
What this teaches us is to take full responsibility for our own soul and what is co-creating every single breathing moment, while our is here on planet earth... to keep ourselves disciplined and focused on fulfilling our own special assignment on earth with great love. What others are doing or not doing, is in truth not going to affect us, unless we allow it to.
All is but a cosmic journey.. For Love is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and indeed Omniscient.
Your soul is immortal, and thus it is but on a space journey here on planet earth for one single eyewink in Eternity and Infinite Space.
~ by Judith Kusel



The Star Lions are very present as Guardians of the Lions Gate Portals.
Reminding us that the only way to transit the Lions Gate is to be present in the Now
and to be Light of Heart and Soul.
Do not allow anxiety and fear to pull you down at this time.
Rise up on the wings of Love, Creativity and Imagination.
See the version of yourself that you want to create in the next time spiral.
See yourself in the higher-dimensional New Earth living in Peace and harmony!
The Star Lions, are here to support your journey and your transit… With a whole community of light
that is also supporting this shift.
"Let's do the Time Warp again"!…. the point is to dance your way through the portal with a light heart
and a joyful matter what!
~ by Celia Fenn

July 22 2022
The Radiance of Stillness

Join the Galactic Team of Lightworkers by The 9D Arcturian Council
There are many of you whose job it is to work in the ethereal realm... with energy, consciousness, vibration, intent, and to help humanity heal, evolve, and become the fifth dimensional collective you are destined to become. Making a difference with all that you do internally to help shift the consciousness of all humans.
We are nonphysical beings, and therefore, all of our help comes from our vibration, intention, and ability to focus. Join us, and become a galactic team of lightworkers, as we all seek to come together to help humanity at this very significant time in your history.

Your Evolution Isn’t About Defeating the Cabal
We suggest not looking to the media or the conspiracy theories, but rather, looking within yourselves for the feeling of the expansion that is upon humanity right now.
As you tune in to what you can feel in regards to the evolution of the human collective. You all are taking the current circumstances on your world as an opportunity to co-create a better fourth-dimensional Earth and to co-create a better experience of shifting to the fifth-dimensional Earth. By taking the time to go within and feel for what we feel when we tune in to the human collective consciousness.
You all are awake enough to recognize that this path involves forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love, not the defeat of enemies, not condemnation or judgment. And ultimately of knowing that you are ascending and that everything that is happening on Earth at this time is a part of that.

A Path We Advise You to Take
Focus on what is easy for you to love.. what excites you, what lights you up, what gets you into that state of being that love is. And it is so much easier to deal with what you need to face when you have been spending more of your time focusing on what puts you in a higher vibrational state. Be the ones who are carrying the light for those who cannot.. It is the full recognition that you are better for humanity when you have a smile on your face and love in your heart.

A Good Skill to Have When Connecting with E.T.s
Don’t just seek out collaborations with e.t.s and nonphysical collectives, with archangels, ascended masters, and other nonphysical collectives... Seek to partner up with your fellow humans. There is, after all, power in numbers, and sometimes you do need to see something you’ve been looking at from an entirely different angle. You can seek to come together with others, and still use your inner guidance to tell you whether this person, or this group, is appropriate for you, is a match to you vibrationally. This is a good skill to have when you are on the brink of more extra-terrestrial contact,
Even a misstep here or there will not be a fatal error. It will be a learning experience. We want you all to seek out those partnerships that you know will serve you and serve humanity, because humankind needs more visionaries, more individuals who are seeking other perspectives to give.

What Our New 10D Sirian Alliance Means for You
A new alliance came with a tenth-dimensional Sirian collective that is very interested in the evolution of consciousness there on planet Earth. They see the potential within all of you to go much further, to access much more of who you really are, and they want to help... there is more energy being sent right now to your heart centers. We and the Sirians believe that getting you to focus on the center of your heart is the way to advance your consciousness the most quickly and easily… with the permission of your higher selves for that next step in their spiritual evolution. This experience is to let go of thoughts. The less time you are spending ruminating in your head about something that could happen, and the more time you spend centering your consciousness in your heart center, the easier it will be for you to feel your heart strings.
Who you really are is far more significant than free energy or med beds… even than solar flash could be. There is nothing that needs to happen outside of you, and you are there to save yourselves and save each other, and you can only do that when you are in the place of compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love. These all exist within your heart space. This is what we and our Sirian friends know, and this is why it is our perspective to anchoring you more into your hearts. It is the real game changer that is needed there on Earth. And that is what will change the level of consciousness there, to such an extent that problems you have had on Earth for a very long time will simply vanish.

Fringe-Dwellers: It Matters That You’re Awake
The fringe of your society is the best part. It is so much better to not fit in and be who you really are than to conform and be trapped in a third-dimensional paradigm. Many of you broke free from that dimensional paradigm at a very young age. You can see that there is more going on there on Earth right now than what makes the headlines. Those of you who are truly awake have been able to rise above the polarity of politics. You have been able to rise above the us-versus-them mentality and the victim/perpetrator model. You are forever on an upward spiral..
where we can do so much more than you can even imagine.

You Are Awake Enough to Meet Archangels & Ascended Masters
You are there to discover how to represent Source in the physical. But you need a stable force. You need beings to hold that higher vibrational frequency so that we can call you up to us. We, and others like us throughout the galaxy and throughout the universe, are always pulling humanity up with our intention, with our love and our compassion. We want so much for humankind to succeed with as much joy and ease as possible. And you are living at a time right now where joy and ease are hard to come by. Therefore, we invite you to lean on the ascended masters more. Surrender to our invitations to be in a higher vibrational state, and you will find yourselves there.
Meet us in the beautiful space that we can co-create together, in new ways of knowing yourselves as Source Energy Beings in physical bodies. And when you get there from having been so far away from that knowing, when you get there from having felt so separate from Source, it is a tremendous ride.

A Thought that Source Had
Remember that you are the thinker of that thought, and you are masquerading as the thought at the same time. And maybe then, just maybe, you won’t get so attached to any of it. And in that letting go, you will rise up, and you will take all who resonate with your vibration with you.

You Have Been Disempowered…Take Your Power Back
Your power comes from your ability to choose how you are going to vibrate, rather than just letting something else dictate how you must feel.. and that ability is far more powerful than your thoughts, words, and actions. But you have been trained, to fixate on thoughts, words, and actions. That, is what has disempowered you. You have been disconnected, by societal programming, from how you feel.
Because if you can be love in the face of anything, then you can be in that state of full knowing that you are Source Energy, and Source Energy is everything. Be love, and you have all the power of the universe backing you up. Be in judgment, and you are far, far from that Source Energy power. Listen to your hearts, follow them, and let them expand to show you how big, beautiful, and loving they are so that you can catch a glimpse from time to time of the power that you hold within you as Source Energy Beings in the flesh.

The Timeline to Heal Humanity
You have volunteered to take part in a tremendous amount of healing there on Earth. The Pleiadians are known for their healing abilities and techniques, and many of you have spent hundreds, or even thousands, of lifetimes in the Pleiadian star system, because something inside of you knew that this challenge was coming. And this great human experiment would require beings who were adept at healing vibrationally and energetically.
The healing work has to be for everyone in order for the consciousness to evolve, and eventually, ascend. Many of you have been working on it with us in the astral plane. We have peeked into that future... It is a beautiful timeline... to see humanity realizing its potentials. And you have become sovereign. You have activated your Lemurian selves, your Atlantean selves, your Egyptian selves… your inner priest, priestess, shaman, wizard and oracle. You are there to guide.. to help heal, to love, to forgive.
Along with energies coming to you from all parts of the galaxy and universe… going out into Mother Nature.. and when you allow these energies to flow to you and through you, you automatically co-create the ascension grid. This co-creation is a huge piece of the puzzle. And becoming the conduits of high-frequency energy, you also heal and transform.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



July 8th 2022
All is possible and happening at the same time - Infinite Expansion

Channeling Collectives from Higher Dimensions - by The 9D Arcturian Council
Beings and collectives from all across the universe seek to inform you as to how you can better open up, receive, and raise your vibration to become that conduit for higher frequency energies that you were always meant to be in this lifetime.
The old model, the old story, says that you need to earn your way into the good graces of God, or Source.. That has never been the case. The truth is that engaging in an act of service, being kind to someone else, naturally puts you in a higher-vibrational state. And when you are in a higher-vibrational state, you are then more likely to receive what you have been asking for.
This is the lifetime where you shift from that archaic paradigm to one where you recognize yourselves as co-creators and colleagues with the collectives that exist in the higher dimensions. Recognize that you are not separate from them. Therefore, these higher-vibrational beings could never forget you, never leave you out, or not notice when you are calling upon them. But again, you need to do the work and the work we are referring to is not hard labor.

Humanity Was Set Up to Fail, But You Won’t
You are told to be quiet, to toughen up. You are told not to follow your instinct, your feeling, or your intuition, and instead to do what you are told.
You are basically set up to fail as a human being.. and you have to pay the bills. But you are all doing much better than you give yourselves credit for under the circumstances.
Humanity is not getting further along in the evolution of consciousness by judging yourselves and others harshly.
To be of service to anyone.. you certainly need to be in a high vibrational state, and you cannot do it when you are beating up on yourself for not having done enough, been enough, not having awakened enough of your gifts and abilities.

A New Nonphysical Collective, You & the Newly Awake
There is strength in variety. We have different approaches to how to help humankind, and we learn by witnessing the approaches of the Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans,
and Andromedans, to name a few.
Your journey will not be about convincing the newly awakened that your beliefs are right. You will be able to calm them when they are freaking out. Give them the opportunity to experience their beliefs in action so that they can learn from the end results of what they are doing, saying, and putting out to the universe. We will continue to team up with nonphysical collectives, and we will continue to find common ground with them, so that we can be of greatest service to all of you.

Don’t Wait for The Event/Solar Flash
You become your true self when you simply let go of all that has been bogging you down and keeping you from fully enjoying your life.
You must have discovered through your own trials and tribulations, that efforting usually keeps you stuck right where you are, whereas letting go, surrendering and looking for the joy in the moment are the keys to unlocking the kingdom of heaven that exists within you.
Let things unfold in their perfect timing are there to enjoy the journey. You are there to enjoy the ride to the fifth-dimensional realm, the fifth-dimensional frequency range. And so, even with all the chaos and all the turmoil that you are experiencing on planet Earth at this time, you still must find a way to lighten up if you are ever going to get through this with your sanity.
You all need to let go right now of trying to figure it out, trying to assess blame, trying to see patterns and connect dots. Go outside and have a good time. That is how you will get inspired, and that is definitely how you will get a taste of what it is to be your higher self, your fifth-dimensional self, right here and right now, with no need for an event or a solar flash. Give yourselves that taste and see how sweet it is when you look for more opportunities to laugh, to sing, to play, and to experience joy in your lives in all of its many forms.

Do This to Receive All You Need
If you want to be healed, open up to the healing energies that are already flowing to you. If you want more peace, open up to the peace that is all around you and inside of you. Open up to the love of Source, and let the love of Source flow and see how your world is transformed by these simple non-actions.
It does take some letting go, however.. to let go of tension, doubt, disbelief, angst, resistance, resentment, and all the rest.. realize they don’t serve you. When observing a master.. feel into what masters they're emanating. Notice there’s no tension in their shoulders, neck, jaw, in their brow. They have freed themselves from all of that because they know they are eternal, infinite beings of light.
Let go of the idea that you are there to prove yourself to others and to God. All you have to do is embrace who you really are, and then the doing comes from an inspired place. It comes from interest; it comes from enthusiasm. It doesn’t come from wanting to make up for a feeling of lack. You can receive all.. you do so best when you are more relaxed or when you are asleep.

Not Everyone Will Receive This, But You Can
When you are vibrating at a particular frequency. That frequency is one that either serves you to match, or it does not.
‘Do I like the way that I feel when I focus on this?’ Ask yourselves that more often. Focus upon what you want more of, and never focus upon what you want to eradicate.
Continue to focus on that which you want to see more of and experience more of. That is the only way to live a conscious and deliberate life as a creator being there on Earth.

How You Will Get to the New 5D Earth
You are creating the fifth-dimensional Earth with what is inside of you.
When you strip away another layer of that which has no longer served, you get to that core, you get to the heart center, the aspect of you that is so ready to put all of the pieces together.
That which is beyond all of the illusions: ‘The Matrix’ .. we are not talking about science fiction. There are no villains in your story. There is you as a Source Energy Being, creating experiences for yourself.
Go within... find that light, that joy, that laughter, and that love, because those are the colors that you want to paint your portrait of the new Earth with.

Will Humanity Turn It Around in the Rest of 2022?
You are helping humanity to heal from the wounds that have been inflicted as a whole and as beings who occupy certain spaces there on Earth that you call countries.
With your awareness, with your intention to be of service, and with the love and compassion that come so naturally to you.. not to worry and not to wonder whether you’re going to be able to do what you want to do. You are, and we are here to help, and we are just one collective amongst so many here in the nonphysical.
And in the physical who want to help as well.. know that there are ways you can be of service. Humanity needs the light that you have to shine. Always remember that things are supposed to get better there, not worse.

How to Live Your Purpose in this Life Right Now
Everything is playing out perfectly there on Earth to give everyone an opportunity to evolve consciously.
It is a pleasure to watch a human truly move beyond the ego, move beyond the separate, little, mortal self. You are there to awaken to the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, everyone else is also. The trick is not to get caught up in the illusion to such an extent that you forget completely who you really are.
You don’t end all suffering by eliminating all the ones who you deem to be the villains there on Earth. You end all the suffering by being the love that transforms the consciousness of the collective you are a part of. Seek to inspire others by holding the knowing of who you are and who they are, and you will be living your purpose right now. You don’t have to wait for any grand opportunity to do something for humankind. You can do it right now. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton


Solar Flash Forecast

Continue to heal yourselves because this is ascension, this is what is causing the expansion within your universe. It may seem like a great leap in some of your minds that to heal yourself causes expansion within the universe, but i promise you dear ones that this is working and so it is best not to focus on what will happen and when, because this is a mind trap, this is a trap for the mind to engage in something that may or may not be happening in the future and is potentially a distraction from taking you away from your inner work. When i speak of your inner work and your inner healing.. it is not always heavy lifting, it is not always something that is intense and difficult to do. It is every day mindset shifts, frequency shifts.. it is a consistent building and raising of your frequency, this is what is most important dear ones. ~ Excerpt by Prime Creator via Susie Beiler



June 25th 2022
Adjust to Everything - Find Inner Peace - Create the New Earth

How to Complete Your Soul’s Journey
by The 9D Arcturian Council
Take into consideration where a person came from, how they were raised, and what traumas they experienced. This is the way to come to a place of acceptance... and get to the place of forgiveness, then to the place of compassion. If you can have compassion for another human being, in spite of what they are doing, saying and believing, then you can get to a place of unconditional love. That’s when you become Source in a physical body, and complete your soul’s journey.

Abilities You Need as You Close in on the 5th Dimension
If you ask yourself what you are putting your attention on, and whether doing so causes you to raise your vibration or lower it, that is a key factor for you in determining whether that focal point of yours is serving you. Make a point of checking in with your vibration and with the choice that you are making in the moment in terms of your focus.
Catch yourself focusing on something that doesn’t feel good to you, subject or person.. just take a deep breath and let it go. Don’t need to figure out why.. you just need to release it in the moment off that energy... Now, if you focus on something you like.. Stay with the essence, not the details.. how it makes you feel, notice your vibration rising up, and then it serves you. You have that ability to shift perspective.. everything will start to move faster in your experience as you continue on into these higher-frequency energies.
Make the choice. And live happily.

For the Starseeds & Awakened Ones
You are the ones who can recognize when there is an opportunity for spiritual growth. It is because you follow the feeling, and the feeling that you want to be in, is what sets you free, and thrive under any condition.
Seek to be the stabilizing force in the lives of those who are riddled with fear, anger, and anxiety.
For those who have been eagerly awaiting that moment when you could go home to the star system you came from, now you know... why you are on earth and that you are needed. As starseeds, you know that this is the beginning of so many more changes to come for humanity, changes that will allow you to be a part of the galactic community... so consciously and deliberately, that’s what it’s all about for you awakened starseeds there on Earth.

Pleiadian/Human History & Co-Creating w/Them Now
Send a message to your e.t. friends,.. that you are ready now for more. Ready for more contact, more technology, more philosophical help, and for the healing energies that are coming to you from all across the galaxy, especially the Pleiadian star system.
The Pleiadians are very close to humanity in a variety of ways, and they feel very responsible for you. The ones in physical form can look enough like an Earthbound human to fit right in to your society, and that gives them a great deal of influence. They are the original influencers on Earth, even if what they had done in the past, turned out to be not so good for humanity. And so.. this call for healing there on Earth, they are undoing some of their karma.
You are feeling beings, and creative beings, and your creativity is the envy of many beings throughout the galaxy. The adversity you faced has caused you to create so much that is beautiful on your world, and your Pleiadian friends want to co-create with you.
Think about how much you can give to your e.t. friends who are scattered throughout your skies right now in their cloaked ships. Take advantage of all of the changes that have been taking place and all of the energies that are upon you, and you will get more contact, more technology, more help, and more healing.
You are receiving the higher level philosophical truths through us and a variety of other teachers, and many of you are absorbing them. The human collective consciousness level of vibration continues to increase in its frequency.

Ground Crew & Awakened Collective: This is How You Help
Give everyone on Earth credit for being there right now, because it is a difficult place to incarnate, for the shift in consciousness that is occurring and all that has to be released in order to make that happen. Also realize that by releasing that which needs to be released within you, there is so much more joy to be had along the way. You don’t always have a clear idea of what you are supposed to be doing to help. And yet, all you have to do is look around, not judge, and cut other people some slack. See a person doing the best they can and having some good fortune come their way or finding joy in the little things in life.

Humanity Is Putting Itself on Better Timelines
Looking into the various timelines.. we can see how you have collectively made things a lot better for yourselves in terms of the road ahead. Challenges help you grow, but you don’t need any more trauma as a collective in order to shake people awake or get people to look at what is inside of them.
It is just entirely up to you to feel your feelings, to process your emotions, to shift your perspective, and to grow from a challenge that you face in your life. Challenges are invitations to get you to look at what you are doing, how you are approaching life, and what you can change within yourselves. And when you do so, you feel the immediate relief, because you have just gone with the flow of Source Energy, which is always expanding.
Source is never looking, staying the same.. because Source, like you on a soul level, craves experience, especially the new experiences. Examine your life. Embrace it all for what it is, know that you are doing the best you can, and you will get better at handling all of your challenges because your expansion and your evolution are guaranteed.

What You Need to Know About the June Solstice
You have been experiencing a lot of clearing in those lower three chakras of yours throughout the month of June and especially around the time of the full moon. With the solstice, the energies came in stronger and with greater intensity to assist all of you in opening up to all of the gifts and abilities that you have already attained in other lifetimes. All is inside of you, how much you’ve already accomplished in other lifetimes, and how much you still have yet to tap into. It’s all coming. Relax, let go, and open up to receive. Prepare yourselves by being grounded in your bodies, hydrated and letting go of that which is not serving you. Thoughts, beliefs, habits, are energies that you can clear by paying attention to them and breathing into them... in order to truly awaken to the truth of who they really are as a Source Energy Being.

How to Master the Art of Manifestation
Now is not the time to be over-thinking and analyzing what is going on there on planet Earth. Instead, approach all from your heart. And notice how your life changes for the better, instantaneously.. because you will vibrate your way into it.
When you are in your head, you can be completely oblivious to your vibration. You can be unaware of what you are feeling, and that does not serve you. That’s how you perpetuate the same problems that you’re having there on Earth for generation after generation. Be willing to spend some of your day just sitting with no electronics anywhere near you, and focus on what you can tune in to when you are heart-centered, open, receptive, and eager to see what the universe can drop right at your doorstep. This is how you become a spiritual master… as you master the art of manifestation.

This Will Help Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities
Use your mind to filter, use your mind to think a thought on purpose. Your sensitivity leads to your compassion, your ability to feel a vibration on purpose, and to create a better reality for you and everyone else.
Those who are stuck in their minds are usually not in touch with that sensitivity that would allow them to feel compassion for others, and to feel a vibration on purpose that would allow them to then see that vibration reflected back to them in the universe. Those who are sensitive are more likely to tap in to their spiritual gifts and abilities. Those sensitivities make the world outside of themselves a very harsh place to be in, and that sort of forces a sensitive person to go within, to feel their feelings, to meditate. All of those things help to unlock their spiritual gift or ability.
The love within you beckons you towards it, and everyone gets there in their own way and in their own timing. And if you can trust that and be patient with the process, then you can live happily in whatever life you’ve created for yourself right now.

Full & Open Human/E.T. Contact
You are constantly evolving, ascending, and becoming more of your higher selves. You have made yourselves more available to us by setting the intention to connect with us in the astral plane. You are able to sense our energy.. this is very good news for humanity, because you are the ones who are paving the way for greater connection to extra-terrestrials. You will lead humanity into the time where there will be full and open human and extra-terrestrial contact. We already see the beginning of this new era for humanity.

The Great Financial Reset & You
We are very interested in assisting you with your spiritual evolution in the process of returning home to Source. And of the clearing work that you’ve done throughout the month of June.
You get to these points where there are massive influxes of energies, and you may think that to keep up with them, you have to take a lot of actions. But in reality, you just have to stop, relax, and open up to them.
People there on Earth have been talking about a great financial reset for a while, as many more of you who feel like you have not enough.. and would like to see those scales leveled off and evened out. But the reset is happening within each individual. And that’s why your lower three chakras needed to have all the work done on them. Now you are ready to reset your internal realm, your own frequency, your own energies.
The resetting needs to occur within the individual first, and then you can experience it outside of you. So imagine having a fresh start without having to leave your body to come back into a new one, because that’s what the shift is all about. Remember that you are truly the creators of this reality you experience, and that as Source Energy Beings you are using the illusion to know yourselves and to grow exponentially. Never has this been more possible or probable for all of you than it is right now.

You are powerful
You do want to meditate, process your emotions, offer forgiveness, and focus on your vibration. Be aware of your thoughts because they are so much more powerful than anything that is happening outside of you or anything that could zap you or force you into a more enlightened state. So, you have a choice to make when it comes to your spiritual evolution. You can look to the predictions about things that can fix all of the problems of your world fast, or you can choose to take more control of your spiritual evolution by paying more attention to what’s going on inside of you. That is one of the biggest benefits of meditation.
If you put things off and push things down, they eventually erupt out of you, and then you have a bigger mess to clean up. So pay more attention to what you are thinking, feeling, and vibrating. That is an invitation to make connections, to reach up vibrationally that will make a huge impact on your normal set point vibration. And we know that there’s a lot of focus on A.I., rep tilians, cab al groups and so on.. and the idea that they all must be defeated before you can access the truth of who you are within you, and none of that is true. All of it just keeps you from focusing on what is truly important, which is always what’s going on within you.
You, as the awakened collective, are ready to not only receive those higher-frequency vibrations, but also to spread them around to your fellow humans.

Access Your 5D Self & the 5D Earth Right Now
As you continue on in this journey of expansion and ascension, you will find that you do not have to wait until the shift in consciousness is complete to access that which you think of as fifth dimensional. You can tune in to your light body and to the 5D Earth right now, and bring certain aspects of it into your reality. It is something to aspire to in the here and now.
You have a fifth-dimensional consciousness available to you.. Allow yourself to access it and you will feel hope and inner peace. Knowing that it’s all available to you right now and could send you into a state of ecstasy.
The Stars energies are nudging you in the direction of accessing your gifts, which means allowing the highest level of consciousness you have access to in the now, to be the level of consciousness that you hold. That’s what you are there to do, and that’s why we keep directing you back inside of yourselves.
Others need to be inspired and activated by you, just as you get inspired and activated by us. This is what we mean when we call you the ground crew. The long wait is over. Go within and access your 5D self.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton


June 12th 2022
The Extra-dimensional Realms behind the flowers and the clouds

June Energies, Mass Awakenings & the Solstice ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
These June energies will stabilize you in your lower three chakras, helping you to clear what is no longer serving you. They will assist you in cleansing and clearing, as well as balancing and aligning those chakras so that you can move forward in your lives, confidently, strongly and a sense of who you really are as a Source Energy Being, rather than clinging to the notion of who you have been as an egoic being.
You have evolved into a higher level of consciousness where you understand that there’s more involved than just your ability to think a thought on purpose. You also have to be willing to feel all the feelings, face everything that comes up for you. So get ready to create your reality with powerful energies that support you, align you, and give you everything that you need to move forward, closer and closer to the fifth dimension.

Your Roles as the Ground Crew, Lightworkers & Gridworkers
You can feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, like it is all up to you.
But we will also continue to remind you that you have access to energies that are beyond the imagination of the physical mind. You have co-creative partners up here in the higher realms that can make your lives so much easier, and that will happen when you relax and open yourselves up to us and to the beautiful energies we are providing.

The New Orion/Andromedan Alliance
Now, beings who have existed in physical form in the Orion System have grown spiritually. This is something that all of you on Earth can use to start to appreciate everything that you’ve been through there and continue to go through on your very long journeys to raising your level of consciousness to a higher dimensional frequency.
You’ve had a lot of wars, a lot of oppression, a lot of slavery, and of course right now you are going through a crisis of being divided and also a crisis involving the health and well-being of your air, water, and soil. You are all so connected now, not just because of your Internet, but also because of your consciousness.
You are getting to the point where you as a collective are readying yourselves to reach out to other beings throughout the galaxy, to be a part of the galactic community, just like the Orions want to join with so many others throughout the galaxy in making sure that all are in agreement that peace and harmony are the way to ascension. Before you assume... remember that we are reading their energy, this is real, and that they are sincere, and it is a giant step forward.

The Timeline for First Contact Has Changed
As you reach within yourselves for what you have to share with humanity, you create the better world that you all want to be living in with it. You are exercising your freedom to be yourselves, and you are more of who you really are as Source Energy. Many in your dimension or in spaceships all around the planet, observe and they see that the power has gone back to the people in large numbers. And they see the opportunities for giving you more activations and upgrades. You hit that tipping point, and it is decided that you are ready for full open contact. Working as individuals and as a collective towards this goal of joining the galactic community once and for all, and you are doing it under very challenging times there on Earth.

Your Mission & Your Soul’s Purpose in Life
Most of you have been offering your presence and the high vibration that you have been able to hold within you... those have been gifts that you have offered to the human collective, especially those in need of someone to stand by them and listen to their stories.
You who are awake are the great unifiers. You are the ones who can unite this collective because you understand that there is no ‘them,’ ultimately.

How to Access Your Higher Mind & Its Contents.
When you are overcomplicating things with your minds, going down one of those very long and windy roads, stop.. release and use your breath to ground and center yourselves, to bring yourselves back into the present moment and back into your heart-space,
which is where you belong.
Your heart-space is where the fifth-dimensional consciousness is already active and ready for you, into becoming beings that operate with a higher mind,
a higher level of consciousness.
Being focused on the present will grant you access to your higher mind, and all the ideas, all the insights, all the inspiration that can come to you in that space. It’s all available to you in the present, when you’re grounded, heart-centered, and feeling balanced. Let go. Breathe. And relax into the moment, and everything will be taken care of, you will shift your vibration in that moment much closer to, or in, the fifth-dimensional frequency range.

Join Our Galactic Alliance
You all have the opportunity to Appreciate. There are so many who are helping, who are becoming part of the solution and the healing process for humankind.
We don’t have anything that we need to take care of here in the ninth dimension, and that is why we gather together with the Lyrans, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, and all of the other galactic beings to form a collective that is unified in our desire to be there for humankind.

Energies Coming for the Awakened & Unawakened
We want people to awaken to the truth of who they really are as Source Energy Beings, and we may help to facilitate that process, to nudge people in a certain direction.
But what’s going on there on Earth is inevitable. It is just time for you all to move on to new and different experiences... they need to be encouraged to be heart-centered, because that’s where you have the greatest access to the feeling of Source within you. That’s why we encourage even those of you who already receive us to stop trying to figure it all out.
You don’t need to know everything that’s going on in the world in order to be awake. You have your own lives, and the people in your lives, who you need to love, forgive, and have compassion for, and the energies that we are emitting right now are for helping to be more heart-centered. Also help those who have yet to awaken.
You are infinite and eternal beings, and that means you have infinity and eternity within you... continuously to make the journey an inward one, do it from a grounded,
heart-centered place.

Are Food Shortages, Financial Collapses & Tidal Waves Coming?
Everyone who views you from a higher-dimensional plane is looking at the positive. We do not put our attention on any possibilities that exist for humanity that would result in cataclysms, we don’t see the point in putting any energy or attention on those timelines.
Living a life on Earth is, to use your own personal experience to help you determine what you want more of. Some people do want more drama and trauma, and they focus on it, and they get it. Some people want more peace, love, and unity, and they focus on that, and they do eventually get it. Focused in such a way that you help to release all of the drama and trauma from your current reality. It’s a gradual journey.
You get to experience the joy of focusing and feeling, and then seeing what it is that you have focused on coming to fruition in your reality. It always serves you to have some obstacle in your way, because then you discover how much more there is inside of you that helps you move beyond obstacles. Not all obstacles are robbing your of a very important experience. The ones who are facing those challenges and seeing the opportunities for growth within them... can choose them.
So certainly the collective of humanity is not moving towards an inevitable future. The one thing you are all doing is ascending, because that’s happening at the universal level. You’re always expanding, growing, and becoming more of who you are. That’s your future; how you do it is up to you, but we will always remind you that you do have a choice.

Because of June, the Rest of 2022 Will Look Like This
You can relax a lot more in June, because of the movement forward that humanity is making, for all of the work that is being done on your lower three chakras, and the bonus of the solstice energies coming in. There is only upward moves from where humanity currently sits, and you are going to see a lot in the rest of 2022.
Now is the time to let go of that need that you have to take care of everyone else, and now is the time to be soft and quiet, to listen. Take note of the evolution of consciousness that you can witness in your fellow humans all the time.. hold space for them to evolve and become the fifth-dimensional versions of themselves that they are destined to become.

How Long it Will Take for the Unawakened to Wake Up
It can look like things are not going so well there on Earth, while at the same time you can be growing exponentially. Happening simultaneously, because everyone is at a different stage of their evolution. As the energies continue to speed things up there on Earth, of course it will take less and less time to get the results that everyone wants for themselves as they awaken.
You have this opportunity to make tremendous strides, much faster, to ride the wave of the June energies and to let them carry you to the next level of your consciousness.
Important ... when someone is far behind you on your journey, they need compassion and forgiveness for their missteps. There is no room at this time for judgment and condemnation, not when you are doing so much in such a short period of time.
You also understand as awakened beings that if something doesn’t feel good, then it’s not good for you. And so, as you pay closer attention to the emotional reaction you are getting in your bodies, you can always steer yourselves to the best possible timeline, and you can let go of the old third-dimensional ways and embrace the realm of the fifth dimension.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton



May 29th 2022
We are the geometries of creation. Shape reshaping of One indivisible Reality

You Hold the Master Key to This ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council
You are beings of pure, unconditional love. You come from Source, and you still are Source,
even though you forget sometimes who and what you really are.
When you love... whether that is a person, an animal, a plant, or some other aspect of Source,
you are in that moment being your true self.
Only you can switch that love flow off that comes from within you. You have the master key... that’s you using your free will.
There is a domino effect with whatever it is you are spreading there on Earth. Spread what you want to see activated in others, and they will show you that reflection. You will have to let go of that which is not who you really are along the way, but that’s going to happen one way or another. Do it consciously and deliberately, and you will enjoy the rest of the ride. And so much awaits you in the fifth dimension, so much more of who you are.
You really are on an upward spiral, no matter how some feelings are uncomfortable and unwanted... and it also includes letting go of some 3D attachments. You don’t need to be perfect, you just need to acknowledge everything that is inside of you
and embrace it just as it is.

About ‘The Event’ & a Solar Flash
This shift has never been about external factors. It has never been about what the sun is doing or what the planets are doing in your solar system and beyond. It has always been an inside game, an inside job, and therefore, each of you are allowed to choose what comes next on your individual paths and what you want to experience as a part of a human collective.
Because there is not one future, and there is not just one Earth and one human collective. There are more than you can imagine, and you get to align with the one that feels best to you. You are the ones choosing the destiny of yourselves as individuals. You are choosing consciously or unconsciously which version of the human collective you are going to join on its ascension journey.
Everything is inside of you. Most importantly, your vibration is inside of you. It’s the part of you that tells you what you are aligning with. Would you rather align with a version of Earth and a version of the human collective where everyone is coming together, forgiving one another, releasing hate, and moving towards a higher level of consciousness as one unified whole?! ...and to us that sounds a lot more like a shift in consciousness.
Know by now that your inner technology is more powerful than anything that could be created by human or extra-terrestrial hands. The power that you have within you to access your inner technology, to elevate your vibration, and to align with that version of Earth and humanity that you feel.. is most resonant with who and what you really are.
You only need to focus on the version of reality that you want to experience, that experience has helped you determine, is the right one for you. Decide where you’re headed next as an individual and where the collective you are aligning with you do have the power to choose.

