About Whales . . . . Dragons. . . . Gallery 3 : PRINTS and DVD . . . Gallery 1 . . . . Gallery 2


You can order quality PRINTS ( 3 prints for $48 including shipping to the US size 14 x 11 inches ) - contact : jeanluc@eyewithin.com

Gallery 3 : PRINTS

EARTH day with new cosmic flavors!!! ( April 2014 )

It’s all about the journey!
This year, the lines between the past, present and future are blurred,
giving us a much clearer sense of where we've been, where we're going and who we are.

Extreme pressure and Enormous potentials are now aligned with the Source
Activating the Feminine Energy of Cosmic Nurturing on Earth
to bring and anchor many Timelines together in the spirit of Oneness and Harmony

Our cosmic Feminine with our cosmic Masculine are transcending the old limited believes.
This Harmony within is spiraling us into the reality of One Goddess/God,
merging with this One Whole Earth , in One Whole Solar System
of One Whole Galaxy , in One Whole Universe from
One Infinite yet holistic Multi-verses and forever our source Home of Oneness.

As the Love and Light continues to strongly establish itself upon the Earth. (Sometimes we have to allow karmic situations to see their way to completion, thus allowing much karma to be cleared.)

These will be exciting times and most fulfilling after centuries of death and destruction. We can absolutely state that nothing shall interfere with our plans to restore Mother Earth. So do not worry unduly as to how the restoration will take place as with our technologies and experience it will seem to be no time at all. Way back in your past the Earth was truly a Paradise and to it you shall return. So whatever challenges you are yet to experience, bear in mind that you are to see and experience a wonderful closing to the last cycle....

in truth only one Race upon Earth – the Human Race. Even so as you have incarnated in many different countries for your evolution, you have acquired an understanding of the differences – that All are One. In the larger picture you are all Gods but that is a potential at this time, yet you will come to accept that truth.Also be aware that you only carry a small amount of knowledge as to your real status. You are far greater than you imagine but in time you will “grow” into a much higher level of consciousness.

On Earth you are very limited and part of your challenge has been to find your real self. Once you begin to realise that your consciousness is limited yet has no boundaries, you will quickly evolve at an astonishing pace. We tell you all of this because it is time for the truth to be made known.

Being a Human is in itself a remarkable experience, but can you imagine what it is like to be an Angel. You are too far into the lower dimensions to “feel” what it is like in the higher ones, but that will come to you in time. As you must realize, there is no need to limit your ambitions as all souls are slowly making their way back to the Godhead. It may be a little too much to expect you to take in such possibilities but we do want to make you realise that you have unlimited potential.Coming back to Earth once again, do what you can to help other souls on their journey.

After all you are “One” and all at different stages of your journey back home. Share your knowledge where you know it can be accepted as sometimes all that is needed to help awaken them is a subtle suggestion or idea. Deep down each soul knows the truth.
Restoring the planet to its pristine condition is one of our first priorities.
~SaLuSa from Sirius via Mike Quinsey


The goal of life is
to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe... and to match your nature with Nature.”
~Joseph Campbell

The Soul Star Chakra: … 9th)  When the lower body is aligned with the Soul Star, then it is possible for the Divine Light and Energy to flow through the Light Body and the Body, through the Heart and into the Earth.
Solar Chakra: ... 10th)  Incoming Light Waves and Light Codes are transmitted first to the Solar Council and then to the Earth.
... then decide whether to return to the Earth on another mission, or to continue our outward journey into the Galaxy.
Galactic Chakra: ...11th) is the Galactic Chakra. At this time, the most important Project is the Golden Earth Project, as the Galaxy itself upgrades in Frequency. 
Universal Chakra: ... 12th)  the Chakra that will need to be developed in the future to allow for interdimensional space travel within the Multiverses. 
Cosmic Chakra: ... 13th)  connects into the Heart of the Cosmos This is the Source of all Love, Compassion and Evolution in our Cosmos.
“The Great Mystery” that cannot be known. It is Infinite and Omniscient.
Excerpts by Celia Fenn

The Grounding… is touching Earth
... into a new awareness...
… simply do your work.. sacredly, secretly, silently ...
and those with "eyes to see and ears to hear' will respond. ~The Arcturians

You are present on Earth at a most important time, and as Lightworkers many of you have specific roles to play to help manifest the changes.
The situation upon Earth is demanding a lot from you, but bear in mind that there are immense changes taking place. You may rest assured that the outcome is known by us and indeed often set up with our help.
As the vibrations begin to lift upon Earth some of you will find that you are becoming more intuitive. Remember that we are also on hand and never far away if you require some help. We have the advantage of being able to see the larger picture and act accordingly. Sometimes we need to introduce changes in your life, and getting them into place can be difficult. Humans seem to have a strong mindset and do not always welcome change.