What You Have Coming with Full E.T. Contact
There is so much more available to you. However, you do share a planet with many people who are seeking very specific experiences that they can only have in their physical bodies there on Earth in the fourth dimension. Recognize that when you meet an extra-terrestrial being, you are meeting more of yourself.
You will have new understandings of what existence is all about. Merging your culture with their culture will create something new, something never before seen and experienced in this universe.
We encourage you to open yourselves up to them every night as you fall asleep. Tell them you are ready to co-create with them, experiences that go far beyond what their ships are like and what gadgets they have on board. This is a holographic universe, so you are within us and we are within you… use your hearts and your intuition, because they are the tools you will utilize the most as you complete your shift.

Your Mission at this Time
You all set up a system on Earth where you would first experience the violence, and then the guilt, and then the desire for peace. So now your mission is to be peace, to exude peace, to hold peace in your hearts, in order to be of service to the entire collective, to yourselves, and to those who are experiencing a lack of peace right now... and you can send that peace out to everyone and to every place that needs it right now.
We are here for you now and always to help you find and hold that peace in your hearts.


Is There a 5D Blueprint for Yourself & Humanity?
This is a lifetime where everything is shifting and changing, including how much of a say you have now that you are on Earth, about what happens next for you.
You want to elevate everything, not just your vibration and your consciousness, but also
your expectations for your fellow humans.
Everyone is there to serve the experience of ascension in their own way. You are the ones who are the changemakers, who will decide that the path for humanity can be a smooth, easy, and joyous one, as you help others awaken with your own level of consciousness, with your ability to hold space for all of them.
They need your positive expectations for them, and they need you to hold your vibration in the highest possible frequency, which you can only do when you are seeing them all as Source Energy Beings, instead of as the ones who are messing things up for the rest of you. That’s what you came to Earth to do, call upon us for help in maintaining that vision, because we know that humankind, as you experience it, can experience the shift in consciousness in the most beautiful of ways.

Rise Up & Become Your Higher Selves
We know that no one could ever take anything from us, even if they wanted to,
because we are non-physical beings, and because we are sovereign.
So there really is no threat in this universe, or any other universe that we know about, to our wellbeing. You all, on the other hand, do feel vulnerable with your physical bodies, your loved ones, your bank accounts, your homes, your possessions. There is a lot that you could lose, and what you could lose is often in your consciousness
when you think about making yourselves available to connect.
But now is the time to let go of the third-dimensional attachments so that you can rise up and become your higher selves.
In order to do that. You must be willing to see yourselves as infinite and eternal beings...
it is also the next step in your consciousness evolution.
To be unattached is to be truly free. And when you are truly free, you feel the weight of the world lifting off, of your shoulders.Taking leaps of faith will always pay off for you, because you will either succeed, or you will learn.
You will get better with each leap.
Take chances. Be brave. And you will be demonstrating to yourself and to your e.t. friends that you are ready to take the next giant leap in your consciousness evolution. There is simply nothing more exciting than that.

The 5 Steps to Creating Your Reality
We are always in the space of creation, and we are aware of what we are vibrating in every moment. We understood how to manage our vibration, and therefore, we mastered the art of offering a vibration on purpose, and that changed everything, literally.
1- Becoming aware to making changes in your lives. 2- Accepting what you have been offering and creating. 3- Relaxing into the feeling that you are having and emanating. 4- Choosing what it is that you want to offer to the universe and what you want to feel in the present moment. 5- finding that vibration within you and activating it.
You can think of your bodies as being filled with dormant and active volcanoes.
Self-love might be something you’ve experienced very little of.. that would be one of your dormant volcanoes that you want to activate, and you can when you seek it out and discover that it too lies within your heart-space. But if you’ve got an active anger volcano, that would be something you would want to become aware of, accept, address in the proper way, and not have active all the time. Of course, anger serves a purpose, and so, you don’t want that volcano to become extinct. But dormant volcanoes can be activated when needed, and they don’t have to erupt and wipe out entire cities when they are activated.
We hope you like our little analogy here, because a volcano is what created the island and the Earth is filled with these types of analogies. Nature teaches you in every moment, if you are willing to sit quietly and listen to her and feel her wisdom. We want you to know how beautifully set up this all is for you, that you can get to where we are without any more uncontrollable eruptions within yourselves. Because we love to see any being becoming more aware and
more in control of what they are vibrating and therefore creating.

What Will a Mass Landing of Ships Mean for Humans?
It is best for you all to receive messages that help you help yourselves. When they land, they will be doing so because you are ready for them, not because you need them so much. It serves you so much more to embrace everything there on Earth as it is, and to realize that you were the ones who were sent on the rescue mission.
You are the ones who are there now and who are capable now of making a huge impact on the human collective consciousness. You wanted to take the longer journey, without any shortcuts, and that is the one you are on, even though so many people will continue to tell that there is some magical rescue plan in the works.
Yes, your sun is playing a role in your evolution of consciousness, but even your sun is not there to save you, to give you a blast of energies that will change everything for you. You will feel so much more satisfaction at the end of all of this, because you could feel yourselves growing and expanding... because there is so much growth available to you.And in your calm, rested, and relaxed moments, you will recognize that you want to be on this journey, and you want to be the ones who are making the progress intentionally. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton




The real problem is not the problem itself, but our attitude towards it.
Problems are like shadows; there is always light behind them.
When you face the problem with courage and analyze it from different angles, then you will find the solution.
The physical world around you in 5d is fluid, and you can change it at your own wish.
Through your imagination and intention, you can create anything …~ Aurora Ray


" Acquire a firm will, and the utmost patience " ~ Anandamayi Ma




May 16th 2022
Keepers of the Peace + Inner Earth E.T.s as the Gateway to First Contact

Keepers of the Peace ~ by the Angels via Ann Albers
Take the time to appreciate the sensory delights of your physical world. An act as small as this – one simple moment of appreciation – immediately elevates your vibration above the problems in your life and begins to open you to all you desire.
The higher your vibe, the greater the state of flow in which you will exist. When done on a regular basis, they condition you to stay in a higher vibration. In doing so you become those who help to keep the balance on your planet.
You become “ keepers of the peace,”
In your love, you elevate humanity – one soul at a time, above the vibration of conflict and violence. In your love, you become a drop in the pond that ripples outward. Your appreciation, your love is needed at this time.

Flow and the Healing Stream
You feel the world inside of you. This is why so many of you are feeling waves of sadness. That is why so many of you are feeling edgier, or less tolerant than usual. The more you consciously choose to tune into the higher vibrations, the more you send these higher and happier vibrations into the "ocean" of shared energy in which you are all connected.
This is how you can positively affect your world, even when it seems there is nothing you "do." You can enjoy your own peace and your appreciation is a vibration that emanates outward into the ocean of shared energy, resonating and
strengthening the vibration of all that is.
In your appreciation, you emanate a vibration that touches all hearts willing to open to appreciation. There is not a thought you can think of, a deed or a word you can offer, without causing a ripple of vibration that touches all souls.
Flow with your hearts to the best of your ability, and look forward to your future with positive expectations. In these higher vibrations, you contribute to the healing, the hope, the peace, the upliftment, and the kindness that is so needed here upon your earth at this time. You are making a difference. We see the ripples, and the currents of love are strengthening upon your planet every day.
~ Excerpts from VisionsofHeaven. com



Manifest Your Desires Faster than Ever ~ by the 9D Arcturian Council
These are strange and wonderful times you are living in, and this is a unique opportunity to explore your newfound manifestation abilities.
You are always seeing the world through your own unique lens.
Listen to your hearts, your internal guidance, and connect up to the higher dimensions and wisdom from higher-frequency beings and streams of consciousness.
The more you seek out the new experiences that are available to you, the more fun you will have, and the more you can set your beliefs aside to be present with something or someone.
A more organic approach to the evolution of consciousness is to pay attention to what is happening, to what you are feeling and to the energies are coming in to support you... you have everything that you need to evolve organically perfectly.
Focus on what brings you joy. Let go of your attachment to when and how others are going to get it and wake up. Allow the process to happen naturally.
So when you want to offer support, send love, compassion, healing energy - know that everyone is coming into their awakening experiences in their own way, by the design of their very own higher selves.
The biggest sources there in the physical are the Earth and the sun… helping in creating new receptors in your bodies so that you will be better at receiving from physical and nonphysical helpers. In the May Energies and with the new receptors in your physical bodies, you will want to spend more time with Mother Earth, Mother Nature and the animal kingdom. ..To know yourselves more fully as your higher selves.

Inner Earth E.T.s As the Gateway to First Contact
When the visitors are from your own planet ( that look enough like all of you to not be frightening to the average person )... there is a greater chance that you will be able to handle it. Earth-born but with no human Earthling DNA.
And so, this would soften the blow for those who were afraid, but it would also make it easier for the skeptics to claim that it’s grand conspiracy.
This will pave the way for the e.t.s who will land their ships and who have been born outside of your solar system - no one can say for certain what will happen. This is a time where humanity could use something to shake things up, and you could use a little help
from your friends and co-creators.

How to Connect with the 9D Arcturian Council
If you get curious about those of us who exist in the higher dimensional planes, you will be more likely to be a match to our energy. This way of connecting to higher dimensional beings also works because you will feel our vibration, rather than just thinking the thoughts...
it is always a good idea to feel the vibration that is embedded within them, rather than just analyzing the words, concepts and ideas, hoping to give your mind an advantage.
Being able to recognize us by our vibration is truly a gift. It’s a skill that you can hone, and that skill will be useful to you when you are channeling higher dimensional beings. It will also be a useful tool for when you are in physical contact with extra-terrestrial beings. You will need to feel them out to determine what their agenda really is. To use your ability to discern what that person’s vibration really is and whether it matches the words they are speaking… to use discernment in determining whether something is coming from your ego and mind, or whether it’s coming from your heart and intuition.

The Energies Coming to Make Sense of It All
You’re having these amazing experiences never before in this universe, and it is an absolute delight to play any part in the unfoldment of your stories. We would like for you to have the same fascination with your journey as we do, because we know that you could be enjoying your process of evolution more... Seeing yourselves as the beautiful creators of these experiences. The help that is on its way right now for all of you will come in the form of energies that will help you to make sense of everything.
In the bigger picture we are all creating this journey for fun,
for the joy of it, for the experience of it.
And when you zoom out far enough, there is no ‘them,’ but rather each and every one of us plays our part to weave the tapestry that is this universe, becoming more integrated and united all the time. The energies we are getting ready to send to you now will help you see that. They will help you make sense of it all, because that’s what so many of you need who tend to get fixated on one issue or one aspect of life there on Earth. You are meant to be conscious of the bigger picture at all times, and we know that you can be and that many of you are already starting to see the world and the universe in that way.
When you are in a space of remembering who you really are, you cannot help but add that to the collective consciousness of humanity. You help just by being a part of the human collective, but you truly are there to make a huge difference.

You Have Been Preparing Your Whole Lives for This
Inevitable changes are the result of all that humankind has lived collectively, leading up to this point. The changes have all been asked for, and answered in the affirmative. And by clearing out everything that you have released, you have made yourselves these wonderful vessels for high-frequency energies to flow through. But not everyone has been doing this, and they are going to have a harder time. Anytime you see someone clinging to something, feel compassion for them and send love, but also ask yourself if there is anything you are still clinging to that you need to let go of in order to be that open, pure, clear vessel.
And those of you who are focused on those new systems are bringing more energy to them. These changes reflect the new level of consciousness... when you feel more of that oneness and equality. Everyone is a part of this giant puzzle that is Source. And you make it easier for others to remember who they really are . The ascension will of course continue until we all return home to Source and to the feeling of who we really are.

As Awakened Souls, This is Your Work Right Now
When things come to the surface, it can get a little hectic and chaotic there on Earth, but all of that has to be seen and felt, acknowledged and forgiven in order for you to move on. Your job in that moment is to release judgment and have compassion for those who are doing the horrible things; they are doing so from that place of being out of alignment with Source. And there is no worse place to be in, and you have all been there as well.
That is the way you bring the level of consciousness to a higher level there on Earth, because if you cannot forgive another and have compassion for them, you won’t be able to do it for yourselves either. And there are many aspects of yourselves. You carry the rest of them around with you, sometimes in your energy field, and they need love... like a healer asking to have that entity or that attachment removed... when in actuality it needs to be integrated. This time you are in, is all about integration, not about separation. There is no spiritual war. Everything is of course all right, but there is always plenty of room for it to get even better.
When you let go of that despair, and when you process your fears and your anger, you can make enough of an impact as an individual to get
humanity back into that very helpful state of being, of eagerness.

Being Awake in a 3D World
This is a time when you are meant to bridge the gap between the third and fifth dimensions.
One of your defining characteristics as a race is your willingness to let go, to forgive, and to see past those differences. Find the commonalities, and come together. You have an opportunity to do that right now, and in the process to forgive. Forgiveness is a strength. It does not make you weak... It does not make you a pushover or a doormat. It is a superpower..This is what will get you a seat at the galactic table. It’s not your technology. It’s not your intellect. It is the heart of humanity that will grant you access to all.

The Awakened Collective: Answer the Call
When you awaken to the truth that separation from Source is and always has been an illusion, then you can start to recognize that all other concepts, all other notions of separation are also illusions. Illusions that you play with to give yourselves an opportunity to come together.
You come apart, and you come back together, and the coming back together is so much sweeter because of the time that you spent apart. When you recognize that everyone is Source Energy, then you will know that no matter what that person is doing or saying, they are really playing a role for you to experience, and for all of humanity.
Rising above the separation and us-versus-them mentalities is necessary at this time on your world. Whenever you are facing a problem there on Earth, it is always an issue for the consciousness of humanity, and an opportunity.
Separation is an illusion, and that the biggest common denominator that you all have is that you are Source Energy Beings. Now, will you be able to convince anyone? Perhaps not. But as you hold a vibration and you send love and compassion everywhere, then you demonstrate that truth. That truth goes beyond the mind of the person who could argue.
You are there to move beyond thought and belief...
into a heart-based experience of reality and to spread compassion
and love wherever you can. ~
Excerpts from the 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



April 27th 2022

The ecstatic possibilities in front of humanity

Critical Mass reached - then the exciting time comes by Beacons of Light
War is the ultimate failure of communication and a stain on humanity. Just like the last ones this will take many years to recover from. If you were to eliminate the governments and just bring the people together, you’d be able to resolve this very quickly.
You’re playing a game in the illusion of time. What was the purpose of that?
If you pretend to be human you lose all your memory of who you were, and of all the attributes that you brought to Earth. But you don’t really lose them, you simply lose the memory of them; they are buried deeply within your essence. And every breath you take exudes a little bit of that energy, even if you’re not conscious of it.

There’s an especially fascinating element now, as several things are happening at the same time. First, there are those of you here from 300 years in the future. Yes, but you’re not the only ones here… many others have incarnated in massive numbers with special attributes. They are coming to help in the Evolution and the next stage of humanity. They are spread everywhere, as if planting seeds of light on the game of planet Earth.
You are all creator beings. yet it doesn’t always manifest the way that you think it will, so it keeps you from understanding that you’re the one who actually created the situations you experience. And, of course, you don’t create alone… creating in unison becomes important. Now with your critical mass of light beings playing, your world is about to shift again.
You will start to awaken from the dream to consciously take your places, even though you may not know exactly what it is you have brought to the table. Suddenly ideas that have been residing in your heart, now are simply finding their way into your head. Many of you set this up around the big table, before you ever came in. Keep in mind that you are creator beings. Everything that you hold between your heart and your head will manifest in your world.

It’s an exciting time to be on Earth. And you have something important to bring forward. You’re part of the galactic family that has natural abilities to play the game and allow people to live in harmony. It’s all about harmony now. How can you be harmonious? You have the powers of God, but you’re not the only God. How can you harmonize your creations and manifestations? Now that the critical mass has been reached. It’s an exciting time. All eyes of the universe are now upon planet Earth. We invite you to dream your highest visions of life, dear creator beings… as you individually choose the path of your highest vibration. ~ Excerpts from The Keeper of Time - Espavo. org



After You Complete the Shift... ~ Excerpts by the 9D Arcturian Council
There is always more for you to love in that process of discovery.
Eventually you will turn on the unconditional love inside of you. You will give it to everyone, including yourself, and you will evolve and expand more, getting you closer and closer to Source. Anything that helps you to realize that the love inside of you is infinite and eternal , and it’s something to experience in as often as you can.
Even after you shift to the fifth dimension, there will always be more of you to discover and to love. You are love and that being is who you really are, and is the only thing that really ever matters.

The Newest Upgrades, Activations & Energies
From your guides... you have been given much in recent weeks that will help you keep up with the energies coming in from all parts of this universe. Your willingness to speak out loud what it is that you need, can be the final step necessary. It can be the permission that you need to grant to your guides in order for them to complete their work on your cells, your DNA, or your chakras.
Every moment that you step into now is where you’ve had the greatest amount of activity happening to serve you. It’s so much bigger than just getting something you want in the physical realm. You are receiving the keys to the kingdom, because when you are able to handle higher-frequency energies, you are able to co-create with them anything that’s going to serve you, your loved ones, and all of humanity.
When you carry that knowing, and be who you really are to the fullest possible extent in every moment, you fulfill your purpose for being there, and you inspire others to fulfill theirs.

And Everything Will Get Better
You’re always being given exactly what you need in order to grow, to expand, and to evolve. Sometimes this journey of yours is not pleasant but it is what is most appropriate for you in each and every moment. You would find that there is always something to appreciate about the moment that you are in.
If you can be at peace with what is, you have everything that you need to move beyond what is and to that better place. You can be positive in a sea of negativity. You can be the light in a room filled with darkness. Those are your choices. Look at your life as it is right now, and bless every ounce of it for showing up to give you what you need to grow spiritually, and then ask ‘How do I grow spiritually from this situation?’ See it as just being what it is. No judgment. then you can get to the point of acceptance.
And everything is temporary, but when you fight it, when you blame it, you’ll get more of it.! You’ll stretch out that temporary visit, and you can turn it into years or even decades of you battling the same thing. It’s time to let go. It’s time to let everything that exists within Source be exactly what it is. And then you can choose by how you feel, by what you resonate with, everything that you would like to see more of in your reality. And if it doesn’t show up right away, make peace with that. You are there to be unconditional love, and that means you are choosing love in all conditions.

The Awakened the E.T.s Are Waiting For
You have the collective power to see great changes there on your planet, but it also means that you must let go of the beliefs that separate you.
Let go of the ideas that are putting you in one camp or another so that you can be free, finally, to unite, to come together, in order to change the world for the better. Focus on the truths that you can agree upon. You want to honor that diversity that exists, and also see the Source Energy in each and every one of your fellow humans, so that you can come together as the harmonious whole.
Receive All the Energy, Wisdom & Support from Above.. We can respond to you energetically, and some of you will be able to interpret that energy into words or sounds, visions, intuitive hits, internal knowings.

A Process for Empowering Yourself
Identify what your attachments are, by letting go of the possibility that you are right and holding more tension and anxiety in your physical body, and nothing repels help like tension and anxiety.
So as you let go, you are letting in more of who you are, and you are everything. You are Source. You are All That Is.

Awakened Collective
Your desires have given birth to new energies that then come into your awareness as ideas, as inspiration, as thoughts about how you can continue to move forward in the ways that you want to, there on Earth. And whether you know it or not, you are leading by example, and you are planting seeds within others, and these are very good things.

The Future of Humanity & Your Best Possible Timeline.
We are ecstatic about the possibilities that we see in front of humanity and all of those who are connected to the higher realms and their willingness to set the positive example to the rest of the collective. And as you go within and feel for that guidance you have, more and more people will start to listen to that sage advice, instead of continuously looking for the latest prediction about what will happen.
You are always choosing and just because you become aware of a probable timeline, it doesn’t mean you are destined to be on it. Remember that your vibration is everything. Your vibration determines how much you are enjoying the current moment, and it determines what you are expanding into next.

Learn from E.T.s All Throughout the Galaxy
Being grounded refers to your consciousness in your physical body. Mother Earth has access to all vibrations, all emotions, and all desires, because she has experienced so much through all of you. It’s actually about slowing down and recognizing that everything you seek is within you and the way to access it is through connecting to the biggest helper that you have in the physical realm. Your planet is that helper.
She is there to help you transform, and she is transforming with you. She is on this journey with humanity.. inviting you back to center, back to a place of balance within yourselves. Mother Earth is literally everywhere ready to flip the switch for you. Give her some of your time.

The Progress of The Awakened Collective
You are capable of expanding and growing in leaps and bounds. Look within and see where there are stuck energies that need releasing. This ascension is all about releasing that which is lower vibrational, letting it go. The more you let go of, the more you can rise up.
It is not important for you to look out at the world today. Do what feels best to you to be a good steward of the world. It is possible to relax in a tense situation, that's how you can be light in the face of any amount of darkness. You are not there to figure out who is representing the dark and who is representing the light. You are there to shine your own light, and the more you let go of, the easier that is. That’s the goal and the mission for everyone, and that’s how you get to where you are going joyously, with grace, love and ease in your hearts.
Practice the art of letting go, and you will be letting in more of who are, more of the love of Source, and more of the higher-frequency energies that are coming from above... you will pull humanity up with you into the higher realms that you are all destined to be living in some day.

Working as Spirit Guides in the Flesh
You offer others what they are asking consciously or unconsciously. That is why we are so happy to have you there as our ground crew members, and there are many councils working with every one of you that we consider to be a part of the awakened collective. You are helping in with your vibrational offering.
You are anchoring in more of the crystalline energies and therefore can see yourselves as walking crystals as well. And we always trust that you will be where you are needed most in every moment of every day because you always are.
Now, we work with you while you are asleep, as you travel the astral plane, and during the day when you are awake... giving you more power to influence and to create change there on Earth as needed.
~ Excerpts from the 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton




April 12th 2022

Like Source, we are expanding with our Feelings, Vibration & Creative Focus

“ - Everything is Energy - and that’s all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that Reality.
It can be no other way. This is not Philosophy. This is Physics. “
~ Bashar




We are in a time of the spiral flow.. tightening, speeding and intensifying the gravitational pull
to change. This brings necessary readjustment,
just as you would rebalance if you were changing direction.
We are not only releasing more, we are affected and compelled to change.

Freedom to Focus
Your Freedom is your inner sovereignty to focus your sacred life force as you desire.
Your unique perspective is valuable to life, just as your inner Freedom is valuable to your ability to create. This is why your Creative Focus leads you to your Freedom.
Life is asking you to: - Accept it - Direct it - Perfect it

Accept it - for it already is. As it touches your sacred inner realm through your Awareness,
it touches your consciousness of Love.
Fears are soothed away, and wisdom of lessons learned.
Direct it - for you are a creator of the future. The singularity of you is an event horizon to
the yet unknown that Life has been waiting for.
Perfect it - for your conscious Love is sacredly wise. It is your infinite and timeless aspect.
Weave your unique perspective of Love into all that you experience.
When Life touches conscious Love, deep change occurs in the physical realm over time.
You are increasing real change with your focus.
Perhaps not in the moment, but in the momentum.

Born Free
You are born free…within limitation. It’s the dichotomy of duality.
You are Free to create within your malleable subtle realm.
What beautiful potential will you imagine?
Amplify your momentum of Love to converge with all that you experience
and weave a new future. ~ Excerpts from Jamye Price




They have used every means possible to keep you from ascending,
such as: suppressing the truth about your galactic origins;
suppressing access to technologies that would assist your evolution;
suppressing your memories; and suppressing knowledge about ascension.

We are about to experience a galactic ascension.
This is not just a personal matter. It is the ascension of our Solar System, Earth,
and this beautiful Blue Jewel that you call home.
we are about to enter into an Age of Enlightenment, and an Age of Great Peace and Prosperity for all Life in our Galaxy.
~ Aurora Ray & Your Galactic Federation Ground Crew




Opportunities to Shift to 5D All Day by The 9D Arcturian Council
The energies are moving faster, they are of a higher frequency, and therefore everything comes back to you more quickly to show you what you’ve been vibrating.
Now recognize that you are on the upward spiral, and can let go of everything that does not serve you, that is of a lower frequency, and that keeps you tied to a third-dimensional type of experience of reality. You are the ones who are creating your experience of this shift in consciousness, and when you decide to do so, more consciously, you get to experience it more joyously.
You are whole and complete beings; you are the entire universe expressing as an individual, and you have more tools now than you have ever had before, as well as having more helpers, more energies, more support. Build from the root chakra up the life that you want and the world you want to be living in, and know that you can because you have discovered the truth of who you really are as a Source Energy Being.

Why E.T.s Don’t Swoop Down to Save You
Because it is going to be far more satisfying to all of you to demonstrate that you do in fact have the ability to create whatever reality you want to experience. That you can stand on your own two feet as you move into the fifth dimension and access all of your powers, all of your gifts, all of your abilities. If you haven’t first sharpened your ability to summon a vibration at will, then the fifth dimension is going to be as messy as the third has been, as the fourth as well.
Know that you are there amidst all of those challenges you face on Earth because you wanted to face those challenges. You wanted to demonstrate to yourselves that you were capable of rising up, of accessing what you need to in every moment.
Life on Earth is not a prison. It’s not a punishment, and it’s not a trap. It is now and it always has been a choice and a choice made by those souls who knew they were powerful enough to handle all of the challenges of planet Earth. You knew that you could have a joyous and beautiful ascension experience.

It is easy to get caught up in what is going on out there in the quote/unquote ‘real world,’ but it is also good for people to remember the real world is an illusion, a projection of their own consciousness. But when you go within, you find the real you, the real reality.
Going within makes you more aware of your thoughts. Including any thoughts that you know are repetitive and not helpful to your spiritual evolution. You can get into the truth of who you are as a being of unconditional love, and then when you go out into the outside world, you won’t be looking for anything within it to fulfill you and to fill you up. And that you are there to fill the world up with your love and light.
All the beliefs about what’s really going on right now hold so much less weight when you realize that it’s all a projection of your consciousness anyway. Of course, these stories are entertaining, and they get your mind’s attention, but... You want to use your mind creatively.
Just because something makes logical sense to your mind, doesn’t actually mean it’s true. You can make anything true if you focus on it enough. Within is your power, not the type of power that billionaires and world leaders seek, but the type of power that has inner peace and that no one could ever take away from you.

Getting Closer to Your Higher Self & Source
When you are in that space of inner peace, in that space of love, you cannot help but feel for the expansion that is occurring within you and all around you. You realize that you are bigger than all of your problems combined. The trick is convincing yourself that these types of exercises are more valuable than what so-and-so is posting, than what is going on in the world, and all that is limiting you and preventing you from being your true self.
You can easily also engage in that will bring you into a state of bliss, expansion, and oneness, are connecting with Mother Nature. You can take an extra long shower or bath, and realize that you are cleaning more than your skin, you are cleansing your aura, your energy field. You can speak words of appreciation or listen to music that uplifts you. You can spend time with an animal, or just think about the people you love, watch the sunrise or sunset. There you will feel closer to your higher selves, and closer to Source.

Grow Spiritually from What’s Happening Now
There are times when you have certain planetary alignments going on. And of course, there are the times when you have things happening in your little corner of the universe, things that affect you directly and immediately.
Notice that you tend to be affected more positively by the world, galactic, and universal events and that your evolution happens more smoothly as a result of those events, even if they are not what you would call positive. Then you can grow by accessing more of your compassion and you can clear what you need to clear around these events because you don’t have a big mess to clean up in your own personal life. But when you do take the opportunity for the spiritual evolution because of something that happens in your personal lives, those are times when you can grow by leaps and bounds. Few take the opportunity. However what happens is that person will recreate something similar again and again, until they do take the leap forward. And when there’s nothing dramatic happening in your lives, you can also ask yourself the question of, ‘How do I grow spiritually from this place I am in now?’ Equinoxes, solstices, full moons…
there’s always a growth opportunity in front of you if you take it.

You make changes by raising your vibration, and you can only do that by feeling within for what is present, because you cannot raise your vibration if you don’t know where it is. If you don’t know how you feel, you cannot change how you feel.
The vibration of the human collective consciousness continues to increase in its frequency, and you can either feel for those positive changes, or you can choose to point to what is wrong with the world today, or with your life in particular, and stay stuck there.
The choice is always yours.
Use your ability to focus because it is a powerful tool that you always have at your disposal. You can look at these higher-vibrational energies as if they were air. There is good, breathable air around all the time, and it would serve everyone to consciously take in more of that air by breathing a little deeper,
What is truly happening is that you are always growing, evolving, and expanding, and there’s no stopping any of that, but you can go on that journey kicking, screaming in your attempts to stay where you are, or you can let go and truly enjoy the ride.

The Mass Awakenings
You make changes by raising your vibration, and you can only do that by going within and feeling for what is present, because you cannot raise your vibration if you don’t know where it is. If you don’t know how you feel, you cannot change how you feel.
The vibration of the human collective consciousness continues to increase in its frequency, and you can either feel for those positive changes, or you can choose to point to what is wrong with the world today, or with your life in particular, and stay stuck there. The choice is always yours. Use your ability to focus because it is a powerful tool that
you always have at your disposal.
You can look at these higher-vibrational energies as if they were air. There is good, breathable air and it would serve everyone to consciously take in more of that air
by breathing a little deeper,
What is truly happening is that you are always growing, evolving, and expanding, and there’s no stopping any of that, but you can go on that journey kicking and screaming in your attempts to stay where you are, or you can let go and truly enjoy the ride.
We are the recipients of assistance and high frequency energy ourselves here in the ninth dimension.
It is so important to sit in acknowledgement of the help that is coming in from above, sit in quiet expectation, as you open yourselves up to the higher frequency energies, the downloads, the upgrades, the activations coming in, and because of your willingness to endure fourth dimensional Earth we are helping you. All that gives birth to new ideas about what we could create here in the higher realms. Many beings are supporting and assisting you and that you are creating new worlds and new universes because of your willingness.. just by living, just by being in a human body there on planet Earth.
There was a knowing inside of each of you that you would awaken and that you would receive help from the higher realms. You’ve done enough, you’ve worked enough, and now it’s time to receive all that you’ve asked for in this and every other lifetime. ~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



April 1st- 2022

Part of You is Beyond Time & Space: like High Vibration Healing Ships & Portals

Turning the Tide Toward Peace
Of course, many of you are tired. The world is wanting change and resisting change at the same time. There is a very great love that is washing over your planet in answer to the billions of prayers, but if you resist loving and accepting yourself it will be exhausting. Surrender to what inspires you in any given moment. Rest when you're tired. Stop pushing yourselves and be the peace.
Your purpose has nothing to do with what you do and everything to do with how much loving kindness you bring to yourself and life. At the end of your days some of your proudest moments will be the small ones when you simply surrendered to the beauty of the present moment, when you looked upon yourselves or another with love, when you comforted a stranger, gave yourself grace, a simple prayer from the depths of your heart. These moments of pure connection have great purpose. In them, you become a conduit for Divine love to flow into this world.
Your world is changing every single day, and it is changing for the better.
Your peace, your refusal to battle yourselves or one another are having a huge effect on the outcome of recent world events. You are the catalysts for change on your planet earth. Every choice to create a little bit more kindness, a little bit more patience and tolerance toward yourself and your fellow human beings removes power from the vibrations of war and empowers the vibrations of peace.
You are the portals through which Divine light and love flow into your planet and into the hearts of all in need.

The Silent Symphony...
Suppose everyone in the world was singing a tune or playing an instrument of their choosing... reflecting their emotions, thoughts, and feelings in the moment. Some of you would be playing symphonies of peace, whistling a happy, effervescent tune, or a calming melody... soothing or inspiring rhythms. Some of you would be playing angry discordant beats and blaring, unsettling melodies. What type of song would you be singing? What type of melody would you humming?
Keep in mind that the music is based on your emotional/energetic offering, not your words. So those of you praying for peace, while sitting in fear are still emitting fearful melodies.
This points to the vibrational reality upon your planet earth, for each one of you IS emitting a silent symphony.
Your melody counts. Your vibrational emission counts. You might be the loving heart that sounds a loving note, that helps the symphony of peace rise above the din of war!
You are coming into a new understanding of reality and your very important place within it. You are stepping into a world where you are the lights, the hopes, the inspirations, and the angels upon your earth. You have purpose!- It is to emit the melodies of love. This unity and emanation with love is your most important purpose of all.

Look for the Good…
and you will see it everywhere. As you focus upon it, it flows to you and through you. As you refuse to be drowned in the darkness you witness in this world and instead hold your focus steadfast on the good, you will find that you feel better in body, mind, and soul.
There is Nature in her purity beckoning you to receive the blessings of her beauty. There are individuals, shippers, stockers, and clerks quietly keeping economies in motion, while farmers, bats, bees, and so many other beings, ensure that you get a cup of coffee in the morning and food on the table. Even in the midst of bombs and rubble, there are countless souls reaching into their depths to find and bring forth goodness amidst the ashes.
There are people so possessed by fear and anger that they commit crimes against their own human nature. These are the few, rather than the many. There are far more people engaged in acts of kindness than those engaging in acts of hate. Love is what gives you energy, connects you with guidance, and allows you to enjoy your life while dancing around the density.
One kind word or deed with a request to "pay it forward" can start a chain of loving gain. Will you be a link in that chain? By noticing the good within you and around you, you kindle the light of love upon your planet earth.
Look for this love in the smallest of ways and your choices to take tender-loving-care of yourselves and one another are changing your world and the course of your history. ~ Excerpts from VisionsofHeaven. com



Organic Ships ...
“ The extraterrestrial crafts are built in other dimensions unlike in third density so when they come here, they project themselves physically and dictate the amount of space they want to show you - when they manifest themselves they create a portal so when they leave they want these portals to close so they do their best to make sure that it's small - now when you see a craft which is 30 or 40 feet in diameter.. on the inside it could be huge as the size of any state. And all of their ships are organic they're grown and are self-healing - they literally can heal themselves like med beds and they keep the crew alive as it puts out a frequency providing self healing on harmonic level so when you're jumping dimensions, ecosystems or planetary systems your ship is in fact your home.
They would put a beam of frequency through their body into the hull of the ship. The crew's frequencies are now one with the ship it's literally a physical extension of the crew. And our own ship or homes will be med beds.
There is no limit to what is possible, absolutely no limit.. and you absolutely have to know what it is you want, that's the most important thing right now because what is it that you want is beginning to move towards you. Don't look back, don't listen to the insanity that the 3d rulers want us to think… like all the fear porn that they're creating… instead move towards what you want and know that it's there for you. And Yes there is going to be a financial reset, it has to happen and this next system that we're going to have will be the last financial system the earth is going to be using and it may be in existence 15 years and then we move out of a monetary system - the system that we've been living under: the fiat of the central banking system was set up to enslave. In order to get these technologies out of these labs and these dark projects and budgets.. they have to control the money and that's why this whole system of switching over the monetary system into something with real genuine value." ~ Excerpts from Alex Collier



Help without Interference by The 9D Arcturian Council
Want to help humanity!!. It’s tricky because we want to help without interfering, without taking away the opportunity that you have in front of you to grow.When you signed up for a lifetime, or a series of lifetimes, there on Earth, you incarnate somewhere to be of service, but you still have to grow spiritually before you can be of service. Because where / when you are spiritually is what gives you the opportunity to grow and become who you really are underneath it all. You get to experience the feeling of something resonating with you. And you have all of eternity to shift, to change, to ascend, and to return to Source. You cannot help but to return home, because home is all there is. Everything will always be for your benefit. It will always be of service, and it will always lead you to that next step on your journey. Take each step with joy, and appreciate the opportunity to take it, and you will begin living happily ever after right now.
As Our Arcturian Energy Moves Through You
Important it is that you have the desire at all to help your fellow humans, and you are changing the consciousness of the human collective by putting that desire out into the universe. You can attune yourselves to us by feeling for the vibration that you access when you are receiving these transmissions. You are in fact tuning in to our energy, and to our intention to be of service, and when you remember that feeling, you access it again. And when you access it, you access us. We are happy to work through you to help humanity raise the level of its consciousness.
All of the issues that you see around the world can be helped by the raising of the level of consciousness within the human collective. Hold that vibration within you that is the desire to be of service, and we will run our energy through you, making our consciousness more available to each and every human within your collective. Open yourselves up to receive us, and then sit back and notice the changes that we can initiate together when we work as a team.

Remind Yourselves of the Truth
When people have near death experiences, one of the reasons why they are so forever changed by the near death is because they have a deeper understanding of what’s going on there on Earth, and they have an inner knowing that everything will be all right, no matter how it might look in the present moment. So it is important to be able to use your minds at times to soothe yourselves, to remember what this is all about, what you are all there doing, and that everyone ultimately is on the same track of returning home to Source. When you carry that knowing within you, and you accept that it is a long journey, then you can also relax more into the moment, the energies you are receiving, and your current life circumstances, even if they are not to your liking at the moment.
Remember everything that you have already come to know in the most challenging moments of your lives. Remember that it is all there to serve you and to serve your consciousness evolution, and don’t worry about getting it all right, or getting it all done, or making sure that everything is perfect. You get to have the joy of making a mess there on Earth so that you can have the joy of cleaning up the mess. Taking the scenic route gives you more of an opportunity to relax and to enjoy everything. There is so much more for you to experience, and when you remind yourselves of that on a regular basis, then you can accept everything as it is today.

Equinox Energies
You have this opportunity to look around at the world and see what it is you would like to make different. The changes you want to see out there will always begin with you; they always have and they always will. Put that energy into motion, into word, into action, and into creative thought, and know that it will all show up in your reality at some point. You are awake, and that is a responsibility, because you know how much you can do with the power within you, and you know how powerful you are as healers, as teachers, as guides to others. Be present, be grounded, hydrate yourselves, and spend time every day focusing on how you can open up and be the conduit to that which is high frequency, that which is coming. And you will anchor those energies in, and the entire world will benefit from the few minutes you take in your day to be the channeler of that which is high frequency, that which is you in your truest form.

Help Repair the 5D Crystalline Grid
Repairs are needed at this time to reach the population that is still unawake and that relies upon this crystalline energy grid for the energies that will help them to awaken in the very near future. All we need from you is to sit while holding the intention to raise your vibration and open yourselves up to us and our consciousness, while also feeling your connection to the fifth dimensional crystalline grid that you have there on Earth.

How the Spiritual Community Will Unite Humanity
As you continue to explore the different ways you have of expanding your consciousness.. it is important for you to respect the different ways that other people have of expanding their consciousness, as you also have to decide whether something is right for you or not.
The first step to a unified human collective is respecting the different paths that different people are taking. You have seen the wars, and the inquisitions, and the broken families that have resulted from not accepting what someone else’s religious beliefs, customs, and morals are. When you accept yourself and your own path, it will be a lot easier to accept the paths of the other awakened souls that you come across in your life.

Shine Your Light & Activate Everyone
You have so much to think about, so much that is worrying you, and there are impediments to the evolution of your consciousness because of the ones who benefit from keeping you afraid, divided, and small and disempowered. And so, your journey is fascinating to beings like us who have it so easy. We also benefit from the evolution of your consciousness, as we are all connected in this universe. A lot of the pain and the struggle that you experience there is due to programming that you have adopted as your beliefs, and that is something that we would like to help you with. One of the heavier beliefs that we see you all dragging around is that you are supposed to be doing something right now that you are not doing. You tend to focus on what is not happening in your lives, and have a tendency to judge yourselves very harshly for what you are not accomplishing.
The only thing that you need to focus on is finding the light inside of you and shining it as brightly as you can. The truth is that shining your light is not about doing. It’s a feeling. It’s a vibration. It is something that you put out from your center, from your very core, and all you need to do in order to shine that light is to focus there. Focus within you on the truth that you are a Source Energy Being. And when you do, others feel it, others pick up on that truth. You then become one who activates those around you and the rest of the collective, and that is enough. Shining your light is enough to put on your agenda for any day and for this entire lifetime. This is what you came to do. Everything else is just the expression of the light that you feel, and it will come naturally to you in the moment, so don’t worry about it, what it is and whether you’re doing it.

A Process for Conjuring a High Vibration
We are here to help you to unlock a new vibration within yourselves. We know that it is high time for humanity to experience something that will take you to the next level in the evolution of your consciousness. Peace and Joy is a vibration that all of you can access as you focus on the space in between your solar plexus and sacral chakras. Focus and breathe. And feel the combination of peace, love, and joy as one vibration, one experience, one aspect of who you are. It’s all inside of you, and it’s time to awaken the very best.

Why You Incarnated on Earth
We are continually fascinated by the way that humanity can keep suffering and enduring so much while also maintaining your sense of hope, your quest for joy, and that you could handle the harsh conditions of third- and fourth-dimensional Earth. The Earth experience is not a trap, and you’re not stuck there because you forgot that you are Source Energy Beings. You have granted yourselves an opportunity to awaken into the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings, and have the ability to go so much further than anyone else in human form has been able to go.
You are there to lift others up, and of course, not everyone is, and you do have your slip-ups, and you do fall, but you keep getting up. That is so impressive about humanity. Those of you who took on the ultimate challenge of ascending on a polarized planet, from a third-dimensional beginning of that journey, we salute you. Receive the praise and acknowledgement that is coming down from the heavens upon you at all times. It is very genuine.

Tell Us What You Need, Because We Live to Give
We say to you that you are all Source Energy, you are the God that is being given the opportunity to be the benevolent being that you really are. You are constantly being given the opportunity to forgive, to heal, to love, and to hold compassion in your heart for someone who is suffering. Earth, and every other physical realm, are extremely challenging places to be, and that is why you have beings like us and so many others who are here to help. Tell us how we can be more of service to you, and then relax, open yourselves up, and let that help in, because we live to give it.

What You Need for Full & Open E.T. Contact
You all have to make decisions based on what you feel, not on what your mind tells you, because your mind is easily programmed. Your gut can tell you so much that your mind has yet to tap into. You will be using your discernment with the e.t.s, just as they will be using their discernment with you, and there will always be room for helping each other.
As with your children, where you have had to ask yourselves, ‘When do I start helping and when do I stop in order to give this child everything they need while also not taking away those opportunities for growth and development?’
When you understand the laws of the universe, and you know about frequency and vibration, then you absolutely are aligning with what you really want. Remember that it also takes patience to receive, and it takes a willingness to open up to ways of receiving that your mind hasn’t considered. We will continue to give and give and give, and we know that enough of you will rise up to receive to make the difference there on Earth that you all want to make and that you are all destined to make as the wayshowers, and changemakers that you truly are.
You are the ones to find the beauty in the chaos, in the turmoil, and in the pain and suffering that the human collective is experiencing right now, and when you do, you get the attention of all of the other extra-terrestrials who are looking for humans who are ready for more contact and co-creation with your galactic family.

Is Your Consciousness on the Cabal or a Flower?
Really, the process, the exercise, the spiritual practice itself is the point. Everything is designed to get you to be more conscious, to get you to be more deliberate about your focus, your intention, your words, your thoughts, and your actions.
Give your attention to what you want to see more of, rather than putting it on dismantling what you want to see less of there on planet Earth. You have the ability to become so much more, but you cannot get there by putting your attention on what has held you back in the past. Is there anything more perfect than a flower, or more pure? Then give the flower your attention, not humans lacking consciousness. Give your attention consciously to what makes you feel expansive, and give your attention to what fills you with love, light and joy.

Multiple Realities, Timelines & Versions of Everything
When you align with something that you have asked for, then it is yours, but there is still an agreement between us and you that allows for the answering to occur. You are aware of the idea of multiple realities and multiple timelines, but the same version of us doesn’t exist in every reality… because that version of us would feel that it would be interfering with your natural development. But you are in this reality with this version of us. Only you have to change to go to a reality where there’s another version of humankind that is a reflection of what you have changed into. You see, you can only change yourself. The truth is that no one outside of you has to change in order for you to have a new experience of them.
When you change you, you change your vibration, and when you change your vibration, you change your location. You move to another reality that has a different version of the person, the people, the entirety of humanity that you would like to see change. There’s an agreement between you and the version of the person that you’re going to experience to animate that reality with your souls’ consciousness. Your soul can project the consciousness that it has into many, many realities all at once, giving your soul the maximum amount of experiences.
That’s why multiple realities exist. They give you the opportunity to experience many different ways of knowing yourself and many different ways of knowing your fellow humans, the galaxy and the universe. And it serves you so much more to see yourself as the creator of all of it. When you change the way you look at something, the way you think about something, the way you respond to something, you are changing everything because you are shifting to a different reality.

The April 2022 Energies
The energies that are coming in to support you in your month of April will be about clearing root chakra trauma and issues surrounding survival once and for all… collectively dealing with what you faced with a pandemic, followed by a war and clearing what you were unable to clear in other lifetimes. That means also health and mortality and financial abundance and lack. As with your safety in dealing with such enormous aspects of living there on planet Earth in a physical body.
Once you are clear of the traumas you will feel eternal and immortal because that is what you are, and it’s time for you to know that experientially. As far as being immortal and eternal .. you hadn’t been able to really tune in to what that means and how that feels. These April energies are giving you one of the final nudges to getting there, to getting to that knowing and that feeling. ~ Excerpts from "The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton "


March 12th- 2022

Appreciation to Cosmic Coincidences with Possibilities - All is Vibration

Ushering in a New Era for Humanity ~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council

You are the ones who are living the challenging lives... facing your financial, health, and relationship issues, and all that you are given to raise the level of your consciousness to new heights. You are doing the clearing work for your genetic line.. And for the area where you live.. for your past life selves, and you are also the ones who have the ability to handle the karma and trauma from your galactic histories.
Every time you see a person carrying a heavy burden, know that the person is a master. They would have to be in order to create something that would be so hard on them emotionally, physically, psychologically, and energetically. Offering your healing, your love, and your compassion to your fellow humans is much more appropriate than looking at us or the other beings who are helping in higher realms as the heroes of human struggle.
We can feel how hard it is there, and that is just one of the reasons why we support you. Know that the path ahead for humanity is going to get easier, and that includes your individual paths as well. We will always encourage you to lighten your loads as much as you can. Those of you who are awake, have learned enough about life on Earth to recognize that the time for struggle is over and the time for letting go is upon you. There is everything to be gained by hanging in there a little longer.

The March 2022 Energies & You
March is going to be about supporting all of you energetically with what you need, to be living your life’s purpose more fully. Therefore, you can expect to feel more supported in your pursuit of that which you know is your calling in this lifetime. You will be letting go of the thoughts, the beliefs, and the blockages that prevent you from moving towards the most satisfying and fulfilling to you. You are a part of this giant puzzle that is the universe, and finding where you fit in the universe.
We also communicate with physical beings like the sun, the Earth, the photon belt, and many other beings throughout the galaxy who are in physical form and who can also support you by holding that space, by sending those energies, to feel inspired, for the greatest and highest good of all. You only have to be yourself and be yourself fully without fear, without hesitation, and pay more attention to the nudges and signs that you see in this month, because they will be pulling you in a direction that you will want to move in.
Ascended Masters & Ascending to 5D
Look for ways to appreciate where you are and expand more into the present moment. Now is the time to attain a level of mastery over the physical realm that will give you the feeling that you want to have of ascending to 5D, while still remaining in the fourth dimension as the teachers, the healers, the leaders, and the guides to the rest of humanity. Now is the perfect time for you to develop that connection that you feel to the ascended master or masters that you resonate most with and feel so connected to. They are all available to each and every one of you in every moment of every day.
Do This One Thing & We Guarantee Big Changes
It is easier for those individuals to just stick to one approach, one strategy to life and to everything they encounter within life. That is, of course, very limiting, especially when you can slow yourselves down to the point of realizing that you exist within a realm of infinite possibilities. Get excited about realizing that you may not know everything, and get excited about the possibility that you could allow a new strategy to be downloaded into your mind. Realize that if you make the slightest change in your life, you can change everything. Be willing to take new approaches in the same way that you are willing to change your clothes every day.
With a new approach that you hadn’t considered before, and you will open doorways that were previously closed to you. They weren’t closed to you because you were bad or because you weren’t worthy of them. They were closed to you because you closed them, but as you tell the universe that you are open to seeing things in a new way and to having all possibilities available to you, then the universe can respond accordingly, and the universe always does. As you are the orchestrator, you are the creator, and you are the one who is deciding what you experience, either consciously or subconsciously. Decide consciously that you are open to what is new and unimaginable, and that is what you will experience.
Recovered Memories from Past Lives
Once you recognize that you have reincarnated many times on this planet and in other parts of the galaxy, you really want to know what you’ve already done and what you’ve already been. It is time for you all to trust what you are getting in your third eye. It is time for you to remember, and you don’t need to go on an ayahuasca journey to do so. You don’t need to take anything at all. A desire to know, coupled with a readiness to believe in yourself and your ability to recover those memories is all that is required.
Notice how these recovered memories feel, and recognize that the feeling is the significant part. It’s not about the story. It’s about how the story makes you feel, and that’s how you know the recovered memory is serving you. .. for the purpose of helping you to expand and evolve your consciousness. .. where you are on your journey right now.

What a Network of Lightworkers is Doing
There are lots of big issues that you face, but those issues got started before any of you were born into your bodies. You want to live on a cleaner, more sustainable planet with better practices from corporations in general, and that’s a start. Your heart goes out to the people affected negatively by that type of racism and bigotry, and that helps. Do not think in terms of being just one small individual who can only do so much, but instead realize that you are part of a network of lightworkers that together form a web of love around the world, a web of healing, and a web of peace. We see so much to feel optimistic about at this time, more people awakening all the time… all joining the network of lightworkers in your quest for equality, peace, fairness, and a clean Earth on which to play and for the children to enjoy as they grow into adults.
Why the Unawakened Stay Asleep
When it seems like someone in your life is just not accepting ‘the truth,’ or your truth.. remember that nothing has gone wrong. They are not making the incorrect choice in that moment, but rather, they are seeking to have a particular type of experience that they can only have by staying asleep, and it’s all right. You are there to allow everything to be as it is, and to have compassion for those who are suffering, and of course, to help those who are seeking your help.
Keep shining your light, and do not be afraid to be different from everyone else, especially when it comes to your families. It is perfectly fine for you to let go and let everyone else live out the drama that they are choosing to live out.. while you live happily ever after and continue to send the invitations to the rest of humanity with your joy, your peace, your love and your creativity.

What’s Really Going On
You don’t have to watch someone’s video who is going to tell you what is going to happen next… to just watch and wait. We advise you to be proactive in what you are putting out energetically, in words and actions just as much as in your thoughts, feelings, and visualizations. And then you can wait to see how the world reflects to you the changes you have made, and that can be the fun part of it for you.
You can also look out at the world right now with the understanding that the world is showing you what is needed. The way that you can contribute all day, every day is with your vibration.. to keep your vibration high by focusing on the things that put you in a higher-vibrational state. That means you don’t always want to be looking outside to help solve problems. Look within for your ability to heal and to forgive. You hold the keys to the kingdom, always. This is not the world you experience, but rather, a world that you hear about. And the people creating the stories know this. They know how to grab your attention and how to keep it. That is why it is so important to let your experience be your truth, your reality… don’t go looking for someone else’s truth in order to make it your own. Live your truth, shine your light, and know that you are there to help and that you help more by being of a high vibration.
Miracles in Your Reality
When you ask for something that you want from higher-dimensional beings and collectives, notice if you are attached to the when, the how, the delivery system, and even from whom you will receive what you are asking for.
Be grateful, and look for all the ways in which you can enjoy your lives right now, rather than stressing out about when your package will arrive from the universe.
Be comfortable with the now moment you are living in. Be willing to dream big, and expect all of the miracles to occur that you have ever wanted to see in your lives, and then you will start to feel closer to Source, the Source that is within you, that you are. Source never doubts in Its ability to manifest and create. Become the manifestors you’ve always wanted to be.

What Is to Come for Humanity
You are dealing with your own issues, and you are helping humanity to raise their level of consciousness so that they can shift out of the old matrix, and into the new fifth-dimensional Earth, the plane of existence that you have been actively participating in bringing to fruition. Turn on more of your receptors to receive the help that is coming in from above because it is tremendous. It is yours to receive, and when you help others with your meditations, your intentions, you get more attention from the helpers of the universe that are all around.
Manifesting the New Earth You’ve Created
Be flexible and open to the changes coming in the way that is best for all, and you don’t have to know the specifics. Focus on the feelings, not the details, and you will get there much sooner... It is about breaking free from the old and allowing the new to come in with the energies that are coming in for this month of March and for the entire year of 2022.~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton


Feb 27th- 2022

These Cosmic Energies and Our Galactic DNA - Our Light > Soul > Intuition > Freedom > Creativity

Your Brain + your Intuition = your Quantum Portal

"Dear human being, I want you to understand "intuition", to understand that it is the new way of communicating - period. You've got survival and you've got intuition - the human body is designed to heal itself, to live hundreds of years,
through combining two things: the human brain and the intuitive self.
My role is to start the process of reminding, to expose things, so you can use your discernment and find to be true or not: Crossing this bridge is going to change human nature, but it's got to have elements that are new in it,
for it to shift in the way that you would expect.. that we have seen in other civilizations.
It's going to pour into you in esoteric ways that you don't expect.
“ There is a confluence of energy starting to occur on this planet - through your grids and enhanced by
time capsules that are opening, and are changing consciousness and the frequency that you tuned to.

After all this time.. now learn what intuition feels like. The intuition is elusive because it does not present itself in 3d. You're in an area you didn't expect and it's not three dimensional.
Your body has a quantum attribute that is enormous and you've never used it.
Are you open and ready for that! - it's called pure intent - once you've identified what it feels like, the next thing is to hold it and practice it. The intuitive-self is every bit as complicated and as larger than the human brain. You know why!.. because it has more parts.. and every single molecule of DNA is ready to work in tandem to create this. You've got hundreds of trillions of those parts, it's bigger than human synapses - imagine an intelligent body that was not centralized.. it's the Human Merkabah.
That's what you are developing… and by marrying with the intuitive part, the whole thing is going to dwarf the brain … and reawakening this little organ… the Pineal.. is Quantum.. bigger than you can think… it is the Portal.
The human being who starts to awaken to its own quantum energy using intuitiveness, will start to enhance the whole human being... not compartmentalizing brain and intuitive.. but melding them together.
Then comes Synchronicity, all unexplained events that happen out of synchronicity with randomness... they have coherence... You accidentally meet somebody, or accidentally are in the right place at the right time, or accidentally find out this and that and the others - you accidentally find the cure for the incurable…etc
This is the balance and vibration, it's going to save this planet. Human nature is going to shift into the intuitive part - you're going to get guidance that nobody understands. You're going to walk a path where whatever you learn this lifetime you will awaken with the next, because your DNA is going to be working a whole lot better the next time around.. and it's the Beginning.. the very beginning of Peace on Earth." ~ Excerpts from Kryon by Lee Carroll -What Will Happen In 2022



Peace From the Inside Out

In your world, you are offered a vast variety of ideas and vibrations from which to choose, "Food" for your mind offered to you all the time. Like food buffets or "Programs" are being broadcast all the time. What will you take in? What will you watch?
What energies will you entertain?

- You have choice. - Choose the ideas that stimulate you, give you joy, inspire, empower you... energy to focus on things that resonate with you. From the vast buffet of ideas and energies, you get to choose what to take in, what to attune yourself to, and therefore whether or not you will enjoy your daily life. You knew you were coming to this "buffet to end all buffets" when you came to earth. You could focus on what gave you joy and therefore draw it into your experience.
You were eager to experience, eager to choose, and eager to create.

You came to live... and let live. You never expected everyone would agree with you, nor did you expect to agree with everyone else. You were eager for the contrast. You knew quite clearly who you wanted to play with and who you didn't. Slowly, however, most of you were trained to place less focus on your own heart's guidance, and more on pleasing others. Rather than blaming those who trained you out of listening to your inner compass, simply start to honor it. Rather than arguing for your pain, focus on what gives you joy. Likewise, grant others the grace to feel as they wish, for you never, ever intended to control another. The greatest benefit to your soul is to choose a path that inspires you, live it, learn from it, and choose again to live and love more!

Ask yourself, "What thought feels good and natural to me?" instead of "What does everyone else think?”. Don't need to waste your precious life by focusing on and fussing about the ideas and energies you don't like either. Move along, live your life as joyfully as possible – no matter who or what is pulling at you to think, act, or be as they wish. Live and let live.

You are, eternally, free. Enjoy your time here upon the earth by choosing the thoughts, ideas, and behaviors you love
– for even if you live a hundred years, it is short in the scheme of eternity.
You are, eternally, free to choose, free to focus, free to feel, and free to create. So is everyone else.
~ Excerpts from VisionsofHeaven. com


Are Your Freedoms Being Taken Away?
You have the freedom to use your imagination.. the freedom to go within. You have the freedom to choose love and compassion over paranoia and fear. These can never be taken away from you.
How are you going to change the world?.. your world? The easiest way is to change what’s happening inside of you, and that includes what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling, and what you’re vibrating. You are free to choose in any moment the world you are aligning with, the timeline you are putting yourself on, and the amount of freedom you feel inside your own body. Some are angry, and that anger is a powerful emotion, and one that should be allowed, but ultimately you want to feel it and let it go. You will never run out of things to feel angry about if you keep looking, but inner peace is always available to you. It’s always there, inside of you. Activate it, and activate your freedom, and realize that you have choices, and you will change your world for the better.

How to Process Your Powerful Emotions
If you allow yourself to feel fully what is happening in one or more of your chakras as a result of a triggered memory, you can get through the processing of that emotion a lot faster.
Feeling is the significant aspect of being human. It’s what makes you such a unique race of beings. The fact that you feel so much and so deeply is your strength, but you have to be willing to go there.. to feel those emotions in order to access the power of your emotionality. Pay closer attention to these powerful emotions that you feel so that you can get through the heavy and darker ones and get to the lighter and more joyous ones as quickly as possible.

How to Jump Timelines & Accelerate Ascension
Ascension is about helping you to transform yourselves from within, which then creates the better place around you.
You want to trust that the energies are going to help you, and that they are taking you to a higher-vibrational plane of existence, which is also a better timeline. Your minds actually enjoy limitation, because limitation helps the mind make sense of your world and how it works. But you are there to go beyond the mind, to go into realms that the mind cannot possibly fathom. And so, when you surrender to what you’re feeling happening all around you, energies that are supportive of your transformation, you can let go of control, you can go with the flow, you can let yourself be taken to the better feeling timeline. It’s easy when you let go of the mental processing, and instead you let yourself feel into what is happening and do the emotional processing and the vibrational activation that you want to experience. But you’re not always paying attention to how you feel about what you’re focusing on. When we see people caring more about how they feel, that’s when we see the giant leaps, and the huge spikes in the vibration of the overall human collective consciousness.

The Outside World is Lying to You
You are a being of light and love that is expanding all the time, and that means you are capable of feeling more of the love that you truly are. But you wouldn’t know that unless you tuned in to the ability that you have to feel all of that and more. You don’t know you are expanding unless your expansion is important to you, and you are willing to feel for it.
By exploring what you are feeling about the physical world, and when you slow down enough to take it in, realize how you feel about it, and process those feelings. You also have the ability to feel outside of your physical body if you can be patient enough with the process of stretching your consciousness out beyond physical form.

Shifting to 5D & Returning to Source
Your higher self., your guides know what you need, and so does your galactic team. You do have the ability to tune in to the energies that are being given at all times, and when you do, you get to experience the growth that occurs when you raise your vibration. Everyone could just skip all of the experiences and go directly back to Source Energy, but ultimately you do want the experiences.
You are there to have the experience of being there and the experience of moving through all the experiences and the feelings that ultimately will result in you returning home. But if you miss out on all of the steps, all of the experiences, all of the feelings, then you will have missed out on your purpose for existing there in the first place.
And so, if it doesn’t look like you are doing much or achieving much in your life right now, remember that you are there, you are having experiences, and you are growing. You are in every breath that you take, moving that much closer to Source. Remember that this journey is meant to be savored, and that is why we will always teach you to be more present. It is only in the present moment that you can enjoy the journey, that you can feel inside of you that you are in fact moving closer to Source, to unconditional love, to oneness, to peace. Open yourselves up on a daily basis to receive the help that you need, that experience of going home to the Love from which you were born.

What the Shift in Consciousness is Really All About
This is a relationship that didn’t just begin in this lifetime for all of you. Everyone in the universe is connected and has some sort of history with each other. It raises the level of compassion and it solidifies the eventual coming together of all beings so that we may reform ourselves back into Source. Yet of course, we are Source now. Remembering who we really are and who we are to each other, and when you feel a resonance with a collective like ourselves.. you are operating more now as a whole being than ever before while there on Earth, and throughout the galaxy, and that helps to reconstruct the whole you... operating as your higher self while still in a physical body.
So go for the feeling because when the feeling feels good, they are available to you right now, and you don’t have to do any mental gymnastics to get there. The point has never been to separate the good from the bad, no matter what you have been taught and told throughout history. This shift in consciousness is about integration, and you are doing that integrating while you connect with us and while you feel that we are a part of you.

Delivering Everything You Need in Every Moment
We are reaching out to you and energetically depositing much more into your fields, as you give attention to what you are receiving. This is a dynamic process, and we also know what your higher selves want you to hear. But no matter how you feel about what is being delivered, and what you are able to perceive, you are getting so much more on the energetic level than your minds could possibly imagine.
This is also true as it relates to your environment. Everything that is in your life and not in your life was carefully selected to give you the greatest possibility of growth and evolution. So you, as your higher self, are delivering to your ego exactly what you need, and sometimes even holding back something that you want, in order to get you to go further with your spiritual evolution.
We invite you to accept the idea that there is so much more that you could be receiving by thinking less and feeling more, that is exploring what else you might be receiving.

How Do You Change the Minds of Other Humans?
When you see the world through the eyes of Source, and you see no separation between you and another person, you and an animal, you and the entire planet, then that is not only the vibration you put out, but it becomes the world you are creating. And so, it’s important for you to recognize this power, because the alternative is to feel powerless and give up. It’s important for you to recognize that you are not alone in the mission of bringing human beings together into one harmonious whole.
And when you shine your light more brightly, you do convince people without the need to address them at that level of the mind. There is a peace, a love, and a joy within each and every one of you, and when you find it and you radiate it, others will want to do the same. Start with tuning in more consciously to what you’re thinking, feeling, believing, vibrating, and go from there. Your evolution and ascension are happening, and they will continue to happen no matter what.

What Makes You the Lightworkers & Change-makers
You are not just there to repeat that which is old; you are there to give birth to that which is new, that which is unique and that which is unusual. Oftentimes when you do this, there is resistance. There are those who are very set in their ways and who want things to either stay the same or go back to an earlier time, but all of that is to be expected on a world where polarity exits. You have hot and cold, up and down, left and right. It is important to not get attached to these perspectives so that you can let the new ones in. It is important for you to know that you are growing constantly, not only in your spirituality, but also in the way that you are able to perceive reality and in the ways you are able to access ideas, information, and new approaches to living life there on planet Earth.
Many of you will refer to these as downloads, you are the lightworkers, the change-makers; you are on the leading edge there, and you are taking it and sculpting it into a better world for all humans.

Is Happiness a Part of Your Ascension?
When you are truly being conscious in the moment, you recognize that there is a choice. You can think about all of the life situations that have you worried when you focus upon them, or you can tilt your head slightly and look at a cloud and notice how beautiful and majestic it is.
You have animals on your planet, and certain ones naturally put you in a joyous state. There is so much to get happy about, and there is so much that you could focus on that would put you into a downward spiral that would then be hard to get out of, and that’s why it is so important to be aware of what you are focusing on in the present. You do want to enjoy this journey, and you also want to spread joy wherever you go, because that is the best way to ensure that others are also enjoying the journey. It is possible to appreciate the fact that you exist, that your heart is beating, and that you can breathe in air, and when you are that conscious in the moment of the joy of beingness, then that which is joyous becomes more apparent to you. In raising your vibration, you raise the level of consciousness, and you help all of humanity.

The Current & Upcoming March Energies
As you open up to the higher-frequency energies... you can expect more immediate downloads when you are asking for them, and when you are open in your hearts to receiving them.
You are making room in your chakras for what you have asked for by letting go of what no longer serves you, and while that has been a painful process for many of you, just keep in mind that whenever you’re going through something, whether it’s a painful emotional experience or a painful body, you are making progress because you are releasing what you are becoming aware of in that moment.
Keep embracing, surrendering, and being willing to feel everything that comes up for you, and you will continue to be the most powerful conduits of energy that Earth has ever seen, and simply ask for it then relax and receive it.

Planting Seeds in Past Lives
In your previous incarnations, there were moments when you knew that something big was coming in humanity’s future, and you all wanted to make sure that you would find a way to awaken your consciousness. And you all planted seeds for yourselves in the future. The signs and synchronicities are all there, because you have placed them there very strategically, with a great deal of purpose.
You are there to help with the mass consciousness, getting them to that place where they can experience so much of who they really are as beings of Source Energy, beings of infinite and eternal light and love.

Interpreting the Signs
Your guides work to inspire you and your intuition gets you to go to the place where you will see the sign or experience the synchronicity, and because your higher selves ultimately know what is best for you and what you will best respond to when you see it. You can relax in regards to looking for signs because they are everywhere.
The correct interpretation of every sign and synchronicity is that things are going your way and that you are on the right track. Feel supported by what you see, by what you feel, it is all meant to support you, and you are meant to support the rest of your fellow humans, who may not be looking for signs.