In the future you will live in an entirely different time, where your needs will simply be provided by pure thought and it will be instantaneous. That is why we already advise you to carefully watch your thoughts, as you have more power than you presently realize. In time you will be able to control them, and at a certain high level of vibration nothing less that positive ones would enter your mind.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, ... Then at last we shall have the stage to ourselves and rapidly proceed with the changes that have been long awaited. It will be a most exhilarating time with great happiness and joy.
~Excerpts- SaLuSa 21 Feb. 2014 ~Mike Quinsey

~ Just Bee ~, A Higher Vision
You will find a lot of things changing with your relationship to your surroundings, and that has to do with the new vibrational level you have reached. … You have an energy field around you ... you emanate vibrational patterns everywhere, we are going to ask you to start clearing your energy. Not just for your energy within your field, but take responsibility for what you see in front of you. .. as simple as picking up a piece of litter off the street, learning not to use pesticides... When that happens, it is the opportunity for those multidimensional beings who have stepped out to come back in and breathe again. The key will be if you see the bees. It’s very simple. They are the ones at this moment who are shifting the most.
... you have entered the new world. You are creating and anchoring it in the most beautiful ways, so we would like to teach you just to bee. That is the essence of it as this is how you clear your energy. Why is the energy there? Because you are projecting things into your future, creating before you even get there. ... and suddenly a bee will fly by. It literally will come out of nowhere into your dimension, and hopefully many of them will start returning. For the next few years, this is going to be challenging for that species of beings. Bees will literally float in when they need protection, then they will disappear for a time. It may be very scary at a couple of points on Earth, but know that bees exist over here and can come back when we make it safe for them.
Bleedthrough from the Other You's
Bees are a huge part of your life cycle. They are actually the most beautiful reflection of you,
These are simply one of the many aspects of multidimensionality which are starting to show up on Earth right now.
So we will simply remind you that the walls between the dimensional levels are thinning.
All in all you are perfect, but perfect people cannot exist on planet Earth. So you must divide your perfection into all 11 dimensions, which is what you have done. But that also means that some part of you actually holds what you think you are missing.
... If you were to take any wave form and send it through that wall, a very long, deep wave form would go through it. Whereas a very short, high-pitched wave form would be blocked by the wall. The same is true with your emotions through the individual areas. Because these walls are thinning, negative emotions tend to come through first.
Dear ones, we are asking you to become aware. Look at yourselves, your thought patterns, and what you consciously create for yourselves on all these levels. ... Sometimes a cup of coffee is simply a cup of coffee. Other times you have to let go of your belief systems in order to make room for the truth.
Celebrate and Emulate the Bees
… that is the essence for all of you. Bees are a life form supporting yours and part of you in every way. Pay even the slightest attention to cleaning up your energy and the bees will return to this dimension to see you through.
Know that you are higher beings than you have ever been and we celebrate you from Home. We ask you to celebrate each other.
Espavo- (Thank you for taking your Power) ~The Group, Excerpts- See more at: lightworker.com/beacons/

Just thinking of Dolphins and Whales activate our heart's frequencies to open us more new realms and destinations ...
even way beyond the spectrum of our thoughts and our emotions.
These magnificent Beings are always embarking us and mostly expanding us into more fabulous adventures!

In this "COSMIC WEATHER" of 2014 – Plant Your Wildest Dreams!

These are Times of Demanding Change and Inventiveness.

Maintaining contact with Nature-Spirits!... even if it is only with our home's plants,
all plants are one with nearby trees nearby, so Nature-Spirits can bring in flows of healthy Earth-Energies.

Unseen to our eyes, these little Creatures are joyfully active in freeing wellness everywhere...
all they need, are untouched spots of Nature to recharge.

The Omni-Earth

We have spoken of the amazing qualities of the Living Earth. And we tell you that no matter how you live and love upon the Earth, you gain, you expand by exploring the majesty and wisdom of Gaia. The Earth, the Omni Earth is expanding in amazing ways in the expansion called the Ascension. It is an amazing time, that will incorporate marvelous changes in your scope and perception of the realities around you, that were previously much more difficult to perceive.

You will not marvel about the grandeur of your planet until you experience its beauty. You will marvel at the brilliance truly contained within the Earth and delight in the vast libraries of knowledge within the multi-faceted , multi-dimensional Beingness of Gaia. For the Earth also exist as anti-matter...and the Parallels of the Omni Earth are teeming with life. ~by Earth-Keeper .com

The Devic Kingdom

... And so we speak of the parallel, the concentric dimensional overlay and the realm of Etherium, matter, and antimatter, the realm of the Angelic, and the Devic.

Masters, the Ascension is not only occurring on the material Earth, but also its parallels. The alignment into the Galactic center is also causing a tremendous increase in the flow of charged ionic energy, that termed antimatter-plasma into the planetary poles.

The Parallels of Earth exist in the resonance of anti matter, and within antimatter is an enormous spectra of unimaginable energy. Since 2012, there will be an expansion of dimensional parallels that allow for much greater perception of higher frequency fields. We share with you a great Truth that may confuse some of you, and that is that the interface of the Angelic Realm to the human material realm is the antimatter field, and the antimatter plasmic composition of that field is what you term the 'Parallel or Omni Earth'.