The February 2-22-22 Energies
These energies are about initiating change within the individual so that you can then experience the world in the way you want to experience it. That means you are the change-makers. You are the ones who will change first, and then you will see the changes in the world outside of you. This is a beautiful time for you to be focusing on which aspects of the world you want to see.
You can continue that work through focusing, relaxing, meditating, hydrating and grounding. You will always want to be the best possible vehicle for the highest-frequency energies that are available to you.
Always focus on the desired outcome, the new earth that you are creating, and visualize it and breathe into it.
It is important that you live your lives as they are right now, instead of waiting for the New Earth.. because even though it is coming to you and it is inevitable, you still have a life to live right now. And living in the now is the best place to live; the only place to live. You can have a desire in the now that is not going to show up right away, and still trust that it will show up because you are a powerful creator being who is there to change the world.

We look at the positive when we look at humanity. We also know that there are so many humans there on Earth who look upon this struggle of now with compassion, love, and who offer healing to all beings involved. We know that when you become aware of war with all kinds of injustices, you become more compassionate and you look for ways that you can help. This is a sign of your spiritual evolution that is needed on Earth right now. Therefore, we invite all of you who are awake, to send your love, your healing, your compassion, and to hold space for the people who are affected by the conflicts. It is your purpose to be the one who sends this positive energy out, and to move beyond deciding who is right and who is wrong… beyond the "cons piracy drama" about what’s really going on. All of those mental gymnastics do not cause you to evolve one bit.
But when people go within their hearts and beam love to where it is needed the most at any time in human history,
we see enormous evolution in the consciousness of humankind.

It’s time for integration... individuals, or as a human collective... the more you go beyond your differences more you can see all you have in common. All is changing. And this transformation will continue to rise as the collective desire for peace on Earth also increases exponentially. You’re ready to move to the next level of your consciousness evolution.
Always go within your hearts first, then soon you'll recognize that you are so much more a part of the solution.
As enough of you respond to conflicts with compassion, you’re ready to live in harmony.
~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



The Energies coming to Earth now are so Powerful
that Anything not of Love is being pushed to the Surface for Healing ~ anonymous





Feb 6th- 2022

Source will always be INFINITE and expanding at the same time...

Source will always be INFINITE and expanding at the same time,
which is another concept that boggles the minds... and opens the hearts.
Your feelings and intuitions are guiding you towards the truths that serve you the most,
rather than the truths that validate your pre-existing beliefs.
When you get enough of the awakened collective to focus on something positive,
something that is wanted for humanity, then you really have accessed your power.
No matter how small is the group with your set intention, the impact is enormous.
You are creating the fifth-dimensional Earth, the New Earth.

You are creating it first by realizing that there is a problematic society
that needs changing. There are systems that are flawed.
You recognize what the problems are, and then initially,
you do resist them, and that’s okay. That shows that your desires for change are strong, and those things help in the creation of the new.
But eventually, you stop resisting,
and you remember that the power lies within you to create these changes.
You do it through your positive energy, through your alignment with Source.

You might be surprised to hear this, but Source is not resisting anything.
Then choose alignment with your true power and all of your cohorts there in the physical realm that want to see the same changes that you do:
changes that benefit everyone.
You and everyone around you is Source Energy.. and you have cracked the code.
~ The Arcturians by Daniel Scranton



Take Source Further - Excerpts from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Now, you are there on Earth at this time to discover what is possible amidst a sea of limitations that you were born into. And so, to not only move past the built-in limitations of physicality and duality, but to go further than any humanoid being has ever gone.
That really is the goal of your souls.
You are ascending. That’s what’s happening. Your conscious participation makes the experience better for you. - You and everyone around you is Source Energy, masquerading in a physical body, and have cracked that code. Now you just have to put that knowing into a greater
being-ness, the greater sense that you carry with you everywhere you go.
That’s the way to move beyond fourth dimensional beings.

Undoing Your Subconscious Programming
You want to demonstrate to yourself that you can create so much through the power of your vibration, that even if you were left all by yourself, you would have your spirit guides and your ability to create your reality.
We recognized over time that the beings and groups engaged in violence also feel disconnected, afraid, and there is more of a need for compassion and love for these individuals. You certainly are not getting anywhere with condemnation and judgment, and it is also important when you become aware of your relationship to a person, a group, a concept, that you look within yourself for what is present in the other, or missing in the other, that you are then aware of in yourself.
Have that moment of recognition that there is something within this other that is also within you and that needs compassion, forgiveness, healing, and unconditional love.
You always have a choice in the way you respond to everything that comes your way. It is your ability to step back from those moments and truly be your whole, complete selves. Be the solution and the love; and your lives will reflect a better universe and better concepts and ideas to you.

Ready for the Highest-Frequency Energies Yet?
All that work that you do on yourselves not only improves the quality of your life experience, but it also makes you better conduits in service to the collective you are a part of there on planet Earth. You are taking humanity to the next level of consciousness, and you are doing so often without any awareness of your contribution.
When you take care of yourselves and you tend to your own gardens, you are better conduits. When you meditate and drink lots of water, and when you avoid toxins and chemicals as best you can, you become a vessel that is clean, pure, and capable of handling more. When you process your emotions, and you kindly tell people what is on your mind, you clear your mental and emotional bodies, and that also makes you a better vessel for high-frequency energies. When you ground your bodies and connect with Mother Earth and Mother Nature, you are more equipped to handle what we have to offer.
And when you anchor in high-frequency energies, they automatically become available to everyone because you are a part of a human collective, and you are all connected. You are in a constant state of receiving, and when you consciously open up to all that is available,
you get to have a more joyous ride.

For All the Truth Seekers
Your feelings are guiding you towards the truths that serve you the most, rather than the truths that validate your pre-existing beliefs. It serves you more to process information through your bodies than through your minds. If something doesn’t feel good to you, then pay it no more attention.
You will be presented with different truths, because you are being presented with different choices for what you are moving towards: which reality you will inhabit next. It is so you can make a choice based on the resonance.
Focus on the reality you want to experience rather than the one you think you must experience. Sometimes you base what you believe to be true on what others believe to be true. If there were only one reality, then that would limit Source. That would limit how much Source could experience of Itself, and that will never happen. Source will always be INFINITE and expanding at the same time, which is another concept that boggles the mind.
Then you get to choose which aspect of Source you experience next, the one that feels most in harmony with who you are, what you want, and what you want for everyone there on Earth.

What Needs to Change for You to Complete the Shift?
Most people will be content to wait and to continue to ask: ‘When is it finally going to happen?’. The truth is that it is happening, and if you are not benefitting from the challenges and hardships that you face, then you are missing the opportunity to enjoy the ride - by reaching deep within yourselves for what is there, for what takes you to that next level of consciousness without anything outside of you changing. Now, if you can get excited about that, you can shift with ease and with joy in your HEART. That is the key to living happily ever after, whether it’s on Earth, in the Pleiades, or in any star system in the galaxy.

You are Creating the New 5D Earth
When you get enough of the awakened collective to focus on something positive, something that is wanted for humanity, then you really have accessed your power. As you continue to gather in small groups, no matter how small, or even by connecting through the Internet, and you set your intention for something positive for humanity, the impact is enormous.
You are creating the fifth-dimensional Earth, also known as the New Earth. You are creating it first by realizing that there is a problematic society that needs changing. There are systems that are flawed and cor-rupted. You first recognize what the problems are, and then initially, you do resist them, and that’s okay. That shows that you are passionate and that your desires for change are strong, and those things help in the creation of the new. But eventually, you stop resisting, and you remember that the power lies within you to create these changes
You do it through your positive energy, through your alignment with Source. You might be surprised to hear this, but Source is not resisting anything. And then choose alignment with your true power and all of your cohorts there in the physical realm that want to see the same changes that you do, changes that benefit everyone.

You Are the Changemakers in this Ascension Process
When you communicate, when you meditate, when you take care of yourself and show compassion for others, you can rest assured that you are doing enough to help the entire collective. You are the ones working behind the scenes to contribute something that is invaluable to the entire collective consciousness. You are Lightbringers, and agents of change.

The February 2022 Energies
... are about getting you into alignment, specifically your chakras, as the more in alignment you are, the more capable you will be in handling the March energies... because of the alignment they bring. And with that alignment comes greater clarity, a clear central channel use of the energies that you are getting. You are constantly receiving energies, but the question is, are you open to them? Are you ready for them? Can you ground them? And having some practice in grounding higher-frequency energies into your chakras will certainly help with what is to come. There’s always going to be a need for greater communion with the non-physical
and with the higher-frequency energies.
So use the power that you have, to visualize, to align, to open, clear, and cleanse the chakras in question.Make sure you’re getting plenty of rest, sleep, relaxation, meditation, and spending time in a state of joy, appreciation, or at least feeling neutral. Feel as good as you can feel under the conditions you are living in at this time, and realize that more is always coming because your prayers are always answered.

Your 9th Dimensional Angels
Embrace every experience that comes your way because there is something in it for you. There is some growth to be experienced. There is some integration that will occur, if you allow yourself to feel everything, and then you will move on to the next experience that you will need to take you along on your ascension journey. When you are having a very hard time with one of your fellow humans, call upon us, your ninth dimensional angels, or call upon the archangels for help.
We want what you want, and so we will deliver that help, and those of you who are open to receiving will receive it, and you will be able to move past the challenging experiences that you sometimes have with your fellow humans. Know that you are there to challenge each other. You are there to challenge each other to love unconditionally.
You are readying yourselves for an even faster experience of your evolution of consciousness, and everything else will also be evolving with you. That includes your physical bodies and all of the systems of your society.
More often than not, the support that we send is to help you get through something and to receive the benefits from having experienced it - without robing you of a growth experience.
Feel the support in helping you to process emotions, helping you to communicate to others what you need. Feel for the support that encourages you to go within and find the power that you have to change everything. Feel for the love around you when you’re going through one of those dark nights of the soul, and listen to all the guidance that you’re getting from within. Your feelings, your intuition, and your inner knowing are all wonderful tools that need to be employed in order for you to get through. What you need to have faster, more joyously and better, long-lasting results.
You are allowing us to work through you every time you offer to be of service to one of your fellow humans, and that is one of the many things about connecting with humanity
that brings us so much joy.

Who Should You Believe Regarding Current Events?
Listening to the rhetoric that is being passed along there on Earth at all times... You get one person’s angle on something. You can pull back from the entire situation and look at it from all the angles to have a more bird’s eye type view of whatever the topic is. What you really want to know is how you feel, You also want to know what to do about your feelings when they come up and how to get yourself operating at a higher vibration. No matter what the issue is, there is a way to vibrate in harmony with the reality that you would prefer to experience.
There is not one future that you are all destined to live; it is up to you what you vibrate in harmony with. And you have the ability to tune in at all times to what you are vibrating and shift it to a higher frequency. And so, when we see you all tuning in to rhetoric that leaves you feeling worse, we know that you are confused, and we know that you need to let go of the mental processing, so you can go do some emotional processing. Know that once you clear whatever was just triggered inside of you, that’s when you can vibrate on purpose, and create a much better-feeling reality for you and for everyone else there on planet Earth.

New Portals for Bringing February, March Energies
All the positive beings and all the help that you are receiving far outweigh any negative agendas.
There is so much for you to feel, If you open yourselves up to the positive energies coming in, you will have a positive experience of the rest of 2022 and the rest of your time in the fourth dimension, as you begin the feel the urgency of the shift and the necessity for it.
And it happens with so much more ease and joy, when you open yourselves up to these wonderful energies that are being delivered to you through all the portals. The energies of 2022 will be very supportive to those who are looking to be of service in some way, shape or form.
Opportunities will present themselves that you cannot fathom with your physical minds. For now, opening yourselves up to these energies and letting them flow through you is enough to tip the scales and to help bring about the very positive, loving and joyous shift in consciousness that you all want and deserve.
~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton





The purpose of this unprecedented era on Earth—is the opening of minds and hearts so the civilization can evolve in the spiritual and conscious awareness they need to co-create the Golden Age. If all truths were to come forth in one fell swoop, the collective third density psyche would go into shock and halt the grand momentum that’s building. Thus, revelations will emerge incrementally so the people can assimilate the first before hearing the second, and so on and so forth. It’s understandable that enlightenment cannot be rushed when you consider the mindboggling scope of information the people need to learn.
Your multiple lifetime experiences—and they’ve been invaluable in helping Earth’s peoples awaken to the extent they have—will enable you to be a bedrock of clarity and hopefulness for those who will be reeling. So that persons who have been doubly or triply don’t feel they’ve just heard a death knell, offering the encouragement of rising vibrations can be especially helpful.

Beloved one, when the roadway is smoother—and on up ahead it is!—you will be living in an illuminated world where unity is growing within the collective consciousness and the most exhilarating era on Earth continues to unfold.
We are with you every step of your journey and, with all other light beings in this universe, we support you with the power of unconditional love.
~ from Matthewbooks. com


Full Moon in Leo + after Feb.16th 2022 - Shifting from the Age of Mind to the Age of Heart -
2022 is a massive pivot and tipping point year where we're going to see an accelerated collapse of the old order - but at the same time the birth of the new and both happening at the same time. So as one is collapsing the other is birthing and that's going to create a great deal of energetic turbulence inevitably, but it's all about breaking down, to break through,
necessary to get us to a better place now.
~ Pam Gregory


Disappointment, without anger, is the mark of an old soul.
Not being disappointed, is the mark of a really old soul.
And trusting life so thoroughly that every step on its path is valued more than where it was supposed to take you, is the mark of eternal youth.
~ theuniverse@tut. com


"Every time you appreciate something, every time you praise something, every time you feel good about something,
you are telling the Universe: ' More of this, please.'
and if you are mostly in a state of appreciation, all good things will flow to you."
~ Abraham Hicks



Jan. 23rd- 2022

The New Energies Right Now -  Parallel Universes & You

Once in a while there on Earth, you can experience a piece of heavenly bliss,
where you feel that you are in fact in your version of Heaven, so put yourself there as often as possible.
In this frequency, you are literally bringing Heaven to Earth. Making it more available to everyone
because you're grounding those higher-frequency energies into your body, your planet, your grid system.
Showing others there are other options available to them. Bringing Heaven to Earth is the Real Goal.

Everything is a projection of our consciousness, and we get to decide what it is we are projecting.
That’s your free will.. being free to offer whatever vibration you choose to offer.
By embracing our good feelings we access those versions of ourselves that exist in parallel universes:
Imagination and emotions of these versions of us that simultaneously exists in a parallel universe.
We become more of our higher self because of our awareness of these other versions,
playing out different scenarios and stories in those parallel universes.
Like putting the pieces of the puzzle together to become our fifth-dimensional selves.
The veil is thinning between these universes and will continue to do so.
So when you explore these different selves, you are practicing and becoming more of who you really are.

You’ve been able to access much more of your akashic records as individuals and as a collective...
awakening aspects of yourselves that have been lying dormant for long time.
Now experiencing a greater influx of energy
realizing that you can feel telepathically the energy and the consciousness of all other human and all lives.
You will also feel that you are helping other people who are isolated or lonely

The universe is expanding all the time, and that to keep up with it, you sometimes have to surrender.
Not everything is meant to be known intellectually. What we are all here to do is
to experience Source, an experience that you get more of when you let go..
then you open so many doorways to so many different realities and experiences.
~ The Arcturians by Daniel Scranton




Steps on the Stairway to Heaven - Excerpts from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
You do experience the type of bliss that you can experience in a heavenly realm every once in a while there on Earth, and so, you must decide for yourselves what it is that puts you in that state of being where you feel that you are in fact in your version of Heaven, and put yourself there as often as possible. When you access that frequency.. you are literally bringing Heaven to Earth. You are making it more available to everyone else because you are grounding those higher-frequency energies in to your body, to your planet, to your grid system, and therefore, everyone can indulge. You are showing others what is possible, and that’s important. Because if people only look around and see others suffering, then they don’t know that there’s another option available to them.
You have the opportunity to vibrate at whatever frequency you choose and then to live in that vibration.. demonstrating the truth that you can live the reflection of that vibration in your experience,
others will start to wonder. Bringing Heaven to Earth is a real goal. Merging the two realms is inevitable.
We are projecting a heavenly vibration to you, and as you receive, you merge with that energy
and you make it a part of your reality in the here and now.


Access the Fifth-Dimension Right Now
You are becoming more awake.. to the truth of who you really are at some point; but then you go through the experiences that make you more aware of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and even your actions. Things you do on autopilot instead of from a place of inspiration.
You are there to go through those growing pains and to recognize once and for all that everything serves you. And then ponder everything, that you would like to be there, and realize that not having it serves you,
and then take a deep breath and relax. And realize you have attained inner peace in just a few moments of your time.
From the place of peace, you can create; you open up and receive. You can experience joy. You can look around at what is in your life and appreciate it more. You don’t always have to be struggling to get to the next step of your spiritual evolution. It’s not just that you are now aware of what you have to fix, what needs changing in your life.. Just being aware is the fix; it is the change. It means you are more conscious, not waiting for anything to change outside of you, so that you can then relax and feel good . Just do it now, and everything else will change more quickly, because you took these few little steps.


How to Meet Your Tribe & Soulmate
Now, you are there in the fourth dimension, biding your time, waiting for the shift to be completed so that you can have more freedom, so that you can play with your neighbors and e.t. friends, and so that you can travel to the far reaches of the galaxy. And because you are in that transition dimension at this time, it can be so very challenging, to find where you fit in. It is not by trying to be what you think that person wants you to be or the person you think the majority of the population is attracted to. Be yourself, and you will find your tribe, and you will be more satisfied with your life than you ever were during those times when you were trying to fit in. We are very excited to see more and more of you coming out of your shells.


A Progress Report for Humanity & an Invitation
You have had no choice really but to go within and to look at what you’re still holding onto. What buttons of yours are getting pushed, and what you still need to heal and forgive.
You don’t have to go back to living life the way that you were before. You get to decide who you want to be,and you are more clear now than ever about who you want to be in the world.
When you utilize time that you are given to go within, you find that you have a lot to give to your fellow humans. We are eager to support you in your work, in your contribution to the human collective consciousness,
and we are constantly extending out our nonphysical hands to you and inviting you to join us in the higher-frequency range.
All of that is available to you right now, and it is especially available to those of you who are willing to look within during a time of greater isolation. See how this time serves you,
rather than just looking for villains to point fingers at. And you will always see that nothing outside of you changes until you change what’s going on inside of you.
You are making the difference that you wanted to make on your world because we can feel the collective energy of humanity.


Your Astral Travels
Most of you who are receiving this transmission do not remember those astral travels at night when you wake up. However, you do take bits and pieces of what you are being given,
and you do incorporate that wisdom into your everyday life.
You get activated and you get to know soul family members of yours. Start remembering more of what is already occurring in these astral travels. And so, we are working with your higher selves and your guides.
And then we suggest that you do some dream interpretation work to better understand what it is that you have already downloaded.
Bring more of this information back to your conscious minds. You are ready to more consciously apply what you are receiving to your day-to-day living.


How to Make Huge Leaps in Progress
We invite you to look at whether you feel that your consciousness is growing and expanding and bringing you closer to that Source Energy vibration that you seek. It’s also time to catch yourself before you go down a train of thought
that you know isn’t going to feel good or isn’t going to get you anywhere.
Ask yourselves if you are pushing yourselves too much. Are you getting very rigid about your practices, about the things you think you must do in a day? It is time to see everyone outside of you as an aspect of Source
that you are meant to accept and then love unconditionally, and until you do, you will stay stuck in a box that no longer fits you.


The New Earth You are About to Inherit
You are becoming more of who you really are through the trauma and the tragedy that you have been living through. Having more time to reflect and notice what is going on within the self, is exactly what every person needed
- to be creating a better version of humanity, society, and life there on planet Earth.
Now you are on the precipice of living in that new world. We see so many more heart-centered beings who operate from kindness and compassion and a desire for a better Earth for all.


The Radical Changes You Want in Your Systems
You will see radical changes in your economic systems, your systems of government, education, commerce, medicine.. everything that could be put into that category.
It all will be changing along with you. You are changing gradually, and if you look at your systems, you can see how they are changing gradually with you.
Over the course of several years, the changes will be enormous.
But for right now, you need to accept, appreciate, and even celebrate the changes that you can see.

There is more transparency now than there ever has been before. Now what you do with that information is also significant. You need to look within yourself for a match to it.
Anything that you hold judgment towards and cannot forgive will stick to you like glue.
And anything that you cannot accept that is within yourself, will also be sticking to you like glue.
So use the things you don’t like about your systems right now as a way of determining what needs some retooling inside of yourself.. your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, judgments, fears, and so on. These are your indicators of what still needs some tweaking inside of you. You can try to work outside of yourself without changing anything inside of you. You can go about it the hard way. You can start petitions. You can repost other people’s articles and videos about what’s wrong with society, or your country, or your government, or your economy. But until you look within for what you do not like that is outside of you, it will continue to be there, creating your reality with its vibration.
You just have to tune in to what you are thinking or feeling, and let it go. And before you know it, you will be living in that world you want to be living in, with all the new systems that you would like to create right now. It will take a little bit more time than that because the outside reflection does take time to catch up to the inner workings of the human, but one thing you can be certain of is that everything is changing all the time,
and it is changing for the better because you are in fact ascending.


Parallel Universes & You
We want to give you some information about accessing those versions of yourselves that exist in parallel universes and how to access them… your imagination and emotions of that other version of you that simultaneously exists in a parallel universe. In your dream state take note of how you feel in that body in that universe.
You can become more of your higher self because of your awareness of these other versions of you, playing out different scenarios and stories in those parallel universes.
Like putting the pieces of the puzzle together, in order to become your fifth-dimensional selves, you must embrace all aspects of you, even those that you have not been in this lifetime. We assure you that the veil is thinning between these universes and will continue to do so. So when you explore these different universes and these different selves, you are practicing, and you are becoming more of who you really are.


3 Simple Steps to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe
Everything is a projection of your consciousness, and you get to decide what it is you are projecting. That’s your free will.. being free to offer whatever vibration you choose to offer.
It also helps you to know the opposite of what it is that you are aiming for. It is helpful to know because the opposite also is what inspires you. It inspires you to move in the opposite direction, to move away from it.
And awareness is the key to unlocking all the secrets of the universe, which all reside inside of you.
This is why we will continuously encourage you to shut off all of your devices and have some more awareness time. Care about what you’re vibrating, become aware of what you’re vibrating,
and then shift what you are vibrating with acceptance, with a willingness to embrace that current vibration, and with that newly-found desire to move to a better feeling one.


Dive Deeper into the Akashic Records
You’ve been able to access much more of your akashic records as individuals and as a collective.. your awaken aspects of yourselves that have been lying dormant for quite some time. Because it helps to tell a fuller story of who you are as a broader being than just this one character that you are playing in this one lifetime.
Now, the way to access more of your akashic records is to be as open as you can possibly be to the most absurd and ridiculous stories. That is telling you that you have lived something similar to stories of humans like Napoleon, Cleopatra, and Jesus. The stories of their lives speak to you because you are accessing a version of yourself that is perhaps not part of recorded history but that lived something that was so similar to the famous person’s life that it’s almost indistinguishable from the story that you do know of.
Go deeper into your akashic records, you must be open to many strange and wonderful possibilities because none of you are new to this Earth experience, even though you are starseeds and you are wanderers. You all just came from a star system far, far away a long time ago. Yes, you had boring lifetimes as well, but those are not the ones that you really need to connect to at this time because they don’t offer you anything. It’s the fantastical lifetimes that you need to start to believe.. without delusions of grandeur present.


Begin Now & Enjoy the Rest of the Ride to 5D
You can find the highest frequency that is available to you in your dimension, and show up in the world as your best possible self. Being in the highest frequency state possible just does feel better.
Be that version of yourself that you were always meant to be and that you are destined to be. Just being there and offering a high vibration is a tremendous help to your fellow humans.
And more importantly, you can help to be that best version of yourself for yourself.
Then you can really start to enjoy life; you can enjoy the journey, the rest of the ride to the fifth dimension. It is up to you to use your free will to be in the highest-vibrational state you can be in,
while still operating in the fourth dimension and waiting for that opportunity to shift to the fifth.
And know that it is coming, and you will want to be prepared.


What Is Newly Available to Humanity Now
A limited perspective is one reality, one way of looking at the totality of creation. But a feeling is expansive and undeniable. You cannot question whether you felt something, but you can question where a thought comes from. Know that the universe is expanding all the time, and that to keep up with it, you sometimes have to surrender. Not everything is meant to be known, not intellectually. But what we are all here to do is to experience Source, and experience is something that you get more of when you let go..
then you open so many doorways to so many different realities and experiences.
We invite you to let go, to surrender, to seek out oneness with the universe above all else. There’s always more of you to explore, just as there will always be more of this universe and Source to explore. We certainly notice the spikes in the vibration of your overall consciousness. But we still see room for more surrendering, more letting go, and more tuning in to the new energies that will always be available to you.. to explore more of the infinite and ever-expanding Source Energy that you are, and that you continue to contribute to,
with the lives that you live there on Earth.


The New Energies Upon You Right Now
You have been experiencing a greater influx of energy that is designed to get you to want to experience unity consciousness, and realize that you can feel the energy and the consciousness of all other humans . You can connect telepathically with all beings - human, plant, animal, extra-terrestrial. Recognize that you want to express yourself to the collective. And you send out a message to all of humanity. Then you will feel that you have done something to help other people who are feeling isolated or lonely. Right now the energies are very supportive of unity consciousness. These energies will keep coming, and realize that you are all part of one collective.


Predictions of Major Changes on Earth
If you just look outside of yourselves and wonder when the big changes will be reflected to you in the physical realm, you might get discouraged or even fed up again. Therefore, what is happening outside of you needs to become irrelevant to you in the sense that you’re not going to let it determine how you feel and at what frequency you vibrate.. and then you can get to what really matters, which is the movement of your own vibration to a higher frequency state. That’s what you always have control of, and you make a much bigger impact with your positive, high vibration than anyone can with their lower, negative vibration.
Take back your power and stop seeing those in positions of power and authority as having all the say in what happens to you and what happens to your fellow humans. But you are not going to get to it unless you are vibrating in harmony with it. And it’s hard to vibrate in harmony with it if you keep looking at the world that’s outside of you now and reacting, and then not doing anything about your reactions. Always let what is unwanted about your experience inspire you to move vibrationally towards what is wanted.
It is a law of the universe that you are a part of and that you can rely upon. So continue on that inward journey, even if you’re not making the difference that you want to make, none the less you are having the impact that you want to have: bringing the level of consciousness to a higher one.
~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



Jan. 5th- 2022

We Are All Source Energy Beings exploring Oneness to Bring New Creations

"Your ability to feel an emotion and to create a new reality, are strengths that are marveled at by so many other beings throughout the Galaxy. 
... by imagining yourselves living exactly what you want to be living, finding the emotion within yourselves, and then surrendering to the process of creation. 
Let go of the need to know how and when.The Release is when the creativity sprouts within you. 
That’s when you become your fifth dimensional selves, creating something that is beyond the imagination of most. 
 And it is one of the ways that we have been reaching out to you is in those moments: When you are communicating with your pets or some other nature beings.. 
that is when you are relaxed and when telepathically we can reach you.
" You are there to create, you get to do this because you are free; this is free will. You can change everything by being willing to examine yourself and what it is that you are consistently putting out to the universe as a signal.
Keep looking at yourself and asking yourself how you can add more of that which is positive, uplifting and higher vibrational to the collective consciousness. 
This is not a time when everything is just going to be done for you. It is a time, when you will be given more tools to do it all yourselves. 
And that’s what you came to Earth to do and experience, and now more than ever, comes everything that you need."

"You are tapping in to the human collective consciousness more often than you think. 
Your thoughts do not originate in your head. You receive them, just like you receive all energies, and when you see yourself all one; you are picking up on something that is going on within your human collective
and the consciousness you all share… Sometimes your role is just to work with the energies that are around. By holding a kind space for the collective consciousness to heal. 
There is suffering that is going on, and you, being a part of this collective, are affected by that suffering. So start by helping yourself to feel more stable, more peaceful, more at ease.
 You have to activate the vibration you want to see outside of you, and then you can start to think how to be of service to this collective consciousness that you All share." 

“ What you can lend to humanity to raise the vibration will always be something that you first tune in to yourself and then spread. So you can tune in to victimhood, feeling that you are being manipulated,
oppressed etc.. or you can tune in to the power that you have within you to transform yourself and to spread that energy of empowerment around to others, 
so that everyone in your collective can be at peace, at ease, and live lives of joy, freedom, excitement and love. 
And when enough of you see that as your focus, then you can change so much without even leaving your room."~ The Arcturians by Daniel Scranton


Feel for the Spark of Divinity - Excerpts from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
It is easy to hold to the same perception of reality, but to stretch that perception out, that’s when it gets more tricky. That’s when you have to shake loose of some of what you’ve been holding on to.
When you stretch your physical body, you sometimes endure the pain of that stretching, so the evolution of your consciousness is often painful. But being in pain and seeing others in pain is what amplifies your compassion and unconditional love. When you feel challenged by something in your life, that is the moment when you want to stop everything and feel for more of the Divinity that exists within you. Feel for more of the strength and the power, because it’s there, and when you discover the ability to feel our energy then you can feel for the aspect of you that is us. And this will help you in facing whatever life is throwing at you in the moment.

Four Steps to Becoming Higher Self 
You have been reaching new levels of consciousness through the traumas that you have cleared, and the great progress of becoming your higher selves. The different energies that come in to support you, the different helpers from across the galaxy, are opening portals that will grant you even more access to those beings and those energies.
This will be because of your willingness to clear that which no longer serves you and that which has been weighing you down. A leap in your consciousness evolution from being third dimensional to being fifth dimensional in a lifetime without going through these unpleasant experiences of reliving and accessing trauma. It is during an irrational fear experience, that you do have to turn up the unconditional love and compassion for self, in order to make it through that experience. 
Step #1 is awareness. #2 is being gentle with yourself. #3 is a willingness to feel it all, especially when it feels like a bottomless pit. #4 is that consistency that you need to keep going there until you’ve peeled away all the layers and gotten to the core of who you really are. Underneath those irrational fears / anger / sadness.. is your higher self, and you all are well on your way to knowing yourselves as that fifth dimensional aspect of you. 

We Are All Source Energy Beings 
Most people were not raised in a household where it was explained that you were an aspect of Source Energy and that the entirety of Source Energy existed within you. Then there are many who know this truth intellectually, but still believe that a certain percentage of humanity is evil.  If you are an aspect of Source, then so is everyone else. Source is all about inclusion. so that as a Source Energy Being, you can forgive. You can feel compassion, and you can expand. That’s the purpose of those people existing on Earth and elsewhere who are doing horrible things to other humans, or to the planet. There are plenty of negative acts performed by beings who have felt so separate from Source that they have resorted to these actions.
And so, every one of you would benefit from sitting quietly, closing your eyes, and feeling for Source Energy as that spark of Divinity that exists within all of us, no matter where we are, no matter what dimension. We are all masquerading as something other than Source so that we may feel what it feels like to go home again, to return to the Love that we were all born from. And when you can walk the Earth while holding that knowing, and speak and act accordingly, then you won’t even care about when ascension is going to happen, because you will already be living the best of all worlds.

A Multi-Dimensional Network of E.T.s & Humans 
We are establishing a network of communication that is multi-dimensional and that involves beings of several star systems in the galaxy, including yours. The more perspectives there are, the higher the likelihood of an inclusive set of ideas and processes.. that will make existence better for everyone involved. You have endured there on Earth throughout your history, things other beings in other star systems are responsible for…. And so, we are helping to negotiate: helping to make the peace between beings and star systems that have not been able to forgive and move on.
By evolving, by becoming your true selves, you are most certainly helping us in not only establishing this network, but getting it to be the beautiful coming together of beings that it can be. We thank you for your participation and for your continued efforts to forgive.
As you tune in to us, you get to feel your higher dimensional aspects activated, and you get to feel more of who you are. This is what you are doing as you ascend. As you ascend, you access more of who you really are, and that feels very good.

Your Journeys to the 4th & 5th Dimensions 
Notice how much love and compassion you felt for each other in the wake of the terrorist attacks that had taken place in the years prior to 2012.
You made the leap forward in consciousness because there were more of you who were feeling compassion for all people affected by those attacks than there were people feeling rage and demanding vengeance. December 21st, 2012 was the date when you shifted to a fourth dimensional frequency. Since you have seen more natural disasters, along with continued war efforts and terrorist attacks.. and the love and compassion continues to increase for all people affected.
This is huge. It is so important to see yourselves as one human race, rather than under one flag or religion, but asking yourself how you can help is the important response. It is the necessary one, in order to become more of who you really are. And we are certain that you are evolving and becoming your fifth dimensional, higher selves.

Connecting with Higher Frequency Beings 
You have your skeptics and then you have people who are so open-minded and so willing to believe in the impossible that they can be manipulated. In the middle of that spectrum, is where you have a healthy amount of skepticism about what you’re getting, whether it’s something you’re getting from someone else or from your own direct contact. Discernment will ultimately help you to tune and be able to feel the nuance within a vibratory frequency. 
Ask yourself a simple question: how does this feel? Does it resonate? Be open, but also be aware. Be aware of the vibration of every experience you’re having and every being you’re coming into contact with, whether human or extra-terrestrial. 