Indeed the interfaces from your etheric body via the chakric system are in a sense focal particle accelerators that have open cones into the field of antimatter. This is something that will become known to humans within the next few generations. You often refer to antimatter as dark matter. In truth and irony, that you term dark matter actually carries greater light and holds higher frequency than physical matter.

Only specific crysto-electromagnetic fields are capable of holding antimatter plasma, and indeed antimatter has varying layers or dimensions of intensity. Your developed Mer-Ka-Na field is indeed capable of holding this energy, and transporting you within it. And we add, that your core existence is in the realm thought of as anti-matter, indeed it is your home before entering into the duality of physical matter. ~by Earth-Keeper .com


Spiraling into NEW TIMELINES of multiple Earths and multiple Lives with Harmony. ( without the dying process )

a New Spiral... a New Timeline...
that will contribute to the Ascension of all versions of Earth into the New Reality of Peace and Balance.

This Lunar Eclipse introduces new Light Codes into the Collective Consciousness of Earth. ... with great pressure to bring in new ways of thinking and living
that will restore Balance to the Earth.

... Anchoring the Energy of ... Balance of Cosmic Masculine and Cosmic Feminine.

The Energy of Rebirth as a Cosmic/Galactic Human ... and there will be a focus on Compassion and Sustainable ways of living together.

"What is going on?"

- A New Reality and a new Perception of Time and Space.

You entered into a completely new relationship with Time and Space. Many of you became Rainbow Light Warriors and you began to also work with Time, with Timelines and with Quantum Jumping between Timelines. It is this new aspect of your work on Earth that is creating these deep feelings of confusion and anxiety. This is the first time that you have attempted this form of Time Perception and Creation in the Human Form. It is because you have now activated your Light Body and your Multi-Dimensional Being that you are able to access a new perception of Reality.

Now, in this new multi-dimensional reality we ask you to consider that there are, in fact, multiple versions of Earth Reality all playing out various possibilities and probabilities in the Ascension process, and that these possibilities are explored on Timelines that Spiral through Space, creating Time.

... you are Time Travelers called to take on more responsibilities for the Conscious Creation of these Timelines?

And what if we told you that the Rainbow Warrior Light Team had just made the biggest experimental "Quantum Timeline Jump" ever attempted in the Earth Reality Field.

In the past, when your Higher Self needed to move you to another Timeline, you would need to transition out of the Earth Reality through the process of "death", and then reincarnate into another body on the alternate Timeline.

Now, as you have activated your Light Body and your Pineal Gland "switching mechanisms", you are able to switch or jump Timelines with a minimum of distress.

This Timeline Shift was implemented over all Earth Timelines to shift the directional impetus of Earth evolution, from violence and control to Peace and Harmony.
This sense of anxiety and confusion will settle as you begin to appreciate the benefits of the New Timeline and its new pathway to Peace and Harmony.

Know that the Earth supports you and opens a path for you in this New Reality. Nature supports you. All is well! Excerpts from - starchildglobal .com


You can order quality PRINTS ( 3 prints for $48 including shipping to the US size 14 x 11 inches ) - contact : jeanluc@eyewithin.com


What is Love? Love is the absence of judgment.
~Dalai Lama


See Trailer >>


Honey from our beehive with all the magic nectar from the flowers and vegetables that keep us healthy... a big MAHALO to Nature and our gardeners.

At our place here ...Many bees are buzzing on the flowers… their sounds and dances uplift our heart and soul.
And so, what type of magic is expanding outside the hive … beyond the sweet elixir building up inside.
What is the relationship, network and patterns between the nectar of flowers and all life around?
How does the collective unconscious of the hive effect or causes changes on the surroundings?
How can we view Life, Love and Creation from a greater Cosmic mind or mind of One?

The paradox of living on Earth is that this "Sacredness" is not only in our imagination, hearts, and illuminations,
it is also everywhere in Nature, in our gardens, our flowers, our fruits, our walks, our swims,
our relationships, and our play...

when we can consciously enter "Nothingness"
this rich void in "Inner Peace" is at once emptiness and also all that ever was and will be,
the unseen blueprints, the absolute force, this vital Energy and Timeless-Spaceless Holographic World…
All these little earthy things are Entrances into the magic of Life :

like a simple drop of water holding the secret of where we come from, who we truly are and where we are going!
... the world is within me as much as I am in this world ...
now is when & where our perception expands to realize our connection to the essence of ONE-ness !
that is a way to INFINITY!

Enjoy the show - Jean-Luc


You can order quality PRINTS ( 3 prints for $48 including shipping to the US size 14 x 11 inches ) - contact : jeanluc@eyewithin.com


Whales . . . . Dragons . . . . Gallery 1 . . . . Gallery 2 . . . . Gallery 3 . . . . Swim with Dolphins: Seminars in Hawaii . . . .return HOME