The Strengths of Humanity 
Your ability to feel an emotion and to create a new reality, are strengths that are marveled at by so many other beings throughout the galaxy, and even the universe. The trick involves imagining yourselves living exactly what you want to be living, finding the emotion within yourselves, and then surrendering to the process of creation. And then letting go of the need to know how things will come to you and when. Thus you release the anxiety and that’s when the creativity sprouts within you. That’s when you become your fifth dimensional selves, creating something that is beyond the imagination of most. 

Telepathic Communication with Arcturians 
You do not use technology to connect with your pets and other animal friends. Most likely chatting with one of your animal friends is telepathic. And so, one of the ways that we have been reaching out to you is in those moments: when you are communicating with one of your pets or some other nature beings.. We will slip something in during those interactions. while you communicate with trees, plants, flowers, and all of the members of the plant kingdom, That's when you are relaxed and when you have let your mental guard down. Like in an experience of a message through clairsentience and through clairvoyance. 

Exploring Oneness to Bring About the Shift 
More curiosity about one another will lead to more compassion, which will accelerate the shift in consciousness.. and that harmony will lead to full extra-terrestrial contact. And once you have full extra-terrestrial contact, it will be just a short time before you complete the shift in consciousness. Exploring each other’s journeys, even if it is painful at times. Even though you find it challenging to have any common ground with certain individuals, finding that common ground will help you to find a place in your heart for that person. 
You need to think in terms of integration and inclusion as you close in on that readiness that you all seek for full open contact with e.t.s. If you cannot see the Divinity in one of your fellow humans, it’s going to be very challenging to see it within an alien who looks and talks and acts very different from you. And so, we invite you to look for something in that person you feel you have nothing in common with, something that can bring you together, something that you can agree upon. Let go of those topics you disagree on.
Instead,  open up more to what you both feel, what you’re afraid of, what your hopes and dreams are. All perspectives will always be valid. They will always be a part of Source Energy. When you can find harmony, you will benefit so much more than if you defeat that person in a debate. This is the time of coming together. This is the time of unity consciousness and exploring the feeling of oneness with all.

The January 2022 Energies 
Let's explore with you what the January 2022 energies are all about, as you unpack them, download them and acclimate to them. You will notice that these energies are about you exploring more fully the “ truths" that you are holding onto, where they come from, and whether you are open to exploring new truths. - ‘truth’ instead of ‘belief’ -because it is about core beliefs and values that become so ingrained within you that you never question them. You hold them to be truth, something that just is, and is not open for debate or discussion.
Now, when you deconstruct everything that you have held to be true, it makes it easier for you then to just be. You are there to create, and you must ask yourself whether what you have been using to create has been the best possible ingredients. You get to do this because you are free; this is free will. You can change everything by being willing to examine yourself, and what it is that you are consistently putting out to the universe as a signal.

Because your reality is created by that energy/ vibration, you are putting out. So you get more of what you believe in, and tend to filter out anything that does not match your current set of truths. Energies help you to recognize what you’ve been holding onto that no longer serves you by nudging you in a new direction, by offering you dreams, downloads, other ways for you to access the information that you seek... Rather than waiting for everyone else to wake up and get to the level where you are. Keep looking at yourself and asking yourself how you can add more to the collective consciousness, more of that which is positive, uplifting and higher vibrational. This is not a time when everything is just going to be done for you. It is a time, however, when you will be given more tools to do it all yourselves and to do it right. And that’s what you came to Earth to do and experience, and now more than ever, you have everything that you need.

Your Assignment 
You are tapping in to the human collective consciousness more often than you think. Your thoughts do not originate within your head. You receive them, just like you receive all energies. When you start thinking about yourself as a part of a collective; you are picking up on something that is going on within your human collective and the consciousness you all share… Sometimes your role is just to work with the energies that are around, holding a kind space for the collective consciousness to heal. There is suffering that is going on, and you, being a part of a collective, are affected by that suffering. So you have to start by helping yourself to feel more stable, more peaceful, more at ease. You have to activate the vibration you want to see outside of you, and then you can start to think how to be of service to this collective consciousness that you all share. 

What you can lend to humanity to increase the level of consciousness will always be something that you first tune in to yourself and then spread. So you can tune in to victimhood, feeling that you are being manipulated, oppressed etc.. or you can tune in to the power that you have within you to transform yourself and to spread that energy of empowerment around to others, so that everyone in your collective can be at peace, at ease, and live lives of joy, freedom, excitement and love. And when enough of you see that as your focus, then you can change so much without even leaving your room. 
~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton



December 23rd - 2021

The Flowers of Guidance

Your Sixth Sense comes from your guides, who have been with you since the day you were born.
 It comes from your higher self. It comes from the universe. Feel, see the signs. Be present. Be aware. And if you get nothing, 
then just trust your inner knowing. Ask yourself if you really feel like this is appropriate for you, not whether it’s right or wrong.  
You’re on a journey, taking steps that are appropriate or not so appropriate, 
given the final destination that you are headed towards, which is of course the fifth dimension. 
Listen to that guidance you are getting from within you and you will have the most joyous easy journey possible.

Awakening within you.. are pathways to new realities, new timelines, new experiences, new energies..  
in the validity of these new aspects of life on Earth. See it as a ride like none other. 
You have the ability to choose and to resonate in harmony with the better experiences,
 better versions of yourselves. You do get there with help; there’s always help.
Everyone has help all the time, and then receiving help, you become a stabilizing force for humanity, 
then you know that humanity is going to make it, and that this shift in consciousness is inevitable. 
It’s the ride you signed up for, so you might as well play it consciously, and you might as well have fun doing it. 

If You Want Open Contact With E.T.s .. the personal e.t. encounters that you will have, 
are with beings that are other aspects of you. Be in contact with your self, your thoughts, your feelings, 
your vibration, and the things you know with your own heart with your vibrational signature. 

Live and let live. Let others be where they are; let them think what they think, and decide to continue to be love, 
which is who and what you really are.  No one can exist outside of All-That-Is. 
Be willing to change because you’re there to change the world, and know that your flexibility serves you so much more 
than being adamant about anything that you believe is true, especially when that belief makes someone else wrong. 

Everyone is having a different experience on Earth, because that is what’s necessary 
in order for Source to benefit from all of this and to expand. 
You are there as Source, pretending to have a human experience, to feel human emotions, adding to that which is You.
Learn to make peace with those differences, instead of defining yourselves by them -   
it’s the mind that does this, rather go into your hearts and feel the feelings that connect and bind you all together 
as one human family.  The next step is recognizing the Divinity in all of your fellow humans 
and all beings throughout the universe. The ninth dimension is not out there. 
The ninth dimension is within you, as are all dimensions ( Source / All-That-Is )
 It is the path of letting go that gets you to the fifth dimension with the greatest amount of ease and joy.

 Let go, embrace the world outside of you as it is.. for all of the opportunities it gives you 
to become more of who you are. You are The Creator;  this is not a game of separation but of integration. 
The Sooner You Realize This, the Sooner You Ascend.
~ The Arcturians Daniel Scranton


Be kind to yourselves during the holidays; be warm in your hearts - Excerpts from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
and open-hearted to those who may want to spend more time with you. Let go of all feelings of guilt. You are there to hold a high vibration, but that does not mean that you have to sacrifice your own vibration in order to be of service to others.
You can be of service to others in so many ways and still maintain that high vibration that you want to be in all the time.
You can force yourselves to be around people you don’t really want to be around,
but you will find that you lower your vibration to do so and that you are then relieved when you once again get to choose with whom you associate.
It is important to remain true to yourselves throughout this holiday season.. what you are attracted to, and notice where it is you want to be in the world, and do allow yourselves the luxury of going to those places, being around the people that you do harmonize with vibrationally, even if that is just yourself, your pet, or Mother Nature. If you’re honest with yourselves, you will be able to absorb more of the energies coming in, you will be able to ground more of them,
and you will be able to be of greater service to your fellow humans.

What Will it Take to Get You to Shift?
… for you to choose the higher frequency energies that have been made available to you. Do you have to hit rock bottom to make positive change? Do you need to have a mind-blowing experience in order to choose something different? Do you have to have a health scare? Can another person inspire to choose the higher frequency energies? Can you spend more time in nature and put away your electronic devices? You choose by being true to yourself and the impulse that you have coming to you from within. You are helping us as much as we are helping you, and we are very eager to see what happens
when you do make the choice to open up more to the higher frequency energies.

December Energies: What Will Happen?
.. they are in fact Source Energy creating, stabilizing you and your thoughts and beliefs, to recognize the truth of who you are as infinite and eternal beings of light and love. If you don’t like the track you are currently on, it is important for you to know that by going within and shifting your thoughts, feelings, your vibration, you can jump to another track or timeline. You don’t all have to agree on one version of reality in order to coexist peacefully either. You’re meant to be diverse in your perspectives, in your thoughts, and in your behaviors. operating at a slightly different vibration, and when you do not expect everyone to agree on any topic, you will be able to breathe a huge sigh of relief. And you will know that the reality that you create for yourself can bring you into harmony with those who are close enough to your vibration to have a pleasant experience.

Your Sixth Sense
… It comes from your guides, who have been with you since the day you were born. It comes from your higher self. It comes from the universe. You have to pay attention to the signs. Be present. Be aware, because your sixth sense is always trying to get your attention. And if you get nothing, then just trust your gut. Just ask yourself if you really feel like this is appropriate for you, not whether it’s right or wrong. You’re on a journey, and on that journey you will take steps that are appropriate or not so appropriate, given the final destination that you are headed towards, which is of course the fifth dimension. Listen to that guidance you are getting from within you and all around you, and you will have the most joyous and easy journey possible.

Is Humanity Going to Make It?
Awakening within each and every one of you.. pathways to new realities, new timelines, new experiences, new energies, new versions of yourselves.. in the validity of these new aspects of life on Earth. You don’t have to see it as something you just survive, but rather, it can be a ride like none other, a joyous journey. You have the ability to choose, and you have the ability to vibrate in harmony with the better experiences, the better timelines, better versions of yourselves. You do get there with help; there’s always help. Everyone has help all the time, and then when you receive help, when you become the stabilizing force for humanity, then you get to transform someone with your presence, with your knowing that you now have that everything is going to be all right, that humanity is going to make it, and that this shift in consciousness is inevitable. It’s the ride you signed up for, so you might as well play it consciously, and you might as well have fun while you’re doing it.

If You Want Open Contact With E.T.s
.. the personal e.t. encounters that you will have, or that you have been having, are with beings that are other aspects of you. Be in contact with your self, your thoughts, your feelings, your vibration, and the things you know, with your own heart, with your vibrational signature.

How to Fulfill Your Purpose in this Lifetime
You are awake. You have so much to give of yourself, as well as what you get from the higher realms, so it is important to value yourself and what you have to give in order to feel like sharing your light and love is going to be of value to someone else. And while you cannot talk someone else into waking up, you can shine your light so brightly to all on your world, including those who are still asleep, that they become enlightened, awakened. And they will ask you questions about your awakening, and then you can really feel like you are making a difference there on planet Earth.

December 2021 is Here…Now What?
… ascension, you are the ones determining how you are going to do it.. realize that no one can tell you what’s going to happen in your life and on your world.
We want to see you happy and in peace; we would love to see you operating from the highest vibration possible, and the rest is up to you. You are being given the keys, always, and what you choose to do with them is entirely up to you. You are Source Energy Beings, and Source knows that all creation is not only valid but useful. It is informative, and it leads to more creation and more creation, which is what Source wants. Focus on your vibration right now, and ask yourself where it is, whether it’s as high as you want it to be, and if not, close your eyes and breathe for a while.


The Current Energies, Great and Massive Changes & You
Seek the vibration within you that you would like your life and the world outside of you to reflect. Now you have more opportunities to go within, and certainly you can utilize all of the time spent not traveling to spend more time meditating, focusing on your chakras and on your emotions. You can build an entire universe inside of yourself that is so lovely and beautiful that you are .. not waiting for anything to happen, not waiting for lifted mandates nor travel bans. You have the choice right now, and the timing could not be better for all of you to explore what it’s possible for you to feel when you switch your focus from what’s going on out there to what’s going on inside of you. Yes, the energies upon you have the capacity to bring about great and massive changes on your world, but they still need their co-creative partners.. that are you, always have been and always will be.


Do You Know Everything? Do You Think We Do?
So whenever you are at a crossroads or stuck in a paradox, realize that you have a great opportunity to grow and expand, not only in what you know, but also in who you are. Certainly what you feel and how much love you bring to planet Earth and to others are far more important than what you know, and that is why it is so sad to us to see people hating each other over different beliefs. Live and let live. Let others be where they are; let them think what they think, and you decide to continue to be love, which is who and what you really are, No one can exist outside of All-That-Is. Be willing to change because you’re there to change the world, and know that your flexibility serves you so much more than being adamant about anything at all that you believe is true, especially when that belief makes someone else wrong.

The Future Moment that Will Bring Humanity Together
- Everyone is having a different experience on Earth, because that is what’s necessary in order for Source to benefit from all of this and to expand. You are there as Source, pretending to be human, to have human experiences, to feel human emotions, adding to that which is You. Sometimes you cannot relate to what someone else is experiencing because it is so different from your life experience and your circumstances, but you can have compassion. And when you recognize that you are all one and that you are linked in so many ways, you can love each other in spite of the differences that give Source that variety. You can learn to make peace with those differences, instead of defining yourselves by them and putting yourselves into little groups. it’s the mind that does this, and that is why we will always be attempting to convince you to go into your hearts and feel the feelings that connect and bind you all together as one human family. and the next step is recognizing the Divinity in all of your fellow humans and all beings throughout the universe.

Pay Attention to the Signs
- Talking about the you that you think of as yourself versus the YOU that you really are. We are talking about your ego and your higher self. Ultimately, you have to open your eyes and make the new choice. Letting go of something that you’ve held onto for a very long time in order to grab ahold of something new, something that will fit better, something that will suit you better. A new truth. A new reality.
Pay attention to the little nudges. Obviously, when your higher self hits you over the head with something miraculous, it’s a lot easier to change from within, but it is the consistent little nudges that you need to pay more attention to. It’s the synchronicities that are more significant. There is always more for you to see, feel, and you will see the signs, you will get the universal memos, and you will shift, little by little, moment by moment.

The Sooner You Realize This, the Sooner You Ascend
Give up the struggle, stop seeing certain elements in the world, as acting against you. It is all there for the purpose of your spiritual growth and evolution and that it was all put there by you. You will finally let go, and embrace the world outside of you as it is. For all of the opportunities it gives you to become more of who you are.
And the experience of letting go of all of that resistance within you, will open you up to a sensation of unconditional love, the likes of which you have never felt before. Letting go of your resistance to all that is outside of you and inside of you that you have been pushing against, that you have not been able to accept just as it is. And eventually, you will get tired of the practice of holding resentment, anger, fear, and hatred.. that you are the victim and they are the oppressor. You are The Creator, and you are there to experience yourself as such. Nothing will be as satisfying as you becoming more of who you really are. We’ve seen your movies, and you’ve had a lot of fun playing that game, but this is a game of integration, not a game of separation, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can ascend.
this is the work that you must do in order to become that and in order to be in that state of being that is fifth dimensional.

A Gamechanger for Humanity
In a higher vibrational state because you recognize that you create your reality with the vibration you are offering.. It’s very intuitive for you to take a deep breath, to sigh, and it is also the case that when you are experiencing some sort of trauma, you will stop breathing. We know that you can achieve ecstasy with nothing more than doing something that you do involuntarily all day and all night. So as you breathe and do something consciously and deliberately,
you add so much more of your consciousness to that activity.

How Your Ascension is Going
Opening your hearts to those with whom you have very little in common, to the ones you will never meet or speak to, that’s the type of oneness you are seeking. Because it is the type of oneness that brings you into harmony with Source. And this entire journey is about you all raising your vibration so that you can return to Source. Because it is needed and because you are needed there on Earth right now.

What Matters Most in this Universe
What you are putting out vibrationally, what you are feeling, and what you are thinking about are more important than whether you get that pile of laundry done today. Let go of the programming that tells you that you are only as good as what you accomplish in a given timeframe. Realize that you accomplish a lot while you are sleeping, and you can accomplish a lot while you are offering a higher vibration, because you are shifting yourself to a different reality, one where there will be less for you to do. Your vibration will materialize in the physical, that which is a match to it.

These Energies Are for the Big Dreamers
One of the ways in which you can open up to more energy is to appreciate what you already have. Another way is to feel for the energies that are around you. If you can feel for higher-frequency energies around you, then intend to let them in, and they will become more of a part of your experience in your life there on Earth. Allow yourselves to dream big, because the energies that we have to share are big and they are for those who want to create big. We want you to ground in these energies that we and others like us are offering. it is the dreamers, who are ready for more collaboration, more co-creation, and more energies to work with on these massive projects that you start daydreaming about, and then start to look at the possibility of how it could come to be. But you don’t have to figure that out. It’s just fun for you to consider some of the possibilities that do exist, and again, when you do, it is like you are saying to us, ‘More energies, please!’ And when you do, we always deliver.

2022: The Year You Take Your Power Back
You don’t have to wait for ships to land or for a solar flash or any kind of big event happening outside of you.You get to create your version of the fifth dimension and live in it right now, but you can only do that if you acknowledge that the power existed within you all along.

Download New Ideas, Concepts & More
Your job is to look around and see all of the problems in your lives and in the world and to say to yourself that you are going to raise your vibration in spite of all of what you see. And it is the way for you to get those higher frequency concepts, ideas, and downloads. You’ve got to have a higher vibration in order to receive. That means you have to give up the struggle, you have to stop trying so hard, and you have to stop thinking of yourselves as being all alone. The help is there and it’s being received by those who are willing to let go of the idea that they have to do it all and carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. When you can rest and relax long enough to receive, you can help humanity out of a lot of the sticky situations that you find yourselves in, locally and globally. And it is really just a few deep conscious breaths away.

Take the Spiritual Growth from Your Challenges
Often you will go within and find the strength and the fortitude to face life’s messiest and most troubling challenges. It is time for you to see yourselves as the creators of one hundred percent of your reality, all the time, because it is time for you to let go of that resistance that prevents you from seeing the opportunity that’s in front of you. And if you can create something that you really do not want, then you can just as easily create its opposite. But you’re going to find that it’s far more difficult to do so if you’re spending your time resisting that unwanted creation, whether it’s in your personal life or something that is global in nature. Know that there are so many others like us who want to support you in rising up to meet those challenges and to become your higher selves in this lifetime.
You are ready for a much lighter version of reality. The easier way to get to where you are inevitably going, is always to choose the path of love, the path of forgiveness, and the path of compassion. It is the path of letting go that gets you to the fifth dimension with the greatest amount of ease and joy.
~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton


Via The Angels
A Little Love Is a Bright Light
A beautiful ability to be the light in the darkness is having the ability to share kindness when others are impatient.
Your light is the most precious resource you have. With a simple loving word, you allow Divine love to flow through you. Even if it is a moment of pure admiration for the tree outside your window, it makes you an open conduit for the love that creates worlds to reveal itself in your world...
The note that will resonate with the truth in all human hearts, is your simple kind and loving act that ripples outward vibrationally to touch the heart of one who is about to give up.
A pure act or thought opens your heart, relaxes your body, changes your chemistry, and helps you feel like the best version of yourself. As you honor your own heart and take care of your own needs you bless yourself.
You pet the cat or the dog and admire them and you feel good. The act does not make the love, the authenticity behind it does. And if sharing love with others does not arise naturally, it is time to tend to your own light and lovingly care for yourself more. Refill your well. Give to yourself first. Rest more. That twinkling star can only shine in the heavens because it has connected with the light within.

Peace Amidst Conflicting Forces
You are calling for solutions and a higher vibrational reality, while at the same time focusing on problems and living in a lower vibration.
If you want to be a loving person but spend time hating someone or some group, you feel inner conflict. If instead, you offer yourself compassion and grace until you can do the same for others, you will feel at one with your true loving nature. Remind yourself to live and let live, to change what you can and accept what you can't then you are well on your way to peace.
Begin to be kinder to yourself until you can be kind to others, then you are on the road to a kinder reality.
For example: If you call for abundance, count your blessings and appreciate what you have, then you are congruent with your desires and you begin to feel abundant even before the money inevitably arrives.
If you call for health and well-being and focus on the times when you felt well and wonderful, or imagine what you will do when you get to feeling well and wonderful, then you'll heal and be filled with well-being. If instead you obsess about what is or could happen to your body, you'll feel a conflict that could even make you sick. In a vibration of joyful, kind expectation, you will transcend the circumstances around you, align with the Divine, and find yourself carried forwards towards a more glorious and loving reality. You will weather the storms of life with grace, and build a new and better reality. ~
Excerpt from VisionsofHeaven. com



November 26th - 2021

Everything will flow according to vibration.

Everything will flow according to vibration.
Identify more as that which is growing, expanding, evolving and ascending.
Even though you will have bodies in the fifth dimension…
your soul is your true self, that is the eternal, infinite part of you.
It takes the expansion and goes with the feeling of all, rather than the temporary aspects.
Your soul isn’t concerned who in power politically or how much money you have in the bank.
Your soul is in it for the journey. It is really the journey that matters...
.. what you can feel, how open your heart is, the amount of kindness you are sending around,
how many people you have smiled at today.

Nothing is going to stop you from ascending, and no one with a negative agenda can prevent you
from doing anything, but you can prevent yourselves from enjoying this process
and experiencing it fully.
The only spiritual war that’s going on right now is taking place inside
the consciousness of each being.
When you achieve inner peace, you achieve peace outside yourself.

Emanate peace, and it all starts with you and your awareness. Because it is at that moment that you
become aware that you are The Source of it all… that you are The Creator, and there’s nothing that
you cannot create. But you’ve got to start with your vibration.
Your vibration is your primary creation.
As Source, you don’t think of yourself as separate, or even individuated.
You are all that is, and as all that is, you have access to all the higher-frequency energies.
~ from The 9D Arcturian Council

Reality is an energetic world in which thought creates vibration, vibration attracts what
you are tuning into, and what you tune into draws the unseen into form.
We honor the courage you have to be here during this time of awakening.
There are so many disconnected souls spreading the virus of fear.
There are so many more, however, who – like you – are laboring in love to usher in an era of
kindness, tolerance, freedom, and openness.
For now, allow your Source to simply love you into a vibration
where you become the invincible creators that you truly are.
Receive dear friends. You are all precious souls adding
light and love to a vast and beautiful creation.
~ from VisionsofHeaven. com



Astrology of the next months
The old world was built on fear and the New Earth is built on love and is gathering momentum every day. And as the earth is moving thru the Photon Belt we are getting an added extra dimension… we are getting surges of Photon Energies and Light with many symptoms of dizziness, tiredness headaches etc… because every cell in our body is being upgraded super quickly to be in resonance with this super high frequency coming in bursts.. Do track the waves of Schumann-Resonance with these surges of upgrades of light into our bodies - we are stepping into our light body. Try not to attach to fear.. but to focus on love.. these next grim and chaotic 2-3-4 months will pass and pivot and the good stuff will blossom
~ Excerpt from thenextstep. uk. com



Message from the Angels: "Are You Living in “Reality?”
Are you living in the real world? Are you living in a world that you were conditioned to believe is real? Heaven and hell and every world in between exist simultaneously, in every single space and time. These are dimensions of awareness that exist at different frequencies, much as your different radio stations. You get to choose which one you attune yourselves to.
Reality, as we know it, is a world of unbounded, formless, infinite love just waiting to be molded into form with your focus. Reality is an energetic world in which thought creates vibration, vibration attracts what you are tuning into, and what you tune into draws the unseen into form. Our reality is the world in which you are loved beyond measure, a world in which you are guided in each and every moment of your lives. Most people look at what has already been created in your 3D world, and say, "This is the way it is! This is reality! Deal with it.” With all the love in our beings, we gently remind you were not designed to react and survive. You were designed to create and thrive. The deeper reality is the unseen, the infinite love that you are molding in this very moment! The deeper reality is the well-being that you are collectively calling for. The deeper reality is the freedom that you are calling for... the harmony you are calling for. This is the reality that you will live to witness coming into form because you are creating it here and now. Your faith and focus, or your doubt and limiting beliefs control how much that world of energy is allowed to inform and coordinate your cells. Likewise, the reality you see in your future depends on what is going on inside of you right now!

As you focus on the wonder and the wellness of any part of your body, you start to tune into the "loving energetic reality" of well-being. You allow Love to inform your cells to operate in greater harmony. Any good feeling in your body assists you in allowing health. As you focus on loving thoughts your muscles relax. Increased circulation flows to where your body needs help. You crave healthy foods and movement. Where relaxation assists in creating a wonderful hormonal balance. No matter what is going on in your 3D "real" world, focus on the people in your world who are doing good, behaving kindly, and laboring in love. Focus on all that you do right instead of criticizing what you do wrong. Notice something good. Focus on the world in your mind that you are creating. Dream of better.

Feeling the Love
Imagine for a moment that you are outside. Feel the smallness of your planet when compared to the immense reaches of space and the countless galaxies. Imagine at this very moment the light reaching you from those stars was shining from them thousands of years, sometimes tens of thousands of years in your past! There are planets, unlike anything you can imagine. There are species and life forms that defy description in your current languages. There are galaxies of life that exist as well within each tiny cell of your body.
The same Presence that imagined the most beautiful scene you have ever seen in nature, imagined you. The Infinite love and wisdom that coordinates entire universes, wants to help coordinate your life and assist you in achieving your dreams. Can you imagine!
You matter this much. You are loved this much, and yet dear ones so many of you feel alone, scared, frustrated, or angry for one reason and one reason alone. You are not yet aware of the love that breathes life into you, sustains you in every moment, gave you free will, and wants for you whatever loving desire that you want. Your world looks so chaotic now and indeed, for now, it is. At present, there is a clash between those who want to mandate behaviors and those who want the freedom to choose behaviors. Through all of this, however, the love that sources universes – the same love that created that magnificence you see in the night sky – is Sourcing and guiding you.
Take a breath and for a moment imagine you could feel this love permeating your entire being. Imagine this love whispering to your heart saying, "I created you. I live within you. I live within all. I want you to have what you want. I want you to know My love. Relax. I will guide you with good feelings. I will help you orchestrate your dreams in harmony with the world, as surely as I orchestrate the stars in the heavens. I love you. I have always loved you. I will always love you. Relax into my embrace."

Take time each day to simply imagine this love washing into you and through you. Tune into the immensity of the Love that is there for you, your life would change. Fear would slowly dissolve. Frustration would melt away. After all, if the Creator of Universes has your back, why would you find fault with any situation if you feel this sort of love?

We honor the courage you have to be here during this time of awakening. There are so many disconnected souls spreading the virus of fear. There are so many more, however, who – like you – are laboring in love to usher in an era of kindness, tolerance, freedom, and openness. For now, allow your Source to simply love you into a vibration where you become the invincible creators that you truly are. Receive dear friends. You are all precious souls adding light and love to a vast and beautiful creation. ~ Excerpt from VisionsofHeaven. com



From The 9D Arcturian Council : Access the Full Power of Source Energy
It is your Collective Consciousness that creates the government, the pharmaceutical industry, the economic system, the educational system, and even your environment. All of the things that people want to change that do exist, to a certain extent, outside of them, are changed when the individual takes that positive step forward, bc of your impact on the entire collective. See yourselves as being that powerful, rather than seeing the billionaires leaders of government, as being the powerful ones.
You are the leader of your own reality, because you are the creator and all of you are more powerful when you band together with a common goal, as long as you realize that the common goal is to offer a vibration.
Realize the power of Source Energy flowing through you, allowing everyone else to be where they are spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. You have to love them as they are and see them as necessary pieces of the giant puzzle of which you are all a part, of which we are all a part. Then you can relax, because you can let go of all of your tension, and you can be aligned with Source and exercise that power.
Tune in to the experience of the universe that you want to have, and then let the universe deliver.

What the Awakened Collective Can Do Now
You need patience, because some of you have been awake for decades, and you have been waiting for massive changes for that long. Even those of you who are newly awake are now encountering prediction after prediction about The Event, The Shift… People really want things to change there on Earth, but it will be a slow process that requires people to be more introspective than to have the knowledge of what’s going to happen next and when and who will be orchestrating it. We’ve seen so much of that in the spiritual community that we would assume by now people would be letting go of the idea of something happening outside of themselves to change everything. We will always be taking you back to the basics, which include meditation, grounding, connecting with nature, hydrating, and so on. You do receive help at the appropriate timing and levels.
You don’t want all of these changes to happen all at once.. for mostly that most people aren’t ready. You as the awakened collective have to be patient with your fellow humans and do the best you can to enjoy the ride and carve out your little pocket of fifth-dimensional living. You are living your fifth-dimensional lives right now. and you are connecting to higher-dimensional groups and beings.

The Energies Are Upon You…Now What?
You are co-creating with your higher self, the universe, Source, all other beings in existence. these energies are about putting you on your path, in which you are focused on the evolution of your consciousness which leads to your ascension, where you will then have many more paths to choose from.
Now, you do still have physical bodies, physical lives, bank accounts, bills and things that you have to take care of, but you still have to prioritize what you are focusing upon, and it is important for you to be aware of your vibration and the evolution of your consciousness, because everything flows from these two. Now is about becoming a different version of yourself, and you creating new realities, new Earths, new systems, new galaxies, new universes. You don’t have to focus as much on your path that has anything to do with accomplishment. You do want to grow, however, and become what you are destined to become consciously and with as much joy and ease as you can possibly feel along the way.
It’s as easy to be on your path as to start paying attention to what you’re feeling, what you’re vibrating.

What if the World Were to Completely Change?
Changing you at your very core is the only way to change the outer reality and to have it be the changes you actually want as a soul.
An ego doesn’t like challenges, because an ego just wants to know that everything will be okay, that it will be safe, comfortable and so on. But a soul knows that it"s journey is to grow and evolve, to expand and become more of Source Energy on an experiential level.
When you listen to someone, even though you know that they are complaining and perpetuating the same reality, and then you say something kind to them, something supportive, that is a Source Energy experience. When you feel oneness with all, when you are in that state of unity consciousness, that is a Source Energy experience. It is the movement of your soul from one level of consciousness to another,

You are co-creating all of this with Source, and Source is growing along with you and because of you, and is grateful for you and your willingness to go out there at the edge of creation.
You can ask for help, and you are receiving help. And in the asking, you are actually creating what you are asking for, so it is all good.

Your Path to Enlightenment
We have been enjoying witnessing the mystery that is the unknown to humanity and how you have found various ways of dealing with the anxiety that comes up around the unknown.
What do you do then with the mystery of the unknown? You have the ability to be quiet, to go within, and to let the unknowable make itself known to you.
You don’t need to develop a theory of everything. You don’t need to get a story about the unknown … when you go within and you find peace, love, and compassion within you.

When you get beyond the need for answers or a solid direction, and instead you enjoy the silence, and you enjoy feeling what’s going on inside of you, that’s when you solve one of the mysteries. Having an experience is so much more valuable than just having a philosophy that you wholeheartedly believe in and even become rigid about believing in.

We invite you to hold your arms wide open to the unknown. You don’t want to have it all figured out, not really. You want to see all of what you are experiencing as a fun adventure. That’s the way to enlightenment. And along the way, you will try on many different beliefs. You will have faith in many different ways of looking at the world and being in the world, and at some point you realize that the only place for you, the only way to truly understand and to know, is to go within and be silent.

What the Fifth Dimension Will Be Like for You
As fifth-dimensional beings, you won’t need these systems. You won’t need an educational system, because everyone will be able to access whatever they want, whenever they want, regardless of their age, and without a computer or Internet connection. You will simply download whatever it is you desire to download directly into your higher minds. You won’t need an economic system because you will be instant manifestors.
There will be peace; there will be no war. There will be no trade agreements; everything will flow according to vibration. Everything will be happening as though synchronicity was the rule of the day. Therefore, we would advise you to focus more on being fifth-dimensional beings, on grounding in fifth-dimensional energies, and on clearing what you need to clear from your chakras in order to ascend, rather than focusing on and complaining about your broken systems and who needs to do what about them. Again, vibration will dictate everything, and so those who are ready for more contact will have it.

What you can do is look after yourselves and those around you who need whatever gifts you currently have to offer. Help raise the level of consciousness on the planet, and you don’t have to worry about what others are doing or not doing.

What Really Matters to The Ones Who Are Ascending
Identify more as that which is growing, expanding, evolving and ascending. Even though you will have bodies in the fifth dimension, and you will have personalities, and you will have a sense of identity, those things are not really what is ascending. Your soul is which is your true self, and it’s the eternal, infinite part of you. It takes the expansion and goes for the feeling of it, rather than getting caught up in what is temporary there on your world.
Your soul doesn’t care who is in power politically or how much money you have in the bank. Your soul isn’t concerned with what type of home you live in; your soul is in it for the journey. It is really the journey that matters.

Do concern yourselves with what you can feel, how open your heart is, the amount of kindness you are spreading around, how many people you have smiled at today. You can experience this expansion, this evolution of your consciousness, in so many beautiful ways that have nothing to do with the physical and what is happening in your world right now. Nothing is going to stop you from ascending, and no one with a negative agenda can prevent you from doing anything, but you can prevent yourselves from enjoying this process and experiencing it fully, and we want you to enjoy it fully.

Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts for the Newly Awake
You can feel yourselves raising your consciousness, while also being grounded in your bodies, and you can open up to more access to the gifts and abilities that are inevitable for all of you to access there in this period of your lives.
Most people don’t think very much about their spirituality, or themselves as souls, as essentially nonphysical consciousness. You are the ones who will guide them, will soothe them, will help them through these times of greater release, and thank goodness you have everything that you need right now because you are kind, compassionate, loving beings, but you are also receiving more of what you need to feel confident as the leaders that you truly are.

As you patiently await their awakening experiences to unfold. Right now, just look after yourselves and notice how this recent change in the overall frequency of the human collective consciousness is affecting you. Take care of yourselves so you can take care of the others.

Is There a Spiritual War Going On Right Now?
Focus on what feels good to you and what you want to create, rather than focusing on what you are afraid of or what might happen that you do not want to happen. The only spiritual war that’s going on right now is taking place inside the consciousness of each being and that when you achieve inner peace, you achieve peace outside of you.
Be the ones who seek peace, who vibrate peace, who emanate peace, and it all starts with you and your awareness. Because it is at that moment that you become aware that you are The Source of it all… that you are The Creator, and there’s nothing that you cannot create, but you’ve got to start with your vibration. Your vibration is your primary creation.

The only story we are interested in is the one you are creating with your vibration and whether you want to make some changes to that story. You control your state of being with your awareness, which means you can hold fifth-dimensional consciousness for a little while every day, and you can hold it for a little longer and a little longer, and you can create your own pocket of it, your own slice of Heaven, right there, right now, on planet Earth.

As Source, you don’t think of yourself as separate, or even individuated. You are all that is, and as all that is, of course, you have access to all the higher-frequency energies.

Your Relationships & What They’re All About
This is a time of great enlightenment, and a time when there is more awareness. Your awareness comes to you through your experiences, but then you also get to choose what you are aware of in any moment. Choose love; choose expansion; choose knowing yourself better as who you really are over judging someone else for the role they agreed to play for you, no matter what it is, no matter how bad they are. Let yourselves go with what is natural, which is the flow of energy that takes you into higher and higher levels of consciousness. But when you choose to ride the wave of that energy, you feel more connected to Source, to your true soul’s essence, and that is what you came for, in addition to exploring these different relationships and how they can all be experienced by you and by everyone else.

Your Spirit Guides, 5D Chakras, & Us
Your guides are seventh dimensional, your personal, specific spirit guides… are your friends. if you show your appreciation for these beautiful beings and feel for the love coming back to you, that’s when you will know you have guidance, support, and unconditional love around you at all times.

Your Thoughts…Do They Belong to You?
We understand that the environment you are in on Earth, and we just want you all to know that it’s not your fault when you think a thought that is heavy, unsettling, or even disturbing to you. You were born into that system where those thoughts and thought forms, those streams of thought existed prior to your arrival.
If you can be aware of your thoughts, you can let them go, and once you let go of a lower-vibrational thought, you can get to the vibration within you that attracted that thought to you in the first place. They don’t just come to you randomly, but of course, you were born around certain people, and those people were thinking thoughts, and those thoughts became easier for you to receive and translate and think of as your own.

But then at a certain point, you do hopefully realize that you have a choice and that you don’t have to choose to think like them. You can think differently, and you can seek out that which is progress from the standpoint of your perspective and of the entire human collective of which you are a part. Now is a good time to be paying attention to what you are thinking, whether you want to keep thinking those thoughts, and then being conscious and aware enough as you most certainly are to let go of those thoughts.

Let them go, and feel what’s behind them. Feel the vibration; breathe into it. If it’s not a good-feeling vibration, let that go, and you will put yourself in a better position to be accessing thoughts that feel better to you, thoughts that are intrinsically better because they are vibrating at a higher frequency, and that is a simple way to change your life and your world.

The Arcturian Agenda, Ground Crew & Gridworkers
We are very big fans of all of you there on Earth because you chose the harder path. You chose to take on more challenges, more baggage from your past life selves and your genetic line.
No one is forced to incarnate anywhere because of karma. You incarnate because you are sovereign beings, because you are Source, and you do get to choose whether to continue a series of lifetimes.

So the plan never was to do it all on your own, and in many ways you are not by yourselves there on Earth, even if it feels like you are at times. Everyone who is receiving these messages from us is linked in a very real way. You are anchoring in Arcturian energies, and you are grounding telepathic communication with one another through these gridlines that you are creating.

You are our ground crew there on planet Earth, and we need you in order to deliver the help, the guidance, the wisdom that we want to impart on all of humanity.

But know this - you reach everyone with what you are holding in your consciousness, your awareness, and with the open hearts that you have. You walk around emanating all of those truths, even if you don’t speak them aloud. These energies help humanity awaken and ascend.
~ Excerpt from The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton




November 5th - 2021

Each one of you is a microcosm of the entire Universe.

Awake Spiritual Humans understand that they are Source Energy
and know that everyone else in the entire universe is as well.
And when you can accept, forgive, and embrace everyone as they are…
you will see those enormous, massive changes you want to see on Earth right away,
because you will be seeing the world through that new lens.

You will be vibrating differently, and you will be attracting new stories about
people coming together because of the decision you made within yourself
to start accepting others regardless of what they do, what they think,
what they say and what they believe. That is where your true power lies.
This is not a mind game. This is a game of vibration, energy, and focus,
and when you focus your energy, you shift your vibration,
and you are able to feel that which is available to you first.
Then comes what you perceive in your physical reality.
Then come the people that you will call your tribe, your soulmates.

On Earth, when you begin to believe in the illusion or ‘the matrix,’ you forget
that your existence is about expanding into the newest creations of Source.
And of course, you also forget that you are that Source
that is both creating and experiencing simultaneously.
And if you see it all as Source, then it becomes more fun.
The feeling states are much more infinite in nature than what is physical,
which can break, be lost, be stolen, or simply no longer serve you.

The inner realm is where all your power lies and it is where we meet you.
It is where we are available to you all the time and where we spread the peace
within you so that you may spread it all around your beautiful planet.
~ The Arcturians


Each one of you is a microcosm of the entire universe.
You can activate any frequency you like within yourself. With love and appreciation, you can activate your connection with the Source, or you can activate your connection with world problems, such as supply-chain issues, by pinching off the love waiting to flow through your own borders. You can activate frequencies of joyous celebration or frequencies of abject hatred. Within each one of you is the potential to tune into anything at all that already does, or can, exist in your reality.
The more people who will activate a certain energy, the more you will see it mirrored in the world at large.

There are countless people on earth praying for love. The Source is there. The offering of love is there. However, in many, there is a disparity between what is being offered and what is being received. For example, you can pray for the end of this pan- demic, yet still focus upon it with fear, thus creating a disparity between the well-being that is offered and what you are willing to receive. Alternately you can focus on well-being, and follow your guidance – each in your own way – thus allowing well-being to flow into your reality. You can choose to live in a way that feels healthy – to you – and focus on enjoying your own physical experience. Whether you are sequestered in your home enjoying your days or running around without a care, your energy will always be far more important than your actions.

When you focus on the good in your life, no matter what your actions, you are open to the flow of love, life, and light that is always being offered.
If you want change, are you open to new thoughts, new ideas, new guidance? Are you open to having the beautiful essence of what you want, come to you in a way that might not look exactly what you thought... but will be better than you dream? Are you open to the in-flow of Source's wisdom and love, or are you asking for change and resisting the very same because you fear it?

It is through your willingness to "feel" your way, that you tune into your guidance. It is through your willingness to feel GOOD, that you align with Source. It is through your willingness to reach for the better feeling thoughts and actions that you unblock the flow from the Source. The Source of all Creation, all Life, and all Love lives and breathes inside of you and is waiting at all times to be felt within you... and dear ones, Source feels Good. Light feels Good. Love feels good.
The smallest acts of love seem so insignificant to you in your 3D world and yet in the 5D paradigm, they open up the entire supply chain of love from Source. There is nothing ever insignificant about a moment of love, kindness, care, appreciation, or comfort. Align your thoughts with it. Believe in it even before you see it. Stay the course, and then dear ones you have unblocked your access to the endless supply of Love from the Source. ~ Excerpt from VisionsofHeaven. com




“ These Beings, the consciousness if you will, that we call the intergalactic federation .. they are responsible for seeding many different races that date far beyond the history of man. They are the ancestors of planet Terra and many others, and hold the consciousness of creation. It may be helpful to think of them as energy instead of extraterrestrials or people. Their energy holds a quantum frequency that contains the original intention of this planet and its people, when it was first created and even before the inhabitants were created.

Please understand that we are aware that there has been many genetic experiments on planet Terra, with the human race, but this is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the development of the soul, of the consciousness. By just being in their presence, the quantum frequency activates a “knowing" within them. A knowing that they are not a body, but a soul. That they are connected to the heart of the people, of all people. And so working together in the best interest of all, is what will be not only beneficial, but the intention behind Creation.”
~ from Val Nek, via Megan Rose



From The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton
If there is something you don’t like about the outside world, then tune it out. Tune in to the vibration that’s inside of you. Tune in to your own thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and chakras, and know that there is just as big a universe inside of you as there ever has ever been outside of you. And also recognize that chances are if there’s something outside of you that you don’t like, that you’re pushing against and resisting, then there’s something inside of you that is getting the same attention, the same negative reaction. Your expansion and evolution, is right beneath the layer of resistance that you have to what is in your world right now. And if you can get to it, you will feel something you’ve never felt before. You will feel more of your true self emerging.

An unaware person is very reactionary and easily programmed, and the aware person is taking life slowly, breathing consciously, taking in everything about a situation before coming to a conclusion about it. To live a more conscious life will ultimately lead to more inner peace, and inner peace leads to more happiness, and when you have inner peace and happiness, you are much better at living your life and creating the reality you want to experience.
You can already feel so much coming from your sun, your Earth, your oceans, and all of Mother Nature. You can feel so much coming from the stars, from starlight, and even from moonlight. If you are tuned in, your sun will affect all, regardless of whether they are paying attention, the energies and light hits you from various celestials bodies. In order to benefit most, you want to make sure you are feeling grounded into Mother Earth, and to open up to the energies coming in from these very real, very physical beings and bodies. This is a time to be basking and receiving what is always there for you, always seeking to help, as help is getting amplified at this time.

You have the power within you, and the power comes from your full recognition that you are not only connected to Source; and that Source is not only a part of you, but that you are Source. And what could be more empowering and satisfying than knowing that ultimate truth and then living your life accordingly?
You came to the point where you are just as interested in your own origin stories as you have been about Area 51, Roswell, and other famous stories of UFOs and e.t.s. You are beginning to notice that this is not so much an experience that you have out there somewhere in space as it is one that you recognize is present inside of you. .. to unlock and unravel your own extra-terrestrial origins. Now, why is this important? Well, you are looking to make connections with beings from outer space, and it certainly helps to recognize that you are one of them.
You are ready to co-create. You are ready to be seen as equals. This is the time to join the galactic family, to take your seat at the table, and to recognize that you belonged there all along. It is not your advancement in technology that has earned you a seat at the table. It is that knowing that you belong, that you are just as worthy as any other beings in the universe to be there. The truly spiritual human who is awake understands that they are Source Energy and knows that everyone else in the entire universe is as well.

Enormous, Massive Changes You All Want on Earth

You do want to experience the power of unity consciousness; you do want everyone to be given an opportunity to be exactly who they are and to fit into the space they were always meant to fill. Being a loving and accepting person has such a huge impact on the collective you are a part of and the entire universe. Every time you give someone permission to be exactly who they are, you make this coming together more possible. You make yourselves more powerful as a collective, and as a powerful collective, you can experience enormous, massive changes, the types of changes you all have been waiting for.
And when you can accept, forgive, and embrace everyone as they are… you will see those enormous, massive changes you want to see there on Earth right away because you will be seeing the world through that new lens. You will be vibrating differently, and you will be attracting other new stories about people coming together because of the decision you made within yourself to start accepting others regardless of what they do, what they think, what they say and what they believe. That is where your true power lies.

One of the options for us is to help you all with accessing more of your own creativity. We are considering sacral chakra upgrades + with the receiving and the assimilating of the energies that you receive from all points across the universe; a heart chakra activation to help you access more joy, more frivolity, more lightheartedness. All of those things are needed on your planet at this time, a time when a lot of people are being very serious, taking life very seriously and getting locked in to what they believe.
Know that you are capable as well, of activating whatever you want to activate, upgrading whatever you want to upgrade, and we will help you with those perspectives, as we continue being of service to humanity.. And so, focus on what puts you in a higher-vibrational state, and you get yourselves to stay in that higher-vibrational state for as long as possible. Enjoy being in joy for its own sake, and you will find yourselves living a life that is so beautiful and so filled with opportunities for love, creativity, and everything else you want that others will begin to ask you what your secret is.

How to Receive Up-to-the-Moment Info from Arcturians

This is not a mind game. This is a game of vibration, energy, and focus, and when you focus your energy, you shift your vibration, and you are able to feel that which is available to you first. Then comes what you perceive in your physical reality. Then come the people that you will call your tribe, your soulmates.
You will likely get messages, but only after you have shifted your vibration enough to be able to receive and interpret those messages without a great deal of filtration. If you want to get the most up-to-the-moment guidance and information, you must clear away everything that has been cluttering your mind, including beliefs that you have clung to for quite some time. And then what you receive will be pure, and it will be helpful. It will be guidance about this moment and this reality, which is why you are there.

You are there to sense and to feel, to experience, and then to decide what would be better than what you have been experiencing. And when you do, you will have all the tools you need to create, and you will know that you still have the support of us and other higher-dimensional beings and collectives.
Your feelings matter and whether something resonates with you or not intellectually is not as important as how you feel when you focus upon it, because at the end of the day, all truths are true and all realities are real. If you focus on the good in you and the good in others, you will start to see more evidence of that good, playing out in your world. If you focus on the fact that you are all Source Energy Beings, you will start to notice that others are showing you that they are Source Energy Beings in the flesh, and you will feel more of your Divinity flowing to you and through you all the time. That is the best possible use of your focus.
Think of love as an eternal flame that burns in the center of your heart, and know that when you place your consciousness there, you always find it. Even if it takes some time and some focusing to do so, you will find it and you will spread it by focusing on it and breathing into it.

Breaking Free from the Matrix & Manifesting

On Earth, when you begin to believe in the illusion, or what some have come to refer to as ‘the matrix,’ you forget that your existence is about expanding into the newest creations of Source. And of course, you also forget that you are that Source that is both creating and experiencing simultaneously. And if you see it all as Source, then it becomes more fun. The feeling states are much more infinite in nature than what is physical, which can break, be lost, be stolen, or simply no longer serve you for some reason.

The feeling of bliss that you experienced yesterday is not the same feeling today, and that’s what makes manifesting outside of the matrix so much fun. That is why people who have spent some time developing their spirituality understand that the illusion is to be transcended to a certain extent. Even playing within an illusionary matrix is fun and is meant to stimulate growth within you spiritually, rather than being the measuring stick by which you determine how good you are, in one way or another. Realize you have access to what is nonphysical right now, whereas something physical may take three to five days to arrive in the mail. And then know that nothing is stopping you from breaking free from this so-called matrix. The only thing that ever could stop you is you.

How to Anchor in the Arcturian Light

We invite you to feel the energy coming off of the birds and the wild animals. Go outside and really appreciate all that Mother Nature has to offer. Just get some sun on your skin, breathe in some fresh air. You will find that you are instantly calmed by these experiences.
Get some more plants and flowers in your home, connect with crystals, and even pieces of wood, branches, twigs, whatever you can get your hands on to harmonize with that energy. It will ease, to merge as much of our consciousness as we can with as many of you to help raise the vibration of the entire human collective. Helping you to bring about peace on Earth, and of course, to remind you of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. In those quiet moments, it opens completely up to become the conduits of our energy and to plant those seeds into the grids that you have there on Mother Earth.
The inner realm is where all your power lies and it is where we meet you. It is where we are available to you all the time and where we spread the peace within you so that you may spread it all around your beautiful planet.

The Newest Activations

The fifth dimension is a level of consciousness and not a place that you go to. You are in the process of co-creating your fifth-dimensional reality, your fifth-dimensional Earth, and your fifth-dimensional society, this is not something that is just being done for you.
It is something you are doing as a collective.

The Best Possible Ascension

Compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love are the big three when it comes to spiritual evolution, and that’s why we keep directing you back to what is simple and true and universal. One thing you have to consider when you start to get caught up in what has happened, what will happen, and what’s happening behind the scenes and in the shadows, is that you are constantly jumping timelines. You are shifting realities all the time, and when you shift realities, you have different pasts and different futures in those different realties.
What matters more is that you are paying attention to your vibration, which determines which reality you shift to. If you relax and breathe and pay attention when you don’t know what to do, then what you need to do and what it serves you to do will come to you. It comes to you naturally, easily, without struggle, without second-guessing, without needing to back the right conspiracy theory of the moment. You don’t need to be right; you just need to be aware, and you need to be more aware of what’s going on inside of you than what’s going on out there. Now, that being said, we will still tell you when there are energies, upgrades, and activations coming your way because it serves you even more to open up to them consciously and to feel for them.

If you are feeling for what is good, what is higher dimensional, what is higher vibrational, then you are ascending consciously and with joy and ease. If what you are focusing upon, on the other hand, is bringing you down, causing you to focus upon what needs to be defeated, or who is doing the baddest things, then you are making it harder on yourself to grow, to evolve and to ascend. But you are on your path; you can relax. You can let go, and you can tune in more to what is higher vibrational inside of you and all around you to give yourself the best possible experience of ascension.
In November, the energies continue to intensify and you will be continuously bombarded with energies from various parts of the galaxy. You all need quite a bit of support at this time. Therefore, we know that whatever energies we provide you with will be grounding, stabilizing, and they will assist you in processing everything that you are releasing at this time... what no longer serves you… Make room for even more of these higher-frequency energies that are coming in quite naturally because of where you are in your ascension and where you are as a solar system moving through the galaxy... more universal, cosmic energies … enormous downloads about what you can do next. You will be getting ideas for all sorts of things, and you will be encouraged with those inspired ideas to move in a particular direction.

Your higher selves, of course, will be orchestrating the delivery of these energies, these ideas, these impulses, and everything else that is coming to you. So take more of the weight off of your shoulders, and give more responsibility to your guides and your helpers, your galactic team, your star family. They are all there waiting to assist in whatever ways they can without interfering. So let November be a month of letting go and letting help in. Give yourselves plenty of time to rest, relax, and open up to receive because there’s a lot more coming in December as well, and we just want you to be physically, mentally, and energetically prepared.

How Humanity Is Making Major Progress

The expansion of your consciousness is the best part of the journey back to Source, and that has nothing to do with Doing. It has everything to do with Being. So be less hard on yourselves for not being able to step in and fix the problem.
Problems will always be a part of your journey because the solution always involves an expansion of consciousness. Sometimes there is doing involved. If there’s a fire, you put out the fire. But in most situations, you can sit back, relax, feel the expansion that you are getting from the situation in front of you, and evolve. Experience ascension as a series of little victories, even though most people are talking about giant waves of energy swooping you up into a higher dimensional plane. Be happy that you hold the intention to be of service because it’s an indication of your growth, and you’ve elevated the consciousness of your human race, and that is a major accomplishment.

Progress Report & Mantras for the Best Timeline

You would also be able to relax more, enjoy the journey, and not focus so much on what needs fixing on your world, because you would have that assurance tattooed on your brain that it all works out in the end.
And there is no end, really, but the end of your time in the third and fourth dimensions .. and the fifth dimension is a new beginning, but it’s not a new beginning that has to have a drastic cut off point. You can make a smooth transition, and so, you also might enjoy employing the mantra that, ‘Things are going better than I think they are.’ And you also might want to repeat the mantra, ‘I am doing better than I often think I am.’
Your futures are not written in stone, except for the fact that you are ascending, because there’s nothing else to do and nowhere else to go but up. It specifically exists in the centers of your hearts, where you can feel your true power, because you can feel yourselves as your higher selves. And you can feel Source Energy and all that Source Energy is delivering to you in every moment of every day. You are meant to feel empowered, but you can only feel it when you go where the power source lies. So focus and you will feel more sound, legitimate because they will match your vibration.

How to Fulfill Your Purpose in this Lifetime

Spend some time focusing on what you have to give energetically, from the higher realms, and then send everything that you are getting and everything that you already had to your fellow humans. Change the world for the better from where you are right now, which is a good place. You are in a better place than most just because you are awake. That makes a huge difference. And while you cannot talk someone else into waking up, you can shine your light so brightly to all on your world, including those who are still asleep, that they become enlightened.

How to Change Your Future & Your Past

Holding a higher vibration is more important than preparing yourself for the catastrophic events that some people will always be predicting there on your world.
Because fear has been around for a very long time, and whether someone’s motivation is to keep you in fear… you can rise above that level of consciousness, to stay true to yourself, to listen to your heart, and to know that better timelines can be created..
There is not one future. You may have just jumped onto a timeline where that version of that person already was, and that is their past. Your memories can take a while to catch up to the new environment you find yourselves in when you jump to a new timeline. Or someone else may have just jumped to your timeline, and their memories haven’t caught up with them yet. Your vibration matters more than what anyone else is saying about the one future or about their version of the future. You can only know what you are vibrating by being present, by being grounded, and by caring about what you’re vibrating.

And you can only shift your vibration in the present moment, as well. You can change your past and your future from the present moment by altering your vibration, and you can alter your vibration by doing nothing more than closing your eyes and breathing while paying attention to it. Therefore, you don’t need a time machine, or a portal, or any other device to change the timeline, to change your past or to know the future. You are creating your future right now, and those of you who are awake and who resonate with what we are giving you right now are creating a better one for you and for everyone else on planet Earth and beyond. ~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton





October 13rd - 2021

Waves are Revealing and Activating our Galactic HigherSelf-Soul-DNA

"The October 2021 Energies.. are about granting you more access to
your parallel lives, your parallel universe selves, your past and future selves,
as well as opening you up to the truth of who you really are
as a Source Energy Being;
a Being that only and always experiences oneness, unity consciousness.
Your connection to all beings is more than just a connection;
it’s all of you, taking in your higher self & etheric state,
connected to All-That-Is, all moments, all experiences, all vibrations.

Now you receive because you stop trying so hard to make everything happen yourself.
Relax and open up to all of the energies that are coming from the higher realms.
As you’ve lived enough lifetimes to deserve everything.

Earth was always meant to be a melting pot of the galaxy, where a race of beings
would have the opportunity to bring all of their gifted aspects together and
integrate them into oneness and wholeness."
~The Arcturian Council

“This station or Nirvana” is not a place, it is a group of souls
with some members of vast powerful civilizations, living within a
collective soul group in physical or nonphysical worlds, and some are free spirits
even without an etheric body to accomplish soul contract missions.

All of us can tap into our combined experiencing and knowledge at any time,
and simply by the power of One, be in multiple places in this universe simultaneously.

You and every other soul in this universe have the very same innate abilities.
It’s that through long ages of self-discovery and many lifetimes of service
to various kinds of civilizations, every soul at this station has achieved
a fine measure of attunement with the universe.

The foundation of that multi-layered world is love, the same energy as Light,
and that energy’s high vibrations stabilize the realm."
~ matthewbooks.


Drop the Defenses

Relax into your deeper truth. You want to love. You want to enjoy the variety life offers and choose from it what you enjoy and what you wish to create. There is no need to argue or defend your right to be. There's never a need to defend or justify your choices.

You want to avoid anything you don't resonate with. In 3D it might seem that you have two less-than-desirable choices. In 5D there is one important choice... Will you attune your vibration to what you want? This requires a willingness to attune to the vibration of what you want. You have put yourself in this position to grow beyond 3D limitations and into 5D freedom. Your soul wants you to step into this greater vibrational freedom.

Each individual in all of creation has its own design, its own inner compass, and its own right to be. So do you. So does everyone else. Accept yourself as you and grant yourself permission to be you – pure, precious, powerful light having an experience that you yourself carve out with your unique and beautiful choices, beliefs, opinions, and perspectives. You are perfect as you are here and now, even as you expand into greater understanding. ~ Excerpt from VisionsofHeaven. com


Multidimensional Awareness, Light.. and Consciousness is Evolving

Enlightenment is a grand healing energy that lifts you out of one place and begins to take you to another. So much around you begins to shift and change. We invite you to drop the drama in your life.
What if that was the goal, all along - to get you to a place where you could send light?.. nothing more than that? What if you’re supposed to be a Lighthouse, and your light is going to get brighter so you can affect Gaia.

Is creating peace on Earth acceptable to you? Or will you sit around feeling you failed because it didn’t match the 4D list on the wall of your mind? It’s your choice.

Your consciousness, and the multidimensional pieces of your DNA are immense.

Like identical twins - One can be in one hemisphere of this planet, and another can be in another, but when something happens, that might affect them both, for instance, their Mom's in trouble. They both know it. Two individuals, two consciousnesses are allied in such a fashion that thousands of miles away, they're getting the same information.

That has a physical nomenclature, also called Entanglement. It is a Quantum aspect, and that is one that is BEYOND linear. Something astonishing...where you are so connected with anything that you could be on another star, another planet, and when happens here, the other part of you would know it instantly.. and it's happening within your DNA. How big are you? You're as big as God.

You have the ability to plug into your Soul, into your heart and have the most benevolent wave of love come over you. "It's all right. I am beyond what I ever will be. I am before I was."
That is your multidimensional who know who you fully are, helping you to get through all of the strife that is so linear and so now. There is hope for this planet, dear ones; there is a solution. That's the Light! - Light is starting to amplify itself, and in the process, it's dissolving the dark. Light is already winning in many areas. Hold fast; know who you are.
~ Excerpt from Kryon


Co-Creating Your Ascension Experience

Your eyes can deceive you. You know that you don’t see the full spectrum of what is out there in front of you... you cannot always see the positive results that have been occurring on your world… but you have to be feeling for it in order to experience it. You’re not necessarily going to see it in the outside world so please do feel for the change in humanity’s overall vibration, because it has just taken you higher than you have ever been before. You represent what is holding the Light for humanity, and there are more of you coming to the knowing of who you really are. That is having an effect on everything throughout this universe.

We are looking forward to collaborating even further with you on the fifth-dimensional Earth. So please also call upon us when envisioning the Earth that you are ascending into.

You want a fully-formed human and human collective consciousness to make that leap, and from where we are here in the ninth dimension, we see that at the time of your Dec. solstice event, you will see what a gigantic step that will be, but you do have to get more comfortable with the baby steps, just as with the truth that you are the driving force behind this ascension, and that it is not something that your sun or other cosmic forces are solely responsible for inducing. You are the ones who are co-creating this new life, this new Earth, and that is your shift... Shifting your consciousness to a higher level, so that you can be the version of yourself that you’ve always wanted to be, and surrounded by people who are being fully that they’ve always wanted to be.

the Most Spiritual Growth

Your spiritual evolution, like meditating, doing yoga, spending time in nature, will be leading you back to yourself, your relationship to yourself, your relationship to Source and to this universe that we all share.
There will be times when you must help another by letting go of the need to be right. When you change, everything around you changes, and when you lead a life where you are examining yourself on a regular basis, that’s when others around you will also show that they can change, and evolving with you.

But in the resentment of others for what they said or what they did, the less you grow, because the focus is on something outside of you. Take a look at what triggers you, and then ask yourself why. It is very easy to just go about blaming others, or institutions like ‘the gov.’ or ‘society,’ but those are entities that are meant to reflect back to you what you still need to see, heal, and forgive within yourself.

If you look at the lives of those who are willing to look at themselves and examine their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you will see that they are much happier than the people who are looking for what else they can be angry about. You are responsible for so much of the growth and evolution of the entire human collective consciousness, because you are truly manifesting that reality with each moment you spend in self-examination.

Your Journeys Throughout the Galaxy

Your tendency towards wanting peace comes from your association with the Orion system (a system that went from great war to tremendous peace). You all traveled from star system to star system on your way to Earth, and Earth was always meant to be a melting pot of the galaxy where a race of beings, would have the opportunity to bring all of these traits, all of these aspects, together and integrate them into oneness and wholeness.

The time you all spent in the Antares star system made human put much more faith in science, than you do in what you cannot see and touch and prove. It's how the Antarian roots that you have are affecting you now.

Do understand your history in this Galaxy.. we want to help you integrate all aspects of yourselves, make peace with who you have been and who you are. When you have that inner peace and you feel whole complete, and ready to shift your consciousness. It’s been a long journey, not just on planet Earth, but through the entire galaxy and universe for all of you. And in the acceptance of all that you are and all that you have been, you are bringing yourselves closer and closer to that moment of ascension.

The October 2021 Energies

... are about granting you more access to your parallel lives, your parallel universe selves, your past and future selves, as well as opening you up more to the truth of who you really are as a Source Energy Being, a Being that only and always experiences oneness, unity consciousness / your connection to all beings is more than just a connection; it’s you taking you in your etheric state, connected to All-That-Is, all moments, all experiences, all vibrations.

Now you receive because you stop trying so hard to make everything happen yourself, relax, and open up to all of the energies that are coming from the higher realms. You don’t have to earn anything, including the grace of Source. All you need to do is realize that you are that Source, you are that ascended master, and you’ve lived enough lifetimes there to deserve everything. Make sure always to ‘relax, open up, and receive.’ And everything else gets taken care of for you.

You are shifting from being mind oriented to being heart centered. .. each individuated consciousness, each aspect of Source, gets to choose by virtue of their vibration, which timeline they are on. And once you clear the trauma from your past lives by feeling it and breathing into it, then you can remember that you no longer need to put your attention on the doom and gloom scenario that you came across.

There are so many beautiful timelines that you have in front of you right now to choose from, and many more good-feeling timelines than there are negative ones, even when the negative ones get all the press. And you can give your minds a break from having to know everything that’s going to happen in the next few weeks, months, and years. Trust your hearts, your intuition and your feelings, and let everything work out in the way it is meant to, which is always for the positive, because you are always on this ascension journey, and there is no stopping it.

And so, as you continue to relax and let go of the need to do it all yourselves and let the universal forces take over, you get to enjoy the ride more as well, you get to feel more; you get to connect more; you get to access more of your spiritual gifts and abilities. Let go of the idea of accumulating accomplishments in this lifetime. You’ve done enough of that in all of your previous lifetimes put together. You have nothing left to prove and everything to gain from letting yourselves shift gradually, and with ease and joy in the process.
~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton



“This station” is not a place, it is a group of souls numbering in the millions that have evolved to the same status spiritually and consciously. Some are members of vast, powerful civilizations, some are living within a collective soul group in physical or nonphysical worlds, and some are free spirits that don’t need even an etheric body to accomplish soul contract missions.

Regardless of location, physical or disincarnate life, all of us can tap into our combined experiencing and knowledge at any time, and, simply by the power of thought, be in multiple places in this universe simultaneously. That capability lets us know what information can be most helpful, enables the coalescence of thoughts into the message each “speaker-soul” telepathically transmits to a receiver.

You and every other soul in this universe have the very same innate abilities. It’s that through long ages of self-discovery and many lifetimes of service to various kinds of civilizations, every soul at this station has achieved a fine measure of attunement with the universe.
This will show why no one ever should feel fearful about what you call death and actually it's a lightning-quick transition from living in a physical world to living in a spirit world.

Nirvana is an ideal place for the population to live between physical lifetimes. As the planet itself became one of the universe’s best schoolhouses and souls flocked to incarnate there, the spirit world’s overseers kept adding diversity in lifestyle, housing, attractions, scenery, and manifestation and growth opportunities. Eventually Nirvana became known as one of this universe’s finest spirit worlds, and it’s considered by some to be the crown jewel.

The foundation of that multi-layered world is love, the same energy as light, and that energy’s high vibrations stabilize the realm. Everything is highly personalized to accommodate residents at every stage of spiritual and conscious development. The numerous levels in the interconnected layers correspond with the energy of individuals’ lifetime free will choices, and the universal law of physics draws each to the level in consonance with their characteristics, attitudes, philosophies and evolutionary status.

Scenery is magnificent, colors are vibrant, administrative and other important buildings glow as they are constructed of crystal, and life is joyfully active. People who are bonded in love with each other and pets are reunited. Infants and young children are lovingly nurtured in special homes and receive age-appropriate education. Animals, including those you call wild because in Nirvana’s high vibrations they are peaceable, roam freely and mingle with the people.

Everyone may attend or participate in music, dance, drama and comedy performances, and people can enjoy all winter and summer sports except those that are injurious to bodies or animals. There is no pollution because there are no factories—whatever is needed or desired is manifested by focused thought.
The lower the level and the layer, the less natural beauty, everything is in keeping with residents’ energy registration. As they take advantage of advancement opportunities, they move up to the next level—only disinterest in growing more aware spiritually and consciously holds anyone back.

With the virtually unlimited scope of what Nirvana provides to all residents, it is understandable that many civilizations want the same for their spirit worlds, and my knowledge of life in that realm enables me to help them. Depending upon the requestor’s location in the universe, I travel astrally, leisurely in a spacecraft to enjoy the companionship of the crew, or instantaneously by thought. When Earth reaches her destination in high fifth density, only Nirvana’s higher layers will be needed to serve her population. ~ from matthewbooks. com



September 24th, 2021

Your soul wants you to step into this greater vibrational freedom.

Cosmic Influx

As your planet is shifting
you are seeing the eternal expansion of your consciousness, more than the sense of self.
You were never meant to cling to these illusions in the physical.
You are stripping away the identities of the ego in order to become your higher self,
You don’t have to wait for a solar flash, or an event.
And you do want to identify as an infinite, eternal, formless being of light and love. …
All can have inner peace and a sense of satisfaction just from existing.
Go inside of you leading to where Everything needed already exists…
and then you will experience the completion of the shift.

Who you really are is everything and everyone.
And so, if you are pushing against anything, you are pushing against something that is inside of you,
It is always about your consciousness,
your vibration, your energy, your thoughts, your emotions, and your beliefs.
We are in the process of becoming our oversouls
as you are in the process of becoming your higher selves.
Beyond your linear thinking… is the best possible experience you can have.
You are walking transmitters of a higher frequency vibration and you take cosmic downloads.
You are getting the activations to better know yourselves as your higher selves

Simply be authentic, and people will want to know what your secret is.
Just relax, feel your feelings, and do your best to feel good.
And that’s all your higher selves are asking of you. that you can enjoy these years left in the fourth dimension.
These transformative energies coming into your fields, your chakras, your bodies, your cells,
and every aspect of you... those things are connected to your vibration...
in receiving them, you anchor them into the physical, which is transformative for others.
We are observing the impact of your acts of kindness, each thought of unity,
and each feeling of love, and we assure you that your positivity matters.

You impact the entire universe just by thinking about someone you love, then you will enjoy more
the ride, all of your companions, whether they be human, animal, or extra-terrestrial, and a bit more.
They are the feelings of home, the feeling of Source, and the feeling that you are always connected,
are when you let go of everything else that contradicts all that you seek to experience.
Every word you speak, every thought you think, and every intention you hold impacts the whole.
Live more in the moment in your lives, in order to truly be aware of what you are vibrating,
~ The Arcturians



Via The Angels
Like in birds migrations you have your own inner compass. You have your own connection to the Source. You have the ability to attune to what you wish to experience and therefore the ability to receive your guidance in each moment. So does everyone else. Collectively you are guided, if you listen, to live in harmony with yourself and with those around you.
When you ignore your guidance and take everyone else's opinions "into account" instead of trusting yourself, this is when you become confused, uncertain, insecure, and often upset! When you are in agreement with your own feelings, you will feel good.

Are You Flowing?
When your thoughts elevate you - you are like that open spring.. allowing love, grace, goodness, and guidance from the Divine to bubble up in your life and nourish all your dreams. When your thoughts bring you down - they close you off to the guidance that is always waiting to spark your life.
As the energies on your planet become increasingly intense and as you move into the 5th-dimensional realities, it is increasingly important to your health, wealth, happiness, and well-being to remain open to the love coming in from the Source.. in the choice to think something sweeter, more soothing, kinder, or more loving.

When enough of you allow this love to flow into your individual lives, then even your weather patterns will shift, for your dear Mother Earth must release the pressures that build up when people pinch themselves off from the waves of love wanting to pour into your lives. Every time you choose a kinder, more loving thought – no matter what the topic – you open to grace and goodness in your own life, and as well you become a vibrational contribution to Life itself.

Own your Own Mind
You would never see anything in the natural world "taking into account" another's opinion. Instead, each beautiful being in the natural universe senses and reads energy, feels instinctual and intuitive guidance in response and acts upon that.
Be honest with yourself about how you feel. Instead of worrying so much about pleasing others, be more concerned about pleasing the Source of Creation that lives and abides in you and guides you – in every moment in time – along the path of greatest joy.
~ Excerpt from VisionsofHeaven. com


Experience the Completion of The Shift
~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton

As humanity becomes a part of a galactic community with many other beings from many other star systems, and even galaxies… with that intention for everyone to thrive and with an understanding of what people need in order to heal and in order to become their true selves.
We see you becoming more of who you really are every day, because we witness you as an energy that vibrates, rather than as a human body that speaks, thinks, and acts. The up-leveling of your vibration is inevitable because your planet is shifting. It is a time for you to be looking at yourselves in new ways, seeing the eternal expansion of your consciousness, more than the sense of self you had previously.
People who are still clinging, want you to cling as well. The way of the ego is to cling, to attach, but the way of the higher self is to be present, to care not about structures, about made up ideas, like a country, but instead to be more unconditional love, and to create from the beauty that is all around the higher self. You are in this transitional phase right now where you are stripping away the identities of the ego in order to become your higher self, and those of you who have done a lot of that work already can begin to identify as your higher self right now.
You are leading humanity. It is because we can see how the shift will actually continue to unfold. It will be a grass roots movement where all of you who are paying attention right now to what’s going on inside of you will lead the newly awakened back inside themselves to where everything they need already exists... and then you will experience the completion of the shift.

Receive the Upcoming Download of Energies
Prepare for the download of energies.. delivered to you into more of a state of vibrational harmony with that particular aspect of your higher selves.
You will be able to access fifth-dimensional thoughts, ideas, concepts.. and this will allow you to let go of the limitations of the third-dimensional physical mind that has been a tool of the ego and that ultimately needs to be let go of, in order for you to let in that which is of the higher mind. … By meditating.. with an expectation that as you clear your third-dimensional mind of all thought, you will also be allowing in higher-frequency thoughts. You will be able to put things that you have been procrastinating about into some sort of action. You will be more effective in your actions, and you will be more creative. The downloading of all aspects of your higher self will continue, of course, and will be aided by this new mindset that you will take on, and it will be easier for you to feel that you are already living in the fifth dimension because of this access to your higher mind.

The New E.T. Races Helping Humanity Ascend
We are always seeking to establish new connections with other beings who have a similar agenda, and that is helping humanity to ascend... to expand their consciousness and their awareness to be of service to The All.
They will often ask us questions about you, as many of them will have a hard time understanding how humanity could possibly feel so separate from the rest of the galaxy, the universe, and Source.
You are there to make the choices that are necessary to live in more of a harmonious state with one another. We will continue to work with all extra-terrestrial beings and continue to spread the word about humanity and your current level of consciousness, because everyone in this universe has to recognize that humanity represents an aspect of them, and therefore, all who seek ascension and to live in oneness, will be seeking to help humanity.

What Your Higher Selves Ask of You
Just continue to be yourselves, and let everything else be taken care of for you. Let us do all the heavy lifting. Let us figure out exactly what the people you interact with are going to need in the near future, and you all just relax, be yourselves, feel your feelings, and do your best to feel good. And that’s all your higher selves are asking of you as well. We hope this helps to take some of the weight off of your shoulders .

Even if you write a book and no one ever reads it, that energy has been put down now, it has an impact on the human collective consciousness. It does not matter how many views your video gets. It matters that you make it. It matters because you have an impact on the human collective, the galactic collective, and the universal collective with everything that you put out.
Every word you speak, every thought you think, and every intention you hold impacts the whole. Together, we can bring about a peaceful, joyous, easy transition for all of the consciousness in the entire universe. We can do that because we are all creating our realities within the Cosmic Dance.

The Power You Have to Impact the Universe
We are observing the impact of each act of kindness, each thought of unity, and each feeling of love within each and every human, and we assure you that your positivity matters. You impact the entire universe just by thinking about someone you love, and so does everyone else.The more aware you are of the fact that you do have a choice, the more likely you are then of exercising that ability to make a choice for positivity.
You are there to ascend; we are all ascending together. This is about unity; it’s about coming together. It’s about realizing that we are all one, and we are all in this together, and that is the way we ascend to a higher level of consciousness.

Who is Best at Absorbing the New Energies?
The animals have always been then for you, especially in your times of greatest need. They have provided you with sustenance, and they have been your companions. They have helped you plow the fields, fertilize them, and have even carried you around on their backs. The birds are constantly serenading you. The dolphins and whales are holding a vibration for all of humanity that is meant to soothe you and help you to release that which no longer serves you, while they also offer you energetic support... more likely to offer you unconditional love than the average human.
You have so much that exists around you at all times that can teach you how to be, how to exist in harmony with nature, how to love, and how to enjoy this journey a bit more.

How to Receive the Influx of Cosmic Energies
When you rest and relax, you are automatically open. If you do something that brings you joy, you automatically open up, and if you intend to open up, and you stretch your arms out wide, and you face your palms up, and you tell the universe that you want to be of service and that you want to receive the current energies so that you can be of service, then it is done. Putting yourself in a body of water, even if it’s a bathtub, also helps. Remain conscious of your thoughts, your emotions, and release all that you need to, and you will continue to be the conduits that humanity needs you to be at this time, and pretty much always.

The Secret Human History
You all have been working for humanity for many, many lifetimes to bring you to this point where you are now, at the precipice of a gigantic shift in consciousness. What you have done could not have been accomplished without those of you who were so determined to know who you really are, that you wouldn’t just accept someone else’s version of the story. You don’t have to know every single detail of human history in order to be where you are right now and to continue to evolve and ascend.

You become your fifth-dimensional, higher selves by letting go of grudges and judgments and letting all aspects of yourselves come to that knowing that they are all aspects of Source. There will come a time when you won’t need any help, and there will be no way to hinder any of you, and that day is nearing. So now is a good time to let go of any story that is putting you in the camp that says, ‘We need to defeat the bad guys, and we need to do it soon!’ What you really need is more love, more light, more compassion, and that’s only going to come from accessing the infinite energy of Source that you can access at any time by going within and expressing it. ~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton





September 7th, 2021

Energies Coming In from many Universes… Giant Leap Forward for Humanity

Giant leap
You are free to feel how you want to feel. Begin there. Embrace a vibration of freedom if you truly want more freedom in your world. Always and forevermore, it is your vibration that dictates what you attract or allow. And Your every desire causes the entire universe to respond.
Humanity is inherently good. Seek that. See that. Revel in that. Claim that! You are always happier when you focus on the good growing in your life, rather than fearing that which would choke it off.
What you focus upon you empower. So shift your focus instead to the spiritual truth that there is Divine light, love, happiness, and well-being lying dormant within all souls waiting to arise. You came here to create Heaven on Earth.
~ The Angels

You have the freedom within the fourth dimension to create the experiences you want to have and then to manifest those experiences.
The future is all about probabilities, and you as the awakened ones in the human collective can and will choose from those probabilities.
You needed that op-pression to stay in the fourth and third dimensions long enough to have a collective event that will be the ascension of all of humanity presently on Earth.
You have gotten very good at pretending, but your awakening is really a remembering. It is a lifting of the veil of forgetfulness. If you do go into a pit of despair, just realize that experience, will be temporary because it’s all part of the game you are all playing with yourselves, and nothing is permanent.
You are there to remember who you really are and so everyone else. Enough people have graduated from the us-versus-them mentality and have opted instead for inner peace, tranquility, inner harmony. It is so much more important that you exude love, compassion, and an instrument of the universe... than it is to be right.

That is why we are working closely with the sun, your guides and your higher selves to determine which facts about your personal and collective histories you should be receiving while you are asleep… To see clearly who you have been and where you have been in these galaxies and dimensions.
Beyond all of that, you are Source Energy Beings, and that is what is most important for everyone to know there on Earth at this time.There are many potential timelines in front of you.
Your spiritual evolution is the ultimate goal there on Earth.
The e.t.s wanting to help, do not want to rescue you, but they do want you to see yourselves, your world, and your fellow humans in a different light.You are the change-makers there on Earth, and that ripple effect that you have on the entire universe is felt and experienced by All.
Recognize that by living through these polarized times, you create more than you could imagine. Look for the positives amidst everything that you are experiencing, because that will be the way for you to stay in a high enough vibration to benefit from these new energies coming in from afar.

When you are not worried, not stressed and not afraid.. You are wide open to life as it is in this moment on Earth, and when you are wide open, you get what we and other Galactics are giving you energetically.When you unclench your fist, you receive with an open hand, and the same is true with your energy.
Your spirituality is an inward journey, Now you have been guided to turn your attention to that place within yourselves where you know who you really are: where you vibrate the fastest and the highest.
~ the Arcturian Council


Intentions That Manifest… Riding the Waves of Love ~ The Angels

Your Focus, whether positive or negative, Focus tunes you into a given reality in the field of all possibility. Your plan demic would end in a week if a sufficient portion of humanity could focus upon well-being!
What if you were to focus on the vast majority of people that heal, and the billions who are healthy? What if your news was to tell you every day how many people recover from serious illnesses,
how many people are taking charge of their own health and bodies through meditation, intuitive eating, and kind movement?
Your world would quickly shift to that reality!

Become the change that you seek. Meditate, pray, relax, do something enjoyable. Start there.
You are free to think any thought you like. You are free to feel how you want to feel. Begin there. Embrace a vibration of freedom if you truly want more freedom in your world.
The Divine lives and breathes in you and when you focus your attention on something you are "for" or something you "love" then you allow the Divine to flow through you and empower this very thing.
Deep down, you all long for a world of kindness, a world in which the vast diversity of human ideas and ideals is not seen as a threat but rather a glorious buffet from which to choose, learn, and create.
Always and forevermore it is your vibration that dictates what you attract or allow.

Make a list of desires and make sure you can feel really good about each one.
You are spirit in flesh, the Divine experiencing its own life in a body, a personality, a time, and space.
Your every desire causes the entire universe to respond.… with your every simple loving wish, you sound a silent note of Love and energy that begins to travel through the cosmos.
It joins with the energies of others who have wished for something similar and soon these collective notes of love begin to create a symphony of frequency – a tidal wave of love that begins to wash through other human hearts.

The greater the love, the stronger the waves of energy, and the more hearts you will influence.
Silently wishing the earth could remain pristine. Your loving wishes sound and echo out into the universe. And your simple, seemingly "insignificant" wishes have joined together to change the human experience for generations to come!

Dear ones, you are the architects of Love. Love is the "Building material" from which entire universes are created.
Life is a buffet of smells, sights, sounds, textures, tastes, people, beliefs, ideologies, experiences, and possibilities!
We know you'd all rather have happiness handed to you on the proverbial "silver platter" and it can be so, if you're willing to focus upon and find things to enjoy in the here and now.
As you raise your vibration by finding things to enjoy you will easily attract enjoyable things, people, and situations that come to you with very little effort.

In your world right now, there are a lot of tempers running high. There are also a lot of people quietly doing good, quietly cleaning up your mother earth, quietly helping the children, elderly, animals... people creating crafts, people baking with love.
Your world is inherently good. There are so many acts of love performed in the space of a single breath, there are countless moments of goodness and things to appreciate.
There is music that elevates your spirit, the hum of the bees, the song of the birds, the gentle breezes, the babbling brooks, the roar of the oceans, and even the beat of a lover's heart. Think of a sound you love right now or a piece of music.
While you have difficult news on your planet, there is good news going on right here and now in your own body, in your own life, in your own little corner of the world. Seek that. See that. Revel in that. Claim that.
Humanity is inherently good. Misdeeds result from pain or misunderstanding. Your world is not ending. Your countries are not going to self-destruct. Your Mother Earth is rejuvenating herself. Best of all you are living miracles,
each with access to experiences that are simply unparalleled in their capacity for joy. Appreciate your tastes, textures, smells, sounds, and sights. If you are missing one sense, enjoy the others even more.

It is in your appreciation of the so-called simple miracles starting with your own body and your own lives – that you begin to see the light, the love, the goodness, and the truth of your being everywhere you look.
Your world is going through a rebirthing, and birth is a messy process. Nonetheless, even a mother in labor can appreciate the fragrance of an essential oil, a tender hand that holds her own, the gentle music or song of birds playing in the background, the taste of a cool glass of water.
Imagine you had a garden. Are you more satisfied watching your plants grow, ripen, and produce delicious food, or are you happier fretting about the weeds?
You are always happier when you focus on the good growing in your life, rather than fearing that which would choke it off.
What you focus upon you empower. So choose your focus carefully. .. shift your focus instead to the spiritual truth that there is Divine light, love, happiness, and well-being lying dormant within all souls waiting to arise.
You could heal the sick if you could focus on this light more strongly than they focus on their illness. You can heal yourselves if you focus on this light within more strongly than what ails you.
It isn't easy. However, even here your focus can make a difference.

Your world is birthing itself, you are like this mother now. You are like a Divine gardener. You feel the contractions and you notice both the fruits and the weeds. - place your focus upon that which you want to grow?
You can notice vir us variants but instead give thanks for the well being of countless billions, the light within that is always well, the people working to help assist others. You can notice all the turmoil, but choose to be at peace in your own life and in your own heart.
So many of you are working diligently with 5D reality.. being more careful with your vibration, doing what you can to stay focused on that which feels best. Dear ones, Love is.. in every person and every situation, waiting to be seen, acknowledged, and watered.
Don't "water the weeds" with your focus, instead, focus on all that is beautiful as much as you can and your life will become a rich harvest of love! --
The Angels ~ Excerpt from VisionsofHeaven. com


Upgrades, Activations & Downloads from the Sun - by The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

We have been working with your sun to deliver you more of these energies that you need, and your sun is already doing a tremendous amount of service work for you.. always here to help with new projects and new strategies.
And so, the recent partnership that we made with your sun is about bringing you more of the history of life on Earth for you and for all Earthlings in these downloads. This will help you establish more of a sense of oneness within you,
as you will understand how you came to be where you are today on Earth as a human collective.
The upgrades that your sun has agreed to assist with, are in regards to your physical bodies and their ability to hold more light, more love, more higher-frequency energies within them. The activations are of your high heart chakra, because as you can see by looking around on your world, there is a need for more unconditional love. And so, having these activations will assist you in being the love that you truly are more of the time, regardless of what is happening or isn’t happening around you and inside of you.

There is still hate and violence, discrimination and many injustices, and all of that gives us the opportunity to feel more compassion,
You can focus on where humanity needs the most help for some time and send your love, light, healing, and compassion to those regions, and then you can also turn your attention to the stories of kindness, bravery, sacrifice, generosity, and every heart-warming story you can find about how most humans are seeking to come together and help one another.. you have to go searching for them, or you just have to be the one who tells yourself, ‘I will respond to the violence and the hostility with more acts of kindness in my life. That is something that I have control over.’

Then you will be a part of that movement forward that we are constantly celebrating here in the ninth dimension. Remember that you do have the ability to help in your own ways, as you always have the ability to raise the level of consciousness there on planet Earth.
Many of you have become aware of predictions about your shift, or ‘the event,’ as it is sometimes referred to as, chaos, destruction, cataclysms and death. And while those timelines certainly do exist, you don’t have to align yourselves with anything that you don’t want to experience.

You have the freedom within the fourth dimension to create the experiences you want to have and then to manifest those experiences... Remember that your exposures to these predictions is your creation, but also know that you are under no obligation to live out what someone else is inviting you to.
We are quite certain that you will enjoy the vision that we hold of humanity’s completion of the shift, and that is why we invite you to it.
You will always have free will. You will always be able to choose what you want to experience, and please know that none of these are set in stone. The future is all about probabilities, and you as the awakened ones in the human collective can and will choose from those probabilities.
And, you will probably create some new ones, ones that are even better than what we have envisioned.

Ascending in Spite of Op.pression

We have been witnessing the struggle that humanity has endured with being op.pressed, and we understand why so many of you are angry about this. .. with government officials, cabals, and negatively-oriented extra-terrestrials, and we feel compassion for you for what you have endured there on Earth. However we can help to alleviate some of the suffering that you’ve experienced by reminding you that you are very powerful beings and that you do create your own reality.
Were it not for the op.pression, you would have moved through the third dimension very fast, and many of you would have shifted to the fifth dimension before the rest of humanity was ready. We saw this happen with the Mayans, for example, where many of them ascended because they were simply ready to. Now if this had continued on Earth, you would have had civilization after civilization ascending, and those who were not so fortunate.. would have endured even more suffering and even more op.pression.

So those of you who have been holding the space for all of humanity and holding the higher vibration that you do for your collective have created a balance there, and that balance was necessary to give all of you the numerous experiences that you wanted to have before shifting. Remember that everything is a choice on some level. Just because you don’t remember making the choice to incarnate there and be op.pressed doesn’t make it any less of a choice. Now that most of you who are awake have also become aware of your op.pressors, you feel a great deal of anger and you want justice. You want to them to be taken down, imprisoned, and some of you even look for their deaths as a necessary punishment for what they have done.
But this is not how you evolve and ascend. You evolve and ascend through forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love. And that forgiveness is made possible by this understanding that you needed them to play the role of the bad guys, the dark ones. You needed that op.pression to stay in the fourth and third dimensions long enough to have a collective event that will be the ascension of all of humanity that is present on Earth. So look for that knowing within yourselves, process your angry feelings, and get to the place of forgiveness and compassion for those who chose to play their roles, and we can assure you that those roles are not as good feeling as you might suspect.
Having all of that power and all of that money is meaningless without love. And some of these beings who have been your op.pressors have even come to that conclusion through the lives that they have lived, and they will need ones like you who are awake to forgive them. And this is what we believe is necessary as well for the ascension of all of humanity.

The New Version of Human Being

We are looking to those of you who are willing and eager to change, to bring about the next giant leap forward for humankind in your spiritual evolution. As we have said many times before, you as the awakened collective are the leaders of humanity, and you don’t have to have a huge following on social media, because what each and every one of you does in the privacy of your own home, it all adds up. You are co-creating the new breed of Human. You all are responsible for the co-creation of the new human being.
And as you do this work quietly, humbly, and most of you are doing it just because you want to feel better. You are becoming more, by virtue of the fact that you exist and this is the time of ascension for humanity, but those of you who know that and who want to do it consciously are making the bigger strides forward, and therefore, capable through your example, through the vibration that you emit and from the templates that you create. You are creating new blueprints for your fellow humans, and again, that is happening regardless of whether any of them know that it is you who is doing this.

You get to take humanity to that next level. It’s a privilege. It’s an honor, and you get to do it in your way. In other words, you don’t have to follow someone else’s owner’s manual for the new human. You get to make it up as you go along. You get to decide what is important in terms of spiritual evolution, but it will always be an inside job. It will always be something that you do by looking within yourselves, by feeling for what is there, and by activating more of what you want to experience.
You grow in your ability to forgive, to love, and to feel compassion when you acknowledge that there is something that isn’t quite right, and it isn’t quite right inside of you.

You won’t get there just by saying that someone else over there is the wrong one, the bad one, and the one that needs to be stopped. But look, always, inside of yourself for the next step forward that you are going to take to create that momentum for the human collective, and you will continue to add more to the consciousness of humankind, a consciousness that is ready to move forward, even if many individuals don’t realize that yet. It is going to happen, and if you are already awake, then you are one of the ones leading the way. We suggest that you do so by taking care of business within yourselves first and then emerging from your cocoon to set the bar high for the new version of the human being that you are all co-creating together.
The energies that are upon you right now are very supportive of you creating with vibration, rather than thought and imagination.

Continuing Your Awakening Process

We are very fortunate to have the perspective that we do on life there on Earth, because we can see how easy it would be to go down a path of despair when looking at your society.
The reason why we do not get sucked in to that trap is because we see the best in all of you. We see you as you truly are as Source Energy Beings who are merely pretending to be something less than the wholeness of Source. Y
ou have gotten very good at pretending, but your awakening is really a remembering. It is a lifting of the veil of forgetfulness, and it is a letting go of the illusion of separation.
You all have been awakening at a faster pace because of the dire circumstances of life on Earth as it has been of late. If you do go into a pit of despair, just realize that you will climb out of it. That feeling, that experience, will be temporary because it’s all part of the game you are all playing with yourselves, and nothing is permanent. Now, we would like to give you some strategies for dealing with your despair and even just your feelings of being down in the dumps from time to time. You can always take a few deep breaths, listen to some soothing music, go outside and enjoy Mother Nature, think about someone you love, and you can always feel for the truth of who you are in the center of your heart.
This remembering that you are doing is very natural. It doesn’t take effort, and in fact, it takes effort to forget. It takes effort to lower your vibration to the extent that you all have in this lifetime and in previous ones there on Earth.
You get to strip away these layers of forgetfulness at whatever pace is comfortable to you, and be sure that is what you are doing. You are there to remember who you really are and who everyone else really is, and the rest of it is really just you playing around with each other.

Now, we know that very serious things are happening and that there is abject pain and suffering there on Earth, and we do not mean to diminish it in some way, but if you are in a place where you are not feeling a lot of pain, suffering, and despair right now, you can remember that those individuals who are, would benefit from you sending love, light, compassion, healing, and forgiveness to them. You can all be of service at any time you desire, and you can all continue the awakening process at any time as well. It is entirely up to you how you move forward,
but we know that you will, and that is our perspective, and that is why we always greet you with such optimism and enthusiasm.
You will complete this journey of shifting your consciousness, and you are doing it on a much better timeline than most.

Enough people have graduated from the us-versus-them mentality that is so prevalent on your world and have opted instead for inner peace, tranquility, inner harmony.
It is okay to let someone else believe that they are right, even when you wholeheartedly disagree with them. It is so much more important that you exude love, compassion, and that you are an instrument of the universe than it is to be right.

The Next Giant Leap Forward for Humanity

We know that uncovering truths about your personal and collective histories would be a way to alter and expand the consciousness of the collective, but we also know that if someone presents you with evidence that is contrary to what you already believe, you are likely to dismiss it as a fake, a forgery. That is why we are working very closely with your guides and your higher selves to determine which facts about your personal and collective histories you should be receiving while you are asleep… To see clearly who you have been and where you have been in this galaxy, in terms of different star systems and dimensions.
The truths we are referring to are that you have been fifth dimensional. You have been Arcturian, Sirian and Andromedan. You have been Lemurian and Atlantean, Egyptian and have played many prominent roles throughout history. And beyond all of that, you are Source Energy Beings, and that is what is most important for everyone to know there on Earth at this time.

There are many potential timelines in front of you. And we do have the knowing that you will continue to make choices that will lead to your spiritual evolution, which is of course the ultimate goal there on Earth.
We know that many humans rely upon their minds and their actions most of the time, but we are continually encouraged by those of you who are letting go of those two typical responses to problems.
The e.t.s wanting to help do not want to rescue you, but they do want you to see yourselves, your world, and your fellow humans in a different light. .. one that many have not even considered.
And it will help you to understand your differences, because you will all realize that you were created by extra-terrestrials, and you have been helped by them since day one there on planet Earth.

Energies Coming In from Other Universes

You are the change-makers there on Earth, and that ripple effect that you have on the entire universe is felt and experienced by all.
Recognize that by living through the times you are living through and by being as polarized as you are, you create more than if you were completely at peace right now and with everyone healthy and thriving there on your planet.

You need to disagree with each other, not only to create and access those energies that are coming in to this universe from afar, but you also need to experience unconditional love in order to know yourselves more fully.
And if you can disagree with someone, and have a very firm stance on what you disagree on, and still love that person, then you know you have achieved something in your life, something that would not have been achievable without that discord, that tension, that conflict.
You are growing exponentially there on Earth at this time, and we all grow throughout this universe as a result of the current human condition. We want to thank you for being there and being willing to endure so much in the name of the expansion of the Universe and the furthering of the knowing of Source.
These are challenging times of change, and you will be the benefactors there on Earth, as these energies that are coming in right now are tailor-made to bring about the changes that you all want to see,
changes that will bring you closer to one another, closer to full and open e.t. contact, and closer to the completion of your ascension to the fifth dimension.
Look for the positives amidst everything that you are experiencing, because that will be the way for you to stay in a high enough vibration to benefit from these new energies coming in from afar.

These August Lionsgate energies are meant to empower you, and they are meant to get you to focus like a laser beam on what you want to create.
You are the architects of this next phase of human consciousness evolution, and we are merely supplying you with everything you need to build that better future for humanity that we see and that so many others like us see as well.
As Source Energy Beings you can start taking responsibility for what you create. Things speeding up will help you accomplish that goal. You are the ones living those challenging lives there on Earth and having to experience so much to grow as fast as you need to grow to complete the shift to the fifth dimension.
The living of your lives will cause you to grow just because you have experiences there on Earth.. that are so unique and so taxing on you that, you cannot help but evolve from them.
We will continue to tell you that everything is about taking you to the next level of your consciousness evolution, and we know that some of you are taking the path of least resistance to your ascension event. When you are not worried, and you are not stressed and not afraid, and you are not angry. You are just wide open to life as it is in this moment on Earth, and when you are wide open, you get what we and others like us are giving you energetically.

You are also more likely to receive an upgrade or an activation, and that’s not because we are choosing those who are more open and relaxed. It is because you need to unclench your fist in order to receive with an open hand, and the same is true with your energy. And so, what we have noticed works for humans is acceptance. If you can surrender and let go, you can be on that leading edge of ascension that you want to be on, but if you keep looking for how ‘they’ are trying to stop you from ascending, then you’ll keep finding more evidence to support that belief, and you’ll keep finding more people to throw into the category of ‘they’ and ‘them,’ and your list of enemies can keep growing on a daily basis if that is your approach to spirituality.
And as you make your life and your spirituality an inward journey, then it truly does not matter what anyone else is doing. And when you reach inner peace, and you radiate love to everyone in the universe, you will then truly begin to transform others around you. And that will be immensely satisfying.
We see you stepping into a position of greater power within yourselves, as you have begun to recognize that you really must rely upon the power that you have within you to feel the way that you want to feel and to live the way that you want to live.
We see the readiness within you to take command of your lives by taking command of your vibration and your creation, as a result of the offering of that vibration.

It certainly has appeared as though you’ve had limitations placed upon you. In actuality, you have been guided to turn your attention to that place within yourselves where you know who you really are, where you vibrate the fastest and the highest.
It’s time for great changes on your world, and those great changes start when you are willing to see yourselves as the ones creating, rather than being op pressed...and you’re moving into the time of experiencing those truths in your lives and in the entire world that you live in.
~ Excerpts from the Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton


"As integral parts of Creator’s unconditional love energy, every life in your animal and plant kingdoms is a soul with varying degrees of consciousness. Species-wide, the cetaceans are the most consciously and spiritually evolved souls on Earth
—they volunteered to incarnate there in large forms to anchor in ocean depths the light beamed from distant civilizations.
And think about the plant kingdom. Each seed knows when to start growing and what to become—grass, tree, flower, fruit, grain or vegetable—and each adds immeasurable quality to your life and to all other souls’ there.”
~ matthewbooks. com/september-3-2021





July 18, 2021

Higher Reality is the harmonious coexistence of spiritual clarity and Universal Principles

Looking in Giant leap

As you feel the waves of the Solar Light Codes… It is under great pressure that
you are detaching from the lower timeline.. while it is the acceleration of your evolution that begins your new cycle at the highest frequency possible for New Earth.
Higher Reality is the harmonious coexistence of spiritual clarity and scientific principles of the universe.
Enjoy your freedom to think the thoughts that give you the feelings you want, and in this reality, you will also find great freedom in your external world.

his life is not about suffering and survival. Your souls are awakening at a whole new level.
Your hearts are whispering. "We want change. We want to live and thrive and be alive, not merely exist!”

There will be no fear and no control in the New Earth,
simply the Flow of Love and Creation, as you evolve and grow through your ongoing creations.
And you are more effective at creating your reality when you have a powerful number of you gathered with that same goal of uplifting the consciousness of humanity.
Start looking within…at your higher self, your soul, your oversoul, the bigger parts of you.
You get to create in this moment. You get to choose, and many Beings who operate within this universe.. Amplify your loving consciousness, as it encircles the world.


The Emergence

This year, you have been under great pressure to accelerate your evolution so that you can commence your new cycle at the highest frequency possible for New Earth. This will enable you to detach from the lower levels of chaos on the lower timeline, and to live in a Reality of peaceful and loving Community as a New Earth Human. This 5th dimensional New Earth Human is a multi-dimensional Being of 13 active chakras which includes a direct connection to the Soul/Higher Self and the Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Aspects of Self.

You will “feel” the flows of Plasma and Solar Light Codes as ongoing conversations with the Earth… you will receive the Diamond Light Codes and integrate them in a Conscious and Joyful way. Thus becoming aware of your Galactic heritage and your personal connection to the Stars.

Unlike the “older version” of Humanity, which was centered in the Mind/Solar Plexus, New Earth Humans operate from the Heart… being the connection point for the Soul and Higher Self.

You make these choices through feelings, intuition and deep inherent wisdom, rather than by the directions of the rational mind. There will be no fear and no control in the New Earth, but simply the Flow of Love and Creation, as you evolve and grow through your ongoing creations. ~ Excerpts from StarchildGlobal .com


“Brought to Light”

Reality is the harmonious coexistence of spiritual clarity and scientific principles of the universe.
Earth’s civilization, which still is mostly third density, hasn’t evolved in conscious awareness sufficiently to comprehend that truth; consequently, the peoples are living in the world of illusion they themselves have created and believe is real.

Belief is what creates each person’s reality. If someone has information but doesn’t believe it, then it is not true, not real, for that individual.
Third density beliefs have created a world of illusion on the planet for millennia. Each being is a soul, an eternally independent yet inseparable part of the supreme being of this universe and all other souls in this universe and, as souls, they are the pure essence of Creator’s love-light energy.

Most of Earth’s civilization cannot imagine that prior to birth, they made contracts in which they chose specific experiencing to balance previous experiencing in maybe thousands of lifetimes that are happening simultaneously at different locations in the timeless continuum. They cannot imagine being one of numerous souls that chose to share this lifetime to offer each other circumstances that can enable all of them to evolve.. most, see victims or victors, winners or losers having good luck or bad.. rather than synchronous steps in a universal process that keeps opening doors of opportunity that are aligned with choices in soul contracts.
Gaia’s planetary body is a sentient being and so is everything composing the natural environment; destruction of any part of that integral system of sentient life produce low vibrations that adversely affect every life on Earth and beyond.

Now darkness is being “brought to light”. The energy of those thoughts and feelings in the collective consciousness determines activity in Earth’s energy field of potential. Earth’s human residents are perpetuating the world of illusion that a long, long-ago civilization manifested. You volunteered to help the peoples break that cycle.

Everyone could awaken by absorbing light, but by following the script they had been given, all the actors lived in a world of darkness. Out of love for those members of the universal family, you went to live among them and BE the light they needed to move out of third density’s illusion. You know that about yourselves, they don’t know that about themselves.

The more thoughts and feelings are focused on love, peace and harmony, the more quickly the population’s illusion of a world in turmoil will end. Imagine—envision—a world of peoples caring for and about each other, a world where resources are equally shared and there is abundance for all.

When your Earth journey comes to a close, you can watch this era like an exciting movie and feel ever so grateful that you were privileged to be an important part of it.
All light beings in this universe support you with unconditional love.
~ Matthewbooks. com


Are You Really Free?

You are eternally free. As you alone control your thoughts. You alone control your vibration. You alone control, therefore, what you attract or allow. Your vibration creates your reality, and you are free to choose your vibration; therefore, free to create any reality you wish.
Everything you want is because you want a feeling and you are free to tune into that feeling here and now no matter what is going on in your external world! Here you become the vibrational blueprint of the change you want to see in your external world, it will begin to shift and change to match your internal reality.

In this time...some of you had a glorious time resting, restructuring your lives, and disentangling your energy from the world's. Your freedom to choose a vibration attracted a result.
You feel. You tune.. experience.. learn. You readjust, expand... and so goes the dance of eternal life.
"What does freedom mean to me? Is it the freedom to do what I want? Or is it the freedom to feel what you want when you want?. Start with the freedom of feeling and then you'll be guided to people, situations, and activities that match.

Enjoy your freedom to think the thoughts that give you the feelings you want, and in that reality, you will also find great freedom in your external world.
This life is not about suffering and survival. Your souls are awakening at a whole new level. Your hearts are whispering. "We want change. We want to live and thrive and be alive, not merely exist!"

The energy no longer supports inauthenticity very easily. When you are in alignment with your heart and soul, you feel alive..
your feelings are the whisperings of your soul. Allow yourself to explore new activities, old activities, and activities that beckon you with joy. ~
Excerpt from VisionsofHeaven. com



The bigger parts of you... to ignite

There is always hope for humanity, no matter how things might look out there in the world, that is a projection of your consciousness. If you think how hard it will be... Remember that it is easy to change your perspective, your point of view.. to shift your focus, and that is what is also most appropriate for you to be working on at this time. When your vision and mind become cluttered with facts and historical events. It’s time to toss all of that aside so that you can be very present.
The power of the light is in its ability to illuminate what everyone needs to see in order that it can be healed.

You are there to heal, to shift, and to operate as the light in a world that needed you. People are waiting around for something to happen, for someone to step in and be the hero for humanity. But you are all the heroes, and you must put your disagreements aside, what is happening behind the scenes, and so on, so that you can come together and shift the collective consciousness to one of oneness.
You are the ones creating this reality, and who will shift the consciousness of humankind so that you can experience a better reality. Start looking within. Who can you forgive today? How can you raise your vibration? What are the thoughts you need to release? How can you love yourselves a little bit more? … your higher self, your soul, your oversoul, the bigger parts of you, the ones to ignite the flame that carries the consciousness of humanity into the fifth dimension.

It is with your heart chakra that you establish yourselves in the universe and the galaxy as beings.. who will more quickly enter into the galactic community in an official way. The other e.t.s in your dimension want to see just how powerful you all are when you are heart-centered, when you are operating from love, and the energy upgrades coming in July, are going to put you on the map, so to speak.
When you meditate for peace on Earth, or when you see those who are being oppressed, and you desire for them to be free, you have the support of many beings and collectives who operate within this universe.

Then you will notice that all the energies are shifting and shifting for the better.. nothing can stop that from happening. It is because you wanted this particular experience of helping others to awaken and to thrive as they continue on with their journeys to the fifth dimension.
If you are meditating and willing to look within at yourself to determine what it is that you need to change, then your enlightenment can be a gradual upward spiral that does not include any semblance of a pit of despair.
Different souls want to have different experiences and take different journeys, but all journeys are ultimately leading back to Source. You all have the ability to sit every day and feel for what is infinite and eternal within you, and when you do, you get closer to our definition of enlightenment. It is that moment when you realize that the light has always been within you, and it is Source.
Change starts within you. And you can enjoy this life so much more when you realize that you are more than just a player/actor within it. You are creating it, so that you can experience more of who you really are; and when you are enlightened, you see others as they really are as well. That’s exciting, because that’s when the fun on Earth can really start.

It’s all about teamwork. When you have the same goal as us, that creates a powerful energy system. You open up to receive the energy, we deliver it, and then you spread it around. We notice the impact of those energies and we do our recalibration for the next delivery.
Chaos is due to the fact that you have so many different energies, You often misuse your mind in an attempt to figure something out. There are also attempts to make sense of why something even exists in the first place by the mind, and with its limited capacity, your minds often come up short. That is why you have your feeling senses, your intuition.
That is why people who talk about energy and vibration usually find themselves in the right place at the right time; because they are going into that power center within, which is located in your heart space and in your solar plexus. And when you are willing to reach for the energy and feel for the vibration, your mind becomes clearer, because you have unburdened it. You have given it the opportunity to relax. This is what meditation is. When you meditate, feel for the energies inside of you, around you.. you simply clear your head and you feel for that force within you which is so powerful, so creative, and so expansive.

Coming together and deciding not on the specifics of what will happen next for humankind, but on the feeling, on the vibration of the timeline you all want to be on together. And you all could say, ‘We want to experience a joyous, peaceful timeline,’ and you could all focus on those vibrations, and you could be surprised by what you experience. .. and perhaps going beyond what you could even imagine with the limited mind.
It is so important not to give any more of your power away. You get to create in this moment and the next something that is unexpected. You get to choose, and we get to help you no matter what you choose.

You will rise above any level of consciousness that is there on Earth right now, and you don’t have to worry about what anyone else’s agenda is, because they don’t create your reality. You do, and you are more effective at creating your reality when you have a powerful number of you gathered with that same goal of uplifting the consciousness of humanity.
Now, you can choose to increase the scope of your energy fields just by closing your eyes, intending to do so, and taking a few deep, slow, conscious breaths. This means you are ready for a bigger field of energy around you that gives and gives and gives everything that you could ever ask for, and that you could ever need on your journeys.
Open up to receive the energies that are coming in, energies that are meant to uplift you, activate your DNA, give you more of your spiritual gifts. If you can get just a few people to stop focusing on what is wrong with the world today.. you can change the world for the better just by reaching a few with your current vibration.. They can release their fear, their anxiety, and access their inner peace and tranquility.

You don’t have to fix negativity nor defeat it. But you can grow from it and be in the process of releasing it. Always make room for the positive energies that are coming in to support you and to transform you from within. This is the time when you get to see the fruits of your labors.. not only in your personal lives, but on the world stage as well. You are all able to assimilate the higher frequency energies that have been coming in to support you.

We are all Source Energy Beings in this universe, having experiences to know ourselves as unconditional love.There is always a spark of light, even in the darkest of situations. Know that we are in alignment when we are being of service, and we can feel more of Source Energy flowing through us… helping anyone there on Earth, whether they be in human, plant, animal, or mineral form.
You are never alone, and you are always more aligned with the forces of light when you maintain your desire and intention to help. You are working with the grids, the ley lines, the energy that runs across, through, and all around Mother Earth, and the work that you are doing is beautiful. It is now, it always has been, and it always will be your consciousness that makes that difference that you want to make there on planet Earth.

Every time one of you decides that you want to explore a different future, a better future, and you sit and close your eyes to imagine and feel into that future, you make it happen. By maintaining your vision for the future of humanity, you invite others to it by the vibrations that you give out. As you are able to attract more flies with honey, you are looking to nonverbally guide them to their own ability to focus and feel their way into a better timeline… where everyone has a chance to shift their consciousness.
What is inside of you is multidimensional and spans thousands of lifetimes. Our goal for contact with all of you, is to get you to tap in to the infinite and the eternal that is inside of you… so that you can go within and access the power of wisdom that lies within your heart center... you are there to change yourselves and with the ripple effect, change the entire world, galaxy, and universe.
~ Excerpts from The 9D Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton





June 27, 2021
The Pineal Eye  &  The Universe Within

Pineal Eye

"A critical mass that has been reached in regards to the evolution of your consciousness.
Crystals were always meant to awaken the truth of who you are, 
When you do connect to Mother Earth  we will guide you with your intuition as you access these energies 
and higher dimensional versions of you or extra-terrestrial versions of you.
Into your inevitable future as a multi-dimensional being in a human body, living on a fifth-dimensional planet. 
Now is the time to be grounded to your Mother Earth... Everything and everyone is a part of you and wants you to feel that connection.
‘Everything’ is a synonym for the word ‘Universe.’  You are this peaceful universe that wants to explore itself as you continue your expansion..

When you open up to your own infinite and eternal nature.. you have access to Source, which means to everything when you look inside of you. 
You have extra-terrestrial DNA inside of you.  You can experience your multidimensional self by going within.
Cosmic rays are working with the higher selves of the awakened collective via these small portals.. like your pineal gland; this third eye allows you to see inter-dimensionally." D.S.

"Like a seed, your energy is guiding you to think and act in ways that will help you create new life and change. 
Your positive feelings help steer your actions:  it is a high vibrational platform from which to create your next set of dreams!
.. in the 5D. reality that you are entering, your energy matters…  good-feeling action is productive.
Create your own reality through a higher vibe and live your lives freely   untethered from the behaviors or beliefs of others." A.A.




E.T. Encounters & Non-Interference 8 The 9D Arcturian Council,  by Daniel Scranton
You have memories of your lives as extra-terrestrial beings inside of you, and you will realize that you never needed any information, nor needed any intervention.  The outer will always reflect the inner, and so the more exploring you do of your infinite nature, the more you can have those experiences of e.t. encounters.. and ride as many spaceships as you want to. So if you seek more experiences with e.t.s, start with yourselves.

You are a fascinating race with so many emotions to feel.. yet you're forgetting who you really are, as Source Energy Beings. And so, you are now being given upgrades, upgrades that will assist you in not only remembering who you are and who you have been, but they will also assist you in recognizing that all the technology you need is inside of you.
You don’t need a time machine or a teleportation device. You don’t need med beds. You don’t need any of the gadgets that you currently are in possession of in order to connect with one another, because you are all connected, and if you were to rely more heavily on your gifts, your built-in technology, you would all be telepathic by now.  there are always the cases of humans going overboard with that technology, and once you all achieve a balance you will get back to the biggest journey that you have, and that is the journey within.

We are waiting, and work within the parameters of what is allowed by your higher selves, and we also cannot overwhelm the rest of humanity with what they are not ready for. One of the ways in which we have been able to get more precise is by using smaller portals. We are currently working with the higher selves of the awakened collective to see what is permitted to deliver to all of you.. with energies that would expand your consciousness and open you up to your multidimensional selves, for those of you who are willing to be in your bodies, to be heart-centered and to be there for your fellow humans.

You're Accessing Crystals from Ancient Civilizations & E.T.s
Crystals were always meant to awaken the truth of who you are, giving you more access to your power and linking you to your extra-terrestrial roots.  A critical mass that has been reached and surpassed in regards to the evolution of your consciousness.
When you do connect to Mother Earth and do your grounding exercises, we will guide you with your intuition to the perfect spot for you to stand as you do this work and as you access these energies and this information by past life versions of you, by higher dimensional versions of you, and by extra-terrestrial versions of you.

This linking up of your past to your present will help catapult you into your inevitable future as a fifth-dimensional being in a human body, living on a fifth-dimensional planet. Now is the time to be as grounded to your Mother Earth 
You are not just growing as the individual that is in your physical body right now. Even past and future versions of you are helping you to evolve and ascend.
You can take the weight of the world off of your shoulders. You can relax more and know that your evolution is a natural process. It can be quite smooth and easy.You don’t have to prove your worthiness to ascend.
The help that you bring to other humans is through the up-leveling of your consciousness;  You are your fifth-dimensional selves in every moment of every day. You are recognizing that truth and letting go of thoughts, beliefs, and stuck energies that hold you back from knowing yourself as your true self.

Take the easy route, and make it a point to consciously tune in to all of those other selves, what they have been able to achieve in terms of their vibration. You are helping yourself, all other humans, and all of the other yous throughout the multiverse. This is a wonderful time to be alive and in a human body on Earth, because of all of this help and all of the transformation that will follow. You are getting third eye chakra upgrades that will impact your pineal glands and open you up to more inter-dimensional contact. 
Many of you have been holding space for humanity. Everyone is upgrading at this time, because it is time for humanity to know yourselves differently, to becoming your higher selves in this lifetime.
Everything and everyone is a part of you and wants you to feel that connection, wants you to know the truth of who they are and what they are to you. You need to start owning that you are the universe and the universe is you. Everything is responding to your every thought, your every word and your every action, because everything is a projection of it.

‘Everything’ is a synonym for the word ‘Universe.’ ... you have never been where you are right now in your spiritual development.
You can be a universe of peace, of trust, of love and of connection, or you can be a universe of fear, resentment, mistrust, and hate. You can be a universe that integrates or a universe that continues to explore the idea of separation. The choice is always yours. You are this peaceful universe that wants to explore itself even more as you continue your expansion, your evolution, and your ascension. Be in alignment in thought and action and discover just how magical you really are.

To Save Humanity, Earth & the Universe 
You have a history that goes far beyond your lifetimes there on Earth. We know that Earth is a challenging place to incarnate, and we know that many of you who receive these transmissions know that you incarnated for the sole purpose of helping the humans of Earth. You are to hold a certain vibration, to anchor in certain galactic energies..  think about the fact that humanity has enough nuclear weapons to annihilate all life on Earth. That’s a disruption that would have consequences throughout the galaxy, and throughout all universes, because we are all connected.

You are there to counter the fear with love, with joy, with freedom, and with excitement. You are there to bring peace to a war-torn planet. And that means rising above getting into arguments with other people who are promoting fear.
Your sensitivity is a superpower and your compassion for your fellow humans is what ultimately will save them..  they will come around eventually if you just maintain your high vibration as best you can.
We are the Arcturian Council ~  Excerpts  from  Daniel Scranton


From Exhaustion to Inspiration, from The Angels by Ann Albers

Whether you are in a phase of dormancy, creating new life or letting go, your feelings matter. Your feelings let you know whether or not you are in a higher vibration and traveling on a grace-filled path. They are your guides. 
Honor your feelings by removing any pressures. You will want to take extra good care of your body, eat gently, move gently.. Even while resting, you can be in a delicious, appreciative high vibe, and therefore on your kindest path. 
Like the seed, your energy is guiding you to think and act in ways that will help you create a new life and change. 

Your positive feelings help steer your actions.. if you fight your feelings, you might be less tolerant about interruptions or drama. 
Some of you are in a phase of harvest. Like the seed that has grown, blossomed, and enjoy something accomplished.. it’s a new awareness that you have been growing into. It is a high vibrational platform from which to create your next set of dreams!
Like the plant that has bloomed, borne fruit, and now dies unto itself to release seeds to create new life, you too will have phases where you have either outgrown your own creations, beliefs, or ways of being.  In these phases, you are not only releasing the vibration of a former creation so you can create more, but also planting the seeds for your future. You are dying to something, in order to create new life. 
There, you may feel the urge to let go of old disempowering thoughts, beliefs, or habits. Life itself is urging you to move forward, let go, and create more.

In the 5D reality that you are entering, your energy matters far more than your efforts.. good-feeling action is productive, whereas dutiful, forced action is not helpful at all. 
If you pay attention to your feelings, you will know when to rest, when to act, when to celebrate, and when to release. If, in the minute you notice you are not feeling good, and you turn your sights away from the external world and back to your own heart, then you will be able to quickly raise your vibration, feel good again, and get back on a kinder path.
You were meant to naturally gravitate towards what resonates, and away from what doesn't. A happy, inspired, high vibrational human being is a mighty light upon this earth. 

So here you are now, flooded by tidal waves of the most intense and beautiful energies of love the planet earth has ever seen. Like a little boat, you are either riding the rising tide of love by being true to yourself in a given moment and allowing others the same, or like a boat on a short rope you are feeling the tugs, pulls, and strains of being tied to unloving beliefs and behaviors while the rising tide of love strives to set you free.
This means you will feel happy and free when you let yourself be who you really are in a given moment and when you choose to feel as good as you can, regardless of the conditions and behaviors of those around you.

If your happiness depends upon external conditions in your world, you have tethered yourself directly to them with a very short rope! You will feel the stress and strain of tugging against the rising tide of love that wants you to give yourself the freedom to create and to be happy regardless of the external world. Have compassion for yourself to choose the next best feeling thought. Choose your own feelings. Create your own reality through a higher vibe and live your lives freely – untethered from the behaviors or beliefs of others.

The tides of love are rising up within you. Don't fight them. Be gentle, kind, and loving to yourselves. Untether yourself from external conditions. Breathe, receive, and know that love very much wants to "float your boat" and carry you upward into a kinder, more honest, authentic, and harmonious reality. It may be a bit bumpy as you learn to untether yourselves.. but you will find that it feels very much like heaven on earth.

You can choose to give your own thoughts a rest and do what feels good to you in the moment. In this fashion, you will raise your vibration and find increased energy. When you feel drawn to something, you will feel energized if you go with your flow of thinking or action. You will feel tired if you resist. You will feel energized by loving thoughts.. best of all, in surrendering to the heart, you surrender to your guidance.
Your feelings are a loving barometer that let you know when you're in a higher or lower vibration... just having a different experience of life. Allow your mind to naturally drift upwards towards what feels best. It is always your vibration that dictates how you feel, what you will attract, and how gracefully you flow through your days. ~ Excerpts from VisionsofHeaven. com




June 9, 2021

Navigating the Plasma Seas / Galactic Energies of the New Earth

An energetic tsunami is urging us to root deeper into Love. After this Shift we will feel our vibration totally upgraded.
Old patterns can no longer exist in this New Dimension of high vibes.
Mastering the mind will make it easier to navigate. Breathing in Nature will open windows to the New Crystalline Earth.

Humanity is taking The next leap in Evolution. This new Galacticus/multi-dimensional human is centered in the Heart with a vast array of innovations, light and consciousness.
There is a bigger story to who we are, where we came from, and going to… all integrated in our DNA Star-Transmissions.

Our sacred-heart’s energy is circulating between the frequencies of human and divine Source by recognizing the goodness within and gravitating towards which is uplifting,
inspiring, healthy, and happy for us. This wave of love is catalyzing the massive awakening that humanity collectively has prayed for.
You are the Seed or the Cocoon surrendering to its own process of death and rebirth, ready to fly high. Your vibration of joy and relationship with the Source of life within is most relevant of all.
You are nothing less, than the power that creates worlds experiencing itself in countless forms.

Within your existence on the Earth there are multiple dimensions. Our truth is constantly shifting, and who we are is constantly changing.
Everything we are hold the vibration of our truth... like accessing a very pure aspect of our being that is beyond our thoughts. And this vibration of truth already exists within the cells of your physical body.



The Big Transition of 2021 and the New Earth timeline.

This huge transition on the Planet was kicked off by the Solar Storm and the 5/5/5 Energy/Lunar Eclipse. The changes involve all aspects of our lives.
In evolutionary terms, the New Species is taking root on Earth. This reminds us of another time in Earth "history" when humans transformed from one "kind" to another. This was when Neanderthals were the dominant species, and they were replaced by Cro-Magnon as our ancestors. Scientist don't know where Cro-Magnon came from, or why they replaced Neanderthals in the chain of evolution.

Similarly, today the 12/13 Chakra Homo Galacticus is replacing the old 7 Chakra Homo Sapiens version of Humanity as we take this next leap in our Evolution. Both kinds of Humans exist on Earth right now, inhabiting parallel timelines. But the old model human form cannot exist on the New Earth timeline. This is because Homo Sapiens/3D humans are centered in the mind and limited in their awareness. Homo Galacticus/multi-dimensional human is centered in the Heart and is awake to their Cosmic and Galactic heritage and connections. As we enter into Solar Cycle 25, we can expect that the rising incidence of Solar Flares will accelerate the pace of this change and the birthing of the New Earth as more and more Light and Light Codes are received on Earth.

We need to be prepared both physically and spiritually for more events that will lift us into the New Earth timeline.
These are the times we were born for!
Our physical body upgrades into the 8th and 9th dimensions (Solar and Galactic levels) if we have chosen that path. Some have not. What is happening is that our physical body/being is in the process of becoming more crystalline on the subatomic level where the geometries of life exist in the Mind of God/Goddess/All That Is…. evolving to carry more Light Codes. ~ Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn


The Concept of “time”

The concept of “time” is energy fields in the timeless continuum, where what you consider past, present and future are a series of simultaneous happenings.

Earth is approaching the continuum, her population is interpreting the sensation of successively lighter energy. Laws of physics that govern this universe are regulating the tides and the rising and setting of the sun and moon so all are occurring as you expect even though linear time is crunching.

The other effect of ever-rising vibrations is the continuing magnification of characteristics and behavior, both positive and negative. Mainstream media report those distressing events but rarely mention high vibrations’ positive effects—the increasing abundance of kindness, helpfulness, respectful communication and cooperative efforts—qualities and actions that will keep expanding within the society in consonance with heightening vibrations. The energy of dark intentions and activities emits low vibrations, and those cannot coexist with high; whatever is based in darkness will keep declining until it has no more energy, thus comes to an end.

Simply by BEing the pure love-light energy of Creator Source, you are radiating into the world the most powerful force in the cosmos. Your every thought and feeling is prayer, and prayers are powerful, so think and feel positive and optimistic about what is ahead. Words, spoken and written, have power—be mindful to choose your words wisely. ~ Suzanne Ward


Decline or Ascension

What happens now is happening in accordance with the souls' prenatal agreements. Many get lost- and that is just what individual souls wanted and chose.
Please don't interfere, neither mentally nor energetically, with the life and the life choices of your fellow human beings - unless they explicitly ask you to.
Things take their course, and your unconditional love for all that-is is put to a test now- your chance to achieve mastery. Because the decisions of individuals in favor of the path of darkness and decline are taking place in your immediate environment. So let go! Meditate on this matter until you can embrace and accept everything from the bottom of your soul.

Engage in your own transformational process! Pay attention to your worries and problems as needed so that they can dissolve. Face your fears so that you can see through them, identify them and let them go! Pay more attention than ever to keeping your own house in order and sweeping outside your own front door! Maintain your inner alignment with Source and realize the deeper meaning of your existence on this 3D earth!
Make sure that your inner light never stops shining and your inner flame of life never goes out.
While heaven is growing within your soul, externally you are experiencing chaos of this 3D-earth. ~ Sanat Kumara


Your "sacred heart."
The energy center near your heart, many called your "sacred heart."
This energy is circulating between the frequencies of human and divine Source. You might feel this love as a feeling of human love, recognizing the light and goodness within another. You might feel it as admiration, or respect. A feeling of contentment, eagerness or enthusiasm.
When it is open, you naturally gravitate towards that which is uplifting, inspiring, healthy, and happy for yourself. You "listen" to your guidance without even having to think about it. Following your heart when you're happy, is as simple as doing what naturally feels good.

Now suppose you are angry, as many are these days. You might have righteous anger. Nonetheless, anger – although it often feels temporarily powerful after a moment of feeling powerless – doesn't feel very good for very long. So, how do you listen to your heart when everything in your conditioned brain is screaming? You can't change the laws immediately. You can't change one another.. but you can listen to your heart, and your sacred heart will always guide you to a more loving and powerful reality.

Your sacred heart might guide you to take some space from the problem – to turn off the news, walk away, remain quiet, or distract yourself with better feeling thoughts and actions. Do you really want to spend your life force trying to change others who don't want to change? Do you really want to put fuel in the emotional gas tank of hurtful people with your attention? Do you really want to beat your head against the wall fighting others who fight back? Wouldn't you rather feel great?

"How does my loving heart recommend I feel peace?" Perhaps you'll crave a nap, or beautiful music, or just walking away from a problem. Listen to this loving heart of yours. It will never disempower you.The divine voice is often a still, small vibrational whisper in your heart, always guiding you upon the most loving, kind, and grace-filled path to all you desire.

Force, Source, Impulse, & Surrender

Be gentle with yourselves. These are intense times upon your planet earth. A mighty force of love is cascading into your planet right now and it is stirring up all that was once stagnant, releasing all that was once stuffed, and pushing up against all the walls of your resistance to love.

This force of love is catalyzing the massive awakening that humanity, collectively, has prayed for. You are re-birthing yourselves, and birth can either be a glorious experience of surrender, or a tough process of pushing past the pains of resistance.

You may feel outbursts of emotion – profound love, or sudden tears of anger or frustration. You may have physical conditions suddenly appear to be revealed and healed. These strong waves of love are purging you – mind, body, and soul – of all that no longer serves so you can become and experience more of what you truly desire.

Think of a seed laying dormant until sun and rain is impulsing to sprout. What once protected is now confining. The force of life within that sprout will summon a mighty energy to cast the resistant shell aside, so it can grow into all that it is destined to be. So like a cocoon, and surrender to its own process of death and rebirth. The Source of life is the impulse that guides it and expanding into something greater within. The butterfly must exert a mighty force to become all that it is destined to be. Mother earth is no different. As she stirs and suddenly the crust cracks and hot magma creating new land. Like mother and baby must surrender to the contractions.

Now this force and Source of life within, encourages you to take the kindest, easiest, healthiest,
and happiest next step on your path.
"Are you allowing yourself to feel loved and loving in a given moment?"

All inner conflict results from your mind being conflicted with your heart in a given moment. Give yourself permission to listen to your heart... in your resting you'll relax and hear your guidance. "Stop giving other drivers power over your peace and your life. You alone have control over your vibration. Take back your mind. Take back your power. Anger is a force propelling you forward into a kinder, more loving reality.

All positive feelings indicate a surrender to the loving impulses of the Source, and all negative feelings indicate a resistance to the loving impulses of Source, then you will more quickly move in the direction of your happiness, health, peace, serenity, security, harmony, and resonant connections. Your vibration, joy and relationship with the force and Source of life within is what is most relevant of all. You are nothing less, than the power that creates worlds experiencing itself in countless forms.~ VisionsofHeaven. com




You Are Ascending
There is a great unraveling, dismantling of all illusion right now with unparalleled inpouring of galactic plasma diamantine energy. Energetically, there is a whole new frequency band, that created a shifting to a collective new octave of light, that we still need to accommodate to and learn to navigate, because all known tools do not work any longer, all old patterns or behaviors can no longer exist here and it creates somewhat turmoil and chaos forcing us to review our engagement and interaction with others and with self. All is being exposed, as soul is stepping in full power.

Stay heart-centered at all times. No matter what happens internally or externally turn to your heart. Stop and breathe when things get out of hand...

Mastering your thoughts will determine how easy you can navigate in this highly potent plasma fluid energy field, where there is nothing to hold on to... the only thing that has some type of consistency is your breath. Being in divine flow with the cosmic breath will help you to keep balanced and anchored in the plasma seas of the evolving new vibrational landscape of this new light octave, where all linearity is gone, no up and no down only Here - Now 0-point fluidity. There is an ongoing upgrading up-leveling of octaves of light to come… adapt to this new crystaline liquid feeling as a fluidity state of being within and without... Take time to replenish and rebalance, go into nature, stay awake and alert. Stay conscious and present in your heart. When you have learnt to navigate this energy you will feel extremely elevated and light. That is the whole point of ascension a returning to the flow of creation, where there is no resistance. ~ Grace Solaris


A Galactic Federation Message For Humanity
It is important that you integrate the cosmic consciousness as part of your natural way of being.
Do not see us as beings outside of yourselves. See us as mere reflections of your beautiful connection to Source... know that we are merely an extension of oneness with you. Integrate the DNA transmissions for the 5D consciousness, and you no longer need to seek advice from us for we are one with you. You can tune into the aspects of yourself that are Pleiadian now and ask the questions.
The light that you hold in the coding of your cellular structure still is always emanating out light. The light is limitless and unending.

You are eternal beings, you all will prevail in transforming the way this planet functions so it is aligned in the light. And you are more than human. We exist in our own DNA physical forms… It is mixed heritage but does not make you any less Galactic.
"laugh and play! only do what you love, for this is the whole purpose! ~ The Pleiadians


Ascended Galactic Collective
The Earth is at the center of an electromagnetic torus field that is holographic, so is the solar system and even our galaxy. It is more than likely that the sum total of our Universe is present within the frequency spectrum of a single torus. This means that each one of us is connected to the entire Universe and as such, can access all the information within it at any given moment. When we get quiet and access what we hold in our Hearts, we are literally connecting to the limitless supply and Wisdom of the Universe, thereby enabling what we perceive as “miracles” to enter into our lives.”

When two or more human Beings meet physically this activates the Universal Torus. The Collective Merkaba is activated.
So the denser lower intentions energies beings will not succeed because they are limited! Unable or unwillingly stuck in the narrower-minded dimension.

“When people touch or are in proximity, a transference of the electromagnetic energy produced by the heart occurs,”
Now there are enough numbers who are awake around Gaia to create this web Flower of Life Sacred Geometry. All beacons for this Crystalline Light Heart resonance.
And we are getting ready for a beautiful powerful merging with human and other Multi-Dimensional Beings.
And this is the Divine Highest Outcome. ~ Zahara Celestial


A Message From St Germain
Within your existence on the Earth there are multiple dimensions.
Your truth is constantly shifting, and who you are is constantly changing. Your truth is an expression of the Creator that flows throughout all dimensions and throughout your being on the Earth. Everything you are holds the vibration of your truth... like accessing a very pure aspect of your being, an aspect that is beyond the ego, even beyond thoughts, and form.
It is the foundation that manifests fulfilment for you on the Earth and all other dimensions. A deeper understanding is that this vibration of truth exists within the cells of your physical body.

As your thoughts shift, your emotions shift, and aspects of your physical body heal and transform.. allowing your intuition to guide you further into fulfilment and expression of the Creator.
We are impacted by outside influences, outside suggestions, opinions judgments, scenarios, experiences, and this impact the cells of your being. What you put into your body, food, drink, other aspects that your body absorbs impacts your cells, impacts even who you are.
The truth will transform you on so many levels of your being especially physically, reminding you of your health, well-being, healing abilities, and power which remains with you always, and yet sometimes is not recognised.

When you activate your cells as carriers of truth, you physically feel the presence of your truth. You can act and react from this truth, creating truth in your reality. As more and more people achieve this, so the reality of truth, the reality of the Creator will dawn and manifest, present for all to experience. ~ Steven Hutchinson


UFO Disclosure Is Happening -What It Means
You will be able to ride on the ships of your ET families.. and go to faraway places, and they will share their technology with everyone. This is happening, and it’s a part of the shift in consciousness.
You need to know that you are much more than just physical bodies with brains who are living out a lifespan in a single lifetime on a single planet. There is a bigger story to who you are, where you came from, and even how you were created to be the way you are right now as a human race.

It is okay to have something happen that then causes people to think differently. It’s very natural for it to occur, and it is occurring, and this is a reflection to you of that. Relax, smile, and take a deep breath, because you have made a tremendous stride forward. ~ the Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton





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